
シンプルな笑顔の絵文字🙂(Simple Smiling Emoji 🙂)
笑顔の目で笑顔😊(Smiling face with smiling eyes 😊)
顔を赤らめる笑顔😊(Blushing smile 😊)
逆さまの顔🙃(Upside down Face 🙃)
涙で笑顔😂(Smiling face with tears 😂)
笑顔でニヤリと笑う😄(Grin with smiling eyes 😄)
汗をかいて笑う😅(Grin with sweat 😅)
星に打たれた(Star-struck) 笑顔(grin)🤩
ハートアイズ😍(Heart Eyes 😍)
がっかりした顔(Disappointed face)😒
物思いにふける絵文字😔(Pensive Emoji 😔)
お金の口の顔(Money-mouth face)🤑
ストレートフェイス😑(Straight Face 😑)
フロントフィスト👊 (Front Fist 👊 )
口のジッパー付き顔(Mouth zipped face)🤐
ローリングアイフェイス🙄(Rolling eyes face 🙄)
目を転がしている顔は、「これは一体何(What the hell is this”)だ」と言いたくなるような不快感や不信感を表すためによく使用されます。
ブラックハート🖤(Black heart 🖤)
舌を出してウインク😜(Wink with tongue out😜)
折りたたまれた手🙏(Folded hands 🙏)
What are Emojis and their meaning; What are they used for?
Emojis are everywhere, be it your social media account or any personal chat service. We are all so used to use these emojis in our conversations that it seems pretty difficult to chat without them. Actually, using an emoji is the best way to express our emotions, whether we are happy, sad, surprised, or want to hug someone, just an emoji can convey everything.
What are Emojis?

The problem occurs when someone doesn’t really know what an emoji means and uses it and this usually happens with the people, who have just started using the Smartphones and are not very well aware of what emojis, what they mean, and what are they used for. Or sometimes, we get an emoji in our chatbox which we haven’t seen before and keep wondering what does the sender actually wants to say.
Before you begin, you may want to also know that an Emoticon is built from keyboard characters that when put together in a certain way represent a facial expression, whereas an Emoji is an actual image.
This is what today’s post is all about. We will talk about some really common emojis and their uncommon meanings.
There are countless emojis available on the internet and it is practically impossible for everyone to know about all of them. We will try to cover the best out of the lot here. Let’s start with the basic ones.
Emojis meanings and What they are used for
Simple Smiling Emoji 🙂
This is the most commonly used emoji and is often mistaken as a normal smile emoji but it is actually a sarcastic smile. A subtle way to say that yes I am happy for you but not interested.
For example, when your best friend shares that he/she has scored a higher rank than you and you have to pretend that you are happy for him/her but actually you are jealous deep down your heart.
Smiling face with smiling eyes 😊
This is a real happy face smile and can casually be used as a simple genuine smile. We generally use this emoji when we want to say that, yes I am happy for you.
Blushing smile 😊
This happy smiling face with smiling eyes and red cheeks denotes real happiness and blush at the same time. Some people also use it as a shy emoji.
Upside down Face 🙃
This emoji is generally used for silliness. When someone says a silly thing in chat, you can use this emoji. This is also known and used as a sarcastic smile.
Smiling face with tears 😂
This is a face with tears of joy often used to express extreme joy or laughter. If someone has cracked a hilarious joke or when you want to laugh out loud, you can use this emoji. You can also use the 😝 emoji to express your laughter.
Grin with smiling eyes 😄
This is obviously a grinning emoji but the smiling eyes here denote real happiness. It’s a funny face that is excited or genuinely happy for something. So you can use this emoji to show your genuine excitement or happiness or to express your laughter. Some other emojis like 😆 and 😃 also mean the same.
Grin with sweat 😅
This wide-opened mouth with a drop of sweat denotes embarrassment or awkwardness or say, a smile to avoid the awkwardness. Fitness freaks often use it as a relief emoji after a workout. Some people also use it when they are unsure of something.
Star-struck grin 🤩
A wide-open mouth with stars in its eyes shows the excitement. You can use it when you are awestruck to see something or someone really beautiful. You can also use this emoji to compliment someone.
Heart Eyes 😍
This smiling face with hearts eyes is used to show your love and gratitude. This can be also used as a romantic emoji when someone makes you feel loved and special.
Disappointed face 😒
This is simply an unamused and disappointed face used to express disappointment. Some other emojis like 😞 and ☹️ more or less mean the same.
Pensive Emoji 😔
This is a pensive face with closed eyes and a little frown. You can use this emoji to show and express your mourn, apology or sadness.
Money-mouth face 🤑
This is not a very common emoji. It shows money in the tongue and you can use it in any money-related conversation, like when someone tells you that he has invested in the stock market, you can reply with this emoji. Or, when someone shows you an expensive thing, you can use this emoji to say that ‘yeah man, you are rich’.
Straight Face 😑
This is an expressionless face and is often used to express annoyance and anger. You can use it when you don’t want to say anything out of annoyance or just want to end the conversation. You can also use the 😐 emoji for the same.
Front Fist 👊
This is quite similar to the high-five emoji and can also be used to show that you agree. Friends often use this emoji when they set a plan together.
Mouth zipped face 🤐
This emoji is also used in two different scenarios, one when you want to say that ‘I am zipped and won’t share your secret’ and the other when you don’t want to say anything further.
Rolling eyes face 🙄
A face with rolling eyes is often used to show annoyance or disbelief like when you feel like saying, “What the hell is this”
Black heart 🖤
This emoji is often used to show a lifeless heart or an emotionless heart. This is a manipulative emoji actually.
Wink with tongue out😜
This can be used to express some craziness or playfulness.
Folded hands 🙏
This emoji is often used as praying hands, to express respect, greet someone, or to say thank you, but actually, this is a high five emoji.
What are Emojis used for?
Emojis are used to express your emotions online. You can express your joy, sorrow, anger, happiness, disappointment, etc – all using an emoji!
Why are they called Emojis?
The word Emoji is similar to Emoticons (ICONS to display EMOtions). The word EMOJI comes from the Japanese language. Japanese characters or alphabets are largely based on ideograms and the writing style is already highly pictorial.
The list is actually endless but I have tried to share some of the most common emojis with some uncommon meanings. Hope this post will help you understand these emojis better. Feel free to share if you are still wondering about any emojis and their meanings, we will be happy to help.