あなたは視聴者のためにライブストリーミングをしたいゲーマーまたはYouTuberですか?しかし、デバイスの内蔵カムでストリーミングするのは難しいですか?心配しないでください、私たちはあなたが私たちの以下のガイドでインドでストリーミングするための最高のウェブカメラを購入するのを手伝うためにここにいます。 (Are you a Gamer or YouTuber who wants to stream live for their audiences? But it’s difficult to stream with your device in-built cam? Don’t worry, we are here to help you buy the best webcam for streaming in India with our below-guide. )
他の電子(Electronic)製品と同じように、 Webカメラ(Webcams)でもまともな進化を見ることができます。一般的(Generally)に、ウェブカメラが組み込まれているモニターやラップトップはほとんどありませんが、品質は劣ります。ローエンドの基本的なスマートフォンには、モニターやラップトップに搭載されているカメラよりも優れたカメラが付属しています。
- Logitech C270
- Microsoft Life Cam HD-3000
- Microsoft Life Cam Studio
- HPHD4310ウェブカメラ
- Logitech C920 HD Pro
- LogitechC922Proストリーム
- Logitech Stream Cam
- Razer Kiyo
簡単に言えば、「解像度が高いほど、ビデオの品質とコストが高くなります。」4K Webカメラは、ストリーミングを職業として検討することを計画している人に適しています。
フレームレート(Frame Rate)
FOV(視野)(FOV (Field of View))
カメラレンズの品質(Quality of the Camera Lens)
低照度性能(Low-light Performance)
レビューと評価(Reviews and Ratings)
特別な機能(Special Features)
デジタルズーム:(Digital Zoom: )デジタルズーム(Digital Zoom)は、いくつかのプレミアムWebカメラに搭載されている特別な機能です。デジタルズーム(Digital Zoom)を使用すると、ユーザーは特別なツールを使用せずに、特定のフレームを設定したり、特定の領域にズームインしたりできます。理解を深めるために、デジタルズーム(Digital Zoom)はカメラで利用できる特別な機能であり、いくつかの特別な最適化を使用して元の画像をトリミングし、ズームによって画像/ビデオが撮影される効果を作成します。
オートフォーカス:(Auto Focus: )オートフォーカス(Focus)は、ユーザーの顔を認識し、常にピントを合わせようとする特別な機能です。これは、いくつかの特別なソフトウェア最適化を使用することによっても達成されます。
背景の変更:多くのオーディオ/ビデオ通話ソフトウェアには背景を変更するオプションが用意されているため、(Background Change: )背景(Background)の変更は特別な機能のようには聞こえない場合があります。彼らはとても楽しくてかっこいいように見えますが、ウェブカメラで提供されているデフォルトのものと比較すると、最適化はそれほど良くありません。
値札と保証(Price Tag and Warranty)
これらは、本質的な使用とストリーミングの目的に最適なWebカメラの一部です。これらは、 Eコマースサイト(E-Commerce Site)またはオフラインストアからすぐに購入できます。
インドでのストリーミングに最適な8つのWebカメラ(2022年)(8 Best Webcam for Streaming in India (2022))
1. Logitech C270
(基本的な機能で非常に手頃な価格)((Very Affordable with Basic Features))
Logitech C270に関して言えば、Logitechの最も手頃なWebカメラの1つであり、非常に手頃な価格と基本的な機能を備えています。

私たちが好きな機能:(Features We Like:)
- フルHDワイドスクリーンビデオ通話
- HD照明調整
- ユニバーサルクリップ
- ノイズリダクションマイク内蔵
Logitech C270の機能について話すと、同社は、明るくコントラストのある画像のための自動雷調整機能を備えていると主張しています。Webカメラの解像度は720p、FOVは60度、フレームレートは30fpsです。
すべてを考慮すると、 Logitech C270(Logitech C270)は最も基本的なWebカメラであり、ビデオ通話に参加するために特別に設計されていると簡単に言えます。Logitech C270でのストリーミングは、非常に基本的な仕様であるため、大きな「いいえ」です。
録画解像度:(Recording Resolution:) 720p
フレームレート:(Frame Rate:) 30fps
FOV: 60度
回転ヘッド:(Rotational Head: ) A
特別な機能:(Special Features: ) A
保証:(Warranty:) 2年間
2. Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000
(低解像度カメラを備えた非常に高価なWebカメラ)((Very expensive Web camera with Low-Res Camera))

私たちが好きな機能:(Features We Like:)
- 720PHDビデオ付きワイドスクリーン
- ノイズリダクションマイク
- Truecolorテクノロジー
- ユニバーサルアタッチメント
他の機能について言えば、MicrosoftはTrueColorテクノロジー(TrueColor Technology)を使用しています。これは、明るくカラフルなビデオを提供するのに役立つ特別なソフトウェア最適化です。
他のいくつかの機能には、デジタル(Digital)パン、デジタルチルト、垂直チルト、スイベルパン、および4倍デジタルズームが含まれ、同社は、デバイスがビデオチャット(Video Chat)および録画(Recordings)用に特別に作成されていると主張しています。
録画解像度:(Recording Resolution:) 720p 30fps
回転ヘッド:(Rotational Head:) 360度
特別な機能:(Special Features:) デジタル(Digital)パン、デジタルチルト、垂直チルト、スイベルパン、4倍デジタルズーム
保証:(Warranty:) 3年
3. Microsoft Life Cam Studio
(まともな機能で非常に高価です)((Very expensive with decent features))
Microsoft Life Cam HD-3000と同じように、Microsoft Life Cam Studio(Microsoft Life Cam Studio)はしっかりと構築されており、プレミアムに見えます。それは同じ高価な値札を持っていますが、改良された仕様と機能が付属しています。
Life Cam Studioの最大の改善点は、優れたカメラ品質を提供する1080p HDセンサーですが、ビデオ録画は720pに制限されています。

私たちが好きな機能:(Features We Like:)
- CMOSセンサーテクノロジー
- 1秒あたり最大30フレーム
- 1920x1080センサー解像度
- 5MP静止画
これは、 Life Cam HD-3000(Life Cam HD-3000)と同じテクノロジーを使用しています。これは、明るくカラフルなビデオを提供するのに役立つ特別なソフトウェア最適化であるMicrosoftのTrueColorテクノロジー(TrueColor Technology)に他なりません。
Webカメラには、より自然でまともなサウンドを生成するワイドバンドマイクが付属しています。(Wideband)Life Cam Studioには(Life Cam Studio)オートフォーカス(Auto Focus)が付属しており、同社は4インチから無限の範囲があると主張しています。
Life Cam Studioは(Life Cam Studio)ビジネス目的(Business Purposes)のために特別に作成されているため、特別な機能は期待できません。
録画解像度:(Recording Resolution:) 1080p
フレームレート:(Frame Rate:) 30fps
回転ヘッド:(Rotational Head:) 360度
特別な機能:(Special Features:) A
保証:(Warranty:) 3年
4. HP w200 HD
(まともな価格と機能を備えたWebカメラ)((Web Camera with Decent Price and Features))
HP w200 HDについて言えば、これは多くの機能を備えた最もユニークで優れたデザインのWebカメラです。HP HD4310のビルド品質は高級感があり、回転可能なヘッドが付属しています。これに加えて、ウェブカメラは30度傾けることができるため、非常に柔軟に感じられます。

私たちが好きな機能:(Features We Like:)
- 内蔵マイク
- 720p /30Fpsウェブカメラ
- プラグ&プレイ
- 広角ビュー
Webカメラはオートフォーカス(Auto Focus)と露出をサポートしています。これらはWebカメラに備わっている優れた機能です。
HPには、 HP TrueVision(HP TrueVision)と呼ばれる特別なソフトウェア最適化機能があります。これは、変化する光の状態に適応し、鮮明で明るいビデオの作成に役立ちます。ウェブカメラには指向性(Directional)統合マイクが付属しているため、クリアでノイズのないオーディオを生成します。
Webカメラのユニークな点は、HP Instant Image Capture、HP Instant Chat Button、およびHP Instant Videoの3つのクイック起動ボタンであり、これらは非常に正確に機能します。
録画解像度:(Recording Resolution:) 720p 30fps
回転ヘッド:(Rotational Head:) 30度の傾斜をサポートします。
特別な機能:(Special Features:) 3つのクイック起動ボタンが付属しています(Quick Launch Buttons)
保証:(Warranty:) 1年
- ビデオ(Video)ハングアウトやストリーミング
- 独自のアクションを実行する3つのクイック(Quick)起動ボタン
5. Logitech C920 HD Pro
(ビデオ通話用に作られたプレミアムWebカメラ)((Premium Web Camera made for Video calls))
Logitech C920 HD Proは、優れたビルドとカメラ品質を備えた高品質のプレミアムWebカメラです。
Logitech C920 HD Proは、30fpsのリフレッシュレートで1080pのキャプチャ/記録をサポートします。これに加えて、デバイスには78度のFOVが付属しており、ユーザーはデジタルズームを使用して特定のフレームを設定することもできます。

私たちが好きな機能:(Features We Like:)
- オートフォーカス
- 自動ノイズリダクション
- 自動低照度補正
- フルHDガラスレンズ
他の機能について言えば、WebカメラにはLogitechのRightLightTM 2テクノロジーが搭載されており、さまざまな雷条件に自動調整され、明るくカラフルな画像/ビデオを生成できます。
ユーザーは、Logitechが提供するLogitech Captureと呼ばれる特別なソフトウェアを使用することもできます。このソフトウェアを使用すると(Logitech)、(Logitech Capture)録画をカスタマイズしたり、カメラ設定を調整したり、複数のアクションを実行したりできます。
録画解像度:(Recording Resolution:) 30fpsで1080p
FOV: 78度
回転ヘッド:(Rotational Head:)三脚をサポート
特別な機能:(Special Features:) UVCH.264エンコーディングとAFをサポート
保証:(Warranty:) 2年間
(Decent Noise Isolation)デュアルマイクのおかげで、まともなノイズアイソレーション
- Logitech Capture
- 優れた画質を提供するCarlZeiss光学系
- UVCH.264エンコーディング(UVC H.264 Encoding)とオートフォーカス(Auto Focus)
6. Logitech C922 Proストリーム–ストリーミング(6. Logitech C922 Pro Stream – Streaming)
(まともな機能を備えたストリーミング用に作られたWebカメラ)((Web Camera made for streaming with decent features))
Logitech C922 Pro Streamは、ストリーミング用に特別に設計されたWebカメラです。それはまともなビルド品質が付属しており、プレミアムにも見えます。
Logitech C922 Pro Streamは、30fpsのリフレッシュレートで1080pのキャプチャ/記録をサポートします。ストリーミングに関しては、60fpsのリフレッシュレートで720pをサポートします。これに加えて、デバイスには78度のFOVが付属しており、ユーザーはデジタルズームを使用して特定のフレームを設定することもできます。

私たちが好きな機能:(Features We Like:)
- フルハイビジョン1080Pストリーミング
- フルステレオフォニックス
- XsplitおよびOBSで動作します
- 背景除去機能
その他の機能に関しては、WebカメラはHDオートフォーカス(HD Auto Focus)と光補正をサポートしています。Webカメラは、さまざまな雷の状態に自動調整でき、明るくカラフルな画像/ビデオを生成できます。
ユーザーは、Logitechが提供するLogitech Captureと呼ばれる特別なソフトウェアを使用することもできます。このソフトウェアを使用すると(Logitech)、(Logitech Capture)録画をカスタマイズしたり、カメラ設定を調整したり、複数のアクションを実行したりできます。
ウェブカメラはOBS(Open Broadcasting Software)– XSplit Broadcasterをサポートしており、ユーザーはYouTube、Twitch、またはその他のストリーミングサイトで問題なくストリーミングできます。同社はまた、より良いストリーミングのために小さな三脚を含めました。
録画解像度:(Recording Resolution:) 30fpsで1080p
ストリーミング解像度:(Streaming Resolution:) 60fpsで720p
FOV: 78度
回転ヘッド:(Rotational Head:) Webカメラには三脚が付属しています
特別な機能:(Special Features:)OBSをサポートし、3か月間の無料のXsplitプレミアムライセンスが付属しています。
保証:(Warranty:) 1年
- ストリーミング(Streaming)
(Decent Noise Isolation)デュアルマイクのおかげで、まともなノイズアイソレーション
- Logitech Capture
7. Logitech Stream Cam –ストリーミング(Logitech Stream Cam – Streaming)
(多くの機能を備えたストリーミング用のプレミアムWebカメラ)((Premium Web Camera for streaming with many features))
新しいLogitechStreamCamは、ストリーミング用に特別に設計されたユニークなWebカメラです。Logitechの他のプレミアムWebカメラと同様に、LogitechStreamCam(Logitech Stream Cam)に(Just)もプレミアム(Logitech)ビルドと優れたカメラ品質が付属しています。
Logitech Stream Camは、60fpsのフレームレートで1080pの解像度でのストリーミングをサポートしているため、プロのストリーマー向けに特別に作成されています。Logitech Stream Camは、30fpsのフレームレートで720pの解像度でしかストリーミングできないため、LogitechのC922ProStreamへのアップグレードと見なすことができます。(C922 Pro Stream)

私たちが好きな機能:(Features We Like:)
- 60Fpsで実物をストリーミング
- スマートオートフォーカスと露出
- フルHD垂直ビデオ
- 用途の広い取り付けオプション
- Usb-cと接続します
Logitech Stream Camは、Logitechの(Logitech Stream Cam)Captureとともに、スマートオートフォーカス(Smart Auto Focus)と露出もサポートしています。これにより、ユーザーは、記録のカスタマイズ、カメラ設定の調整、および複数のアクションの実行を行うことができます。
Stream Camで見られる最大の改善点は、内蔵の電子手ぶれ補正です。これは、動きがあった場合でもビデオ/画像を安定させるのに役立ちます。
Logitech Stream Camのもう1つの改善点は、傾斜とパンの機能です。これは、LogitechのC9XXシリーズにはありません。Stream Camは、標準のモニターマウントとともに三脚(Tripod)もサポートしています。
Logitechは、9:16の(Logitech)アスペクト比で(Aspect)フルHD(Full HD)の垂直ビデオを録画できるため、 Stream Camでクリエイティブになりました。これは、 Facebook、Instagram、およびその他のソーシャルメディアサイトにとって素晴らしいことです。フルビデオ(Full Video)録画の助けを借りて、ユーザーはvlogを作成することもできます。
Logitech C922 Pro Streamと同様に、Logitech Stream Camにも(Logitech Stream Cam)OBS(Open Broadcasting Software)サポートが付属しています。これに加えて、Logitechは3か月のプレミアムXSplit Broadcasterメンバーシップを提供し、ユーザーはYouTube、Twitch、またはその他のストリーミングサイトで問題なくストリーミングできます。
録画解像度:(Recording Resolution:) 60fpsで1080p
ストリーミング解像度:(Streaming Resolution:) 60fpsで1080p
FOV: 78度
調整可能性:(Adjustability:) 360度調整可能/三脚もサポート
特別な機能:(Special Features:)OBSをサポートし、3か月間の無料のXsplitプレミアムライセンスが付属しています。FHD縦長動画も撮影可能
保証:(Warranty:) 1年
(Decent Noise Isolation)デュアルマイクのおかげで、まともなノイズアイソレーション
- Logitech Capture
- FHD垂直(FHD Vertical)ビデオ録画
- Thunderboltポート
更新された価格については、LogitechStreamCamにアクセスしてください。(Logitech Stream Cam)(Logitech Stream Cam)
8. Razer Kiyo –ストリーミング(8. Razer Kiyo – Streaming)
(特別な機能を備えたユニークなウェブカメラ)((Unique Webcam with special Features))
同様に、Razer Kiyoはストリーミング用に特別に設計されたWebカメラであり、まともな仕様でユニークに見えます。他のプレミアムWebカメラと同様に、RazerKiyo(Just)は(Razer Kiyo)優れたカメラとビルド品質を備えています。
Razer Kiyoは、30fpsのフレームレートで1080pでのストリーミングをサポートしています。30 fpsが気に入らない場合、ユーザーは60fpsのフレームレートで720pにシフトできます。


私たちが好きな機能:(Features We Like:)
- 720p 60 FPS / 1080p 30 FPS
- ストリーミング用に設計
- 作り付けのリングライト
- 調整可能な明るさ
- 低照度性能
Razer Kiyoは、特別なファームウェア(Firmware)アップデートのおかげで、自動露出(Auto Exposure)、オートフォーカス(Auto Focus)、自動ホワイトバランス調整(Auto White Balance Adjustment)、ニュートラル(Neutral)カラー表現、および低(Low)照度もサポートしています。Razerにはプレミアムハードウェアがありませんが、ソフトウェアの最適化とファームウェアの更新により、カメラの品質が大幅に向上します。
特別な機能として、Razer Kiyoには(Razer Kiyo)リングライト(Ring)が付属しており、暗い場所での画質を向上させます。Razer Synapse 3の助けを借りて、ユーザーはカメラのカスタマイズに完全にアクセスできます。オート(Auto)フォーカスとマニュアルフォーカスの切り替え、(Manual Focus)明るさ(Brightness)、コントラスト(Contrast)、彩度(Saturation)、ホワイトバランス(White Balance)の調整などのカスタマイズが含まれます。
ストリーミング解像度:(Streaming Resolution:) 30fpsで1080p/60fpsで720p
FOV: 6度
調整可能性:(Adjustability:) 360度調整可能/三脚もサポート
特別な機能:(Special Features: )リングライトが付属しています
保証:(Warranty:) 1年
- ストリーミング(Streaming)
まともなノイズアイソレーション(Decent Noise Isolation)と高度なオートフォーカス(Auto Focus)が付属しています。
Razer (Wide)Synapse 3(Razer Synapse 3)のおかげで、幅広いカスタマイズが可能です。
注:購入する前に、必ず保証とカスタマーレビューを確認してください。(Note: Always check for warranty and customer reviews before purchasing.)
推奨:(Recommended:) インドで12,000ルピー未満の最高の携帯電話(Best Mobile Phones Under Rs 12,000 in India)
インドでのストリーミングに最適なWebカメラ(best Webcam for streaming in India)のリストがお役に立てば幸いです。また、購入するWebカメラを決定することができました。それでも質問や提案がある場合は、コメントセクションを使用してお気軽にご連絡ください。
8 Best Webcam for Streaming in India (2022)
Are you a Gamer or YouTuber who wants to stream live for their audiences? But it’s difficult to stream with your device in-built cam? Don’t worry, we are here to help you buy the best webcam for streaming in India with our below-guide.
Just like other Electronic products, we can see a decent evolution in Webcams too. Generally, few monitors and laptops come with an in-built webcam, but they are inferior in quality. A low-end basic smartphone comes with a better camera than those present on a monitor or laptop.
The in-built camera units on the laptops and monitors can only attend video calls, and those aren’t great either. If you’re planning to host a webinar or start streaming on Twitch or any other game streaming platform, a high-quality webcam is mandatory.
This isn’t something one needs to worry about. One can get their hands on a decent webcam at a very affordable price, all thanks to the rapid increase in technology.
The webcams of these days have improved a lot; almost every webcam is capable of streaming HD with excellent FOV, and if you are planning to spend more money, you can get special features.
Top 10 Best Webcam for Streaming in India
If you are planning to stream, here are some of the best webcams one can get their hands-on. The below-mentioned webcams have received positive reviews and ratings, and on top of that, they have been picked by popular reviewers.
- Logitech C270
- Microsoft Life Cam HD-3000
- Microsoft Life Cam Studio
- HP HD4310 Webcam
- Logitech C920 HD Pro
- Logitech C922 Pro Stream
- Logitech Stream Cam
- Razer Kiyo
Before we discuss these webcams, let us discuss the things to consider before buying a decent webcam.
Adjustability is one of the most important factors to consider while purchasing a webcam. Some webcams have a fixed neck, and they cannot be adjusted. On the other hand, few webcams come with a limited neck adjustment.
It is better to choose the webcams that support 360-degree adjustment as it helps the user adjust as per the requirement. It is also better to think about the type of clip as few can damage the laptop’s display.
Almost every webcam these days comes with a resolution of 720p, but the good ones come with a resolution of 1080p, and they are mostly used for basic streaming; and if you are planning to spend more, you can have a webcam that can stream at 4K, but they are costly.
To put in simple words, “The higher the resolution, the higher the video quality and cost.” The 4K web cameras are good for those who are planning to consider streaming as their profession.
Frame Rate
This might sound a little technical to those who have no idea of what a Frame rate is. Frame Rate is a measurement of the number of frames a camera can capture per second.
A good webcam generally comes with a frame rate of 30fps, which is usually considered as a decent frame rate. The basic webcams only support a frame rate of 24fps, which feels a little choppier but can be manageable if you’re planning to save a few bucks.
If you spend more money than usual, you can get webcams which support the frame rate of 60fps, and they are the best of all.
FOV (Field of View)
FOV is another important thing to consider while purchasing a web camera. FOV is generally calculated in degrees, and as the name says, it is the measurement of the webcam’s field of view.
This might sound complicated, simply put, it can be described as the area that the webcam covers. Most of the web cameras come with a FOV ranging from 50-120 degrees.
If you need to cover a lot of areas or host a meeting with many people in the background, the web camera with more FOV is better. The default FOV is enough for basic streaming or to cover a small area.
The web camera manufacturers display the web camera’s FOV on the product manual or on the device’s retail box to avoid confusion.
Quality of the Camera Lens
Most of the web camera manufacturers use plastic and glass as the lens for their products. The plastic lenses are more durable and can be replaced at a lower cost in case of damage.
The plastic lens’s disadvantage is its recording quality, as it is less impressive than the web cameras with the Glass lens.
When it comes to the Glass lens, the biggest disadvantage is its cost, and they are costly to replace in case of damage.
Low-light Performance
Some web cameras develop noise in the image when used in low-light conditions; this might happen due to the lack of a decent camera sensor or camera optimization.
In such a case, the only option is to stream in well-light condition or purchase a web camera which can perform well in low light conditions. To get a web camera with low-light recording capability is very easy, as manufacturers advertise this as the web camera’s unique feature.
If they are not available, users need to check if the web camera has low-light mode or can try some special third software, which helps improve the image quality of the web camera in low-light conditions using special software optimizations.
A simple solution to this issue is to add artificial lighting to the area, which will improve the web camera’s performance.
Reviews and Ratings
Reviews and ratings of the products are generally available on the product’s official website or from any online E-commerce sites where the product is being sold on.
It is always advisable to read for reviews as others who have purchased the products review them, which will help the customers to analyze if the product is good or bad and if it reaches their requirement or not.
Special Features
It is always good if the product you’re purchasing comes with special features. In the case of a web camera, it would be great if it has features such as
Digital Zoom: Digital Zoom is a special feature that can be found on a few premium web cameras. With the help of Digital Zoom, the user can set a specific frame or zoom in to a particular area without using any special tools. For better understanding, Digital Zoom is the special feature that is available in the camera, which crops the original image using some special optimizations, creating an effect that the image/video is taken by zooming.
Auto Focus: Auto Focus is a special feature that recognizes the user’s face and tries to keep it in focus all the time. This is also achieved by using some special software optimizations.
Background Change: Background change might not sound like a special feature to you, as many audio/video calling software provides you with the option to change the background. They look super fun and cool, but the optimizations are not so good when compared with the default ones that are provided the web camera.
Not every web camera is compatible with every operating system or hardware, and some might face incompatibility issues. To avoid incompatibility, it is advised to read the product’s description or a manual which comes with the compatibility information.
It is better to check for the type of operating system and cross-check with the one you have; by doing this, there won’t be any incompatibility issues.
Price Tag and Warranty
The price tag and warranty are the most important things to consider while purchasing any product, including web cameras.
It is advised to check for the price tag, as it helps the user analyze the product and choose between products with better features and specifications.
Talking about the warranty, it is always advised to check for it. The average warranty period for any product is one year. If the product doesn’t come with a warranty, the user shouldn’t purchase it at any cost.
These are some of the best Web cameras for essential use and streaming purposes; these can be purchased right away from any E-Commerce Site or any offline store.
8 Best Webcam for Streaming in India (2022)
1. Logitech C270
(Very Affordable with Basic Features)
Everyone is familiar with Logitech as they make electronic products for all purposes. Their products are available in all price ranges, ranging from the most affordable ones to the expensive ones.
When it comes to the Logitech C270, it is one of the most affordable web cameras from Logitech with a very affordable price and basic features.

Features We Like:
- Full HD widescreen video calling
- HD lighting adjustment
- Universal clip
- Built-in noise-reducing mic
Talking about the features of Logitech C270, the company claims that it has an automatic lightning adjustment for brighter and contrasted images. The web camera comes with a resolution of 720p with a 60-degree FOV and a decent frame rate of 30fps.
The web camera also comes with a built-in microphone, which can reduce the ambient noise. Users can also take 3-MP Snapshots on the web camera.
All things considered, we can simply say that the Logitech C270 is the most basic web camera and is specially designed for attending video calls. Streaming on Logitech C270 is a big ‘NO’ as it has very basic specifications.
Recording Resolution: 720p
Frame Rate: 30fps
FOV: 60-degrees
Focus: Fixed (No Auto Focus)
Microphone: Mono (In-Built)
Rotational Head: A
Special Features: A
Warranty: 2-years
The very affordable price tag
Good for attending Video calls
Decent Noise Isolation
Comes with a few tools to edit videos
Comes with 720p Resolution
Doesn’t come with an adjustable head
Poor camera quality, not suggested for professional streaming
2. Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000
(Very expensive Web camera with Low-Res Camera)
Microsoft makes very premium products, and they generally cost more. Even though they are very expensive, they last very long, thanks to Microsoft’s excellent build quality.
The same applies to the Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000 as it looks premium and comes with excellent build quality. It comes with many features, but the only disadvantage is its low video recording capability as it can capture only 720p videos at 30fps.

Features We Like:
- Widescreen With 720P HD Video
- Noise Reducing Microphone
- Truecolor Technology
- Universal Attachment
Talking about other features, Microsoft uses the TrueColor Technology, which is a special software optimization that helps in providing a bright and colorful video.
The web camera comes with a Universal attachment base that can fit on any laptop or computer without any issues. When it comes to the microphone, it has an in-built omnidirectional microphone, which helps in creating crystal clear audio and also reduces ambient noise.
Few other features include Digital pan, digital tilt, vertical tilt, swivel pan, and 4x digital zoom, and the company claims that the device is specially made for Video Chat and Recordings.
Recording Resolution: 720p 30fps
Focus: Fixed (No Auto Focus)
Microphone: Omni-Directional (In-Built)
Rotational Head: 360-degrees
Special Features: Digital pan, digital tilt, vertical tilt, swivel pan, and 4x digital zoom
Warranty: 3-years
Good for attending Video calls
Decent Noise Isolation
Comes with multiple features
Comes with 720p Resolution
Very expensive
Poor camera quality, not suggested for professional streaming
3. Microsoft Life Cam Studio
(Very expensive with decent features)
Just like the Microsoft Life Cam HD-3000, the Microsoft Life Cam Studio is well built and looks premium. It has the same expensive price tag but comes with improved specifications and features.
The biggest improvement with the Life Cam Studio is the 1080p HD sensor, which provides excellent camera quality, but the video recording is limited to 720p.

Features We Like:
- CMOS Sensor Technology
- Up to 30 Frames Per Second
- 1920 x 1080 Sensor Resolution
- 5 MP Still Images
It uses the same technology as the Life Cam HD-3000, which is none other than Microsoft’s TrueColor Technology, which is a special software optimization that helps in providing a bright and colorful video.
The web camera comes with a Wideband microphone, which generates more natural and decent sounds. Life Cam Studio comes with Auto Focus, and the company claims it has a range of four inches to infinity.
The Life Cam Studio is specially made for Business Purposes, so we cannot expect any fancy features.
Recording Resolution: 1080p
Frame Rate: 30fps
Focus: Auto Focus (Range of four inches to infinity)
Microphone: Wideband (In-Built)
Rotational Head: 360-degrees
Special Features:A
Warranty: 3-years
Supports 1080p Resolution
Excellent for Business and Streaming purposes
Decent Noise Isolation
Comes with Auto-Focus Support
Comes with three years of warranty
Very Expensive
Designed for professional use and lacks special features
4. HP w200 HD
(Web Camera with Decent Price and Features)
Just like Microsoft, HP makes premium electronics with excellent build quality. Unlike Microsoft, the products that are made by HP have a reasonable price tag.
Talking about HP w200 HD, it is the most unique and excellently designed web camera with many features. The build quality of the HP HD4310 feels premium, and it comes with a rotatable head. In addition to this, the webcam feels very flexible as it can tilt 30-degrees.

Features We Like:
- Built-in Mic
- 720p/30 Fps Webcam
- Plug and Play
- Wide-Angle View
The web camera comes with a universal stand, and it can fit on almost any computer or laptop. Talking about the camera quality, it supports 1080p Video recording along with a frame rate of 30fps.
The web camera supports Auto Focus and exposure, which are great features to have on a web camera.
HP has its special software optimization called HP TrueVision, which adjusts to changing light conditions and helps in creating a clear and bright video. The web camera comes with a Directional integrated microphone, so we generate clear and noise-free audio.
The web camera’s unique thing is its three Quick- launch buttons, which are HP Instant Image Capture, HP Instant Chat Button, and HP Instant Video, which functions very well and accurately.
Recording Resolution: 720p 30fps
Focus: Auto Focus
Microphone: Directional integrated microphone
Rotational Head: Support 30-degree tilt.
Special Features: Comes with three Quick Launch Buttons
Warranty: 1-year
Good for attending Video calls and Streaming
Decent Noise Isolation
It comes with three Quick launch buttons that perform unique actions.
Feels outdated in 2022
Comes with few compatibility issues.
5. Logitech C920 HD Pro
(Premium Web Camera made for Video calls)
Logitech C920 HD Pro is a high-quality premium web camera with excellent build and camera quality.
Logitech C920 HD Pro supports 1080p capture/recording at a refresh rate of 30fps. In addition to this, the device comes with 78-degree FOV, and users can also use the digital zoom to set a specific frame.

Features We Like:
- Auto Focus
- Automatic Noise Reduction
- Automatic low-light correction
- Full HD Glass Lens
Talking about other features, the web camera comes with Logitech’s RightLightTM 2 technology, which auto-adjusts to different lightning conditions and can generate bright, colorful images/ videos.
Talking about the microphones, the web camera comes with two microphones situated on either side of the camera, which helps capture detailed sounds and reduce ambient noise. So, the audio recording on this web camera sounds very clear and natural.
Users can also use the special software provided by Logitech called Logitech Capture, which allows you to customize recordings, adjust your camera settings, and perform multiple actions.
Recording Resolution: 1080p at 30fps
FOV: 78-degrees
Focus: Auto Focus
Microphone: Dual Microphone (In-Built)
Rotational Head: Supports Tripod
Special Features: Supports UVC H.264 Encoding and AF
Warranty: 2-year
Excellent for attending video calls (1080p at 30fps)
Decent Noise Isolation, thanks to dual microphones
Editing and recording are easy, thanks to Logitech Capture.
Comes with Carl Zeiss optics, which provides excellent image quality
Supports UVC H.264 Encoding and Auto Focus
It could be better if it comes with dedicated streaming support.
6. Logitech C922 Pro Stream – Streaming
(Web Camera made for streaming with decent features)
Logitech C922 Pro Stream is a web camera specially designed for streaming purposes. It comes with a decent build quality and looks premium too.
Logitech C922 Pro Stream supports 1080p capture/recording at a refresh rate of 30fps. When it comes to streaming, it supports 720p at a refresh rate of 60fps. In addition to this, the device comes with 78-degree FOV, and users can also use the digital zoom to set a specific frame.

Features We Like:
- Full High-Def 1080P STREAMING
- Full Stereophonics
- Works with Xsplit and OBS
- Background removal feature
When it comes to the other features, the web camera supports HD Auto Focus and light correction. The web camera can auto-adjust to different lightning conditions and can generate bright, colorful images/ videos.
Talking about the microphones, the web camera comes with two microphones situated on either side of the camera, which helps capture detailed sounds and reduce ambient noise. So, the audio recording on this web camera sounds very clear and natural.
Users can also use the special software provided by Logitech called Logitech Capture, which allows you to customize recordings, adjust your camera settings, and perform multiple actions.
The web-camera supports OBS (Open Broadcasting Software) – XSplit Broadcaster, and users can stream on YouTube, Twitch, or any other streaming sites with no issues. The company has also included a small tripod for better streaming.
Recording Resolution: 1080p at 30fps
Streaming Resolution: 720p at 60fps
FOV: 78-degrees
Focus: Auto Focus
Microphone: Dual Microphone (In-Built)
Rotational Head: Web camera comes with a Tripod
Special Features: Supports OBS and comes with a free 3-month Xsplit premium license.
Warranty: 1-year
Excellent for Streaming (720p at 60fps)
Decent Noise Isolation, thanks to dual microphones
Comes with a tripod, which helps in better streaming
It comes with a 3-month Xsplit premium license and supports OBS.
Editing and recording are easy, thanks to Logitech Capture.
Could be better if it supports 1080p streaming
Has the same design as the C920.
7. Logitech Stream Cam – Streaming
(Premium Web Camera for streaming with many features)
The new Logitech Stream Cam is a unique web camera specially designed for streaming. Just like other premium web cameras from Logitech, the Logitech Stream Cam also comes with a premium build and excellent camera quality.
The Logitech Stream Cam is specially made for professional streamers as it supports streaming at 1080p resolution with a frame rate of 60fps. Logitech Stream Cam can be considered as an upgrade to the Logitech’s C922 Pro Stream as it can stream only at 720p resolution with a frame rate of 30fps.

Features We Like:
- Stream True-to-life At 60 Fps
- Smart Auto-focus And Exposure
- Full Hd Vertical Video
- Versatile Mounting Options
- Connects With Usb-c
Logitech Stream Cam also supports Smart Auto Focus and exposure along with the Logitech’s Capture, which allows the user to customize recordings, adjust your camera settings, and perform multiple actions.
The biggest improvement seen on the Stream Cam is its Built-in electronic image stabilization, which helps keep the video/image stable in case of any movement.
The other improvement with the Logitech Stream Cam is the ability to tilt and pan, which is missing on the Logitech’s C9XX series. The Stream Cam also supports Tripod along with the standard monitor mount.
Logitech has gone creative with the Stream Cam as it can record Full HD vertical videos with a 9:16 Aspect ratio, which is amazing for Facebook, Instagram, and other social media sites. With the help of Full Video recording, the user can also make vlogs.
Talking about the microphones, the web camera comes with dual omnidirectional microphones, capturing detailed sounds and reducing ambient noise. So, the audio recording on this web camera sounds very clear and natural.
Just like the Logitech C922 Pro Stream, the Logitech Stream Cam also comes with OBS (Open Broadcasting Software) support. In addition to this, Logitech provides three-month premium XSplit Broadcaster membership, and users can stream on YouTube, Twitch, or any other streaming sites with no issues.
The company ditched the USB-A connector and replaced it with USB-C, which provides better connectivity and higher speeds.
Recording Resolution: 1080p at 60fps
Streaming Resolution: 1080p at 60fps
FOV: 78-degrees
Focus: Auto Focus (10 cm to infinity)
Microphone: Dual Omni-directional Microphone (In-Built)
Adjustability: 360-degree adjustability/ Also supports Tripod
Special Features: Supports OBS and comes with a free 3-month Xsplit premium license. Also capable of shooting FHD vertical videos
Warranty: 1-year
Perfect for Streaming (1080p at 60fps)
Excellent Build and Camera Quality
Decent Noise Isolation, thanks to dual microphones
It comes with a 3-month Xsplit premium license and supports OBS.
Editing and recording are easy, thanks to Logitech Capture.
Supports FHD Vertical video recordings
Excellent Auto Focus
Works well even in low light conditions
Users who don’t have a Thunderbolt port faced issues
For the updated price, visit Logitech Stream Cam
8. Razer Kiyo – Streaming
(Unique Webcam with special Features)
Everyone might be familiar with Razer as they make premium Gaming accessories. Almost every product from Razer is well-built with decent reviews and ratings.
Similarly, the Razer Kiyo is a specially designed web camera for streaming, and it looks unique with decent specifications. Just like other premium web cameras, Razer Kiyo has an excellent camera and build quality.
Razer Kiyo supports streaming at 1080p with a frame rate of 30fps. If the 30fps don’t feel good, the user can shift to 720p with a frame rate of 60fps.


Features We Like:
- 720p 60 FPS / 1080p 30 FPS
- Designed for Streaming
- Inbuilt Ringlight
- Adjustable Brightness
- Low-Light Performance
The Razer Kiyo also supports Auto Exposure, Auto Focus, Auto White Balance Adjustment, Neutral color representation, and Low light, thanks to special Firmware updates. Though Razer lacks premium hardware, the software optimizations and firmware updates help in improving the camera quality significantly.
When it comes to the special feature, the Razer Kiyo comes with a Ring light, which improves the image quality in dark light conditions. With the help of Razer Synapse 3, users have complete access to camera customizations. It includes customizations such as toggling between Auto and Manual Focus and adjusting Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, and White Balance.
Streaming Resolution: 1080p at 30fps/ 720p at 60fps
Focus: Auto Focus
Microphone: Omni-directional Microphone (In-Built)
Adjustability: 360-degree adjustability/ Also supports Tripod
Special Features: Comes with the ring light
Warranty: 1-year
Excellent for Streaming (1080p at 60fps)
Excellent Build and Camera Quality
Decent Noise Isolation and comes with advanced Auto Focus.
Supports Xsplit and OBS.
Wide range of customizations, thanks to Razer Synapse 3.
Works well even in low light conditions, thanks to the ring light.
Doesn’t support 1080p 60fps.
Note: Always check for warranty and customer reviews before purchasing.
All the web cameras mentioned above are some of the best web cameras for streaming and basic use. In addition to that, they have received positive reviews and ratings. If you plan to purchase a new web camera for streaming, those discussed above can be considered good options.
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We hope this list of some of the best Webcam for streaming in India was helpful and you were able to decide which webcam to buy. If you still have any questions or suggestions then feel free to reach out using the comment section.