
他の追加機能とともに、天気を正確に読み取るために Android携帯にダウンロードするサードパーティのベストウェザーアプリ(Best Weather Apps)とウィジェット(Widgets)がたくさんあります。

どこにいても、どこにいても天気の最新情報を入手できます。Accuweatherは、 (Accuweather)GooglePlayストアで4.4つ星の素晴らしい評価を得ています。彼らの受賞歴のある超正確な天気予報システムは、あなたをまったく失望させません!この第3部で提供されるリアルタイムの更新である、Androidアプリケーションは、変装した祝福になります。アプリは無料でダウンロードできます。Their paid version will cost you $2.99。
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今日の天気は、Androidユーザーにとって最高の天気アプリの1つです。(Today Weather is one of the best weather apps for Android users.)このサードパーティアプリケーションが提供する機能に入る前に、非常にインタラクティブで上品なデータ駆動型のユーザーインターフェイス に( B)感謝します。(User)アプリは使いやすく、美しく見えます。Today Weatherが提供する詳細な天気予報は、正確であるため、非常に印象的です。
あなたが訪問するどの場所でも、アプリはあなたに最も正確で信頼できる方法でその地域の天気の詳細を提供します。また、レーダーのようなAccuweatherを備えており、 (Accuweather)Weatherウィジェットでクイックビュー機能を提供します。
Here.com、Accuweather、Dark Sky、Open Weather Mapなどの10を超えるデータソースから天気予報を調整して提供します。世界中のどこにいても、アプリを使用して天気を予測できます。このアプリには、吹雪、大雨、暴風雨、雪、雷雨などの過酷な気象条件に対するアラート機能があります。
毎日の天気の最新情報について、 Today(Today)天気アプリから毎日通知が届きます。あなたはこのアプリを通してあなたの友人と天気情報を共有することができます。
この電話には、AMOLEDディスプレイ(AMOLED displays)を備えた電話のダークテーマもあります。このアプリケーションのデザインは素晴らしいです!
私が気に入ったいくつかの追加機能は、UVインデックスと花粉数でした。今日の天気は24時間年中無休で毎分更新されます。それは素晴らしいユーザーレビューを持っており、GooglePlayストア(Google Play Store)で4.3つ星の評価を達成しています。
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非常に成功した天気ウィジェットを思いついた別の検索エンジンはYahooです。Yahoo(Though Yahoo)は既知の検索エンジンから徐々に減少しているが、その天気(Weather)予報は常に素晴らしい4.5つ星の評価で信頼できるものであった。
風(Wind)、雨、気圧、降水の可能性に関するすべての必要な詳細は、 Yahooの天気予報アプリケーションに正確に表示されます。彼らはあなたの週に前もって計画するために5日と10日の予測を持っています。yahoo天気のインターフェースは、見事で上品なFlickrの写真で飾られています。(Flickr photos)
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追跡したい都市を最大20個追加し、左右にスワイプしてすばやくアクセスできます。Yahoo Weatherアプリは、トークバック機能を使用して非常にアクセスしやすくなっています。
開発者は、 Yahoo(Yahoo) Weatherアプリを定期的に更新して、最高のモバイルエクスペリエンスを提供します。
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Androidフォン(Android Phones – Weather 1)向けの最も受賞歴があり評価の高い天気アプリケーションの1つ–天気1 。これは、Androidユーザーにとって最高の天気アプリまたはウィジェットの1つであると考えるのが安全です。(It is safe to presume that it is one of the best weather apps or widgets for Android users.)気象条件は可能な限り詳細に表現されています。気温、風(Wind)の速さ、気圧、UVインデックス(UV Index)、毎日の天気、毎日の気温、湿度、1時間ごとの雨の可能性、露点などの基準は、すべて非常に信頼できる情報源からのものです-National Weather Service(National Weather Service)、WDT。
1 Weather(Weather)がアプリでアクセスできるようにする予測を使用して、日、週、月を計画できます。彼らは、有名な気象学の専門家であるゲイリー・レザックによる12(Gary Lezak)週間のPRECISIONCAST(Week PRECISION CAST)機能と呼ばれるものを持っています。このアプリは、すべての情報をカスタマイズ可能なウィジェットで利用できるようにして、すばやくアクセスできるようにします。ウィジェットは、ホーム画面で翌日の気象条件についても通知します。
日の出、日の入り、月の満ち欠けを追跡することもできます。それは月の月の周期(Lunar Moon Cycle)で日中の時間を教えてくれます。
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リストの次のチャンネルはウェザーチャンネルで、 Google Play(Google Play)ストアで4.6つ星の評価を獲得しており、世界中の多くのユーザーによる素晴らしいレビューが寄せられています。ライブレーダーの更新と地域の気象条件の通知により、このアプリはその精度の高さを印象付け続けています。
あなたが世界のどこにいても、ウェザーチャンネル(Weather Channel)アプリの花粉予報とレーダーアップデートがあなたをフォローします。彼らは自動的にあなたの位置を検出し、GPSトラッカー(GPS tracker)機能で更新を提供します。NOAAアラートと悪天候アラートもこのアプリのユーザーによって非常に推奨されています。
WeatherChannelの24HourFuture(Hour Future)レーダーを使用して、最大24時間の将来の更新を確認できます。広告の不便さなしにアプリケーションをサーフィンしたい場合は、有料版に9.99ドルの価格を支払う必要があります。プレミアムバージョンでは、湿度とUVインデックス(UV Index)の機能、および24時間将来のレーダーに関する詳細情報も提供されます。
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信頼性が高く、最も古いサードパーティの気象アプリケーションの1つはWeatherBugです。WeatherBugの開発者は、アプリケーションの外観とユーザーインターフェイスに関して失望していません。WeatherBugは、AppyAwardsに(Best Weather App)よる2019BestWeatherAppの受賞(Appy Awards)者でした。
このアプリケーションは、気象データのカスタマイズ、降水の可能性、風の状態に関する情報のためのドップラーレーダーアニメーションを提供します。(Doppler radar animations)
WeatherBugは、ユーザーから多くの好意を得ており、 (Goodwill)GooglePlayストア(Google Play Store)で4.7つ星の評価を得ています。有料版は19.99ドルの高額です
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このサードパーティのアプリケーションは、 WeatherChannel(Weather Channel)自体による小さなバリエーションです。これは、携帯電話にある、またはこのリストで読んでいる可能性のある基本的な天気予報アプリケーションとは異なります。天気予報アプリケーションに期待されるすべての基本機能を備えていますが、雷雨、竜巻、ハリケーン、およびその他のそのような神のハードな行為に明るい光を当てます。
雨と洪水の追跡装置と地域の気温、およびそれらの驚くべきドップラーレーダー技術は、 (Doppler)GPS追跡装置を使用してリアルタイムでカスタマイズを支援します。暴風雨と竜巻の警報は、1時間ごとのNOAA(NOAA)予報、さらには8時間前までに十分な警告を発し、高解像度のレーダー(Radar)天気図で利用できます。
Storm Radarアプリが提供する上位3つの機能は、 GPS天気図、リアルタイムのNOAA予報、最大8時間前の将来のレーダー地図、気象アラートのライブです。ストーム(Storm)レーダーとウェザーチャンネル(Weather Channel)のレイントラッカーは同じです。どちらも同じように信頼できます。
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NOAA Weatherアプリによって提供される、立っている場所に関係なく、リアルタイムの天気情報をポイントツーポイントで更新できます。これは、トレッキング、サイクリング遠征、または天気の良い日での長い散歩を計画または実行する場合に役立ちます。
NOAA Weatherアプリを使用すると、仕事や屋外に出かけるときに傘を持っていく必要があるときをいつでも知ることができます。このアプリは、国立気象局(National Weather)から直接、非常に正確なデータを提供します。
このアプリケーションは、Google Playストアから無料(Free)でダウンロードするか、プレミアムバージョンを1.99ドルの低価格で購入できます。
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はい、天気に関するデータは非常に正確で、詳細です。ソースはDarkSkyです。しかし、Carrot Weatherで最も優れているのは、その対話と風景、そしてそのユニークなUIです。アプリのプレミアムバージョンでは、ウィジェットとタイムトラベル機能にアクセスできます。タイムトラベル機能を使用すると、最大10年前、または過去70年近く前に戻り、将来または過去の特定の日の天気の詳細を表示できます。
悲しいことに、アプリには約束がたくさんありますが、多くの欠点があり、 GooglePlayストア(Google Play Store)でその評価を悲しい3.2つ星に落としています。
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Carrot Weatherにより、 Androidユーザー向けの最高の天気予報アプリとウィジェットのリストが終わりになりました。これらのアプリケーションの少なくとも1つは、Androidフォンでは必須のように感じられます。いつも前もって計画を立てておけば、思いがけない雨で家の横に引っかかったり、肌寒い夜にセーターを忘れたりすることはありません。
Android用の12の最高の天気アプリの中であなたが最も好きなものを(12 best weather apps for Android you like the most)教えてください。良いものを見逃したと思われる場合は、読者のコメントセクションにドロップしてください。
12 Best Weather Apps and Widget for Android (2022)
It had becоme difficυlt to recall the times when еveryone used to turn to traditional sources of weather forecasts. Newspapеrs, radios, and TVs used to be our main source for judging how the weather will fare on a particular day. Picnics and nature trips were planned on the basis of this informatіon alone. More than often, the information gathered used to be inaccurate, and predictions failed. A prediction of a sunny, humid day turnеd out to be the rainiest day of the week at tіmes.

Now that technology has taken over the world by storm; weather forecasting has become extremely accurate. It has also become extremely convenient and easy for everyone to just look up weather predictions, not just for the day but also for the entire coming week.
There is a lot of third-party Best Weather Apps and Widgets to download on your Android phones to have an accurate reading of the weather, with other additional features.
12 Best Weather Apps and Widget for Android (2022)

Live radar with weather forecasting news, called Accuweather, has been the top choice for most Android users over the years for weather updates. The name itself suggests the accuracy of the information provided by them. The application provides weather-related warnings that will alert you from storms and harsh weather to prepare you beforehand.
You can check the weather up to 15 days in advance, and have access to live weather conditions with a minute to minute updates 24/7.
Their RealFeel Temperature tech gives a deep insight into the temperature. Something super cool is how Accuweather compares the actual weather conditions and how the weather feels. Some good features include Android wear support and radar. Users have appreciated its “MinuteCast” feature the most for its regular, timely real-time updates on the precipitation.
You can get weather updates for any location or wherever you go. Accuweather has a great rating of 4.4-stars on the Google Play store. Their award-winning super accurate weather forecasting systems will not disappoint you at all! The real-time updates provided by this third part, the Android application will be a blessing in disguise for you. The app is available for free download. Their paid version will cost you $2.99.
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Today Weather is one of the best weather apps for Android users. Before I get into the features this third-party application offers, I would like to appreciate its data-driven User interface, which is extremely interactive and classy. The app is simple to use, and it looks beautiful. The detailed weather forecasts offered by Today Weather are extremely impressive, as they are accurate.
Any location you visit, the app will provide you weather details for that area in the most accurate and reliable manner. It also has a radar-like Accuweather and provides quick view features with Weather widgets.
It aligns and sources its weather forecast from more than 10 data sources like Here.com, Accuweather, Dark Sky, Open weather Map, etc. You can be anywhere in the world and use the app to forecast the weather. The app has an alert feature for harsh weather conditions- a snowstorm, heavy rain, storm, snow, thunderstorms, etc.
You will get daily notifications from the Today weather app for weather updates for every day. You can share weather information with your friends through this app.
The phone also has a dark theme for those phones with AMOLED displays. The design of this application is great!
Some extra additional features that I loved were the UV index and pollen count. Today weather is there for you 24/7 with minute by minute updates. It has great user reviews and has achieved a 4.3-star rating on Google Play Store.
It is free for download.
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When Google comes up with any such third-party applications, you will always know that you can depend on it. The same goes for the Google weather search feature. Though this is not an additional application, it already exists in your Android phone if you use the default Google search engine. All you need to do is search for weather-related data on the Google search engine.
A weather page pops up with a beautiful and user-friendly interface. The background changes with the weather conditions, and it looks really cute. Timely and hourly forecasts for the weather will pop up on your screen. You can even check the weather updates for the coming days. Google is dependable when it comes to most things, and therefore, we can surely trust it with our weather news.
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Another search engine that came up with a very successful weather widget is Yahoo. Though Yahoo has been gradually diminishing from the known search engines, its Weather forecast has always been a dependable one with a superb 4.5-star rating.
All necessary details regarding the Wind, rain, pressure, chances of precipitation are accurately represented on the Yahoo weather application. They have 5 day and 10-day forecasts to plan ahead on your week. The interface of yahoo weather is adorned by Flickr photos that are stunning and classy.
The simple interface is very easy to understand and is extremely user friendly. You can see animated sunsets, sunrise, and pressure modules. You can track weather-related forecasts of any city or destination you wish to. Good features like map browsing for radar, heat, snow, and satellite is available.
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You can add up to 20 cities that you are interested in tracking and swipe left and right for quick access. The Yahoo weather app is extremely accessible with a talkback feature.
The developers update the Yahoo weather app regularly to bring you the best mobile experience.
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One of the most awarded and appreciated weather applications for Android Phones – Weather 1. It is safe to presume that it is one of the best weather apps or widgets for Android users. Weather conditions are expressed in the greatest detail possible. Criteria like temperature, speed of the Wind, pressure, UV Index, daily weather, daily temperature, humidity, hourly chances of rain, dew point, all from a very reliable source- National Weather Service, WDT.
You can plan days, weeks, and months with the forecasts that 1 Weather makes accessible to you with the app. They have something called the 12 Week PRECISION CAST feature from the well-renowned meteorology professional Gary Lezak. The app makes all information available on a customizable widget for quick access. The widget will tell you about the next day’s weather conditions, as well, on your home screen.
They have a thing called the 1WeatherTV, which acts as a news channel for the weather predictions and related news.
You can even track sunrise, sunsets, and phases of the moon. It even tells you about the daylight hours with the Lunar Moon Cycle.
The 1 Weather app for Android has a super Google Play store rating of 4.6-Stars. It is free of cost.
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The next one on the list is The weather channel, with a stellar rating of 4.6-stars on the Google Play store and crazy awesome reviews by the lakhs of users from around the world. With the live radar updates and local weather condition notifications, this app continues to impress its heights of accuracy.
No matter where you are in the world, pollen forecasts and radar updates of the Weather Channel app are going to follow you. They automatically detect your location and provide updates with their GPS tracker facility. The NOAA alerts and severe weather alerts are also extremely recommended by the users of this app.
Something novice that this app brings to light is a Flu tracker with flu insights and flu risk detector in your area.
You can see up to 24-hour future updates with the Weather Channel’s 24 Hour Future radar. If you wish to surf the application without the inconvenience of advertisements, a price of $9.99 has to be paid for the paid version. The premium version also provides a higher detail on humidity and UV Index features, and the 24-hour future radar.
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A well trusted, and one of the oldest third-party weather application is the WeatherBug. The developers of WeatherBug have not disappointed when it comes to the appearance and the user interface of the application. The WeatherBug was the winner of the 2019 Best Weather App by Appy Awards.
They provide hourly and even 10 day forecasts with real-time updates on weather conditions. If you want the WeatherBug advantage of having a professional weather network, warning on harsh weathers, animated weather maps, and International weather forecasts, you definitely need to install the App on your Android.
The application provides for weather data customizations, Doppler radar animations for information on chances of precipitation, wind conditions.
The app also tells you more about air quality, pollen count, temperature, hurricane tracker. The widget will allow you quick access to all information on your Android’s home screen itself.
The WeatherBug has gained a lot of Goodwill from its users and has a great 4.7-star rating on the Google Play Store. The paid version costs a steep $19.99
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This third party application is a little variant by the Weather Channel itself. It differs from any basic weather application that you might have on your phone or read about on this list. It does have all the basic functions that you expect from a weather forecasting application but puts a brighter light on thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and other such hard acts of god.
Rain and flood tracker and the local temperature and their amazing Doppler radar tech, help with customization in real-time with a GPS tracker. Storm and tornado alerts will give you sufficient warning with hourly NOAA Forecasts and even 8 hours in advance, available with the Radar weather map in high definition.
The top 3 features provided by the Storm Radar app is the GPS weather map, NOAA forecasts in real-time, future radar map up to 8 hours in advance, weather alerts live. The rain tracker of the Storm radar and The Weather Channel is the same. Both are equally dependable.
The Storm radar holds a 4.3-star rating on google play Store. It is available for download, free of cost.
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Detailed real-time updates on the weather conditions and accurate weather forecasting are now easily accessible with Over drop. It gathers its data from reliable weather sources like the Dark sky. The best feature being the 24/7 updates and even the 7-day forecast with severe condition alerts made available by this third party weather application on your android phones.
The Overdrop application has a widget for easy access on the home screen, including time, weather, and battery features too! Do not be worried about the GPS tracker that Overdrop uses to provide you with real-time updates in whatever location you are. The app respects your privacy and keeps your location history safe.
My favourite thing is the number of themes that the application offers you to keep things exciting always!
The app is free, as well as has a paid version costing $7.49. It has a 4.4-star rating on the Google Play store.
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Weather forecasts, NOAA alerts, hourly updates, current temperature, and animated radars. That is what the NOAA Weather application offers to android users. The user interface is extremely simple and easy to use.
Point to point real-time weather updates for whatever location you stand on is given by the NOAA Weather app. This can be helpful if you plan or execute a trek, cycling expedition, or a long walk in the pleasant weather.
With the NOAA Weather app, you will always know when it is necessary to carry an umbrella when going off to work or outdoors. The app provides highly accurate data to you, straight from the National Weather services.
You can download this application from the Google play store for Free or buy a premium version for a small price of $1.99.
The weather app has a 4.6-star rating and great reviews from users worldwide.
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A highly recommended weather application- Go weather, will not disappoint you. This is more than just a normal weather application. It will provide you with beautiful widgets, live wallpapers alongside the basic weather information and climate conditions in your location. It provides real-time weather reports, regular forecasts, the status of temperature and weather, UV index, Pollen count, humidity, sunset and sunrise time, etc. Go weather also provides precipitation forecasts and chances of rain, which are high inaccuracy. The widgets can be customized to provide a better look on the home screen, and so can the themes.
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Great and powerful weather forecasting application for Android users- Carrot weather. Most weather apps can get boring after a point in time, and they eventually lose their charm. But, Carrot has a lot more in store for its users. It is certainly not one of those sheep in a herd.
Yes, the data it provides on the weather is extremely accurate, as well as detailed. The source is Dark Sky. But what is best about Carrot Weather is its dialogue and scenery and its unique UI. The premium version of the app will give you access to the widgets and the time travel feature. The time travel feature will take you forward up to 10 years, or back in the past almost 70 years, and show you weather details for any specific day in the future or the past.
Sadly, even though the app has a lot to promise, but it has a lot of drawbacks, which has dropped its rating to a sad 3.2-stars on the Google Play Store.
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With Carrot weather, we have come to the end of the list for the best Weather forecast apps and widgets for Android users. At least one of these applications almost feels like a must on an Android phone. If you always plan ahead, you can never get stuck out on your house’s side due to unexpected rain or forget to carry a sweater on a chilly night outside.
In case you do not wish to waste space on your phone for an unnecessary widget or third-party android application, you can use Google in-built weather feed, as mentioned in the list above.
If you do download any of the given applications, do not forget to utilize its widget for easy access, to always have the weather update right in front of you on the home screen.
Do let us know which among the 12 best weather apps for Android you like the most. If you feel we might have missed out on any of the good ones, drop them down here in the comments section for our readers.