Excelスプレッドシート(Excel spreadsheet)の予算で方程式に苦しむ時代
は終わりました。2019年です。今こそ、アプリのある場所にお金を投入するときです。ここでは、経費の追跡(expense tracking)、予算編成、またはその両方を管理するために活用できる3つの財務アプリについて学習します。

ABA Banking Journalによると、アメリカ人(Americans)の3分(two-thirds)の2は、従来のチャネル(銀行の支店、ATM(ATMs)など)よりもデジタルバンキングチャネルを好みます。私たちのデジタル時代では、請求書や領収書などの現金や紙の記録(cash and paper records)を追跡することは、現代の消費者にとって自然ではなく、より負担が大きいと感じるでしょう。
クレジットカード(credit card)を使用してAmazonで商品を購入する場合、または
通りの実店舗から商品を購入する場合。(neighborhood store)銀行プロバイダー(banking provider)のWeb(s web)またはモバイルアプリを介して自動請求書支払いを設定する場合

します!また、 Clarity(Clarity)、EveryDollar、Mintなど、(EveryDollar and Mint)予算と経費の追跡タスク(budgeting and expense tracking tasks)の知識と手作業を体系化して簡単に実行できる、無料のサブスクリプションベースのアプリがいくつかあります
Provider: Goldman Sachs
Cost: Free
すべての基準で、予算は必要ないかもしれません。(need )あなたが必要とするのはあなたの費用を追跡する方法です。そこでClarityのようなアプリが登場します。

2018年にゴールドマンサックス(Goldman Sachs)に買収されたClarity
- 現金、信用債務、投資(credit debt and investments)など、あなたの財政状態の概要
- 過去数日間に費やした金額
- 最近の収入の流れ
- ゴールドマンサックスからマーカス(Marcus)アカウントにどれだけ節約したか
- 支払いを受けるまでの日数
- 1か月の予算(調整不可。事前の計画に役立つ概要の詳細)
- どこでどのようにお金を使っているかを調べるためのインタラクティブな機能(spending money)
- (Graphs and charts)財務データを視覚化するためのグラフとチャート
- あなたのお金がどこに向かっているのかを理解するのに役立つ経常費用
- あなたが支払うサブスクリプションまたはサービスをキャンセルする機能
- 無料のクレジットスコア(credit score)!(常に素敵なエキストラ)
- リンクされているすべてのクレジットカードの概要
これらの機能のすべてではないにしてもほとんどを深く掘り下げて、財務のより詳細な視点を取得し、いくつかの深刻な経費追跡(expense tracking)を行うことができます。

ある程度の時間と労力を必要とします。(time and effort)ただし、複数のソースからこのすべての情報を手動で収集する場合と比較すると、必要な時間が大幅に短縮されます。
クラリティの長所はその短所、つまり情報過多(information overload)であるかのようです。クラリティダッシュボード(Clarity dashboard)は徹底的ですが、取り入れることが多く、慣れるまでに時間がかかります。
Clarityで発生すると思われるもう1つの不幸な問題は、銀行口座(bank account)とアプリの間の情報ストリーミングの遅延です。全体として、財務を追跡し、正しいキャッシュフローを表示するのに適切な仕事をしますが、Clarityが(Clarity)銀行口座(bank account)と同期するまでに数日かかる場合があります。
EveryDollar –Webおよびモバイル向け
Provider: Ramsey Solutions
Cost: Basic - Free; Plus - $10.75/month / $129/year


予算編成機能(budgeting feature)から進んで、 EveryDollarの良いところは、ツール以上のものであり、ナレッジベース(knowledge base)です。EveryDollarは、財務の第一人者(finance guru)であるDaveRamseyの同名の会社であるRamseySolutions(EveryDollar)によって開発され、 Ramseyの財務(Ramsey Solutions)計画と予算編成(planning and budgeting)
アプリの「赤ちゃんのステップ」セクション(Baby Steps section)で、
EveryDollarは、赤ちゃんの(EveryDollar)ステップ1(Baby Step 1)、緊急資金(Emergency Fund)から始まり、赤ちゃんのステップ7(Baby Step 7) 、富を築き、与えるまで、あなたがたどることができる目標の視覚的で段階的な旅を提供します。
つまり、Baby Step 1で(Baby Step 1)緊急資金(emergency fund)の貯蓄目標を達成すると、EveryDollarは自動的にBaby Step 2に進み、DebtSnowball(Pay Off)を使用してすべての債務を返済し(Debt Using)ます(Debt Snowball)。さらに、経済的幸福への旅を少し簡単にするための各ステップに含まれるヒントがあります。

は単なる予算ではなく、知識ベース(knowledge base)でもあるというこの考えをさらに深く掘り下げて、3番目の機能は、保険、税務サービス、退職と投資、および住宅の売買のための地元のプロバイダーを見つけるのに役立つツールを提供します。
EveryDollarの優れている点は、高度で直感的な予算機能(budget feature)であり、自分で物事を理解するだけでなく、財務上のセキュリティに向けてガイドするナレッジベースであるという大きな利点があります。(knowledge base)それで、欠点は何ですか?
経費追跡のような単純なものは、必要に応じて余分な費用がかかることになります。銀行口座とクレジットカードを接続し、サポートを受けるだけで、月額$ 10.75、または年額$ 129の費用がかかりますが、Clarityで無料で得られる費用追跡の深(Just)さ(Clarity)と幅はありません。(depth and breadth)
繰り返しになりますが、 EveryDollar(EveryDollar)を使用してメンバーシップをPlusに増やすことは、2つのアプリ(1つは経費追跡(expense tracking)用、もう1つは予算用)を保持せず、すべてを1つの非常にスマートで使いやすい1つの中央に配置したい場合に価値があり
Mint –Webおよびモバイル向け
Provider: Intuit
Cost: Free
財務をデジタル管理する方法を詳しく調べると、ツールが提供する堅牢性またはその欠如(lack thereof)にどれだけ慣れているかということになると、プロセスの多くが好みの問題であることがすぐにわかります。
しかし、予算と経費の追跡(budget and expense tracking)を管理するための究極のオールインワンアプリ(everything-in-one app)を探している場合は、Mintと(M)(Mint)競合(i)するものを見つけるのは難しいかもしれません(nt)。

、経費の追跡から予算編成、クレジットチェックまで、 (credit check)ClarityとEveryDollarが独自のフレーバーで行うすべて(everything Clarity and EveryDollar)の機能を提供します。概要ダッシュボード(overview dashboard)には、次の優れた表示が表示されます。
- アカウント
- 手形
- クレジットスコア
- 予算を作成する
- 目標
- 財務動向
- 投資
- 保存する方法
トランザクションツールは、銀行のアプリ(banking app)に表示されるものをエミュレートするので素晴らしいです。つまり、別のレイアウトや(layout or process)経費のスクロールプロセスに慣れる必要はありません。ここでのユニークな機能は、トランザクションにタグを付けて(つまり、ラベルを付けて)カテゴリにグループ化し、より高いレベルからの検索と分析を容易にする機能です。

Mintは、毎月支払われるべき請求書の簡単な概要と、利用可能な現金、利用可能なクレジット、および支払った支払いを提供します。ユニークな機能は、請求サイクルカレンダー(billing cycle calendar)です。これを使用すると、日付をクリックして請求の期日を確認したり、特定の日に支払うように通知する請求を追加したりできます。
Mintの予算編成ツールは高度ですが、 EveryDollarの予算編成ツールは移動と管理が簡単なようです。これは、ミント(Mint)が改善する領域である可能性があります。この機能についてはそれほど複雑なことはありませんが、物事を管理するためのレイアウト(s nothing)とプロセス(layout and process)は、可能な限り直感的ではありません。

、Mintの機能には、クレジットカードの借金(credit card debt)の返済、緊急時の貯蓄、新車の購入などを行う方法を決定するのに役立ついくつかの計算機があります。
Your Financial Trends)
保存する方法(Ways to
Mintが提供するもう1つの楽しいツールは、クレジットカード、口座の確認と保存、401kのロールオーバー、 (fun tool) IRA(IRAs)など、他の金融商品を閲覧して、どこで最高の価値を得ることができるかを確認する機能を提供します。これは、ミント(Mint)があなたの財政をより賢くする手助けをしようとするもう1つの方法です。

明快さは無料で、平均的な人が(Clarity)経費追跡(expense tracking)のプロセスを容易にする必要があると信じている情報を提供します。ある程度の慣れと注意が必要ですが、すべてのキャッシュフローを一元的に特定することで、財務管理を強化できます。
EveryDollarは、Excel予算(Excel budget)の機能を利用して、予算を調整するために必要な細心の作業のほとんどを隠す直感的でスマートなインターフェイスにパッケージ化します。ただし、経費の追跡が必要な場合は、その費用を支払う必要があります。
Mintは、最高の予算編成と経費追跡(budgeting and expense tracking)をバンドルして、財務を理解するあらゆる段階の人々を支援するための幅広い(breadth and depth)洞察を提供し
ます。パッケージ全体が本当に必要で、10セント硬貨を払いたくないのであれば、ミント(Mint)は夢の実現(dream come)です。しかし、週に数日を費やしてそれが提供するすべてのものを掘り下げていなければ、それから多くの価値を得ると期待することはできません。
Clarityのような高レベルのアプリは、あなたがすでに知っていることを教えてくれるかもしれませんし、Mintのようなアプリはあなたを圧倒するかもしれません。袖をまくり上げて、各アプリを自分で試してみることをお勧めします。自分に合ったものを見つけたら、デジタル時代においてよりスマートにお金を管理し始める準備が整います。(money smarter)
The Best Budgeting and Expense Tracking Apps in 2019
The days of agonizing over equations in yoυr
Excel sprеаdsheet bυdget аre over. It’s 2019, and it’s time tо put your monеy
where your app is. Here, you’ll learn about three financial appѕ you can
leverage to get yoυr expense tracking, budgeting or both under control:
But first, maybe you’re wondering why these
apps are useful and what makes them more applicable today than traditional

Why Go Digital
According to ABA Banking Journal, two-thirds of Americans prefer digital banking channels to traditional channels (e.g., bank branches, ATMs). In our digital age, keeping track of cash and paper records like bills and receipts is probably feels less natural and more burdensome to modern consumers.
If you’re going to use your credit card to
purchase goods on Amazon or even from the brick-and-mortar neighborhood store
down the street; if you’re going set up automatic bill payments through your
banking provider’s web or mobile app–doesn’t it make sense to also budget and
track expenses with a digital tool?

It does! And there are several free and
subscription-based apps available that codify the knowledge and manual work of
budgeting and expense tracking tasks so you can accomplish them with
ease–including Clarity, EveryDollar and Mint.
But as with any digitized service offering
today, there are some things you should consider when choosing the technology
you use to manage your finances, because each app has its own strengths and
weaknesses. Let’s look at what each of the apps we’re discussing brings to the
Clarity – For Web and Mobile
Provider: Goldman Sachs
Cost: Free
Maybe you already have a good grasp of what your regular expenses are; you commit a standard amount to savings each month; you know not to spend over a certain amount of your income before your next paycheck, ensuring you’re prepared for the unexpected.
By all standards, you may not need a budget. What you do need is a way to track your expenses. Here’s where an app like Clarity comes in.

Acquired by Goldman Sachs in 2018, Clarity
offers you an advanced way to manage your multiple bank accounts, bills and
other transactions in one place, giving you a single pane of glass through
which you can view your financial history as well as see where and how your
money is moving as it enters and leaves your accounts. Here’s the kind of clarity
it provides:
- An overview of your financial status, including cash, credit debt and investments
- How much you’ve spent in the last few days
- Recent income flow
- How much you have saved in your Marcus account from Goldman Sachs
- How many days until you get paid
- A monthly budget (unadjustable; more of an overview to help you plan ahead)
- An interactive feature to explore where and how you’re spending money
- Graphs and charts to visualize your financial data
- Recurring expenses to help you understand where your money is going
- The ability to cancel subscriptions or services you pay for
- Free credit score! (Always a nice extra)
- An overview of all your linked credit cards
You can dig deeper into most if not all these
features to get a more detailed perspective of your finances and do some
serious expense tracking.

With so many features and functions, Clarity
will require some time and effort to understand the information the app
provides. But when compared with gathering all this information manually from
across multiple sources, it greatly reduces the time required.
That’s all great. So, what’s the downside?
It’s almost as if Clarity’s strength is its weakness: information overload. While the Clarity dashboard is thorough, it can be a lot to take in, which takes some getting used to.
Due to the amount of information displayed in several charts and graphs or contained in several widgets–all in one place–it’s inevitable you’ll end up homing in on three or four specific sections of the dashboard and neglecting the rest.
Another unfortunate issue that seems to occur with Clarity is the delay in information streaming between your bank accounts and the app. Overall, it does a decent job keeping track of finances and displaying the correct cash flows, but there have been cases where it takes a couple days for Clarity to be in sync with your bank account.
If you aren’t keeping track of your bank accounts directly, this could lead you to believe you have more or less money than you actually do.
Despite these small caveats, Clarity provides
plenty of options for where to focus your attention in expense tracking. If you
treat the app as an expense tracking tool to enhance rather than coordinate
financial management with, the benefits are great for the average person who doesn’t have time
or care to get into the weeds or be overly meticulous with budgeting.
EveryDollar – For Web and Mobile
Provider: Ramsey Solutions
Cost: Basic - Free; Plus - $10.75/month / $129/year
Are you a shopaholic? Do you struggle staying
organized? Maybe one, or both, of these traits is making it difficult to pay
bills and purchase necessities on a month-to-month basis. Just tracking
expenses won’t keep you in line. You need something to direct your actions: a
Then again, maybe you’ve already tried this. “It doesn’t work. I can’t stick to it,” you say. You’re not alone. A Gallup poll found only one in three Americans keep a long-term budget.
But with an app like EveryDollar, budgeting can be simplified, even made enjoyable believe it or not, which can put you in that 33 or so percent of Americans who diligently plan their finances. Soon enough, you’ll be kicking bad habits of overspending and be watching your savings grow.

EveryDollar is perfect for anyone new to
budgeting, but it’s also a great tool for the Excel pros who want details. It
provides a templated budget that’s smart enough to remember recurring expenses
and input them for you each month, plus calculate increases or decreases in
savings, investments and debt based on input values. Additionally, you can
tweak the template to include more unique budget items that aren’t already
Essentially, EveryDollar takes Excel’s
equations and cells and puts them behind a modern interface that’s easy for
anyone to understand. The beauty of the app is all you have to do is point and
click and enter data inputs.

Moving on from the budgeting feature, what’s
nice about EveryDollar is it’s more than tool–it’s a knowledge base. Developed
by finance guru Dave Ramsey’s namesake company, Ramsey Solutions, EveryDollar
embodies all the best practice from Ramsey’s years of experience in financial
planning and budgeting.
Under the Baby Steps section of the app,
EveryDollar provides a visual, phased journey of goals you can follow, starting
with Baby Step 1, Emergency Fund, and ending with Baby Step 7, Build Wealth and
Again, the app is smart enough to keep track of where you are on this journey based on what it processes from your budget.
That is, once you reach the savings goal for an emergency fund in Baby Step 1, EveryDollar will automatically move you forward to Baby Step 2, Pay Off All Debt Using the Debt Snowball. Additionally, there are tips included for each step to make your journey towards financial well-being a little easier.

Moving deeper into this idea that EveryDollar
is more than just a budget and also a knowledge base, a third feature offers
tools to help you find local providers for insurance, tax services, retirement
and investing, and buying and selling a home.
What’s great about EveryDollar is the advanced
but intuitive budget feature with the huge plus of being a knowledge base that
guides you towards financial security, rather than just leaving you to figure
things out on your own. So, what’s the downside?
Something as simple as expense tracking ends up costing you extra if you want it. Just to connect your bank accounts and credit cards, as well as receive support, will cost you $10.75 a month, or $129 a year, and not for the depth and breadth of expense tracking you get with Clarity for free.
Then again, boosting your membership to Plus
with EveryDollar could be worth it if you’d rather not keep two apps–one for
expense tracking, one for budgeting–and would prefer to keep everything
centrally located in one very smart and easy-to-understand app.
Mint – For Web and Mobile
Provider: Intuit
Cost: Free
As you delve into the practice of digitally managing finances, you’ll quickly come to understand much of the process is a matter of preference when it comes to how comfortable you are with the robustness, or lack thereof, a tool offers.
But if you’re looking for the ultimate everything-in-one app to manage your budget and expense tracking, it might be difficult to find anything competitive to Mint.

Mint offers everything Clarity and EveryDollar
do in its own flavor, from expense tracking to budgeting to a credit check. In
your overview dashboard, you get a nice display of:
- Accounts
- Bills
- Credit score
- Create budgets
- Goals
- Financial trends
- Investments
- Ways to save
But as with Clarity, there’s a lot to dig into
here. What’s different is Mint is more robust once you start digging. In
general, Mint is insanely more detailed than the two other apps we’ve covered
here, but its makers at Intuit are also conscious of the people who don’t have
time to dig into and understand that level of detail and prefer a higher level
view with some direction.
Here are some examples of features Mint
The transactions tool is fantastic, as it
emulates what you would see in a banking app, which means you don’t have to
worry about getting used to a different layout or process of scrolling through
expenses. A unique feature here is the ability to tag (i.e., label)
transactions to group them into categories, making them easier to find and
analyze from a higher level.

Mint gives you a simple overview of bills due
each month as well as cash available, credit available, and payments you’ve
made. A unique feature is a billing cycle calendar that allows you click on dates
to see if/when bills are due as well as add bills you want to be notified of to
pay on specific dates.
While Mint’s budgeting tool is advanced,
EveryDollar’s seems easier to move through and manage. This could be an area
for Mint to improve upon. There’s nothing too complex about the feature, but
the layout and process for managing things aren’t as intuitive as they could

This is a fun tool comparable to EveryDollar’s
Baby Steps, but perhaps even more robust. The difference is in content. Unlike
EveryDollar, Mint’s feature offers several calculators to help you determine
how to accomplish paying off credit card debt, saving for an emergency, buying
a new car and much, much more.
Your Financial Trends
This is where you can generate graphs to
visualize your finances. Unlike Clarity, you have more options for
customization across spending, income, net income, assets, debts and net worth,
which can help you build a better understanding of everything. If it sounds
like a lot, don’t worry, Mint offers suggestions for graphs to try, knowing not
everyone is going to have time to analyze 50 different visuals.
Ways to
Here’s another fun tool Mint offers, giving
you the ability to browse other financial products–credit cards, checking and
saving accounts, 401k rollovers, IRAs and more–to see where you can get the
best bang for your buck. It’s just one more way Mint tries to help you be
smarter with your finances.
But keep in mind, to be as smart as Mint
allows you to be with your finances, you have to be willing to spare the time
and effort.

Clarity is free and gives you the information it believes the average person
needs to ease the process of expense tracking. It takes some getting used to
and some attention, but it can enhance your financial management by centrally
locating all your cash flows.
EveryDollar takes the capabilities of an Excel budget and packages them into an
intuitive and smart interface that hides most of the meticulous work required
to coordinate a budget. But if you want expense tracking, you’ll have to pay
for it.
Mint bundles together the best of budgeting and expense tracking to offer a
breadth and depth of insight to help people at every stage of understanding
their finances. If you truly want the entire package and don’t want to pay a
dime, Mint is a dream come true. But you can’t expect to get much value from it
if you’re not spending a few days a week delving into everything it
Deciding which app is right for you comes down to preference and understanding what level of guidance you need to help you stay on track.
An app as high-level as Clarity might just tell you what you already know, or an app like Mint might just overwhelm you. Our recommendation is to roll up your sleeves and try each app for yourself. Once you find your fit, you’ll be ready to start managing money smarter in the digital age.