毎日のワークアウトは、今日の時間の必需品です。これは、私たち全員が、私たちの体が常に形を整えていることを確認するために、最も厳格で最も栄養価の高い食事に正確に従わないためです。時々 、私たちはいつもピザのスライスや燃えるようなチートス(Cheetos)の大きなパケットを持ってソファでくつろぎ、罪のある喜びの世話をしています。そのため、開発者は、ユーザー向けにAndroid向けの最高のフィットネスアプリとトレーニングアプリをいくつか考案しました。

Android用のベストフィットネスおよびワークアウトアプリ10(2022)(10 Best Fitness and Workout Apps for Android (2022))
#1。あなたはマーク・ローレン(Mark Lauren)によるあなた自身のジムです(Gym)

主にYAYOG(YAYOG)と呼ばれ、在宅フィットネスレジメンに従うことを好むAndroidユーザーにとって最高のトレーニングアプリの1つです。このアプリは、すべてのアクセスで、あなたの体のすべての骨を解決するためのすべての最高の体重運動を提供します。このアプリは、マーク・ローレンの体重運動に関するベストセラーの本に触発されています。マーク・ローレンは、(Mark Lauren)米国(United)でエリートレベルの特殊(States)作戦(Ops)兵士を訓練しながら、体重を使って運動するための最良の方法を集めました。
このアプリケーションをダウンロードすると、さまざまな強度とレベルの200以上の体重のエクササイズのビデオチュートリアルを含むステップバイステップガイドを入手できます。このアプリは、ビデオワークアウトにアクセスできるようにするMarkLaurenトレーニングDVDと統合されています(Mark Lauren)。無料のビデオパックは、GooglePlay(Google)ストアの「YAYOGビデオパック」でも入手できます。
それ以外の場合、アプリのフルバージョンは有料のものであり、アプリ内購入として4.99ドル+追加のバリエーションで評価されます。これは1回限りの支払いです。このアプリは、 GooglePlayストア(Google Play Store)で4.1つ星という素晴らしい評価を得ています。
だから、あなたがあなたのジムになり、それらの筋肉をうまく鍛えたいのなら、マーク・ローレンの(Mark Lauren)YAYOGはあなたにとって良い選択です。
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最高のサービスの1つは常にGoogleによって提供されます。フィットネスと健康の面でも、Googleには市場で最高のアプリケーションの1つとして認定されているアプリケーションがあります。Google Fitは、(Google)世界保健機関(World Health Organization)および米国心臓協会(American Heart Association)と協力して、最高のフィットネス基準と最も信頼性の高い基準を提供します。アクティビティの目標であるハートポイント(Heart Points)と呼ばれるユニークな機能をもたらします。
Google Fitには、中程度のアクティビティを実行するためのハートポイントと、激しいアクティビティを実行するためのより高いポイントを与える革新的なテクニックがあります。また、すべてのアクティビティのトラッカーとして機能し、フィットネスを向上させるためのカスタマイズされたヒントを提供します。このアプリケーションは、 Strava(Strava)、Nike+、WearOS by Google、LifeSum、MyFitnessPal、Runkeepeerなどの他のサードパーティアプリとの統合をサポートしています。このようにして、 GoogleFit(Google)アプリに組み込まれていない有酸素運動やその他の優れた機能を最適に追跡できます。
このAndroidフィットネスおよびワークアウトアプリは、スマートウォッチなどのハードウェアもサポートしています。XiaomiMiBandsとスマートアップルウォッチを(Xiaomi Mi Bands)GoogleFitに接続できます。
Google Fitアプリは3.8つ星の評価を獲得しており、GooglePlayストア(Google Play Store)からダウンロードできます。このアプリは、広告やアプリ内購入なしで無料で利用できます。
アプリと互換性のあるスマートウォッチを使用している場合は、 Androidにこのアプリケーションをインストールすることをお勧めします。それは実際に健康とフィットネスを改善するための素晴らしいパーソナライズされたコーチとして機能します。
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#3。ナイキトレーニングクラブ–ホームトレーニング(Club – Home workouts)とフィットネスプラン

スポーツ業界で最高の名前の1つに支えられている-ナイキトレーニング(Nike Training)クラブは、最高のAndroidサードパーティフィットネスおよびトレーニングアプリの1つです。最高のフィットネスプランは、トレーニングのライブラリを使用して作成できます。腹筋、上腕三頭筋、上腕二頭筋、大腿四頭筋、腕、肩など、さまざまな筋肉を対象とした個別のエクササイズがあります。ヨガ(Yoga)、筋力、持久力、可動性など、さまざまなカテゴリから選択できます。ワークアウトのタイミングは次のとおりです。カスタマイズ方法に応じて、15〜45分。実行したい各エクササイズの時間ベースまたは担当者ベースの分類を行うことができます。
Nike Run Clubを使用して、ランニングを追跡することもできます。
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Android向けのサードパーティのフィットネスアプリは、Androidウェアやスマートウォッチなどのデバイスを完全にサポートしています。アプリを使用している友達とつながり、ラン、トロフィー、バッジ、その他の成果を友達と共有し、チャレンジすることもできます。Nike Run ClubAndroidアプリをGoogleFitアプリと同期(Google)して、心拍数データを記録できます。
このAndroidアプリケーションは、Google Playストアで4.6つ星の評価を得ており、市場で最高のアプリケーションの1つです。Playストアから無料でダウンロードできます。
屋外でのランニングが好きで、継続的に改善に挑戦している場合は、ナイキランクラブ(Nike Run Club)が極限のフィットネスの道へと導きます。
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#5。FitNotes –ジムワークアウトログ

フィットネスとトレーニングのためのこのシンプルで直感的なAndroidアプリは、アプリ市場のトレーニングトラッカーで最高です。このアプリはGooglePlayストア(Google Play Store)で4.8つ星の評価を受けており、これが私の主張を証明しています。このアプリは、非常にシンプルなユーザーインターフェイスを備えたすっきりとしたデザインです。ワークアウトを計画および追跡するために作成したすべての紙のメモを置き換えることができます。
数回タップするだけで、ワークアウトログを表示およびナビゲートできます。セットやログにメモを添付できます。アプリは、音と振動を備えた休憩タイマーを備えています。Fit notesアプリは、進捗状況を追跡するためのグラフを作成し、個人記録の詳細な分析を提供します。これにより、フィットネスの目標を簡単に設定できます。このアプリには、プレート電卓などの優れたスマートツールのセットもあります。
このすべてのデータを簡単にバックアップし、DropboxやGoogleドライブ(Google Drive)などのクラウドサービスを介して同期します。データベースとトレーニングログをCSV(CSV)形式でエクスポートする場合は、それも可能です。このアプリには、熱心なジム愛好家やフィットネス愛好家がトレーニングを追跡するために必要なものがすべて含まれています。
Fit notesアプリは、GooglePlayストアから無料でダウンロードできます。アプリケーションにはプレミアムバージョンがあります-$4.99、これはアプリケーションに高度な機能を追加しません。
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新鮮なコンセプトと非常に実用的なコンセプトを備えた無料のフィットネスコーチ。AndroidおよびiOSユーザー向けのこのアプリは、ハンズフリーのオーディオコーチングアプリケーションです。携帯電話を何度も使用してワークアウトを記録し、特定のエクササイズを実行することは、少し中断があり、時間がかかる手順になる可能性があります。これが、 PEAR(PEAR)パーソナルフィットネスコーチがオーディオコーチング体験を信じている理由です。
このアプリは、シンプルでありながらスマートなインターフェースとデザインを備えています。PEARパーソナル(PEAR Personal)フィットネスコーチのパーソナライズされたトレーニングを高く評価しているユーザーは世界中にいます。彼らがオーディオコーチングに使用した本物の人間の声は、あなたがジムのトレーナーによって直接コーチングされているように感じさせます。
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優れたアプリが無料で利用できるようになると、それらを使用する喜びは自動的に2倍になります。ゾンビラン(Zombie)は、それら(Run)のAndroidアプリの1つの優れた例です。これらの健康とフィットネスのアプリは、代替現実ゲームでもあります。世界中で500万人以上がダウンロードしており、ダウンロード可能なGooglePlay(Google Play)ストアで4.2つ星の評価を受けています。アプリが採用した新鮮で楽しいアプローチは、ユーザーにとって魅力的なものです。これはフィットネスアプリですが、アドベンチャーゾンビゲームでもあり、あなたが主人公です。このアプリは、プレイリストからアドレナリンを高める曲を伴って、オーディオで超没入型ゾンビドラマのミックスをもたらします。ゾンビランド(Zombieland)のヒーローとして自分を想像してみてください続編、そしてそれらのカロリーを速く失うために走り続けます。
このAndroidフィットネスアプリケーションは、 Wear OSbyGoogle(Wear OS)とも互換性があります(Google)。このアプリケーションをダウンロードするには、Android5.0以降が必要です。あなたが走っている間あなたを追跡するために、GPSはまたアプリによってアクセスされる必要があります。(GPS)これにより、アプリがバックグラウンドで長時間実行されると、バッテリーの消耗が早くなる可能性があります。
このゲームにはプロバージョンがあり、月額約$ 3.99、年額約$24.99です。
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#8。WORKIT –ジムログ(WORKIT – Gym Log)、ワークアウトトラッカー(Workout Tracker)、フィットネストレーナー(Fitness Trainer)

Work Itが提供するいくつかのクールなツールは、ウェイトプレート計算機、セットのストップウォッチ、振動のあるレストタイマーです。このアプリのプレミアムバージョンでは、デザインにさまざまな色のテーマ、6つの暗いテーマ、6つの明るい色のテーマが用意されています。
バックアップ機能を使用すると、トレーニングに関する以前のワークアウト、履歴、データベースから、Androidスマートフォンまたは(Android)Googleドライブ(Google Drive)などのクラウドサービスのストレージにすべてのログを復元してバックアップできます。
このサードパーティのワークアウトアプリは、 GooglePlay(Google)ストアですばらしいレビューと4.5つ星の星評価を獲得しています。プレミアムバージョンは比較的安価で、最大4.99ドルかかる可能性があります。
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定期的に走ったり、ジョギングしたり、歩いたり、サイクリングしたりする人は、 AndroidデバイスにRunkeeperアプリをインストールする必要があります。あなたはこのアプリであなたのすべてのトレーニングをうまく追跡することができます。トラッカーはGPSと連携して、屋外の有酸素運動を毎日行っている間、リアルタイムの更新を提供します。さまざまなパラメーターで目標を設定できます。Runkeeperアプリは、適切な量の献身的な姿勢で、目標をより早く達成するように指導します。
フィットネスアプリは、音楽用のSpotifyなどの他のいくつかのアプリケーションや、 (Spotify)MyFitnessPalやFitBitなどの健康アプリと統合できます。その他の機能には、一部のスマートウォッチモデルとの互換性とBluetooth接続があります。
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Fitbitが世界にもたらしたスポーツスマートウォッチについては、誰もが聞いたことがあるでしょう。しかし、それだけではありません。Fitbitには、 (Fitbit)Fitbitコーチと呼ばれるiOSユーザーだけでなくAndroidユーザー向けの優れたフィットネスおよびトレーニングアプリケーションもあります。Fitbit Coachアプリは、 (Fitbit Coach)Fitbitウォッチからより多くのものを引き出すのに役立ちますが、持っていない場合でも、しばらくの間価値がある可能性があります。
Fitbitラジオは、さまざまなステーションと優れた音楽を提供して、ワークアウト中に元気を取り戻します。このアプリの無料版だけでも、ユーザーに提供できるものがたくさんあります。年間39.99ドルのプレミアムバージョンでは、より早く身を乗り出すためのカスタマイズされたトレーニングプログラムが多数提供されます。1回のパーソナルトレーニングセッションの費用は、 Fitbit(Fitbit)プレミアムの年間料金全体よりも高くなる可能性があるため、この金額に見合う価値があります。しかし、これはより効果的です。
Fitbit Coachアプリは、GooglePlayストアで4.1つ星の評価で入手できます(Google)。アプリは英語(English)、フランス語(French)、ドイツ語(German)、ポルトガル語(Portuguese)、スペイン語(Spanish)でもご利用いただけます。
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#11。JEFIT Workout Tracker、ウェイトリフティング(Weight Lifting)、ジムログアプリ(Gym Log App)

Android向けの(Android)ベストフィットネス(Best Fitness)およびワークアウトアプリの次のリストは、JEFITワークアウト(JEFIT Workout)トラッカーです。Androidユーザー(users)が利用できるようにするすべての機能を備えているため、ワークアウトルーチンとトレーニングセッションの追跡が非常に簡単になります。最高のフィットネス(Fitness)と健康(Health)アプリに対して、 GooglePlayのエディターズチョイスアワードとメンズフィットネスアワードを受賞しました。(Fitness)ユーザー評価は4.4つ星で、世界中から約800万人以上のユーザーがいます。(users)
このアプリケーションの主な機能には、休憩タイマー、インターバル(Interval)タイマー、身体(Body)、時間と距離の測定(time & distance measurement)ログ、カスタマイズされたトレーニングプログラム、毎月のフィットネスチャレンジ、減量目標の設定、進捗レポート、分析、JEFITのカスタムジャーナル、ソーシャルでの簡単な共有などがあります。フィード。
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- ホームワークアウト-機器なし
- カロリーカウンター-MyFitnessPal
- Sworkitワークアウトとフィットネスプラン
- フィットネスワークアウトトレーナーをマッピングする
- Strava GPS:ランニング、サイクリング、アクティビティトラッカー
10 Best Fitness and Workout Apps for Android (2022)
Working out every day is now a mυst in todаy’s time. This is becauѕe all of υs do not exactly follow the strictest and most nutritiouѕ diets to make sure that our body is in shapе all the time. Now and then, we always find ourselves with a pizza slice or a big packet оf fiery Cheetos, lоunging on the couch and looking after our guilty pleasυres. That is whу developers have come up wіth some of the best Fitness and workout aрps for android, for its users.
Be it a gym workout or an at-home workout; it should always be a well-guided one. Even the necessary fitness tips should be followed on a daily basis. That is where workout and fitness applications come in handy. These third-party apps act as great instructors that keep you on a good gym routine and diet with the right amount of self-discipline.
A good amount of self-discipline and self-control in your fitness regime with the guidance of a virtual trainer is all you need to keep your muscles, stamina, and immune system in check. Especially if you have issues related to cholesterol, blood pressure, sugar, obesity, etc., you need to address the problem and act towards it. An active lifestyle is essential to living a healthy and disease-free life.

If you possess a good amount of necessary gym equipment at home like a cardio machine or some dumbbells, you will find no need to visit the gym. These applications will help you out with all the different exercises you can perform with limited equipment.
In case you visit the gym, you can follow a step-by-step guide of all the exercises you should perform in the time you have.
These fitness android apps act as great health managers who monitor your every workout and tell you its results. You will be able to achieve your weight and fitness goals a lot faster if you use these applications. They will also help a great deal if you have been leading a sedentary lifestyle and wish to get your life on track again.
10 Best Fitness and Workout Apps for Android (2022)
Here is a list of some of the best fitness and workout apps in 2022:
#1. You Are Your Own Gym by Mark Lauren

Mostly referred to as YAYOG, it is one of the best workout apps for android users who prefer following a homebound fitness regimen. This app puts all the best bodyweight exercises to work out every bone in your body, all at your access. The app has been inspired by mark Lauren’s best-selling book on bodyweight exercises. Mark Lauren collected the best ways to work out using bodyweight while training elite-level Special Ops soldiers in the United States.
If you download this application, you get a step-by-step guide with video tutorials for over 200+ bodyweight exercises of different intensities and levels. The app is integrated with the Mark Lauren training DVD’s which make the video workouts accessible to you. The free video pack is also available on the Google play store- “YAYOG Video pack.”
Coming to the You Are Your Own Gym App’s user interface, and it isn’t the most impressive one. It comes off as a little old and outdated. If you are more towards the quality of content, you can still go in for this holistic body training app.
The full version of the app is otherwise a paid one, which is rated at $4.99 + additional variants as in-app purchases. This is a one-time payment. The app has a great rating of 4.1-stars on the Google Play Store.
So, if you want to be your gym and work out those muscles well, then YAYOG by Mark Lauren is a good pick for you.
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#2. Google Fit

One of the best services is always offered by Google. Even for fitness and health, Google has an application that qualifies as one of the best in the market. Google fit collaborates with the World Health Organization and the American Heart Association to bring you the best fitness standards and the most reliable ones. It brings a unique feature called Heart Points, an activity goal.
The Google fit has an innovative technique of giving your heart points for performing any moderate activity and higher for intense activities. It also acts as a tracker for all activities and gives customized tips to improve your fitness. The application supports integration with other third-party apps like Strava, Nike+, WearOS by Google, LifeSum, MyFitnessPal, and Runkeepeer. This way, you can get the best tracking for cardio and other great features that aren’t built in the Google fit app.
This android fitness and workout app also supports hardware like smartwatches. Xiaomi Mi Bands and smart apple watches can be connected to Google Fit.
The app allows you to keep a record of all activity; all your history is maintained within the app. You can set benchmarks for yourself, and improve activity day by day, till you reach your fitness goals.
The Google Fit app scores a 3.8-star rating and is available for download on the Google Play Store. The app is available free of cost without any ads or in-app purchases.
I would suggest you install this application for your Android if you use a smartwatch that is compatible with the app. It will actually act as a great personalized coach to improve health and fitness.
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#3. Nike Training Club – Home workouts & fitness plans

Backed by one of the best names in the sports industry- Nike Training club is one of the best Android third-party fitness and workout apps. The best fitness plans can be created with the library of workouts. They have separate exercises, aiming at different muscles- abs, triceps, biceps, quads, arms, shoulders, etc. You can pick from a variety of categories- Yoga, strength, endurance, mobility, etc. The timing of the workout ranges from 15 to 45 minutes, according to how you customize it. You can either go in for a time-based or rep-based classification of each exercise that you wish to do.
When you download the app, it asks you if you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced person. If you wish to work out at home, you can choose from Bodyweight, light, or heavy equipment options, according to what is available.
I highly suggest this app to beginners who wish to shed some weight on their own. The Nike training club gives immense guidance with its 6 Weeks guide to get lean. If you plan to get in extreme shape and get strong abs, they have a separate guide for that as well. The app gives personalized recommendations based on your progress in the workout plans.
You can track your runs as well, with the Nike Run Club.
This is a great intensive fitness planner, recommended by all its users worldwide. You get everything that a trainer will provide you and more at the price of $0. The app has a rating of 4.2-stars on the google play store, where it is available for download.
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#4. Nike Run Club

This app integrated with the Nike training club app for android will give you a great all-around training platform for fitness and health. This app is mostly concentrating on cardio activity outdoors. You can get the most from your runs every day with great music to give you the right adrenaline pump. It coaches your workouts too. The app has a GPS run tracker, which will also guide your runs with audio.
The app continually challenges you to perform better and plans out customized coaching charts. It provides you with real-time feedback during your runs, too. You get a detailed look into each of your runs. Every time you crush your goals, you unlock achievements that keep you going and motivated.
The third-party fitness app for Android is fully supportive of android wears and devices like smartwatches. You can even connect with your friends who use the app, share your runs, trophies, badges, and other achievements with them, and challenge them. You can sync the Nike Run Club Android app with the Google fit app to record heart rate data.
This android application is one of the best in the market, with a 4.6-star rating on the google play store. It is available for free download on the play store.
If you love running outdoors and continuously challenging yourself to improve, Nike Run Club will guide you to that path of extreme fitness.
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#5. FitNotes – Gym Workout Log

This simple yet intuitive Android app for fitness and workout is the absolute best in the app market’s workout tracker. The app has a 4.8-star rating on Google Play Store, which proves my point. This app has a clean design with a very simple user interface. You can replace all paper notes that you make to plan and track workouts.
You can view and navigate workout logs in just a few taps. You can attach notes to your sets and logs. The app features a rest timer with sound as well as vibrations. The Fit notes app creates graphs for you to track your progress and gives an in-depth analysis of personal records. This makes it a lot easier for you to set fitness goals. There is also a good set of smart tools in this app, like the plate calculator.
You can plan your day at the gym by creating routines and all the exercises that you wish to log that day. You can add both cardio as well as resistance exercises.
Easily backup all this data and sync it through cloud services like Dropbox or Google Drive. If you wish to export your database and training logs in CSV format, that is also possible. The app has everything that an avid gym-goer or fitness enthusiast needs to keep track of their workouts.
The Fit notes app is free for download on the Google Play store. There is a premium version for the application- $4.99, which does not add any advanced features to the application.
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#6. Pear Personal Fitness Coach

A free, fitness coach that comes with a fresh concept and also a very practical one. This app for android as well as iOS users, is a hands-free audio coaching application. Using your mobile phones, again and again, to log workouts and work through a particular exercise can be a little interruptive and time taking procedure. This is why the PEAR personal fitness coach believes in an audio-coaching experience.
A full library of great workout routines, coached by World champions and Olympians, keeps you motivated and efficient. The app can be integrated with various fitness trackers and smartwatches to give you the full workout experience.
The app has a simple yet smart interface and design. There are users across the globe who have appreciated PEAR Personal fitness coach for its personalized training. The real-human voice they have used for audio coaching really makes you feel like you are being coached by a gym trainer in person.
This app was recently launched, and I think it sounds like a great idea if you don’t like wasting a lot of time on your phones while working out.
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#7. Zombies, Run!

When great apps are available free of cost, the joy of using them automatically doubles. Zombie, Run is a great example of one of those android apps. These health and fitness apps are also an alternative reality games. It has been downloaded by five million-plus people worldwide and has a 4.2-star rating on the Google Play store, where it is available for download. The fresh and fun approach taken by the app has been an appealing one for its users. This is a fitness app, but also it is an adventure zombie game, and you are the protagonist. The app brings you a mix of ultra-immersive zombie drama on audio, accompanied by adrenaline-boosting songs from your playlist. Imagine yourself as the hero in a Zombieland sequel, and keep running to lose those calories fast.
You can run at any speed you wish but still, feel like you are all a part of the game with zombies on your trail. You need to pick up supplies on your way to save 100s of lives that are counting on your heroism. Every time you run, you will be automatically collecting all these. Once you are back to base, you can use the vitals collected by you to build a post-apocalypse society.
You can even Activate chases to make things more exciting. When you hear the voices of scary zombies closing in on you, run faster, speed up, or you will be one of them soon!
Apart from giving you an exciting game experience, the Zombie, the run app provides you a detailed statistic of your runs and your progress in the game.
This android fitness application is also compatible with Wear OS by Google. To download this application, you need an Android 5.0 or higher. The GPS also needs to be accessed by the app to track you while you run. This may result in fast battery drainage if the app runs in the background for too long.
There is a pro version for this game, which costs around $3.99 per month and approximately $24.99 per year.
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#8. WORKIT – Gym Log, Workout Tracker, Fitness Trainer

A quick and easy way to make your fully personalized workouts is through the Workit app for android users. The application has some great features like detailed graphs and a visualizer for all the gains and progress. You can log your body fat and body weight every day to keep track of it all. It can even calculate your BMI automatically. It records your bodyweight progress in graphs to give you a clearer picture of where you stand and where you should.
It has various popular workout programs to choose from, and you can also make your ones. Perform all your exercises and record them all with a single tap.
This fitness and health android app acts as a personal coach. Be it a home workout or a gym workout; it will help you improve your training with personalized inputs. You can create routines for yourself with cardio, bodyweight, and lifting categories or even mix them up according to your requirement.
Some cool tools offered by Work It is the weight plate calculator, stopwatch for your sets, and rest timer with vibrations. The premium version of this app offers a variety of colored themes for its design, 6 dark themes, and 6 light-colored ones.
The backup feature allows you to restore and backup all your logs from earlier workouts, history, and databases about the training to your storage on the Android phone or cloud services like Google Drive.
This third-party workout app has great reviews and a stellar rating of 4.5 stars on the Google play store. The premium version is relatively cheap and can cost you up to $4.99.
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#9. Runkeeper

If you are someone who runs, jogs, walks, or cycles regularly, you should have the Runkeeper app installed on your Android devices. You can track all your workouts well with this app. The tracker works with a GPS to give you real-time updates while you do your outdoor cardio regime every day. You can set goals in different parameters, and the Runkeeper app will coach you well to achieve them faster, with the right amount of dedication from your side.
They have all these challenges and rewards to keep you motivated. You can share all your achievements with your friends and try to boost them up a little too! The app will show you detailed graphs of your progress in numerical data and stats.
If you have a running group, you can create one on the Runkeeper app and create challenges and track each other progress to stay on top always. You can even chat on the app to cheer each other and motivate.
An audio cue feature comes with a motivating human voice telling you your distance covered, your pace, and the time you have taken. The GPS feature saves, discovers, and makes new routes for your outdoor walks or jogs. A stopwatch is also there to log your sets.
The fitness app can integrate with several other applications like Spotify for your music or health apps like MyFitnessPal and FitBit. Some more features are compatibility with some smartwatch models and also Bluetooth connectivity.
The list of features that Runkeeper offers you is very long, so you can visit the Google play store to know more about it. The play store rates it at 4.4-stars. This android application has a free version and a paid version as well. The paid version stands at $9.99 per month and almost $40 per year.
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#10. Fitbit Coach

We all have heard of the sports smartwatches that Fitbit has brought to the world. But that is not all they have to offer. Fitbit also has great fitness and workout application for android users as well as iOS users called the Fitbit coach. The Fitbit Coach app will help you bring out more from your Fitbit watch, but even if you do not have one, it can be worth your while.
It has a great set of dynamic workouts and offers you hundreds of routines, depending on what part of your body you wish to exercise on a day. The Fitbit coach offers personalized recommendations and gives feedback based on your logged sets and past workouts. Even if you want to stay home and do some bodyweight exercises, this app will greatly help. The app is constantly updated with new workout routines, so you never need to do the same routine twice.
The Fitbit radio offers various stations and good music to keep you pumped and energetic during the workout. The free version of this app alone has a lot to offer to its users. The premium version, which stands at $39.99 per year, will provide you with a bunch of customized training programs to get lean faster. It is worth the money as the cost of a single personal training session might be more than the entire yearly charge of Fitbit premium. But this is more effective.
The Fitbit Coach app is available on the Google play store at a 4.1-star rating. The app is available in English, French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish also.
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#11. JEFIT Workout Tracker, Weight Lifting, Gym Log App

Next on our list for the Best Fitness and workout apps for Android is the JEFIT Workout tracker. It makes tracking of workout routines and training sessions so easy with all the features that it makes available to its Android users. It was given the google play Editor’s choice award and Men’s Fitness award for the best Fitness and Health app. It has a user rating of 4.4-stars and almost 8 million-plus users from all around the globe.
The top features of this application include rest timers, Interval timers, Body, time & distance measurement logs, customized workout programs, monthly challenges for fitness, set weight loss goals, progress reports, and analysis, JEFIT’s custom journal, and sharing easily on social feeds.
You can find programs for any level of fitness, be it a beginner or an advanced. They have a large variety of 1300 exercises with full high-definition video tutorials of how to perform them correctly. You can backup and restore all data of training sessions through cloud services like google drive. You can share progress with friends and your instructors at the gym.
The JEFIT workout tracker is essentially a free app, but it has in-app purchases and also some annoying ads now and then. All over, I suggest this as a perfect option if you wish to stay in shape and want to create your own custom workout plans.
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To conclude this article on the best fitness and workout apps for Android users in 2022, I would like to say that expensive gym memberships and personal trainers can be an unnecessary splurge when technology stands at our disposal. There are so many great apps out there to record our runs and walks. They can track all our workouts, tell us how many calories we have approximately lost, or give us precise feedback for our daily routines. They do play a significant role in keeping us motivated to maintain an active lifestyle.
Some other great apps that I have not mentioned in the list are:
- Home Workout- No equipment
- Calorie Counter- MyFitnessPal
- Sworkit Workouts and Fitness Plans
- Map my fitness workout trainer
- Strava GPS: Running, cycling, and activity tracker
Most of these apps also warn us when we stop logging onto them and cut down on our workouts. This does help us always have exercise at the back of our mind and make sure that we are not sitting idle all day long.
Nowadays, going to a gym every day is not the key to being healthy and fit. The key is to exercise whenever you have time and maintain the right nutrition in your diet. Equipment is no more a necessity for working out.
Keeping track and checking regular progress is a great way to keep yourself motivated to do the same regularly. I highly suggest you set goals for yourself and work towards them with these Android applications.
I hope you were able to find one that was best for you. Please do leave us your reviews for the ones you used in the comments section below. We would love to hear from you.