- アクアフレンズ
- アップルとタマネがいじります
- プリンセスゴールドブレード(Princess Goldblade)と危険な水(Dangerous Water)
- ケーキを作る
- アルファベター
- セサミストリート
- アイドルファーム
- スクービードゥーアドベンチャー
- ぼくらベアベアーズ
- 100リトルモンスター。

アクアフレンズ(Aqua Friends)は小さな子供のための優れたゲームです。ゲームプレイには、友達から離れているために悲しいオクトピが数人含まれています。あなたはそれらを再結合する必要があり、それを行う方法はそれらの触手をリンクすることです。目標は、1つの触手がリンクされていなくてもゲームに勝てないため、すべての触手がリンクされていることを確認することです。触手がリンクされたら、次のレベルに移動するために、セットアップを海底の星まで引き下げます。こちら(here)のゲームのウェブサイトにアクセスしてください。

3]プリンセスゴールドブレード(Princess Goldblade)と危険な水(Dangerous Water)

あなたが小さな娘を持っていて、彼女を強い女性に成長させたいのなら、このゲームプリンセスゴールドブレード(Princess Goldblade)と危険な水(Water)を彼女に紹介してください。ゲームのストーリーは、小物が住む魔法の島についてです。プリンセスゴールドブレード(Princess Goldblade)によって保護されています。残念ながら、ゲーム内のモンスターはトリンクス(Trinks)の宝物を盗み、あなたは主人公として王女が彼らの宝物を見つけるのを手伝うことになっています。ゲームをプレイするには、ここ(here)からゲームを開始します。


本やペン、紙で子供たちに手紙を教えるのは難しい。それは単に彼らにとって面白くなく、やる気を起こさせるものでもありません。ただし、Alphabetterは、ゲームに参加することでこれを行うためのまったく新しい方法を導入しています。ページの上部に太字の青色で文字が表示され、学習している子供はその文字で始まる単語を選択することになっています。この演習は、子供がレベルを進むにつれて、より広範囲になります。ですから、学習年齢の小さな子供がいる場合は、今すぐ彼をWebサイト(website )に連れて行ってください。

その古き良きショーセサミストリート(Sesame Street)を覚えていますか。それはすぐには戻ってこないでしょう、そしてこの世代の子供たちは私たちが当時持っていたものを本当に恋しく思うでしょう。あるいは、セサミストリート(Sesame Street)のオンラインゲームを紹介しても、そうはならないでしょう。これは1つのゲームではなく、セサミストリート(Sesame Street)のすべてのキャラクターを中心に作成されたゲームのコレクションです。お気に入りのゲームを選択し、それに応じてプレイしてください。詳細については、(Learn)こちら(here)のWebサイトをご覧ください。

関連:(Related:) これらの場所で無料でハーツオンラインマルチプレイヤーをプレイしてください。


ぼくらベアベアーズ(Bare Bears)はかわいらしさの過負荷です。ゲームは主人公として3人のかわいいがいたずら好きなパンダを含みます。現在、ゲームには特定の勝利の目的はありませんが、できることはたくさんあります。自撮り写真をクリックし(Click)たり、パンケーキを作ったり、対戦相手と競争したり、食べ物を楽しんだりできます。このゲームはこちら(here)の公式ウェブサイトで入手できます。

ゲームやダウンロードサイトにアクセスするときは、WindowsDefenderまたはその他のウイルス対策ソフトウェアがアクティブ化および更新されていることを確認することをお勧めします。(It is always a good idea to make sure that your Windows Defender or any other antivirus software is activated and updated when visiting games or download sites.)
関連記事(Related read):自宅の友達と遊ぶためのWindowsPC用の無料マルチプレイヤーゲーム(Free multiplayer games for Windows PC to play with friends from home)。
Best free Online Games for kids to play without downloading anything
Kids need to plаy a lot to vent out their energy. Howеver, as everything has moved online, so have games. This is the list of the best free onlinе gamеs for kids to play without downloading anything. Τhe best part with online games for kids is that it saves the time needed for downloading plus you won’t need to υse that extra space on your system.
Online Games to play without downloading anything
Games for kids need to carry an expression of innocence while teaching them basic skills. The games should engage children with a sense of curiosity. Here is our list of best free online games for kids to play without downloading anything:
- Aqua Friends
- Apple and Onion messing around
- Princess Goldblade and the Dangerous Water
- Make the Cake
- Alphabetter
- Sesame Street
- Idle Farm
- Scooby-Doo Adventure
- We Bare Bears
- 100 Little Monsters.
1] Aqua Friends

Aqua Friends is an excellent game for little kids. The gameplay involves a few octopi who are sad because they have been separated from their friends. You need to re-unite them and the way to do it is to link their tentacles. The goal is to make sure that each and every tentacle is linked since you wouldn’t win the game even if a single tentacle is unlinked. Once the tentacles are linked, pull the setup down to the stars at the ocean bed so as to move on to the next level. Visit the game’s website here.
2] Apple and Onion messing around

In this game, Apple and Onion messing around are characters in a house. Their house is in a mess and you need to clean it up. The socks, shoes, clothes, etc need to be arranged right and that is how you move to the next level. One thing that makes the game cute is the little cat. The game seems pretty easy to play but isn’t. The tough part is being quick enough to arrange everything in the given time. Learn more about this game on Cartoon Network’s website.
3] Princess Goldblade and the Dangerous Water

If you have a little daughter and want her to grow up into a strong woman, introduce this game Princess Goldblade and the Dangerous Water to her. The story of the game is about a magical island where trinks live. It is protected by Princess Goldblade. Unfortunately, the monsters in the game steal the treasure of the Trinks and you, as the main character, are supposed to help the princess find their treasure. To play the game, simply start with the game here.
4] Make the Cake

It’s a little pig’s birthday party and his friend needs to make a cake. Help him do it to make the pig’s birthday memorable. Choose the flavor of the cake among chocolate, vanilla, and butterscotch. Then select the topping from strawberries, blueberries, and lychees. Now cut the cake into appropriate proportions. Next you can add the toppings to the pieces. Lastly, select the candles and light them up. Enjoy the birthday. This game is available on the official website here.
5] Alphabetter

It is difficult to teach children letters with books, pens, and paper. It simply isn’t interesting or motivating for them. However, Alphabetter introduces a whole new method to do so by engaging them in a game. It displays the letter in bold blue on the top of the page and the learning kid is supposed to choose the word which begins with that letter. This exercise becomes more extensive as the child progresses through the levels. So if you have a little kid of learning age, take him to the website now.
6] Sesame Street

Do you remember that good old show Sesame Street. It isn’t coming back any soon and children of this generation will really miss what we had back then. Or perhaps they won’t if you introduce them to the Sesame Street online game. This isn’t one game but a collection of games made around every character of Sesame Street. Choose your favorite game and play accordingly. Learn more on the website here.
7] Idle Farm

Idle Farm is more about a pinball-like game. You can choose among the characters of a woman farmer or a man. Then score points by playing the vegetable pinball game on the left-hand side. However, the game also becomes a sort of strategy game since you need to use your points to buy the right stuff to advance in the game right. So basically, you need to build points, grow vegetables, sell them, and win the game. Check it out at the official website here.
Related: Play Hearts online multiplayer free at these places.
8] Scooby-Doo Adventure

Children today might never understand what real cartoons are. That era is no more and directors won’t direct anything like Scooby-Doo. The closest children could get to this epic is by playing the Scooby-Doo game. So let them take a trip to the world or crime mysteries and investigations. Let them develop the aptitude of a detective. Play this game on the official website here.
9] We Bare Bears Bouncy Cubs

We Bare Bears is an overload of cuteness. The game involves three cute but mischievous pandas as the main characters. Now the game doesn’t have a specific winning objective, but there’s a lot you can do. Click selfies, make pancakes, race against the opponents, splurge on food, and a lot more. This game is available on the official website here.
10] 100 Little Monsters

This game 100 Little Monsters involves a hundred ball-shaped mini-monsters who are falling off containers. The objective of the game is to aim, tap, and fill the containers so they are full till the top. The quicker you do it, the more points you score. Yes, you can repeat the rounds, but you will lose on the score for that. Learn more about the game here.
More: Best Free Online Games with no downloads required.
It is always a good idea to make sure that your Windows Defender or any other antivirus software is activated and updated when visiting games or download sites.
Related read: Free multiplayer games for Windows PC to play with friends from home.