家からコンテンツを作成して消費する人が増えるにつれ、ストリーマーとコンテンツクリエーターの間の競争は、一般に、過去数年間で激しさを増し、オーディオとビデオの品質が大きな違いを生む可能性があります。Trustにはいくつかの確かな提案があり、その中で最も優れているのはTrust Rudox GXT259USB(Trust Rudox GXT 259) マイク(USB)です。実際には、それはマイク以上のものであり、スタンド、反射シールド、およびポップフィルターを備えた完全なセットアップです。Rudoxを数日間テストしましたが、結論は次のとおりです。
Trust GXT 259 Rudox:誰に適していますか?
GXT 259 Rudoxは、次の用途に適しています。
- オーディオトラックにスタジオ品質(24ビット96kHzサンプリングレート)を必要とするコンテンツクリエーター
- ソロまたは個別の楽器を録音するミュージシャン
- 机の上に余裕があり、周囲の声を遮断したいストリーマー。
- 完全なプラグアンドプレイのサウンドレコーディングセットアップが必要なユーザー
Trust GXT 259 Rudoxには、かなりの数の品質があります。

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- それは24ビット96kHzのサンプリングレートを持っています
- パッケージには、取り付けベース、減衰マウント、ポップフィルター、反射シールドが含まれています。
- ゼロレイテンシーモニタリング用のボリュームコントロールとミキサーを内蔵したヘッドフォンジャックがあります
- カーディオイドパターンは、マイクの前にある単一の音源に最適です
- さまざまな部品を所定の位置に固定する固定ネジは、他のセットアップほどうまく設計されていません
- ボタンは、録音でも聞こえる顕著なノイズを出します
- 統合されたマイクゲインコントロールはありません
- 宣言された信号対雑音比は大きくありません(ただし、これには可聴効果がないため、技術仕様のエラーである可能性があります)
Trust GXT259Rudoxは素晴らしいマイクです。音質は素晴らしく、付属のアクセサリは非常に便利で、マイナーな例外を除いて、ビルドの品質に問題はありません。設定は簡単です。同じことがそれを使用するためにも当てはまります。ベースは安定していて頑丈です。ゲインコントロールの欠如とマイクのボタンからの大きな音は、特にこの価格帯では、このマイクを5つ星未満で評価するには十分ではありません。自宅から録音を開始したいミュージシャンの場合、またはナレーションやポッドキャストを行う場合は、Trust GXT259Rudoxを強くお勧めします。(The Trust GXT 259 Rudox is a great microphone. The sound quality is great, the bundled accessories are super useful, and the build quality, with minor exceptions, can’t be faulted. Setting it up is easy; the same goes for using it. The base is stable and sturdy. The lack of gain control and the loud noises the buttons on the mic make aren’t enough to rate this microphone any less than five stars, especially at this price point. If you’re a musician who wants to start recording from your home or if you do voice-overs or podcasts, we highly recommend the Trust GXT 259 Rudox.)
Trust(Trust GXT 259) GXT259Rudoxマイクの開梱(Rudox)
Trust GXT 259 Rudoxマイクの箱を開け始めたときに最初に気付いたのは、パッケージの重量でした。6.5ポンド(3 kg以上)を超えています。箱は光沢があり、第一印象の良い高品質のグラフィックが施されています。

マイク自体は、スタンドと同様に、ボックス内に個別にパッケージ化されています。これにより、輸送中にコンポーネントが接触しないようにします。スタンドの重量は3.5ポンド(1.7 kg以上)を超えるので、これは良いことです。この段階で、クイックセットアップリーフレット、GXTステッカー、および法的情報を含む別のリーフレットが見つかります。

マイクボックスには、ダンパー、ケーブル、ポップフィルター、そしてもちろん実際のマイクが含まれています。パッケージには2つの予備の輪ゴムが含まれています。これは、 Trustの細部へのこだわりを示す素敵なタッチです。ダンパーは、GXT256Exxoで使用されているものと同じです。

Trust GXT 259 Rudoxに(Rudox)は、ダンパーとポップフィルターがあります

それをすべてまとめて初めて、全体の仕掛けの実際のサイズに気付くでしょう。マイクの高さは平均的なデスクにちょうどいいですが、少しの努力で、Trust (Trust GXT 259) GXT259Rudox(Rudox)は最も雑然としたワークスペースを除いてすべてに収まるはずです。

(Make)Trust (Trust GXT 259) GXT259Rudox(Rudox)用のスペースが机の上にあることを確認してください
パッケージ全体と個々のコンポーネントは、非常にプレミアムで高品質な感じがします。開梱体験は素晴らしく、有益な箱から始まり、慎重な梱包と部品の固定で終わりました。(The whole package, as well as the individual components, feels very premium and high-quality. The unboxing experience was great, starting from the informative box and ending with the careful packaging and securing of the parts.)

Trust GXT 259 Rudoxは、カーディオイドパターンのコンデンサーマイクです。コンデンサー(Condenser)マイクは静かな環境に最適ですが、カーディオイド感度パターンは、マイクが正面からの音に最も敏感であることを意味します。音源を横に動かすと、音量が急激に下がります。


Trust GXT 259 Rudoxは、96kHzのサンプリングレート(1秒間に96000回サウンドをサンプリング)と24ビットの深度(深度が高いほど忠実度が高い)を備えています。これらの番号はスタジオ品質の録音に対応しており、Trust (Trust GXT 259) GXT259Rudox(Rudox)を際立たせています。参考までに、レビューしたTrust GXT 258 Fyru(Trust GXT 258 Fyru that we reviewed)のように、ゲームやストリーミング用のマイク少し前に、48kHzのサンプルレートと16ビットのサンプル深度があります。周波数応答は、18Hzから21kHzまでの優れたもので、人間の可聴範囲全体をカバーします。宣言された70dBの信号対雑音比は、静かな環境で音を録音するように設計されたマイクには適していませんが、録音品質に実際の影響があるかどうか、または仕様の単なるエラーであるかどうかを次のセクションで確認します。

寸法に移ると、セットアップ全体の高さは18.1インチ(46 cm)、幅は最大16.5インチ(42 cm)です。ベースの半径は6.5インチ(16.5cm)です。Trust GXT 259 Rudoxの総重量は6.8ポンド(または3.1 kg)です。すべての公式仕様については、製品ページにアクセスしてください:Trust.com-反射フィルター付きGXT 259RudoxStudioマイク(Trust.com - GXT 259 Rudox Studio Microphone with reflection filter)。
Trust (Trust GXT 259) GXT259Rudox(Rudox)マイクの使用

組み立てプロセスは非常に簡単ですが、5分ほどかかります(それか、説明を読むのがひどいです)。この段階で、マイクの本体が指紋とグリースの磁石であることに気づきました。そのようなことが問題になる場合は注意してください。組み立ては少し難しいですが、Trust (Trust GXT 259) GXT259Rudox(Rudox)をWindowsPC(Windows)に接続するのは簡単でした。USBケーブルを挿入するだけで、PCがデバイスを認識します。さらに、GXT259Rudox(GXT 259) を記録および再生のデフォルトデバイスとして設定します。(Rudox)マイクには専用のソフトウェアがないため、 Windows(Windows)を使用してのみ設定できますインターフェース。選択できるサンプリングレートはたくさんあり、ゲインレベルを設定できますが、それだけです。



最初のノブには、「録音中は触れない(DO NOT TOUCH)でください」というラベルを付ける必要があります。

Trust GXT 259 Rudoxはこのアクティビティに対して「過剰認定」されていますが、通話の音質もテストしました。予想通り、もう一方の端の音は素晴らしく、高周波数と低周波数の両方をキャプチャしました。マイレージは、インターネット接続速度と使用している会議ソフトウェアで使用されている圧縮方法によって異なる場合があります。

Trust GXT259Rudoxの使用は良い経験でした。見た目、音質、アクセサリーが気に入りました。このような特性を備えたマイクは、コンテンツ作成者やミュージシャンのワークスペースに最適です。(Using the Trust GXT 259 Rudox was a good experience. We liked the looks, the audio quality, and the accessories. A microphone with such characteristics is a great addition to any content creator’s or musician’s workspace.)
Trust GXT 259 Rudoxについてどう思いますか?
うまくいけば(Hopefully)、これで次のマイクの情報に基づいた選択を行うのに十分なデータが得られました。私たちはそれを楽しんで使用し、その価格で非常に良い提案だと思いますが、Trust (Trust GXT 259) GXT259Rudox(Rudox)についてのご意見をお聞かせください。候補リストに載っていますか?他のマイクも見ていますか(Are)?コメントで教えてください。
Trust GXT 259 Rudox review: Excellent microphone for solo recordings
With more and more pеople creating and consυming content from thеir hоmes, the competition between streamers and content creators, in general, has incrеased during the lаst fеw years to the point that the audio and video quality can make a huge difference. Trust has several solid propositions for them, and one of their best is the Trust Rυdox GXT 259 USB microphone. Actually, it’s more than a mic, it’s a сomрletе setup with a stand, а reflеction shield, and a pop filter. Wе tеsted the Rudox for a few days, and here are our сonclusions:
Trust GXT 259 Rudox: Who is it good for?
The GXT 259 Rudox is good for:
- Content creators who need studio quality (24bit 96kHz sampling rate) for their audio tracks
- Musicians who record solo or individual instruments
- Any streamer who has room on their desk and wants to isolate their voice from the surroundings
- Users who want a complete, plug-and-play sound recording setup
Pros and cons
The Trust GXT 259 Rudox has quite a few qualities:
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- It has a 24bit 96kHz sampling rate
- The package is great, including a mounting base, a dampening mount, a pop filter, and a reflection shield
- It has a headphone jack with built-in volume control and mixer for zero-latency monitoring
- The cardioid pattern is perfect for singular sound sources located in front of the mic
However, there are some things that could be improved:
- The fastening screws that hold the various pieces in place are not as well designed as the rest of the setup
- The buttons make noticeable noises that are heard in the recording as well
- There is no integrated microphone gain control
- The declared signal-to-noise ratio is not great (but this has no audible effect, so it might just be an error in the technical specifications)
The Trust GXT 259 Rudox is a great microphone. The sound quality is great, the bundled accessories are super useful, and the build quality, with minor exceptions, can’t be faulted. Setting it up is easy; the same goes for using it. The base is stable and sturdy. The lack of gain control and the loud noises the buttons on the mic make aren’t enough to rate this microphone any less than five stars, especially at this price point. If you’re a musician who wants to start recording from your home or if you do voice-overs or podcasts, we highly recommend the Trust GXT 259 Rudox.
Unboxing the Trust GXT 259 Rudox microphone
The first thing we noticed when we started unboxing the Trust GXT 259 Rudox microphone was the weight of the package: it’s over 6.5 pounds (over 3 kg)! The box is glossy, with high-quality graphics which make a good first impression.

The high quality design of the package gives a good first impression
The microphone itself is packaged separately inside the box, as is the stand. This makes sure that none of the components come in contact during shipping. That’s a good thing, since the stand weighs in at over 3.5 pounds (over 1.7 kg). At this stage, we find a quick setup leaflet, a GXT sticker, and another leaflet containing legal information.

The more boxes, the merrier
The microphone box contains the dampener, the cable, the pop filter, and, of course, the actual mic. There are two spare rubber bands included in the package, a nice touch that shows the attention to detail from Trust. The dampener is identical to the one used on the GXT 256 Exxo.

The Trust GXT 259 Rudox has a dampener and a pop filter
The second box contains the stand components. The base is seriously chonky, and once you add in the weight of the other elements, you get a very sturdy and stable footing for the mic and shield (which also goes on the stand).

The stand components are neatly packed and secured
Only after you put it all together, do you realize the actual size of the whole contraption. The height of the mic is just right for the average desk though, and with a little bit of effort, the Trust GXT 259 Rudox should fit in all but the most cluttered workspaces.

Make sure you have space on your desk for the Trust GXT 259 Rudox
The whole package, as well as the individual components, feels very premium and high-quality. The unboxing experience was great, starting from the informative box and ending with the careful packaging and securing of the parts.
Design and hardware specifications
Before discussing the actual specs of the microphone, let’s talk about the stand and accessories. The reflection shield is large enough for this application (12.2in by 16.5in or 31 cm by 42 cm), and the foam is of high quality. Furthermore, it’s adjustable: two pivoting shutters can narrow the recording field even more (and make the whole setup more compact). The microphone is attached to the stand via a dampener with six rubber bands, a design that cancels most of the noise and vibration coming from the stand.

The shock-absorbing mounting mechanism
The Trust GXT 259 Rudox is a condenser microphone with a cardioid pattern. Condenser microphones are perfect for quiet environments, while the cardioid sensitivity pattern means that the microphone is most sensitive to sound coming from the front. When moving the sound source to the sides, the volume drops abruptly.

The cardioid pattern is best suited for solo recording
This condenser-cardioid combination is best suited for voice-overs, vlogs, podcasts, and solo recordings of musical instruments. When you add the adjustable reflection shield to the mix, you get very good isolation from other sound sources and virtually no echo from the rear of the microphone.

The reflection shield is bulky, but useful
The Trust GXT 259 Rudox sports a sampling rate of 96kHz (it samples the sound 96000 times per second) and a depth of 24 bits (higher depth equals higher fidelity). These numbers correspond to studio-quality recordings and make the Trust GXT 259 Rudox stand out. Just for reference, microphones destined for gaming and streaming, like the Trust GXT 258 Fyru that we reviewed a while ago, have a sample rate of 48kHz and a sample depth of 16 bits. The frequency response is excellent, from as low as 18Hz and up to 21kHz, covering the whole spectrum of human hearing. The declared signal-to-noise ratio of 70dB is not great for a microphone designed to record sounds in quiet environments, but we’ll see in the next section if there’s an actual impact on recording quality or it’s just an error in the specifications.
On the microphone, there are two knobs and a headphone jack. The headphone jack allows zero-latency monitoring of the recorded sound, meaning that the signal doesn’t have to go to the computer and then to the headphones. Sadly, none of the knobs adjusts the microphone gain, they are both for the headphones. The first one is a mixer, adjusting the pre-recorded sounds that are fed through the USB cable and the sounds recorded by the microphone, while the second is a headphone volume knob.

The microphone has a headphone jack and controls for it
Pushing the first knob mutes the microphone, and the change is reflected in the color of the status led above the knobs: a blue light means the microphone is on, a red light means the mic is muted.
Moving on to the dimensions, the whole setup is 18.1in (46 cm) tall and up to 16.5in (42 cm) wide. The radius of the base is 6.5in (16.5 cm). The total weight of the Trust GXT 259 Rudox is 6.8lbs (or 3.1 kg). For all the official specs, visit the product page: Trust.com - GXT 259 Rudox Studio Microphone with reflection filter.
Using the Trust GXT 259 Rudox microphone
As before, we first focused on the accessories, and while overall, their quality is great, there are some minor issues that should be noted. For starters, the screws holding the pivoting shutters of the shield in place need to be fastened really hard to have a chance to fixate the shutters in the desired position. Even when you do fasten them tight, you can easily move the shutters.

The screws must be tightened firmly
Then, the stand screws and fixating elements look a bit under-engineered and cheap compared to the rest of the components. But now we’re nitpicking, since at this price point, getting this many accessories is rare.
The assembly process, although pretty straightforward, takes a good five minutes (either that or we’re just terrible at reading instructions). We noticed at this stage that the body of the microphone is a fingerprint and grease magnet, so beware, if such things matter to you. While a bit difficult to assemble, it was easy to connect the Trust GXT 259 Rudox to a Windows PC. You just insert the USB cable and the PC recognizes the device. Furthermore, it sets the GXT 259 Rudox as the default device for recording and playback. Since the microphone has no dedicated software, you can only configure it using the Windows interface. There are many sampling rates to choose from, you can set the gain level, but that’s about it.

There are many sample rates and bit depths to choose from
If the microphone is set as a playback device, it feeds the pre-recorded sounds or music through the integrated headphone jack, allowing you to hear both the live recording and the pre-recorded sounds. The zero-latency monitoring of the recorded sound works as advertised, with instantaneous playback, but you should be careful not to move the cables too much, as the vibration might be transmitted to the microphone.

Connecting a headphone gives you zero-latency monitoring
The mixing button does a great job… except for the fact that it has a resting position in the middle that, while noticeable when turning the knob, also makes a clear noise that can be heard on the recording.

The first knob should be labeled as "DO NOT TOUCH WHILE RECORDING"
The mute button makes a racket too, so you have no chance of stealthily muting and unmuting the device. While these sounds are of little importance when making a recording, as they can be trimmed out, they are impossible to hide while doing a live stream. Here is a recording of the mute button being pressed four times, followed by rotating the knob past the center four times.

Truth be told, you shouldn’t touch the microphone anyway when recording or streaming, as the noise can be clearly heard. So just use the buttons either when you are not “on-air” or as a last resort.
We tested the audio quality in calls as well, although the Trust GXT 259 Rudox is “overqualified” for this activity. As expected, the sound on the other end was great, capturing both high and low frequencies. Your mileage may vary due to internet connection speeds and the compression methods used by the conferencing software you’re using.
The cardioid pattern, together with the shield, does a pretty good job at isolating the main sound source from unwanted room noises, provided they are off-axis. However, don’t expect miracles, as the sounds of nearby mechanical keyboards, for example, can still be clearly heard.
You can listen to a voice recording in a silent environment at a sample rate of 96kHz with a depth of 24 bit to get an idea of what to expect from the mic. The audio quality is, in our opinion, excellent.

Using the Trust GXT 259 Rudox was a good experience. We liked the looks, the audio quality, and the accessories. A microphone with such characteristics is a great addition to any content creator’s or musician’s workspace.
What's your opinion about the Trust GXT 259 Rudox?
Hopefully, now you have enough data to make an informed choice for your next microphone. While we enjoyed using it and we think it’s a very good proposition at its price point, we’d love to hear your opinions on the Trust GXT 259 Rudox. Is it on the shortlist? Are you looking at other microphones as well? Let us know in the comments.