現在地を複数のアプリケーションと共有することは、ナンセンスで、苛立たしく、恐ろしいことでもあります。最近では、ほとんどすべてのアプリケーションがロケーションアクセス(Location Access)を要求していますが、それらのアプリはロケーションとは何の関係もありません。これはあなたを騒がせます、そして私たちはそれを手に入れます。ただし、一部のアプリケーションは、位置追跡のみを目的としており、それもあなた自身の利益のためです。ここではLife360(Life360)について話しています。このアプリケーションは、人々のグループを作成し、お互いの場所を共有するのに役立ちます。アプリ内の人とチャットすることもできます。このアプリケーションの背後にある動機は、あなたの愛する人の所在の心配を一掃することです。
このアプリをインストールしてグループに参加するように人々を招待することができます。これで、グループの各メンバーは、他のすべてのメンバーのリアルタイムの場所を確認できます。(Now, each member of your group can see the real-time location of every other member.)あなたが親であり、あなたの子供の居場所を知りたい場合、あなたがする必要があるのは、Life360アプリで彼らとグループを形成することだけです。これで、24時間365日の子供の位置を確認できます。そして、気に留めてください!彼らはあなたの場所にもアクセスできます。また、特定の場所に特定の到着および出発アラートを設定することもできます。これにより、よりすばらしいものになります。
Android 6.0+以降にインストールできます。Androidバージョン6以下を使用しているユーザーはまだ利用できません。このアプリケーションには、無料および有料のバージョンプランが付属しています。有料版では、予算に応じてさまざまなプランをご用意しています。

Life360とは何ですか?そして、その背後にある考え方は何ですか?(What is Life360? And what is the idea behind it?)
The Curse among Godsends. Privacy violations!
それで、Life360アプリを削除せずにプライバシーを保護する方法はありますか?はいあります。この記事では、Life360アプリで現在地を偽造する方法について説明します。( how you can fake your location on Life360 app.)
偽造またはスイッチオフ(Faking or Switching it off)
また、 機内モード(Airplane Mode)、電話 の位置情報をオフにする、 (location off)Life360アプリ の位置情報共有をオフにする、アプリを無効にする(disabling the app)などのトリックは機能しません。これらのトリックが地図上のあなたの場所を凍結し、赤い旗がマークされると!それで、それはグループメンバーに明らかになります。
Now, we are going to tell you how can fake your location on Lif360 app. You are not going to tell your mom about it, are you? Of course you aren’t! Let’s get on with it.
バーナー電話ステップ(Burner Phone Step)
それは最も明白なステップであり、あなたはこれが来るのを見たに違いありません。わからない場合は、2番目の電話はバーナー電話(Burner Phone)と呼ばれます。2つのデバイスがある場合、家族やグループのメンバーをだますのは比較的簡単になります。このトリックでプライバシーを簡単に保護できます。
1. 2台目の電話を持って、 (second phone)Life360アプリ(Life360 app)をインストールするだけです。しかし、待ってください、まだログインしないでください。
2.まず、メインの電話からログアウトし、すぐにバーナー電話からログインします( logout from your primary phone and then log in from your burner phone immediately)。
3.これで、そのバーナー電話を好きな場所に置いて(leave that burner phone anywhere)、好きな場所に行くことができます。あなたのサークルメンバーはそれについて何も知りません。彼らはあなたがあなたのバーナー電話を置いた場所だけを見るでしょう。

ただし、 Life360(Life360)では家族が他のメンバーとチャットできるため、このトリックのいくつかの欠点に直面する必要があるかもしれません。誰かがLife360アプリであなたにメッセージを送信し、あなたが数時間応答しない場合はどうなりますか?それはあなたのバーナー電話とあなたが同じ場所にいないからです。これはあなたに疑惑を引き起こすかもしれません。バーナーフォンを安全な場所に保管することも問題になる可能性があります。
iOSデバイスのLife360で位置情報を偽造する方法(How to Fake Location on Life360 on iOS device)
#1. Get iTools on Mac or PC
「ジェイルブレイキング」 (Jailbreaking’. )を使用して、iOSでの位置を偽装できます。ジェイルブレイクは、iOSユーザーが(Jailbreaking)AppleInc.によって製品に課せられたソフトウェア制限を取り除くことができる方法です。Androidスマートフォンをルート化するのと同じ(Just)ように、ジェイル(jailbreaking)ブレイクを使用すると、iOSデバイスのルート機能にアクセスできます。
1.まず、OSにiToolsをダウンロードしてインストールします。(download and install iTools)
2.インストールが完了したら、MacまたはPCで iToolsを開き、(iTools )ツールボックスをクリックします。(Toolbox.)

3.次に、ツールボックスパネルの[仮想ロケーション]ボタン(the Virtual Location button)をクリックする必要があります 。これにより、現在地を偽装することができます。
4.[モードの選択]ウィンドウで[開発者モードをアクティブ(Will active Developer mode)にします]をクリックします。
![[モードの選択]ウィンドウで[開発者モードをアクティブにします]をクリックします| iPhoneのLife360アプリで現在地を偽造する](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-IRI8pzuWnnY/YZHyKeF1H8I/AAAAAAAAUhY/E2ItANXrg14o-S4gJu45ZjhXFQBf47dSQCEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhyr7y2gxBVBsObTlZZdCKW7qCr3enBm2kIlRuf9geZnMhIK7RiSGnbdhGBeSZl3_pvol_-Cn2H5SN5aCoujT256RzLhKBKUNe2kWB7sYUEMB5zOV6UbM13aJoWkc8mDV5GLDTbuYFC-PEmjEkrMg2t8NGcwsWPUPi-fu1h3Bia3m9L4Q3zqoPz8Qj0g1oOkvh3pKIHYHefNQqzoXup_8_pE5xAlmd34gw0QMwplKZEUTWRjvU7yVuEMUZ_0RBOLsITa2NQyFTBMAi-CNJ47yXvYmNj41lwkDDoVmwJPlA8eYzbV6ia3XT7Uwzu83Xt3WvS2MR9HagKe60HUnTMIG3RE6TPFRSyVbbscH4Ocw92UNz3kp0o1rdFg5n3ZdwJJ99gjRKajL1h8OX5_sVTEgD0w4nDpYWx7qrSKmkUi9-G-qlrJ0U70o4kV1WzL6Nu5Kj7zgnxD_Um_Ufw2x4ZNu6gQFcz-INxjt3Ow31cgQVMaxQYym8hQBxbhfwrb7n0TaG1EJSdwmP__mshyQusE_Iqee6qZ-wOnmcy53B7z6Ny7wlwrVhAF67sLijB42OR4ChWGL_i0uRz2lD0MDIvVHJtP9MPgcybJpEFqhGlPTQww4sTIjAY/s0/LXS1z3CzMNr96va8yWtu4zIZ_s8.png)
5.入力テキスト領域に、表示する場所を入力し、[移動]ボタンを(Go button)クリックします。
6.最後に、[ここに移動(Move here)]ボタンをクリックします。iPhoneでLife360を開くと、現在地が希望どおりになります。(Open Life360 on your iPhone and your location is the one you wanted.)
#2. Download Dr.Fone app
1.PCまたはMacにDr.Foneアプリ(download and install Dr.Fone app)をダウンロードしてインストールするだけです。

3. Wondershare Dr.Foneウィンドウが開いたら、VirtualLocationをクリックします。 (Virtual Location. )
5.偽の場所を入力するように求められます。場所を入力したら、[移動]ボタン(Go button)をクリックします。
![偽の場所を入力し、[移動]ボタンをクリックします| iPhoneのLife360アプリで現在地を偽造する](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-bzbqF1QpCpU/YZD8Arh8azI/AAAAAAAADws/gsOtzBWo0kwAoKmSFUnkzCCEhteSnKvdwCEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhz8QPRGtwEo72ygTKeCRUT-J3k63fFwh_kLNv0Ktr9r_SWH1IaYOIBaEbRsIRb6a17x6R_TUHlbblBjMz1X8HVokLuL2VYJ-vM4Atr9SGXvN_3AaHz0jePYxqaXCaVZ8uyBaVifv_rmmPiIjZr9u_rliLlOEykbyGMv2w6gzhnIXZEdQ6gaWbsED7TWs3dsJ3BJlVBdTJonnKPF0Okf6IJgoPVWWfbAe2D3FRaLJOpJ88L6ibjR0m0LW4641fb46JejmHA33rMk048ZeKUEwYXMQEoiN0XAif44C8b0Crue99LpqXES26NdlzaVGF7Zq9Te8whfW8kdVQXMet5aF2E4-tcxCUUBFWautpCa-hqKHGuGo-Q--oHtVlfbBM222C1iqI7uTWR3A6j4HuiVKC-WXsrMPzhDmsCSasiXT41q6HbiCmzUAUVtMecoL06BJKFmPcSS4YCos0FU-dt0SCmGJL6p0kzt9TZT9iAm3beekVt_iyHXNwqX91bDbnWc1c3POYNQcTvJWWd4o5gpDVVbExMenOd5tSi4er5CZ3oxfB7SaCGeOoaFeaE_S0PVcN8_7kBX2YPeuTHwsr2PKHpE-1LeTuTA9H_uRD8IY0EwzYPEjAY/s0/4ajJ5dc6FTzYF7p9OMU2zu-aiMg.png)
6.最後に、[ここに移動(Move here)]ボタンをクリックすると、現在地が切り替わります。Life360は、現在の場所ではなく、iPhoneに偽の場所を表示するようになりました。(Life360 will now show your fake location on your iPhone instead of your current location.)
#3. Using Gfaker External Device
- あなたがする必要があるのは、Gfakerデバイスを購入し、 (buy Gfaker device)USBポートを介してそれをあなたの電話に接続することです。
- インストールが正常に完了したら、iPhoneで位置情報アプリ(control location app)を開き、ポインターを目的の場所にドラッグするだけです。
- あなたの場所は数秒で更新されます。表示するルートを決めることもできます。コントロールマップでポインタをスライドし続けると、それに応じて位置が変化し続けます。
- このように、あなたはあなたの場所を手動でシミュレートすることによってあなたの家族を簡単にだますことができます。
(How to Fake Location on Life360 on)AndroidのLife360で位置情報を偽造する方法
まず、開発者向けオプションをオンに(turn on the developer options)する必要があります。これを行うには、以下の手順に従います-
1. Androidスマートフォンで(Android)[設定](Settings)を開き、下にスクロールして[端末(About phone)情報]を検索します。
![[電話について]オプションを選択します| Life360アプリであなたの場所を偽造する](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-pt2rRiIG8tY/YZMNVEUnwMI/AAAAAAAAf5U/DYsydC29L5wYbwaqq4kJ1imH_SvzZzbGQCEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhz0Yv1aeBYkerQCB_m-YeLyTFOl3JarAk7ZvmmbmTWvUt9Yo5rcaOx8EetpKoEL5zdi6suJqUPqAMnxCNuWFELSyYPq9TGqd1jnPKxLLCNEoDi-ct7BqNP-qrbr-_RAl4PoEh475JURNwrog8TvSNIAwgKm8fv1N7Y0r_6nG4wQkDL6C8yGOReu2_Ysux0VBDtLMOjJWsbF9oOg8knIx0aNUu7iH9x6OAe5nc8qRJ9JAfDdFJmfsyBLbmby05oQAwRcYF061FhRQc169j-3E3ddF3CAISoZaxsVDG9lFLs98mBoKFMmsRq6iJFORCnOlZ4IsGocFYnRrZdUe-I4bTCtkcQ9hyQN2aHc_JtkDgLTnMCjw2C-kmdV5lhmq6SURgSQhsiwskhB0jsfLSu6fKpSmvjKtAimgTsvdxHIumJhgyKx-3RFlngT5244xJqqroLbFRwtwF6y_J_UJd60TlpZ9rUuI2n6rMQ6gXfesIgyHREDRQh69fCGUlcpsq2rkfglCulysq_MpkoHq7kYDJJ8xPwL3fJFE5QV81NicQe3qg9AZ13NyW4zD5VEu6yFe7b5GAzmw1OvfPHjCTW3Oj-ksy5LpuID3J49jsi5z10wzfrNjAY/s0/VJOwaPTgvYtby9zelT8LXw5Isog.jpg)
2.次に、[電話について]( About phone)をタップする必要があります。次に、下にスクロールしてビルド番号(Build Number)を検索します。

3.これで、ビルド番号を(Build Number)7 回(times) 連続してタップしました。あなたは現在開発者(You are a developer now.)であるというメッセージが表示 されます。
#1. Fake your GPS location using Fake GPS location app
1. Google Playストア(Google Play store and)にアクセスして、偽のGPS位置(Fake GPS location)を 検索 する必要があります。アプリをダウンロードしてインストールします。

2.アプリをダウンロードしたら、開きます。[設定](Settings)を開くように求めるページが表示されます。[設定を開く](Open Settings)をタップします。
![[設定を開く]をタップします| Life360であなたの場所を偽造する](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-eZOxWFklkBQ/YZESCGCcPSI/AAAAAAAAG6g/S2YXOHUmgEIfRcQyJqzpyFF4aG9pat6UgCEwYBhgLKtMDABHVOhyxHaX9fPu7MRJnePcU5CX5XFFJjmDP8ssqBuNrH196SSHVPc45k3-6bS4UNNLx78XUASKnsal9GTYWhXV0Y14dJ7gLDX48Xp7xh6XmJofxoHxt-NieaZ96hhxOVG7akaEPUGCG06SiDLfR3OOHKDr9HV47dddUg52s7cK0MT8b4_5uQj7mWgYpjFnDNNdS5bbLqj1dVnAtWC9pwXNrhR20rdyAat93b1c8_EU9cQ2Lcc1qIqKXtNDjX94lpgYvw3qq3qbnU1A7vIBKqmkznt2nr3q8YfRvZwDhZ5t6LAaX3sNwrA2jgeJPyHhNBF2TlTCn2Bql7_F8xvjwjziWgaH149pLuEAYA8VX97P5B3b8UFSusV5s3g9oQRXh0TEL9oMnbEJULOibaLhMmr9yqskMcNBdQkKNfR0IP9dy4Eo5KQcJBAL9B2zMebvOX3Rlrf4Cb7PMNechMrLQh4edqJfJgZ0qWZpWmIkl90PhKJKlfn5siWc6SgbLHUjpVmMPFxSnZoTC9SjeuMXu8iYH86JTFFtFnTzeavw8bhXIAVvjrKbWQe8SMZBYOX3X3MZi_wS55nKXLSxickiVBl_FMDEqYjTp2-I_QhmPraDuXFMw39bFjAY/s0/7WPtqXJRG8ZhWYfKVXqvZjq6Fbk.jpg)
3.これで設定アプリが開きます。下にスクロール(Scroll)して、もう一度[開発者向けオプション]に(Developer Options again)移動します。
4.下にスクロールして、モックロケーションアプリオプション(Mock location app option)をタップします。モックロケーションアプリ用に選択するいくつかのオプションが開きます。偽のGPS(Fake GPS)をタップします。

5.すばらしい(Great)、ほぼ完了です。次に、アプリに戻り、目的の場所、つまり偽造する場所を選択します。( choose the desired location, i.e. the location to fake.)
6.場所を決定したら、画面の右下隅にある[再生]ボタンをタップします。(Play button)

この記事がお役に立てば幸いです。Life360アプリで現在地を偽造することができました。(fake your location on Life360 app.) 他に偽の場所があなたの袖をだましている場合は、私たちに知らせてください。
How to Fake Your Location on Life360 (iPhone & Android)
Sharing your location with sеveral applicatіons is kind-of nonsense, irritating and scary too. Almost every application requests Location Access nowadays, even if thosе apps have got nothing to do with location! This buzzes you off, and we get it. Bυt some applicаtions are solely meant for location trackіng, that too for your own benefits. We are talking about Life360 here. This applicatіon helps you to сreate a group of рeople and share each other’s location. You can also chat wіth the people within the app. Thе motive behind this application is to wipe out the worries of the whereabouts of your loved ones.
You can invite people to install this app and join your group. Now, each member of your group can see the real-time location of every other member. If you are a parent and want to know the whereabouts of your children, all you need to do is form a group with them on the Life360 app. Now, you can see the location of children 24×7. And mind you! They have access to your location too. You can also set specific arriving and leaving alerts for certain places, which makes it more awesome.
This application can be installed on iPhone and Android 6.0+. It is still not available for users using Android version-6 and below. This application comes with a free and paid version plans. In the paid version, it offers you various plans according to your budget.

What is Life360? And what is the idea behind it?
Life360 is a location-sharing application, where users from a group and can access each other’s location anytime. The group can be formed of family members, project team members, or anyone for that matter. This application also allows the group members to chat with each other.
The idea behind this app is fantastic. Originally developed for family members, Life360 requires each member to install the application and join the group. Now, they can have real-time location details of every group member. This application also provides Driving safety tool, as it can alert group members about overspeed, over acceleration and instant brake squeaking. It can instantly sense a car-accident and send a notification with location to all the group members that a particular person of the group has met with an accident.
Life360 is one of the most-trusted and heavily used location tracking application. With the location details of group members, this app gives its users the peace of their minds. This application also allows the location history along with real-time location! You wouldn’t worry about the location of your loved ones if you all are using this app, would you?
The Curse among Godsends. Privacy violations!
But with all this suitability and helpful features, it can sometimes become a headache to you. We totally get it! Anything more than enough becomes a curse, doesn’t matter how good it is. With real-time location access, this application may snatch away your desired privacy. It must have been bothering you as a 24×7 violation of your rightful privacy.
As a parent or teenager, we all have our right to privacy, and we don’t want it to be taken away from us. You don’t want your spouse, your fiancé, children, or parents to have your location all the time! What if you are facing family abuses, or if you want to sneak-out and enjoy with your friends or teammates? It can be anything. It is your right to protect your privacy.
So, is there a way to protect your privacy without having to get rid of that Life360 app? Yes, there is. In this article, we will tell you how you can fake your location on Life360 app.
Faking or Switching it off
Of course, the easiest way is to snatch away the application’s access to the location or simply uninstall it. Then, you won’t have to worry a bit. But if that were possible, you wouldn’t have been reading this article. In most of the cases, your family members won’t allow you to quit, and they certainly wouldn’t want you to be gone from their hands!
Also, tricks like Airplane Mode, turning phone location off, turning-of the location sharing of Life360 app and disabling the app won’t work for you. As these tricks freeze your location on the map and a red flag is marked! So, it becomes evident to the group members.
Therefore, people need to spoof or fake their locations. You can alter your location and can go wherever you want to without your family members having any idea about it. Plus, fooling people can be pretty funny!
Now, we are going to tell you how can fake your location on Lif360 app. You are not going to tell your mom about it, are you? Of course you aren’t! Let’s get on with it.
Burner Phone Step
It is the most obvious step, and you must have seen this coming. If you don’t know, your second phone is referred to as the Burner Phone. Fooling your family or group members becomes relatively easy if you have two devices. You can easily protect your privacy with this trick.
1. All you need to do is take your second phone, install the Life360 app. But wait, don’t log in just yet.
2. First, logout from your primary phone and then log in from your burner phone immediately.
3. Now, you can leave that burner phone anywhere you want and can go wherever you want to go. Your circle members will have no idea about it. They will only see the location where you’ve kept your burner phone.

But you may have to face some downsides of this trick as Life360 allows the family members to chat with others. What if someone sends you a message on the Life360 app and you don’t respond for several hours? That’s because your burner phone and you are not at the same place. This may create suspicions upon you. Keeping the burner phone at a safe place may also be a problem.
This trick may even be useless if you do not have a second phone. And we don’t think that buying a phone just for this idea would be the right choice. So, we have some more tricks that will help you.
How to Fake Location on Life360 on iOS device
Implementing such spoofing tricks is a lot difficult in an iOS device than in android because iOS is a lot more secure. iOS pays a great deal of attention on security, and it resists any play that involves spoofing. But we’ll still be able to pull off our plan. Let’s see how:
#1. Get iTools on Mac or PC
We can spoof our location in iOS through ‘Jailbreaking’. Jailbreaking is a method through which iOS users can get rid of software restrictions imposed by Apple Inc. on its products. Just like Rooting an Android phone, jailbreaking gives you the access to root features on an iOS device.
Now that you have the root access of your iPhone, you can now follow the below steps. You can perform GPS Spoofing using iTools, but remember that iTools is a paid software. However, it does provide a trial for a few days. Apart from this, iTools can be installed on a Mac or Windows PC only. Once it is installed, you need to connect your iPhone through USB to use iTools. Now that you’re done with the prerequisites, follow the steps below:
1. First of all, download and install iTools on your OS.
2. Once installation finishes, open iTools on your Mac or PC and click on the Toolbox.

3. Now, you need to click on the Virtual Location button on the toolbox panel. This will allow you to spoof your location.

4. Click on “Will active Developer mode” on Choose mode window.

5. In the input text area, enter the location where you want to be seen and now click on the Go button.

6. Finally, click on the Move here button. Open Life360 on your iPhone and your location is the one you wanted.
Now, you can go wherever you want without anyone getting any idea. But there is a significant drawback of this trick. As you need to connect your phone to the PC through cable, you won’t be able to take your phone with you. That means you won’t be able to respond to calls and messages which may put you in suspicion.
#2. Download Dr.Fone app
If you do not want to buy iTools, then you can simply fake your location on Lif360 app with Dr.Fone app.
1. You just need to download and install Dr.Fone app on your PC or Mac.
2. Upon successful installation, launch the app and connect your phone with the PC.

3. Once the Wondershare Dr.Fone window open, click on Virtual Location.
4. Now, the screen must be showing your current location. If it isn’t, then click on the centre icon. Next, click on Teleport.
5. It will now ask you to enter your fake location. When you enter the location, click on the Go button.

6. Finally, click on the Move here button and, your location will be switched. Life360 will now show your fake location on your iPhone instead of your current location.
This method too requires your phone to be connected via USB; therefore, you can’t take your iPhone with you again. It has the same drawbacks as the iTools option; the only difference is, dr. fone is free while you’ll have to pay for iTools.
We have a better way, but this might cause you some investment. Here’s how it is:
#3. Using Gfaker External Device
Gfaker is a device that helps you spoof your location, movements, and route too. You can manipulate almost everything on your iPhone through this Gfaker device. It is an easy solution for iOS users, but it requires hefty investment again. Not only Life360, but it can also spoof any application.
- All you need to do is buy Gfaker device and connect it to your phone through the USB port.
- Upon successful installation, open the control location app on your iPhone and simply drag the pointer to whichever location you want.
- Your location will be updated in seconds. You can even decide the route to show in it. As you keep sliding the pointer in the control map, your location will keep changing in response.
- This way, you can easily fool your family members by manually simulating your location.
The only downside of this trick is the investment. You need to buy Gfaker device and if you do, beware! You don’t want your family members to know about it.
Faking location on an iOS is not as easy and feasible as it is on Android, but the above methods turn out fine anyway.
How to Fake Location on Life360 on Android
Spoofing location on Android phones is a lot easier than on iOS. Let us get on with the first step already:
First of all, you need to turn on the developer options. To do that, follow the steps below-
1. Open Settings on your Android phone then scroll down and search for About phone.

2. Now, you need to tap About phone. Then scroll down and search for Build Number.

3. Now that you have stumbled upon the Build Number tap on that 7 times continuously. It will show a message that You are a developer now.
#1. Fake your GPS location using Fake GPS location app
1. You need to visit the Google Play store and search for Fake GPS location. Download and Install the app.

2. Once you’ve downloaded the app, open it. It’ll show open a page asking you to open Settings. Tap on Open Settings.

3. Now your settings app will have opened by now. Scroll down and go to Developer Options again.

4. Scroll down and tap on Mock location app option. It will open a few options to choose for the mock location app. Tap on Fake GPS.

5. Great, you’re almost done. Now, get back to the app and choose the desired location, i.e. the location to fake.
6. Once you’ve decided the location, tap the Play button on the bottom-right corner of the screen.

7. You’re done! This was it. Now your family members can only see the location that you’ve entered in the fake GPS app. It was easy, no?
We know how advantageous Life360 can be. But when you need privacy, these spoofing tricks might help you.
We hope this article was helpful and you were able to fake your location on Life360 app. Do let us know if you have any other fake location trick up your sleeve.