今日では、ホテルやフライトを予約したり、仮想地図(virtual maps)をナビゲートしたり、旅行先のどこにいても携帯電話から美しい夕日の写真を簡単に撮ることができます。(take beautiful sunset photos)

旅行に最適なスマートフォンアクセサリー(Best Smartphone Accessories for Traveling)

AndroidとiPhoneに最適なスクリーンプロテクター(best screen protectors for Android and iPhone)に関するガイドをご覧ください。

Androidスマートフォン( protective case for your Android smartphone)またはiPhone用の頑丈な保護ケースは、ポケットに過度にかさばることなく、スマートフォンの落下、へこみ、引っかき傷、衝突を防ぐことができます。ビーチやプールサイドで長時間過ごす場合は、スマートフォンが濡れないように耐水性のあるケースを探してください。

4.ケーブル充電器((4. Cable Charger ()Android、iOS)

これらの充電器に含まれる材料には、編組ナイロン、ステンレス鋼、または金メッキが含まれます。iPhoneをお持ちで、サードパーティのケーブル充電器が必要な場合は、 (a third-party cable charger)SyncWire iPhone充電器のライトニングケーブル(SyncWire iPhone charger Lightning cable)のように互換性があり認定され(compatible and certified)ているものを見つけて、デバイスで期待どおりに動作するようにします。
Androidスマートフォン用の豪華な充電ケーブルが必要な場合は、追加の充電と同期、耐久性の向上、柔軟性の向上を備えたiSeekerナイロン編組のもつれのないケーブル(iSeeker nylon-braided tangle-free cable)をお試しください。
USBケーブル(USB cables and how they work)のガイドとその仕組みを確認してから、スマートフォンに接続してください。

飛行機で旅行している場合、電源コンセントを見つけるのは必ずしも簡単ではありません。ほとんどの場合、それらはすべて使用されているからです。マルチポートUSB充電器(USB Type-AとType-Cの両方)を使用すると、飛行機に搭乗する前にすぐにスマートフォンを充電できます。





Androidスマートフォンを使用している場合は、 Selfie Masterフロントフラッシュカメラアプリをダウンロードできます。iPhoneを使用している場合は、Selfshotをダウンロードできます。(Selfshot)

検討する価値のある最良のオプションの詳細については、最良のBluetoothスピーカー(best Bluetooth speakers)のリストを確認するか、最良のBluetoothイヤフォン(best Bluetooth earbuds)のペアを選択してください。


カスタマイズされたスマートウォッチ(smartwatches )とフィットネストラッカー(fitness trackers)のリストをご覧ください。
旅行中に写真やビデオを撮るのは簡単ですが、すべての思い出を保持するスペースを見つけ、クラウドストレージを使用し(using cloud storage)ている場合はそれらをバックアップしておくことを忘れないでください。

Picture Keeper Connectを使用すると、スペースの大きさやバックアップを気にする必要がありません。小さなガジェットは携帯電話に接続され、ファイルを組み込みのストレージに自動的にバックアップする付属のアプリがあります。
アプリがインストールされている他のデバイスにファイルをコピーしたり(copy your files to other devices)、ラップトップとの間で写真を送受信したりすることもできます。このデバイスは、写真をバックアップしたり、外部と共有したりするためにモバイルデータやWiFiを必要としないため、低速、高価、またはインターネットアクセスがない場所にいる場合に最適です。(WiFi)

さらに、 TSA(TSA)が承認した3ダイヤルの組み合わせロックで金庫を安全にロックし、ホテルの部屋の家具、ビーチチェア、木などの備品にバッグをケーブルで接続して、アイテムを放置する必要がある場所での盗難を防ぐことができます。

ラップトップを持って旅行したくない場合は、折りたたみ式キーボードがスマートフォンの必須アクセサリです。このようにして、簡単な電子メールを送信し、厄介な自動修正の取り違えなしにドキュメントをすばやく編集できます。(edit a document)
スマートフォントラベルアクセサリー(Smartphone Travel Accessories)
Netflixで友達とお気に入りの映画を見たり(watch your favorite movies with friends on Netflix)、ホテルの予約や搭乗券を携帯したり、無料の本を読んだり、ソーシャルメディアでフォトアルバムを整理し(organize photo albums on social media)たりできます。
16 Best Smartphone Accessories for Traveling
Smartphones have сhаnged how we communicate, mеet, and explore our world.
Today, you can book a hotel or flight, navigate virtual maps and take beautiful sunset photos easily from your phone wherever you’re traveling to.

Knowing which accessories are truly useful while on the go isn’t always easy. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of accessories for traveling that will make your phone even better.
Best Smartphone Accessories for Traveling
From protective cases and screen protectors, to add-on camera lenses for wide-angle shots and virtual meetings, make sure you pack the following best smartphone accessories for your next travels.
A screen protector is a defense barrier between your smartphone’s glass touch screen and the surrounding environment that ensures your device is crack and scratch free. When choosing a screen protector, find one that’s compatible with your phone and durable.

However, the screen protector only covers the front of your phone’s screen, which is why you’ll need a durable protective case to secure the back from water, shock, dings and other types of damage.
Check out our guide on the best screen protectors for Android and iPhone.
Few things are worse than dropping your smartphone and picking it up only to find that the screen is cracked.

A sturdy protective case for your Android smartphone or iPhone can prevent any drops, dents, scratches or bumps on your phone without being overly bulky in your pocket. If you spend a lot of time at the beach or by the pool, look for a case that’s water-resistant so your phone won’t get wet.
Dropping your phone in the pool or muddy puddles while on vacation is a next-level tragedy. Fortunately, you can prevent disaster and take the anxiety off your shoulders with a waterproof case or bag for your phone and keep it safe wherever you go.

Many waterproof case designs allow you to submerge your smartphone under water and capture great videos or photos. Plus, the case keeps your phone dry, safe, and has more space to stash other things on there like your credit cards or cash.
4. Cable Charger (Android, iOS)
Cable chargers are the most essential smartphone accessories on this list as they’ll ensure your smartphone never runs out of juice. Whether you’re using an Android or iPhone, you need to pick a cable charger that’s durable and compatible with your device.

The materials these chargers come in include braided nylon, stainless steel or gold plating. If you have an iPhone and need a third-party cable charger, find one that’s compatible and certified like the SyncWire iPhone charger Lightning cable, so that it works as expected with your device.
If you need a fancy charging cable for Android phones, try the iSeeker nylon-braided tangle-free cable with extra charge and sync, higher durability and increased flexibility.
Check our guide to USB cables and how they work before snagging up one for your smartphone.
While traveling, your smartphone may quickly run out of juice and you’ve barely started your vacation. One of the reasons for this is taking endless videos or photos, or streaming movies and music on the go.

With a portable power bank, you can keep your phone topped off while on the go or at your Airbnb. This way, you can fully capture more memories and not have to deal with a dead phone battery.
If you’re traveling by air, it’s not always easy to find a power outlet because more often than not, they’re all taken. With a multiport USB charger (with both USB type-A and type-C), you can juice up your smartphone in no time before boarding your flight.

Look for a wall charger with fast-charging, versatility and compact form factor, which is necessary when traveling. Multiple ports also ensure that you can charge two things at once without spending too much time at the airport charging station.
Make sure you carry the charging cable that came with your smartphone or invest in one of the USB cable chargers we’ve mentioned. And, don’t forget that if traveling to Europe, you may need a power adapter, too.
Selfie sticks have evolved over the years thanks to their growing popularity, especially with the social media selfie craze that started a few years ago.

Today, selfie sticks come in compact sizes for easy portability, with various add-ons, waterproof or Bluetooth so you can make breathtaking travel photos. They’re also good to have when you want to capture large groups or when there’s no one else around to snap pictures for you.
Some selfie sticks can extend up to 30 inches long and come with a wrist strap, which makes it easy to capture your entire surroundings with extra safety and security.
If you take lots of videos to document your travels, a handheld video stabilizer is a good smartphone travel accessory. This gadget offers steady and smooth filming so that you never post a shaky video again.

The video stabilizer comes with a magnetic ring holder and phone clamp that allow you to attach your phone to the stabilizer for perfect filming on the go.
Plus, it comes with a creative dynamic zoom shot that delivers a Hollywood feel, gesture control for snapping pics or starting videos with just a gesture, and it’s compatible with most smartphones.
Most smartphones today can take beautiful photos and videos thanks to the multiple lenses that allow you to change perspective on the fly.

However, if yours doesn’t have such a great camera or has only one lens, you can use an external smartphone camera lens to amp up your smartphone photos and videos.
Selfie flash lights ensure that you take good lighting with you everywhere. Most of these portable smartphone flash lights are easy to use and attach to your device easily.
Plus, the light comes with LED bulbs for adequate lighting so you can take great selfies especially in low light scenes. The lights are rechargeable and you can select the intensity of the light that you like the most.

The light also comes with a clamp that holds well and is designed with scratch-resistant and anti-slip sponge to prevent it from falling off and protect your phone from scratches. You can also use it as a great emergency light for dark circumstances.
A good alternative to buying a selfie flash light is installing a front flash camera app. The app provides simulated camera flashes if your phone doesn’t come with a built-in front camera, so you can better light your selfies.
If you’re using an Android smartphone, you can download the Selfie Master front flash camera app or Selfshot if you use an iPhone.
A Bluetooth speaker is good to have when you’re biking, hiking, swimming in the pool or lazing at the beach. These speakers are better than smart speakers especially where there’s unstable or no WiFi at all, and they’re great for the outdoors.

There are many Bluetooth speakers that deliver good or even better audio quality than smart speakers and work with any smartphone. Some Bluetooth speakers are waterproof, double as a speakerphone, and come in multiple colors with great battery life between charges.
Check out our list of the best Bluetooth speakers for more of the best options worth considering, or pick a pair of the best Bluetooth earbuds.
A car mount is a great smartphone accessory to have, especially if you’ll be doing road trips. The mount holds and secures your phone safely while you drive for a smooth and hassle-free trip.

Not only that, but you can also use your phone and look at directions hands-free while driving. You can choose a magnetic car mount or a non-magnetic one that wirelessly charges your device while securing your phone in place.
If you want to keep track of your health while you’re traveling, a smartwatch is the perfect wrist companion to your smartphone. You can view activity tracking, fitness information, and get a second screen for notifications.
Plus, smartwatches come with various connectivity options, sensors, and track your sleep, activity, steps and general fitness. Some smartwatches support measurements like stress tracking, blood oxygen levels, and are fully waterproof allowing you to use your watch while swimming or underwater.

More advanced smartwatches include GPS and LTE so you can leave your phone in your car or hotel and track your runs or listen to your favorite music on the go.
Take a look at our customized list of smartwatches and fitness trackers to carry with you.
It’s easy to take photos and videos while traveling, but you’ll need to find space to hold all your memories and remember to keep them backed up if you’re using cloud storage.

With Picture Keeper Connect, you don’t have to worry about how much space you have or keeping them backed up. The little gadget plugs into your phone and has an accompanying app that backs up your files automatically to the built-in storage.
You can also copy your files to other devices that have the app installed, or send photos to and from your laptop. The device doesn’t need mobile data or WiFi to back up or share your photos with outers, making it ideal if you’re in a place with slow, expensive or no internet access.
A portable safe is a little bag that you can fill with valuables including your smartphone and keep them safe. The safe comes with a stainless steel wire mesh embedded in cut-resistant poly canvas fabric, which you can pull to shut and lock your belongings for maximum security.

On top of that, you can lock the safe securely with its TSA accepted three-dial combination lock and cable the bag to fixtures such as furniture in your hotel room, a beach chair or tree to prevent theft where items need to be left unattended.
The bag can carry your credit cards, money, wallet, passport, IDs, and smartphone among other valuables. Plus, it’s water resistant and has a slash safe vault for peace of mind and carry handles and convenience.

A foldable keyboard is an essential smartphone accessory if you don’t want to travel with your laptop. This way, you can send simple emails, quickly edit a document without awkward auto-correct mixups.
Smartphone Travel Accessories
Whether you’re going on a month-long adventure or a quick weekend trip, your smartphone is already a hub for all your trips.
You can watch your favorite movies with friends on Netflix, carry your hotel reservations or boarding passes, read free books, and even organize photo albums on social media.
Our list of must have smartphone accessories is by no means exhaustive, but they’re worth adding to your carry-on bag so you can travel more easily with your device.