
電話なしでIMEI番号を検索する(iOSおよびAndroidの場合)(Find the IMEI Number Without a Phone (on iOS and Android))
IMEI?それは何ですか?(IMEI? What is that?)
電話ごとに異なるIMEI番号があります。デュアルSIMデバイスには2つのIMEI番号があります( SIMごとに1つのIMEI番号)。(IMEI)そして、それは非常に便利です。盗難やサイバー犯罪の場合に携帯電話を追跡できます。また、企業が携帯電話のユーザーを追跡するのにも役立ちます。FlipkartやAmazonなどのさまざまなオンラインプラットフォームは、これを使用して電話の詳細を取得します。彼らは、デバイスがあなたのものであるかどうか、そしてモデルの仕様は何かを確認することができます。
デバイスのIMEIをどのように見つけますか?(How do you find your device’s IMEI?)
デバイスのIMEI(IMEI)を見つけて、どこかにメモしておくことをお勧めします。いつか役に立つかもしれません。デバイスのIMEI(IMEI)を見つける方法を明確に説明しました。AndroidまたはiOSデバイスのIMEI番号を確認(find the IMEI number of your Android or iOS device.)する場合は、この方法に従ってください。
デバイス設定からIMEI番号を見つける(Finding the IMEI Number from Device Settings)
1.携帯電話の設定 (Settings )アプリを開きます。
2.[電話について](About Phone. )が見つかるまで下にスクロールします。それをタップします。
![[電話について]が見つかるまで下にスクロールします。 それをタップします](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-u1btGQm6LFY/YZIb8edv0bI/AAAAAAAAZcY/TLjC6Q6fjhobH3diIuOvSagbRYZCDNTXwCEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhyr7y2gxBVBsObTlZZdCKW7qCr3enBm2kIlRuf9geZnMhIK7RiSGnbdhGBeSZl3_pvol_-Cn2H5SN5aCoujT256RzLhKBKUNe2kWB7sYUEMB5zOV6UbM13aJoWkc8mDV5GLDTbuYFC-PEmjEkrMg2t8NGcwsWPUPi-fu1h3Bia3m9L4Q3zqoPz8Qj0g1oOkvh3pKIHYHefNQqzoXup_8_pE5xAlmd34gw0QMwplKZEUTWRjvU7yVuEMUZ_0RBOLsITa2NQyFTBMAi-CNJ47yXvYmNj41lwkDDoVmwJPlA8eYzbV6ia3XT7Uwzu83Xt3WvS2MR9HagKe60HUnTMIG3RE6TPFRSyVbbscH4Ocw92UNz3kp0o1rdFg5n3ZdwJJ99gjRKajL1h8OX5_sVTEgD0w4nDpYWx7qrSKmkUi9-G-qlrJ0U70o4kV1WzL6Nu5Kj7zgnxD_Um_Ufw2x4ZNu6gQFcz-INxjt3Ow31cgQVMaxQYym8hQBxbhfwrb7n0TaG1EJSdwmP__mshyQusE_Iqee6qZ-wOnmcy53B7z6Ny7wlwrVhAF67sLijB42OR4ChWGL_i0uRz2lD0MDIvVHJtP9MPgcybJpEFqhGlPTQww4sTIjAY/s0/n0VBADeQqrOr-YaN-YJUD1BTK5U.png)
そこにデバイスのIMEI番号が記載されています。(You will find your device’s IMEI number listed there.)デバイスがDual-SIMを実行している場合、2つのIMEI番号( (IMEI)SIMカードごとに1つ)が表示されます。
電話のダイヤラを使用してIMEI番号を検索します(Find the IMEI Number using your Phone’s dialer)

リクエストが自動的に処理され、電話のIMEIの詳細が表示されます。(display the IMEI details of your phone.)
また読む:(Also Read:) Simまたは電話番号なしでWhatsAppを使用する3つの方法(3 Ways to use WhatsApp without Sim or Phone Number)
Googleのデバイス検索機能の使用(Android)(Using Google’s Find my Device feature (Android))
Googleは、FindmyDeviceと呼ばれる優れた機能を提供しています。(Find my Device. )デバイスを呼び出したり、ロックしたり、すべてのデータを消去したりすることができます。この機能を使用すると、AndroidデバイスのIMEIを見つけることができます。
1.パソコンからGoogleFindMyDeviceWeb(Google Find My Device)サイトを開きます。
2.Googleアカウント(Google account.)でログインします。
4.デバイス名の近くにある情報アイコンをクリックします。(e information icon)
5.ポップアップダイアログにデバイスのIMEI番号が表示されます。(IMEI number of your device.)

Apple Webサイト(iOS)を使用してIMEI番号を検索する(Find the IMEI Number using Apple Website (iOS))
1.パーソナルコンピュータでAppleWebサイトを開きます。(Apple Website)
2. Appleクレデンシャル(Apple ID )を使用して(Apple ID)ログイン(Log)します。
4.デバイスをクリックして、 (Click)IMEI番号などの詳細を確認します。
iTunesを使用してIMEI番号を検索する(Find the IMEI Number using iTunes)
1. Macで(Mac)iTunesを開くか、PCバージョンのiTunesを使用します。
2. [編集]を開き、[(Edit)設定](Preferences)を選択します。
3. [デバイス(Devices)]オプションを選択し、[デバイスのバックアップ(device backups)]の下で、最新のバックアップの上にマウスを置きます。
4.電話情報が表示され、 iOSデバイスのIMEI番号を (find the IMEI number of your iOS device. )簡単に見つけることができます。
他のいくつかの方法(Some other methods)

購入請求書をお持ちの場合は、それが役に立ちます。電話料金(phone bill )には、 IMEI番号( IMEI number)を含む電話の詳細が含まれています。後払いのネットワークユーザーの場合は、彼らが提供する請求書を確認できます。IMEIを使用してデバイスの詳細を提供します。
デバイスのIMEI(IMEI)番号は、SIMカードトレイ(SIM card tray)からも確認できます。SIMカードトレイを開いて、印刷されているIMEIを見つけます。(IMEI)iOSデバイスの裏表紙にあります。

IMEIを保護する(Protect your IMEI)
IMEIは多くの用途に使用されます。(IMEI)しかし、他の誰かがあなたのIMEI(IMEI)を知っているとしたらどうでしょう。その場合、あなたは大きなリスクにさらされます。彼らはあなたのIMEI(IMEI)のクローンを作成し、それを悪用する可能性があります。また、 IMEI(IMEI)の詳細を取得した場合、デバイスを完全にロックすることもできます。したがって、デバイスの(Hence)IMEI番号を他の人と共有しないでください。気をつければいつでもいいです。
電話なしでIMEI番号(find the IMEI number without your phone)を見つける方法を知っているといいのですが。携帯電話にアクセスできるかどうかに関係なく、これらの方法を使用してIMEIを見つけることができます。(IMEI)常にデバイスをそれぞれのアカウントと同期することをお勧めします。これは、 Androidデバイスの場合はGoogleアカウント、iOSデバイスの場合はAppleIDです。(Apple ID)これは、盗難の場合に携帯電話を見つけたりロックしたりするのに役立ちます。
推奨:(Recommended:) Androidでゲームモードを取得する方法(How to Get Gaming Mode on Android)
Find the IMEI Number Without a Phone (on iOS and Android)
In this developing world, almost everyone has an Android ѕmartphone or an iPhone. We all love our phones as theу enable us tо stay сonnected. Even people without smartphones have thе urge to buy one. Most people have important information ѕtored on their devіces. In case if thеir smartphones get ѕtolen, they are at risk of exposing their personal infоrmation. This might include their bank details and business documеnts. If you are in such a situation, what will уou do?
The best way is to complain to the law enforcement authorities or the police. They can locate your phone. Locate my phone? But how? They can find your phone with the help of the IMEI. Even if you cannot do so, you can let your service provider know. They can block your phone to prevent misuse of your data.

Find the IMEI Number Without a Phone (on iOS and Android)
In case of theft, your IMEI can be block listed. That is, the thief cannot use your device on any network operator. This means the thief cannot do anything with your phone but use its parts.
IMEI? What is that?
IMEI stands for “International Mobile Equipment Identity”.
Every phone has a different IMEI number. Dual-SIM devices have 2 IMEI numbers (one IMEI number for each sim). And it is very useful. It can track mobile phones in case of theft or cyber-crimes. It also helps companies to keep track of their mobile phone users. A variety of online platforms like Flipkart and Amazon use this to get the details of the phone. They can verify whether the device belongs to you and what are the specifications of the model.
IMEI is a 15-digit, unique number to any mobile device. E.g., a mobile phone or a 3G/4G adapter. If you have lost your mobile phone or someone steals it, you should contact your service provider as soon as possible. The service provider can block the IMEI which prevents the phone from use on any network. IMEI also has some important information about your phone. It can find your device.
How do you find your device’s IMEI?
I would recommend that you find your device’s IMEI and note it somewhere. It may be of use some other day. I have explained clearly how to find your device’s IMEI. Follow the methods if you want to find the IMEI number of your Android or iOS device.
Finding the IMEI Number from Device Settings
You can find the IMEI of your device from your phone’s Settings.
To find IMEI from Settings,
1. Open your phone’s Settings app.
2. Scroll down until you find About Phone. Tap on that.

You will find your device’s IMEI number listed there. If your device runs Dual-SIM, it would show two IMEI numbers (one for each SIM card).
However, you cannot do this if you have lost your device or someone has stolen it. Don’t worry. I am here to help you out. The following methods will help you in finding your IMEI.
Find the IMEI Number using your Phone’s dialer
1. Open your phone’s dialer.
2. Dial *#06# on your phone.

It will automatically process your request and display the IMEI details of your phone.
Also Read: 3 Ways to use WhatsApp without Sim or Phone Number
Using Google’s Find my Device feature (Android)
Google offers a great feature called Find my Device. It can ring your device, lock it, or even erase all its data. Using this feature, you can find the IMEI of your android device.
To use this feature,
1. Open Google Find My Device website from your computer.
2. Log in with your Google account.
3. It would list your Google signed-in devices.
4. Click on the information icon near the name of your device.
5. A pop-up dialog would show the IMEI number of your device.

Find the IMEI Number using Apple Website (iOS)
The procedure for finding the IMEI of your Apple device is almost the same as the above method.
1. Open the Apple Website on your personal computer.
2. Log in using your Apple credentials (Apple ID).
3. Locate the Device section on the website. It would list all your registered devices.
4. Click on a device to know additional details such as the IMEI number.
Find the IMEI Number using iTunes
If you have synced your iOS device with iTunes, you can use it to find the IMEI number of your iPhone.
1. Open the iTunes in your Mac or use the PC version of iTunes.
2. Open Edit and then choose Preferences.

3. Choose the Devices option and under the device backups, hover your mouse over the latest backup.

4. Phone information will be visible, where you can easily find the IMEI number of your iOS device.
Some other methods
You can look up for the IMEI number of your device in the packaging box of your mobile phone. It contains the IMEI along with a printed barcode. You can also search for it in your phone’s user manual. Some manufacturers include the IMEI number in the user manuals.

If you have the purchase bill with you, it will be of use. The phone bill contains the phone’s details including the IMEI number. If you are a post-paid network user, you can check the bill they provide. They provide some details of your device with its IMEI.
In case if you have bought your phone online, you can contact the seller website. They may keep your device details and the IMEI. Even if you have bought it from a local showroom, you can try contacting the dealer. They might also help you in this case as they have the IMEI database of the devices they sell.
You can also find your device’s IMEI number from its SIM card tray. Open the SIM card tray to find the IMEI printed on it. It is present in the back cover of iOS devices.

Protect your IMEI
Your IMEI is of many uses to you. But what if some other person knows your IMEI. In that case, you will be under great risk. They can clone your IMEI and misuse it. They can also lock your device completely if they get your IMEI details. Hence, do not share your device’s IMEI number with anyone. It is always good if you are careful.
I hope now you know some ways to find the IMEI number without your phone. Whether you have access to your phone or not, you can find its IMEI using these methods. I recommend that you always sync your devices with the respective accounts. That is Google account for Android devices and Apple ID for iOS devices. This can help you to locate or lock your phone in case of theft.
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I also recommend that you find the IMEI of your device right now and note it down. It may be of great use in the future. Let me know your suggestions and queries through the comments.