Alexaが英語以外の言語を話すことを望みますか?2020年3月(March 2020)の時点で、Alexaは8つの異なる言語で話すことができます。母国語を話す人でも、別の言語を聞きたいだけでも、Alexaと通信する(Alexa to communicate with)言語を選択できます。

Alexaはどの言語を話しますか?(What Languages Does Alexa Speak?)
これを書いている時点で、Alexaは8つの異なる言語(Alexa can speak in eight different languages)といくつかの方言で話すことができます。必要な言語がそれらの1つでない場合でも、あきらめないでください。Amazonは常により多くの言語とAlexaプラットフォームのサポートを提供しているため、将来、主要な言語が追加される可能性が高くなります。

- 英語
- スペイン語
- English/Spanish(英語(English)一次、スペイン語二次)
- スペイン語/英語(English)(スペイン語プライマリ、英語(English)セカンダリ)
- ドイツ人
- German/English(ドイツ語一次、英語(English)二次)
- カナダ英語
- インド英語
- オーストラリア英語
- フランス語
- イタリア語
- ポルトガル語
- ヒンディー語
- 中国語
Alexaの言語を変更する方法(How to Change Alexa’s Language)
まず、Alexaアプリを開きます。[その他(More)] > [設定](Settings ) >[デバイス設定](Device Settings )をタップして、変更するEchoデバイスを選択します。下にスクロールして[(Scroll)言語(Language,)]をタップし、使用する言語を選択します。オプションは2つのセクションに分かれています。

最初のセクションは、完全にサポートされている言語で構成されています。米国(United) で(States)は、それは英語とスペイン語を意味します。2番目のセクションは、場所が原因で互換性エラーが発生する可能性のあるサポートされている言語で構成されています。つまり、特定のAlexa機能はサポートされません。
サポートされていない言語を選択すると、「選択した言語はAmazonアカウント(Amazon Account)と一致せず、お住まいの国では完全にはサポートされていません」という警告が表示されます。[ OK ]を(OK)タップ(Tap) して続行し、変更を確定します。

バイリンガルモードをオンにする方法(How to Turn On Bilingual Mode)
Alexaのインテリジェントな応答アルゴリズムであるウィスパーモード(Whisper Mode)に少し似ていると考えてください。ささやきながらAlexa(Alexa)に話しかけると、彼女は静かに反応します。通常の声で話す場合、彼女は通常の音量で応答します。

Alexaに第二言語の話をやめさせたい場合は、「Alexa、スペイン語(または選択した言語)の話をやめてください」と言うだけです。これにより、 Alexaはデフォルトの言語(ほとんどの場合、英語(English))に戻ります。
なぜAlexaの言語を変更するのですか?(Why Change Alexa’s Language?)
2番目の理由はそれがあなたに第二言語を練習(practice a second language)する簡単な方法を与えるということです。サポートされている言語の1つを学習しようとしている場合、Alexaと話すことは発音をテストする1つの方法です。Alexaがあなたのリクエストを理解していれば、あなたは正しい方向に進んでいることがわかります。
How to Change Alexa Language to Spanish and Other Languages
Would you prefer Alexa speаk a language other than English? As of March 2020, Alexa can speаk in eight different langυagеs. Whеther you’re a native speaker or you јust prefer to hear a different languаge, you cаn choose which language you want Alexa to communicate with.
Amazon makes it easy to change Alexa’s language. There are several ways to do this, and you aren’t limited to just a single language–Alexa can speak more than one language at a time. Here’s how to make the change.

What Languages Does Alexa Speak?
At the time of writing, Alexa can speak in eight different languages and several dialects. If the language you want isn’t one of them, don’t give up–Amazon constantly brings more languages and support to the Alexa platform, so there is a good chance any major language will be added in the future.
Alexa speaks:

- English
- Spanish
- English/Spanish (English primary, Spanish secondary)
- Spanish/English (Spanish primary, English secondary)
- German
- German/English (German primary, English secondary)
- Canadian English
- Indian English
- Australian English
- French
- Italian
- Portuguese
- Hindi
- Chinese
How to Change Alexa’s Language
If you decide to change Alexa’s language, you’ll need to do so device-by-device. You can’t change all of your devices at once. The good news is, it’s easy to make the change no matter which Echo device you use.
First, open the Alexa app. Tap More > Settings > Device Settings and select the Echo device you want to change. Scroll down and tap Language, and then select the language you want to use. The options are divided into two sections.

The first section consists of fully-supported languages. In the United States, that means English and Spanish. The second section consists of supported languages that may have some compatibility errors due to location–which means certain Alexa functions won’t be supported.
If you choose a language that isn’t supported, you will receive a warning that says “The selected language does not match your Amazon Account and is not fully supported in your country.” Tap OK to continue and finalize the change.

If you don’t like the way the new language works with Alexa, just follow the above steps to change the language back to English.
One thing to note is that there are multiple versions of English that you can swap between. For example, you might want Alexa to speak with a British or Australian accent. Don’t be afraid to play around with the language options until you find the one that best suits you.
How to Turn On Bilingual Mode
Alexa is capable of speaking two languages at once. Once activated, all you have to do is speak to Alexa in one of the two languages and it will respond in turn. For example, you can ask a question in Spanish and receive an answer in Spanish.
Think of it a bit like Whisper Mode, Alexa’s intelligent response algorithm. If you speak to Alexa in a whisper, she will respond quietly. If you speak in a normal voice, she responds at normal volume.

In the same way, Alexa is able to differentiate between different languages and speakers and respond accordingly. You can ask a question in English and receive an answer in English, while someone else can speak Spanish and receive a Spanish-language answer.
To activate this mode, just say “Alexa, speak English and Spanish.” When you speak to Alexa in English, she will respond in English, and vice-versa with Spanish. However, on-screen text is displayed in the primary language.
If at any point you want Alexa to stop speaking the second language, just say, “Alexa, stop speaking Spanish (or whichever language you chose.)” This will restore Alexa to the default language–in most cases, English.
Why Change Alexa’s Language?
Although the process to change Alexa’s language is easy, you might not see the point. After all, why have Alexa speak another language other than your own? There are a few reasons.
The first is if you have a family member who doesn’t speak English, you can give them the ability to use Alexa. If they are visiting from abroad, it’s an easy way to make them feel a bit more welcome in what might be a strange country. For example, they could order takeout, get directions to local attractions, and more. All using their own language.
The second reason is that it gives you an easy way to practice a second language. If you’re trying to learn one of the supported languages, talking to Alexa is one way to test your pronunciation. If Alexa understands your request, you know you’re on the right track.
If you aren’t satisfied with the language on your Echo or you just want Alexa to be multilingual, follow the steps above to change the language. It won’t take long, and if you don’t like it, well–you can always change it back.