
Twitchストリーマーはどのようにお金を稼ぐのですか?(How Twitch Streamers Make Money?)

より厳しい基準を持つTwitchパートナー(Twitch Partner)になることもできます。ただし、 Twitch(Twitch)のより多くの機能とより専門的なヘルプにアクセスして、ストリームをさらに進め、より多くのお金を稼ぐことができます。
- 50人のフォロワーがいる
- 少なくとも8時間ストリーミングする
- 7つの異なる日にストリーミング
- 平均して3人の視聴者がいる

- 25時間ストリーミング
- 12日間のストリーミング
- 平均75人の視聴者がいる
Twitchストリーマーはどのくらい作成しますか?(How Much Do Twitch Streamers Make?)
では、 Twitch(Twitch)チャンネルの各ステージでどれだけの収益が期待できるでしょうか。答えは複雑になる可能性があり、取得するビューの数に大きく依存します。

広告でお金を稼ぐ方法(How to Make Money With Ads)

ビットでお金を稼ぐ方法(How to Make Money With Bits)

サブスクリプションでお金を稼ぐ方法(How to Make Money With Subscriptions)
あなたがアフィリエイト(Affiliate)またはパートナー(Partner)である場合、視聴者はあなたのチャンネルを購読することを選択できます。サブスクリプションは、月額$4.99から$24.99の範囲です。サブスクリプションの半分の金額を取得し、 Twitch(Twitch)で分割します。

購読者は広告なしの視聴やその他の特典を得ることができ、特に多くの視聴者(a lot of viewers)に購読してもらう場合は、それは大きな収入源になる可能性があります。Twitch(Whether)アフィリエイト(Twitch Affiliate)でもパートナー(Partner)でも、チャンネルのサブスクリプションは同じように機能します 。
あなたがパートナーまたはアフィリエイトでないときにお金を稼ぐ方法(How to Make Money When You’re Not a Partner or Affiliate)
アフィリエイトまたはパートナー(Partner)になるために取り組んでいる間、 Twitchストリーム中にお金を稼ぐことができる別の方法があります。これは、チャンネルに 募金箱(a donation box)を設置することによるものです。

これは、 Donorbox(Donorbox)やPayPalなどのサービスを通じて行うことができます。視聴者がアクセスして寄付できるリンクをチャンネルに設定します。新しい機器やゲームなどに寄付金を使って目標を設定することで、人々があなたに寄付するように動機付けることができます。
Twitchでお金を稼ぐ(Making Money on Twitch)
Twitchチャネルに投資する時間があれば、それは良い副収入源になる可能性があります。あなたがサービスで牽引力を獲得してアフィリエイト(Affiliate)になると、お金を稼ぐことはそこから簡単になります。そして、誰が知っているか、あなたはいつかパートナー(Partner one)になることさえできるかもしれません。
How to Make Money Streaming on Twitch
Live streaming has become an incredibly pоpular form оf entertainment, and a lot of this can be credited to the riѕe of the streaming site Twitch. If you’re thinking about starting your live stream or are already streaming casually, you may be wondering how you can take this hobby to the next level and make a profit off of it.
Many questions may arise from this, though. For example, how much can you make from streaming? How difficult is it to make money on Twitch? These are certainly some things you’ll want to ponder. This article will hopefully answer some of these questions and help you start.

How Twitch Streamers Make Money?
There are a few ways you can make money streaming on Twitch. However, most of them involve becoming an Affiliate or Partner with Twitch. These titles grant you special resources to make money through the service.
Once you become an Affiliate, you can make money through subscriptions, ads, and Bits. Subscriptions are different from Followers, as subscribers will pay each month to get access to your streams. Ads can get you money depending on how many views you have. With Bits, viewers can send them during your stream, and each Bit is equal to 1 cent.

You can also advance to becoming a Twitch Partner, which has more strict criteria. However, you’ll have access to many more features and more specialized help from Twitch to take your streams further and make more money.
To become an Affiliate with Twitch, you must meet the following criteria within the same month:
- Have 50 followers
- Stream for at least 8 hours
- Stream on 7 different days
- Have an average of 3 viewers

To become a Partner, you need to meet these requirements, also within the same month:
- Stream for 25 hours
- Stream on 12 different days
- Have an average of 75 viewers
Keep in mind that even if you meet all the requirements to become a Partner, Twitch may still not accept your application.
How Much Do Twitch Streamers Make?
So, how much can you expect to make through each stage of your Twitch channel? The answer can be complex and depends a lot on how many views you get.
The average Twitch streamer makes about $2.50 per follower, so you’d need 200 followers to make $500. If you eventually become a partner, you can also make extra money by doing sponsorships and subscriptions.

If you’re looking to make thousands of dollars, you’ll need many followers to achieve this. However, you can do it over time with a lot of hard work. So don’t quit your day job to stream, at least not until you have a few thousand viewers/followers.
How to Make Money With Ads
If you’re an Affiliate or Partner, you’ll get the ability to run ad breaks during your streams. This can make you money depending on how many people are watching your stream. The best way to do this is to run multiple short ad breaks over a stream, beginning at a rate of 1 minute per hour and slowly building up to 3 minutes per hour to get your viewership used to the ads.

Also, make sure to tell viewers before an ad break is coming up so they are prepared. You can automate your ad breaks, so you don’t need to worry about running them yourself. The best time to run ads is in the middle of your stream, as this is when you’ll have the most viewers and thus make the most money.
How to Make Money With Bits
Viewers can buy Bits and use them to Cheer during your streams, which gives you 1 cent per Bit used. Viewers can send multiple Bits at once, which means more money.

You can see who sends you Bits during your streams, so it’s a good practice to thank your viewers who send Bits, as this can give other viewers incentive to send Bits as well. Making custom Cheer emotes for your streams can also help, as it makes the experience of giving Bits to you feel unique to the viewer.
How to Make Money With Subscriptions
Viewers can choose to subscribe to your channel if you’re an Affiliate or Partner. Subscriptions can range from $4.99 to $24.99 a month. You’ll get half the amount of the subscription, splitting it with Twitch.

Subscribers can get ad-free viewing and other perks, and it can be a great source of income, especially if you get a lot of viewers to subscribe. Whether you’re a Twitch Affiliate or Partner, the subscriptions for your channel work the same.
How to Make Money When You’re Not a Partner or Affiliate
While you’re working towards becoming an Affiliate or Partner, there’s another way you can make money during your Twitch streams. This is by setting up a donation box on your channel.

You can do this through services like Donorbox or PayPal. You’ll set up a link on your channel that viewers can go to and donate to you. You can motivate people to donate to you by setting up a goal by using the donation money for new equipment, a game, etc.
It can also help set up alerts during your stream whenever someone donates so that you can thank them.
Making Money on Twitch
If you have some time to invest in your Twitch channel, it can become a good side source of income. Once you gain traction on the service and become an Affiliate, making money will get easier from there on out. And who knows, you might even be able to become a Partner one day.
If you have any experiences with making money on Twitch, tell us about it in the comments below.