Xiaomiは、数年前には見られなかったあらゆる種類のデバイスを製造する大企業になりました。そのような分野の1つは、XiaomiがROIDMI(ROIDMI)子会社を通じて存在する掃除機市場です。過去数週間、 ROIDMI Nano P1(ROIDMI Nano P1)(モデルXCQP1RM(Model XCQP1RM) )と呼ばれる、彼らが製造したポータブルワイヤレス掃除機を使用しました。このようなデバイスに興味がある場合は、購入を決定する前に、このレビューを読んで詳細を確認してください。
ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RM:誰に適していますか?
ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RMは、次の用途に適したデバイスです。
- ポータブルワイヤレス掃除機が欲しい人
- キーボードを清潔に保つのが好きなコンピューター(Computer)ユーザー🙂
- 真空電子機器、ソファ、車、衣服などに携帯できるものが必要な人。
ROIDMINanoXCQP1RM(ROIDMI Nano)で最も気に入っている点は次のとおりです。
- 小さくて持ち運びに便利です
- そのエンジンは、そのような小さなデバイスにかなりの量の電力を供給します
- それはアレルギーを持つ人々にとって大きなはいであるHEPAフィルターを持っています(HEPA)
- USBで充電できます
- 1回の充電で25分間実行できます
- このポータブル掃除機は充電に時間がかかります
- そのゴミ箱は小さく、すぐにいっぱいになります
ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RMは、小さな表面をときどき掃除するのに優れたワイヤレス掃除機であることが証明されました。私たちはそれが好きで、あなたの車の中だけでなく、あなたのコンピュータやガジェットの近くにいることは良い仲間になることができると信じています。仕事机で食事をする傾向がある場合、または車のいたるところにパン粉を残す子供がいる場合は、ROIDMINanoXCQP1RMを購入することをお勧めします。服やソファなどを掃除する必要がある場合も同じです。ただし、充電には時間がかかり、ごみ箱は比較的早くいっぱいになることに注意してください。
ROIDMINanoXCQP1RMポータブルワイヤレス掃除機の開梱(ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RM)
ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RMポータブルワイヤレス掃除機は、すべてプラスチックで包まれた白い段ボール箱にパッケージされています。その2つの側面には、デバイスの大きな写真が表示され、他の2つの側面には、その機能と仕様に関する詳細が印刷されています。

箱の中には、掃除機、充電用のUSB Type-A- micro-USBケーブル、取扱説明書が入っています。

ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RMポータブルワイヤレス掃除機が入っているパッケージは見栄えがよく、使い始めるために必要なものがすべて含まれています。(The package in which the ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RM portable wireless vacuum cleaner arrives looks good and contains everything you need to start using it.)
Nano XCQP1RMは、 (Nano XCQP1RM)XIAOMIグループの一員であるROIDMIによって製造されたポータブルワイヤレス掃除機です。デバイス自体はかなり小さいです。長い円筒形で、一見するとかなりよくできていると言わざるを得ません。同じ仕様を共有するこのコードレス掃除機の2つのバージョンがあります。1つは黒で、もう1つは白です。黒のものをテストしました。




長さ27.6cm(10.87インチ)、幅6 cm(2.36インチ)、重量500グラム(17.64オンス)のROIDMI Nano XCQP1RMには、約50mlのゴミ箱しか収集できない小さなゴミ箱があります。ほこりや崩れ。
このデバイスは、 USB(USB)経由で充電される2200 mAhのバッテリーで動作し、理論的には1回の充電で約25分間使用できます。このようなデバイスの場合、この実行時間は適切ですが、充電時間は4時間とかなり長くなります。

ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RMの詳細については、次のWebページにアクセスしてください:P1コードレスハンドヘルド掃除機(P1 Cordless Hand-held Vacuum Cleaner)。
ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RMは見栄えがよく、取り扱いが簡単です。ポータブルワイヤレス掃除機としては非常に強力です。それと、バッテリーで約25分間実行できるという事実は、おそらく最も強力な資産です。ただし、ゴミ箱が小さく、充電時間が長くなります。(ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RM looks good and easy to handle. It's quite powerful for a portable wireless vacuum cleaner. That, and the fact that it can run on battery for about 25 minutes are probably its strongest assets. However, the waste bin is small, and the charging time is long.)
ROIDMINanoXCQP1RMポータブルワイヤレス掃除機の使用(ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RM)


ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RM(ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RM)は、キーボード、ソファ、椅子、さらにはデスクトップコンピューターの内部のクリーニングにも効果的であることが証明されました。それは、ほこりだけでなく、ラップトップのキーボードにあった髪の毛やチップの崩れさえも掃除機で掃除することができました。🙂


ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RMは非常に強力で、狭いスペースにも届くため、電子機器、車、衣服、家具をときどき掃除するための優れたポータブルワイヤレス掃除機です。個人的にはとても気に入っており、友達や家族にもお勧めです。(Because it's pretty powerful and because it can reach narrow spaces, the ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RM is an excellent portable wireless vacuum cleaner for occasional cleaning of electronics, cars, clothes, and furniture. Personally, I like it quite a lot and I recommend it to my friends and family.)
これで、 ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RM(ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RM)と、このポータブルワイヤレス掃除機で何ができるかについて詳しく知ることができます。あなたはそれを購入することに興味がありますか、それとも他のオプションを検討していますか?私たちはあなたがそれについて何を考えているのか、そしてあなたが購入を検討している他の同様のデバイスを知りたいので、気にしないのであれば、下にコメントを残してください。
Reviewing ROIDMI Nano P1 - The portable wireless vacuum cleaner
Xiaоmi has become a large company that makes all kinds of devices that we wouldn't have expected to seе a couple of years agо. One such area is the vacuum cleaning market, where Xiaomi is present through its ROIDMI subsidiary. During the last few weeks, we'vе used a portable wireleѕs vacuum cleaner made by them, cаlled the ROIDMI Nano P1 (Model XCQP1RM). If you're interested in such a dеvice, rеad this review to find оut more about it before making a buying decisіon:
ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RM: Who is it good for?
The ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RM is a good device for:
- People who want a portable wireless vacuum cleaner
- Computer users who like to keep their keyboards clean 🙂
- Anyone who needs something portable to vacuum electronics, sofas, cars, clothes, etc.
Pros and cons
These are the things we like most about the ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RM:
- It is small and portable
- Its engine delivers quite a good amount of power for such a small device
- It has a HEPA filter, which is a big Yes for people with allergies
- You can charge it on USB
- A single charge lets it run for 25 minutes
There are some downsides to consider too:
- This portable vacuum cleaner takes a long time to charge
- Its waste bin is small and gets filled fast
The ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RM proved to be a wireless vacuum cleaner that's excellent for occasionally cleaning small surfaces. We like it and believe that it can be a good companion to have in your car, as well as near your computers and gadgets. If you tend to eat on your work desk or if you have children that leave crumbs all over your car, you might want to buy the ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RM. The same if you need to clean things like clothes or sofas. However, keep in mind that it takes a while to charge it and that its waste bin gets filled relatively fast.
Unboxing the ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RM portable wireless vacuum cleaner
ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RM portable wireless vacuum cleaner is packaged in a white cardboard box that's all wrapped in plastic. On two of its sides, you can see large pictures of the device, and on the other two, there are printed details about its features and specs.

Inside the box, there's the vacuum cleaner, a USB Type-A to micro-USB cable for charging it, and the instruction manual.

The package in which the ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RM portable wireless vacuum cleaner arrives looks good and contains everything you need to start using it.
Design and specifications
Nano XCQP1RM is a portable wireless vacuum cleaner made by ROIDMI, a company that's part of the XIAOMI group. The device itself is rather small; it has a long cylindrical shape, and, at first sight, we must say that it looks pretty well made. There are two versions of this cordless vacuum cleaner that share the same specifications. One is black, while the other is white. We tested the black one.

On one of its sides, there's the power button, which turns blue when the vacuum cleaner runs. Opposite of the power button, there's also a small LED flashlight that turns on automatically and can help you see the surface you're cleaning better.

The dust, hair, and all the other things that you're cleaning are vacuumed through a suction hole found at the top of the cleaner. According to ROIDMI, the device has a power of 60 Watts, and the engine inside can rotate at 45000 RPM.

The suction hole/head is "adjustable" meaning that you can unfold its magnetic nozzle and, with a simple push of a button, enable or disable its built-in brush.

With a length of 27.6 cm (10.87 inches), a width of 6 cm (2.36 inches), and a weight of 500 grams (17.64 oz), the ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RM has a rather small waste bin that can only collect about 50 ml of dust and crumbles.
The device is powered by a 2200 mAh battery that's charged via USB and theoretically lets you use it for about 25 minutes on a charge. Although this running time is decent for such a device, the charging time is kind of long: four hours.

For more details about the ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RM, visit this webpage: P1 Cordless Hand-held Vacuum Cleaner.
ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RM looks good and easy to handle. It's quite powerful for a portable wireless vacuum cleaner. That, and the fact that it can run on battery for about 25 minutes are probably its strongest assets. However, the waste bin is small, and the charging time is long.
Using the ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RM portable wireless vacuum cleaner
Before putting it to the test, I first checked the filters of the ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RM portable wireless vacuum cleaner. Between the engine part of the body and the waste bin, I found a small dust HEPA filter. This makes it a better portable vacuum cleaner than most. I'm allergic to dust and mites, and HEPA filters are a must for people like me.

At the other end of the cleaner, there's another more coarse filter that also helps to stop larger particles from getting out of the vacuum cleaner.

The ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RM proved to be efficient at cleaning keyboards, sofas and chairs, and even the insides of my desktop computer. It managed to vacuum not only dust, but also hair and even crumbles of chips I had on my laptop's keyboard. 🙂

I've also used it in my car to clean its inside a bit. This is not a vacuum cleaner to use on a very dirty car. Still, it does a pretty good job of cleaning small spaces that are hard to get to, like the area surrounding the gearshift or under the car seats.

Because it's pretty powerful and because it can reach narrow spaces, the ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RM is an excellent portable wireless vacuum cleaner for occasional cleaning of electronics, cars, clothes, and furniture. Personally, I like it quite a lot and I recommend it to my friends and family.
Are you interested in such a device?
Now you know more about the ROIDMI Nano XCQP1RM and what this portable wireless vacuum cleaner can do. Are you interested in buying it, or are you looking at other options? We're curious to know what you're thinking about it, as well as what other similar devices you've considered buying, so if you don't mind, leave a comment below.