これで、 Best Prank Call(Best Prank Call)アプリまたはWebサイトでオンラインで利用できるほとんどの記事を読むと、アプリのリストが表示されますが、それらのいずれかが希望どおりに正しく機能していることはめったにありません。悪いレビューや機能の欠如のために存在しなくなった人もいます。しかし、以下に示すこのリストは、きっとあなたを失望させることはありません。
Android用のトップ10無料フェイクコールアプリ( Top 10 Free Fake Call Apps for Android)
#1 Voice Changer – By AndroidRock

Google Playストアでダウンロードできるのは、(Google Play Store)ボイスチェンジャー(Voice Changer)と呼ばれるこの軽量の偽(Fake)の通話アプリです。4.4つ星の星の評価と素晴らしいユーザーレビューは、ボイスチェンジャーが良いものの1つであることをあなたに安心させるはずです。
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#2 Fake Call – Prank by GameAndro

これは、 Android向け(Android)の最高の偽の通話アプリの1つです。GooglePlayストアから無料でダウンロードできます。使い方はめちゃくちゃ簡単!あなたはそれをダウンロードしてから数分以内にきっとそれのコツをつかむでしょう。アプリは頻繁に更新され、比較的新しいため、実際に信頼することができます。
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#3 Fake Call- Fake incoming phone call Prank by Soft Droid

Mom、Pizza Boy、Policeなどの偽の発信者IDを設定することで、偽の人物からの通話をスケジュールできます。発信者の写真と名前を設定して、よりリアルに見せます。偽の通話用に着信音をカスタマイズすることもできます。
このアプリは、 Playストア(Play Store)で4.4つ星の評価が高く、優れたカスタマーレビューがあります。ぜひお試しください。偽の着信があったときに、周りにいる友達をいたずらすることもできます。
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#4 Automatic Call Recorder

いたずら電話の例としては、教授が電話であなたを解雇した記録があります。これは、後で電話で友人を怖がらせるために使用できます。このアプリケーションは、DropboxとGoogleドライブのバックアップ(Google Drive Backups)をサポートしています。基本的に、アプリケーションは無料ですが、プロ版はいくつかの本当にクールなカスタム機能を許可します。
また読む:(Also Read:) WiFiなしで動作するAndroid用の11の最高のオフラインゲーム(11 Best Offline Games For Android That Work Without WiFi)
自動コールレコーダーは、 GooglePlay(Google)ストアで3.9つ星のまともな評価を持っています。
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#5 Fake Video Call and Girlfriend call prank

偽のビデオ通話に最適なアプリの1つ。偽(Fake Video Call)のビデオ通話とガールフレンド(Girlfriend)の通話いたずらアプリを使用すると、複数の着信ビデオ通話のタイマーを設定できます。希望に合わせて通話を編集およびカスタマイズして、よりリアルに見せることができます。
アプリは頻繁に更新され、バグの修正と改善は定期的に行われます。グーグルプレイ(Google Play)で3.8スターのまともなスコアを持っていますが、そのようなアプリは市場にあまり存在しないので、一見の価値があります。これは非常に軽量なアプリであり、携帯電話のスペースをあまり占有しません。
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#6 Fake Video Tool

偽(Fake)のビデオ通話について話しているので、これは偽のビデオ(Fake Video)通話やガールフレンドのいたずらアプリ(Girlfriend Prank App)よりも少し優れています。偽(Fake Video Tool)のビデオツールには、試運転に使用できるいくつかのプリロードされたいたずらビデオが用意されています。それらのいくつかは、サンタビデオ(Santa Video)通話、ハンサムな男性からのビデオ通話、ホラーベースの通話、そして私のお気に入りの寝室/プールの女の子のビデオ通話です。
残念ながら、これらすべてのエキサイティングな機能を備えたこのアプリは、一貫性がないために依然として多くの苦情を受けており、Playストア(Play Store)の評価は3.4です。また、かなり長い間更新されていません。このアプリの有料版は、Rsに立っています。65、いくつかの高度な偽のビデオ通話機能を備えています。
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#7 JokesPhone- Joke Calls
無料のジョークコールをお探しの場合は、CashITappEntertainmentによるこの(CashITapp Entertainment)フェイクコール(Fake Call)アプリケーションを必ずダウンロードしてください。Facebookアプリケーションにログインする必要があり、連絡先に送信するすべての推奨テキストにより、このアプリでより多くの無料通話が提供されます。
これらのジョークコールを聞いて、ジョーク電話アプリ(Jokes Phone App)を介してソーシャルメディアで友達と共有することができます。
このアプリはPlayストア(Play Store)で良いレビューがあり、4.2つ星の評価があります。ユーザーは、アプリをダウンロードしたときに最初に無料通話が1回しか得られないことに不満を持っています。それにもかかわらず(Nevertheless)、アプリは頻繁に更新され、プロデューサーは、ユーザーにより多くのいたずらを贈る新しい方法に取り組んでいると主張しています。
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#8 Prank Call by MyPhoneRobot

あなたがいたずらウェブサイト-https://myphonerobot.comを使用しhttps://myphonerobot.comそれを愛したことがあるなら、あなたは間違いなく私の電話(My Phone)ロボットによるこの超クールな偽のいたずら電話アプリケーションを気に入るはずです。ここにリストされているほとんどのアプリケーションよりも優れており、 Google Playストア(Google Play Store)で4.4つ星の評価を受けており、無料でダウンロードできます。
また読む:(Also Read:) Android用の10のベストボイスレコーダーアプリ(10 Best Voice Recorder Apps for Android)
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#9 Prank call Free by Ownage labs
事前に録音されたいたずら電話やその他のエキサイティングな機能の優れたコレクションを備えたこの偽の電話アプリは、 Android向けの(Android)偽(Fake)の電話アプリのトップ10のリストに登場しました。彼らのいたずら電話は明らかにプロの声優によって録音されています。あなたは毎日いたずらのための無料のクレジットを取得します。
悲しいことに、このアプリは実際に提供する以上のものを提供します。これが、 Playストア(Play Store)での3.4つ星評価の理由である可能性があります。Playストアからダウンロードしてお試しください!それはあなたにぴったりかもしれません。
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#10 Comedy calls

また、「コールクレジットを取得(Get)」オプションも含まれているため、さまざまな価格でコールクレジットを取得できます。ジョークや電話がそれほど生産的ではないか、被害者に評価されていない場合は、「不要な通話を停止する」オプションをクリックするだけです。コメディコール(Comedy Calls)は無料のウェブサイトかもしれませんが、いくつかの特権を持つプレミアムバージョンも含まれています。
コメディー(Comedy)通話で、Android携帯の偽の通話に最適なアプリのリストの最後に到達しました。リストに追加されていないが、間違いなく試してみる価値のあるWebサイトを呼び出すいたずらがいくつかあります。いたずら(Prank)ダイヤル、いたずらホットライン(Prank Hotline)、なりすましボックス(Spoof Box)、Genie Calls、Foxy Calls 、Prank Calls panda、およびPrankOwl。これらは偽の電話の着信には役立ちませんが、間違いなく友達をだまして素晴らしい時間を過ごします。
Top 10 Free Fake Call Apps for Android
What can be greater than calling up your friends аt wee hourѕ in the night, from unknown numbers, аnd asking them when they would be picking up thеir 2 kidѕ, who arе nоw reаdy for adoрtion? Yes, I am talking about fake prаnk calls!
Fake calls have been one of the oldest forms of sleep-over recreation. So, what if all your friends couldn’t make it to the pajama party??! you can always give them a prank call and have a great laugh!
This evil yet recreational tradition, has come down since the inceptions of telephones but now that the smartphones have taken over the world, fake calls have become a lot more fun. You can literally spend hours, taking contacts from your contact list and troubling them (to an acceptable limit of course)!
Prank calls being one of the most entertaining mediums of fooling around with friends, have led to the making of Fake call apps, that will make your prank experience much more enjoyable for you and worse for your prey. (*Evil laugh in the background*)
The apps mentioned in the list given below, are surely going to help you out in making a successful fake call, to and from your Android phone. But make sure to do the right amount of planning before actually dialing in your poor friend’s number or setting a fake incoming call for yourself! We don’t want a flop show now, do we?!
Now, when you read most of the articles available online for the Best Prank Call apps or websites, you will see a list of apps, but rarely will you find any of them working properly, the way you want. Some, have even ceased to exist due to bad reviews and lack of functionality. But this list, given below will surely not disappoint you.
Top 10 Free Fake Call Apps for Android
#1 Voice Changer – By AndroidRock

Available on Google Play Store for download is this lightweight Fake calling app called Voice Changer. A stellar rating of 4.4 stars and great user reviews, should reassure you that voice changer is one of the good ones.
What is the key to making a good prank call? The voice modulation! Because, if your friend recognizes your voice, then he would obviously be able to identify you before you could even begin with your fake call and laughs!
The Voice changer application is meant exactly for that. It offers a range of voice changing effects such as a robot, chipmunk, big alien, small alien, old man, child, foreigner, drunk, bee, chorus, underwater, devil, creepy movie, duck, etc. You can mix up multiple effects while recording to confuse your friend even more in the course of the call.
The interface of this app is extremely simple and generic. You will be able to figure it out within seconds. The way to use this app is – first, you have to record your audio. Next, you will open the audio and apply your effects to it. The feature that will be the most useful while prank calling is, that you can view and edit saved audios, and also share them on social media applications like WhatsApp, Messenger, and also via Bluetooth.
Since you can pre-record everything and keep it ready, you don’t have to worry about bursting into laughter while being on the actual call. You can just sit back and enjoy while your friend gets trolled. Being a free app, it does trouble you with advertisements every now and then, but that’s all worth it if you can fool your friend.
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#2 Fake Call – Prank by GameAndro

It is one of the best fake call apps for Android. It is available on Google Play store for download, free of cost. It is insanely simple to use! You will surely get a hang of it within minutes of downloading it. The app is frequently updated and comparatively new and that is why you can actually depend on it.
To activate a fake call, you have to click on “Call now.” You can even set a schedule, to set a timer for your fake call.
The app allows you to set the caller name and caller number. You can even choose a caller picture, to leave no place for doubt. For voice modulation, it will allow you to set a voice effect for the caller. The recording feature is also available to record the call with desired effects beforehand.
The adds can be very annoying with this app as they suddenly start when you begin or end a fake call.
The app has a 4.5 user rating on Google play store and therefore, it is definitely worth a try!
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#3 Fake Call- Fake incoming phone call Prank by Soft Droid

Now here is an application, that will help you wiggle yourself out of an obligatory conversation or a boring meeting. It is not much of a prank calling application, but more for incoming fake calls to yourself. You can create a fake call for a specified time, without actually getting a call.
The best thing is that it can work without the internet as well.
You can schedule a call from a fake person, by setting a fake caller id like Mom, pizza boy, Police, etc. Set a picture and name for your caller, to make it look more real. It allows you to customize your ringtone for the fake call as well.
You can even choose a fake caller from your contacts, so that there is solid evidence to back up your call, in case you are on the verge of getting caught! Recorded audio with voice effects will play as soon as you pick up the call. There is a custom layout option as well.
The app has a good 4.4-star rating on Play Store and great customer reviews. You should definitely try it out. It can even be used to prank your friend who is around you when you get the fake incoming call.
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#4 Automatic Call Recorder

Record and Choose which calls you to want to save, in unlimited amounts, as much as your device memory allows. Though this is not much of a prank calling app. But you can definitely record calls from specific contacts and play them again later. If you get through with the app, then you can definitely come up with a few innovative ideas to use these recorded calls to prank call your friend.
All recorded calls are stored directly to the Inbox for your reference, later.
An example of prank calling would be a recording of your professor firing you over the call, which you can later use to scare your friend over a call. The application supports Dropbox and Google Drive Backups. Essentially, the application is free but the pro edition will allow some really cool custom features.
Also Read: 11 Best Offline Games For Android That Work Without WiFi
The automatic call recorder has a decent rating of 3.9 stars on Google play store.
It is important to remember that this app may not work well on certain phones, and will result in inferior recording quality.
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#5 Fake Video Call and Girlfriend call prank

One of the best apps for fake video-calling. The Fake Video Call and Girlfriend call prank app allow you to set timers for multiple incoming video calls. You can edit and customize the calls to your wish, and make them look more realistic.
The best thing is that this app is not just for fake video calls, but also for fake text messages, which makes it more realistic than ever.
It’s time to make your girlfriend jealous of all the other multiple girls trying to slide into your contacts.
The app is frequently updated, and bug fixes and improvements are a regular thing. It has a decent score of 3.8 Stars on Google Play, but it is worth a go because not a lot of such apps exist in the market. It is a very lightweight app and won’t occupy much space on your phone.
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#6 Fake Video Tool

Now that we are talking about Fake video calling, this one is a tad better than Fake Video call and Girlfriend Prank App. The Fake Video Tool comes well prepared with some pre-loaded prank videos which you can use for a trial run. Some of them are Santa Video calls, A video call from a handsome man, a horror-based call, and my favorite, A girl in your bedroom/pool video call.
Some of the best features in this app include the ability to allow you to show your face on the video screen. You can take screen recordings of your calls. It lets you simulate an incoming as well as an outgoing fake call, which won’t seem fake at all.
You can customize fake caller names, add a picture for different callers, and also customize their numbers. You can create video recordings of your own, which can be scheduled as fake video calls later on.
Sadly, with all these exciting features, the app still receives a lot of complaints due to its inconsistency and has a Play Store rating of 3.4. It has also not been updated for quite some time. The paid version of this app, stands at Rs. 65, with some advanced fake video calling features.
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#7 JokesPhone- Joke Calls
If you are looking to get free joke calls, then you should definitely download this Fake Call application by CashITapp Entertainment. You will be required to log in to the Facebook application and every recommendation text you send to your contacts will give you more free calls on this app.
Every call that you make from this app, is through an untraceable location and cannot be cornered down to your phone number. The calls you make get recorded and saved, so you can listen to them later and have a laugh with your friends.
You can listen to these joke calls and share them with your friends on social media through the Jokes Phone App.
The app has good reviews on Play Store and a 4.2-star rating. Though users complain about how you only get one free call in the beginning when you download the app. Nevertheless, the app is updated frequently and the producers claim that they are working on new ways to gift their users more pranks.
You can follow JokesPhone on social media, to stay updated about them.
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#8 Prank Call by MyPhoneRobot

If you have used the prank website- https://myphonerobot.com and loved it, then you will definitely love this super cool fake prank calling application by My Phone robot. Better than most applications on the list here, it has a stellar rating of 4.4 stars on Google Play Store and is available for free download.
It is so easy to use, that you can prank dial your friend within a few clicks and fool them so damn well, they wouldn’t understand what hit them! They allow you to send pre-recorded calls to your friends as pranks and let you sit back and enjoy their reactions of horror and confusion. Some pre-recorded pranks include- Your car is sold, Girlfriend breakup, Credit card fraud, Illegal music downloads, etc.
Also Read: 10 Best Voice Recorder Apps for Android
They update the app frequently to add more of these pre-recorded pranks so that you never get bored!
You can even record the calls and save them to troll your friend later, because of his extreme absurd reactions to the prank call. The app allows some free calls, but later you have to buy credits to make phone calls. These credits can be a little expensive but once you start enjoying this app, you won’t mind paying for them. For 250 credits, you have to pay $3.99 and for 1250, a price of $9.99.
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#9 Prank call Free by Ownage labs
With a good collection of pre-recorded prank calls and some other exciting features, this fake call app has made its way to the list for the top 10 Fake call apps for Android. Their prank calls are apparently recorded by professional voice artists. You get free credits for pranks every single day.
The app is frequently updated with new pranks almost every day. To make your call more realistic, they even add modulations in the surround sound, to make it perfect!
They record the whole call and save it to your app automatically.
The app allows you to send calls from different numbers. The calls are made from Wi-Fi and not your cell, therefore the costs incurred are less and the number of free calls for you is more!
You can call landline numbers too, apart from the mobile numbers of your friends.
Sadly, this app offers more than it actually delivers. This might be the reason for its 3.4-star rating on Play Store. You can download it from the play store, and give it a try! It might just be the right fit for you.
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This is not an app, but a website for prank calling that has really been appreciated by its users. The website, Comedy calls, remain updated with the newest updates within the meme world and comes up with innovative and exciting prank call ideas, associated with them.
All you need to do is dial in your friend’s number and choose any recorded prank call available on the website. It basically works like any of the apps mentioned above, in the list. And I promise it will definitely do the trick of cracking up your friends or irritating the life out of him.
It also encompasses a “Get call credit” option, allowing you to get call credits at different prices. In case, the jokes or calls aren’t that productive or aren’t appreciated by your victim, then all you would like to try and do is click on the, “STOP UNWANTED CALLING” option. While Comedy Calls maybe a free website, it also encompasses a premium version which has several privileges, that may just send your prank call over the highest
With Comedy calls, we come to the end of the list for the best apps for fake calls for Android phones. There are several pranks calling websites that weren’t added to the list but are definitely worth a try. Prank dial, Prank Hotline, Spoof Box, Genie Calls, Foxy calls, Prank Calls panda, and Prank Owl. Though these won’t help you with incoming fake calls but definitely fooling your friends and having a great time.
We hope that the above list was helpful to make or receive the phone calls, as per your requirements.
Before concluding, I would like to request you to use these in a responsible manner. Sometimes a joke can be taken too far, hurting some sentiments in the process. So do make sure, that you use it well and just have a little bit of good fun in a good spirit with them.
Do let us know if we have missed out on some good Fake call apps or websites for Android, in the comments section below!