現在購入できる最高の予算のゲーミングノートパソコンを5つまとめました。この場合の「予算(Budget)」は1,500ドル未満を意味しますが、ここではゲーミングノートパソコンについて(are)話します。WebブラウジングおよびMicrosoftOffice(Microsoft Office)用の250ドルのラップトップは、必要に応じて引き続き使用できます。

AcerのNitro5は、仕様の点で、手頃な価格のゲーミングノートパソコンを実際に使いたいと思うほど低いでしょう。クアッドコア(quad-core)、8スレッドのi5CPUおよびGTX1650 GPUを使用すると、それぞれの「高」プリセットの最新のタイトルで、毎秒30〜60フレームのヒットが期待できます。コンソール品質の設定を目指したいのであれば、毎秒60フレーム以上の安定したフレームが確実にカードにあります。
2つの主要なゲームコンポーネントとは別に、この価格帯では他の犠牲を払う必要があります。あなたは8GBのRAMしか手に入れませんが、それでもゲームには十分であり、ほとんどのタイトルはまだこのRAMの数値を要件の範囲内に設定しています。また、256GB PCIe NVMEメインドライブしか入手できませんが、2つ目の空きスロットがあるため、 (PCIe NVME)Windowsを再インストールする必要がなく、より高速なストレージを簡単に追加できます。

モニターはわずか60HzのフルHDIPS(Full HD IPS)(面内スイッチング)パネルであり、優れた色と画質を意味します。毎秒60フレームを超えてプッシュする可能性が低いGPUでは、高リフレッシュ画面が無駄になるため、ここに画面がなくてもまったく問題はありません。
最高の価値– (The Best Bang For Your Buck – )MSI GF65 9SD-252
魔法の千ドルのマークでやって来て、GF65は予算のゲーミングノートパソコンのチェックリストの事実上すべてのボックスをチェックします。6コア、12スレッドのCPU、GTX 1660Ti、高リフレッシュIPS画面、および適切な512GBのスペースを備えたSATASSDを備えています。(SATA SSD)PCIe SSDのパフォーマンスの欠如は残念ですが、現在のPCゲームでは、ロード時間に関してはSATAで十分です。(SATA)

一見すると、GL731は、たとえば、上記で見たGF65よりも見栄えがよくない場合があります。結局のところ、 CPUとGPUの組み合わせは同じです。これが17.3インチのマシンであるという事実を見逃しがちです。これは、はるかに一般的な15.6インチのユニットから画面サイズが大幅に拡大したものです。

予算仕様モンスター(Budget Specifications Monster – )–MSIGS65ステルス(MSI GS65 Stealth)(MSI GS65 Stealth)
ここに、今述べた種類のラップトップがあります。1,500ドルの予算を使用して、より高速なハードウェアを組み合わせて追加する15.6インチのマシン。CPUは、最近のほとんどすべての予算のほとんどのゲーミングノートパソコンに搭載されているものと同じ6コアi7です。i7-9750H(Which)はゲームに十分高速なので、これは問題ありません。むしろ、予算はRTX (RTX 2060)2060、32GB(240Hz )のRAM、および240HzのフルHDディスプレイに割り当てられています。

GS65にはThunderbolt3(Thunderbolt 3)ポートも付属しており、外部GPU(external GPU)を使用できる可能性があります。ゴールドとブラックのスタイリングも気に入っています。赤からの素敵な変化!
説明の「 VRReady(VR Ready)」ビットは無視してください。Nitro 5を除いて、ここにあるすべてのラップトップは「VR対応」です。TUFを本当に際立たせているのは、8コア、16スレッドのRyzenプロセッサです。AMDは(AMD)Intelにこの世代の良いキックを与えており、 TUFは最大限に活用しています。

Team Intelからの離反に問題がない場合(そしてなぜそうではないのですか?)、これは取引の絶対(Thunderbolt 3)的なキラーです。GS65ステルス(将来、外部(GS65 Stealth)GPUオプションが絶対に必要な場合)。
5 Best Budget Gaming Laptops
The time of the gaming laptop has finally come. Gone are the days where you nеeded to pay twice the price of a desktop for half the performance. Modern gaming laptops have the same performance components as their desktop cousins and not nearly the рrice premium that you might expect.
We’ve rounded up five of the best budget gaming laptops you can currently buy. “Budget” in this case means less than $1,500, but we are talking about gaming laptops here. $250 laptops for web browsing and Microsoft Office are still there if you need them!

The Nitro 5 from Acer is probably as low as you’d realistically want to go with a budget gaming laptop in terms of specifications. With a quad-core, eight-thread i5 CPU and GTX 1650 GPU, you can expect to hit somewhere between 30 and 60 frames per second on modern titles on their respective “high” presets. If you’re willing to aim for console-quality settings, a steady 60 frames per second or better is definitely on the cards.
Apart from the two main gaming components, at this price point other sacrifices have to be made. You only get 8GB of RAM, but that’s still plenty for gaming, with most titles still setting this RAM figure within their requirements range. You also only get a 256GB PCIe NVME main drive, but with a second open slot, adding more fast storage should be easy down the line, with no Windows reinstallation needed.

The monitor is only a 60Hz Full HD IPS (in-plane switching) panel, which means great colors and image quality. A high-refresh screen would be wasted on a GPU that’s unlikely to push beyond 60 frames per second, so its absence here doesn’t hurt at all.
While styling is of course subjective, the Nitro 5 really does look the part. There’s no color-changing RGB lighting, but the red keyboard backlighting provides that classic gaming laptop look, coupled with beautiful angles on the chassis. If your budget for a gaming machine is very limited, the Nitro 5 is an excellent choice for a decent gaming experience on the go.
Coming in at the magic thousand dollar mark, the GF65 ticks virtually every box on the budget gaming laptop checklist. It has a 6-core, 12-thread CPU, a GTX 1660Ti, high-refresh IPS screen and a SATA SSD with a decent 512GB of space. A lack of PCIe SSD performance is regrettable, but for current PC gaming, SATA is going to be just fine when it comes to loading times.

A slightly deeper cut comes in the form of the 8GB RAM allocation. It’s a single stick, so you don’t get dual-channel memory performance out of the box. On the bright side, you only need to add another stick of RAM in the second open slot to hit the 16GB mark. This is the upgrade we most strongly recommend, but even with the standard configuration, you should have no issue playing most modern games at high settings at or above 60 frames per second.
The GF65 is relatively compact, has plenty of USB ports and an understated design. Overall it’s an incredibly well-balanced system and its biggest weaknesses can be addressed by upgrades down the line.
The “ROG Strix” branding is reserved for Asus laptops that are geared towards hardcore gaming. This particular model is sold by Xotic PC, which is known as a custom gaming computer reseller. It is however still an Asus machine, make no mistake.
At first glance, the GL731 might not look much better than, for example, the GF65 we looked at above. It has the same CPU and GPU combination after all. It’s easy to miss the fact that this is a 17.3” machine, a significant step up in screen size from the much more common 15.6” units.
That’s not automatically a good thing, but it does mean a much more comfortable viewing experience, far better keyboard spacing and more headroom for cooling. The downside is portability, but there’s little difference between either sizes when lugging them around in a backpack.

You also get 16GB of RAM out of the box, but if you have a larger budget, you can choose from a variety of RAM and SSD configurations which Xotic will install for you before shipping the laptop.
The design is gorgeous and that 17.3” 144Hz screen is definitely the star of the show. For the asking price this is really one of the nicest overall machines you can buy. It’s also scarce to find 17” gaming laptops at this price, so if that’s a priority for you, strongly consider the XPC ROG Strix. However, if you want higher specifications, you can get 15.6” laptops for similar money with better internals. The trade-off is entirely up to you.
Here we have exactly the sort of laptop we just mentioned. A 15.6” machine that uses its $1,500 budget to add faster hardware into the mix. The CPU is the same 6-core i7 that features in most gaming laptops of almost any budget these days. Which is fine, since the i7-9750H is plenty fast for gaming. Rather, the budget has been allocated to the RTX 2060, 32GB of RAM and 240Hz Full HD display.

Yes, you read that right. With a refresh rate this fast, you’ll almost never have more frames coming from the GPU than the screen can display. Input lag should be virtually imperceptible as well, which makes this a great choice for competitive gamers moving from one venue to the next.
The GS65 also comes with a Thunderbolt 3 port, which opens up the possibility of using an external GPU. We also like the gold and black styling. A nice change from red!
Ignore the “VR Ready” bit of the description. Barring the Nitro 5, all the laptops here are “VR Ready”. What really sets the TUF apart is its 8-core, 16-thread Ryzen processor. AMD is giving Intel a good kicking this generation and the TUF takes full advantage.

Stream to Twitch, play core-hungry games and do stuff on the side like video editing. The TUF will eat it up and spit it out. With 32GB of RAM and a 2TB SSD, this might be the best all-round desktop replacement laptop you can buy right now. Not just good for gaming, but for basically anything you could want to do.
If you’re OK with defecting from Team Intel (and why not?), this is an absolute killer of a deal.We would have loved to see Thunderbolt 3 support, but that’s some mild nit-picking and you could always opt for the GS65 Stealth if you absolutely needed the external GPU option in future.