
Windows10で(Windows 10)画面(Screen)を分割する5つの方法(Ways)
画面を分割する方法は複数あります。Windows 10自体によってもたらされた驚くべき更新を組み込んだり、マルチタスク用に特別に構築されたサードパーティアプリケーションをダウンロードしたり、生意気なWindowsショートカットに慣れたりするものもあります。それぞれの方法には独自の利点と制限がありますが、タスクバーに移動してタブを切り替える前に、試してみる価値があります。
方法1:スナップアシストを使用する(Method 1: Using Snap Assist )
スナップアシストは、 (Snap Assist)Windows10で画面を分割する最も簡単な方法です。これは組み込みの機能であり、一度慣れると、従来の方法に戻ることはありません。調整やカスタマイズを可能にしながら、画面をきちんと整理された半分に分割できるので、時間と労力がかかりません。
1.まず最初に、システムで(First)スナップアシスト(Snap Assist)をオンにする方法を学びましょう。検索バーを検索するか、「Windows + I」キーを押して、コンピューターの設定を開きます。(Settings )
2. [設定]メニューが開いたら、[(Settings)システム(System)]オプションをタップして続行します。


4.マルチタスク設定で、[スナップウィンドウ(Snap Windows)]の下にあるトグルスイッチをオンにします。

5.オンにしたら、スナップを開始できるように、下にあるすべてのボックスがチェックされていることを確認してください。(all the underlying boxes are checked)



8.他のウィンドウについても同じ手順を繰り返しますが、今回は、所定の位置にカチッと収まるまで、画面の反対側(右側)にドラッグします。(drag it to the opposite side (right-side) of the screen until it snaps into position.)

9.中央のバーをクリックしていずれかの側にドラッグすると、両方のウィンドウのサイズを同時に調整できます。このプロセスは、2つのウィンドウに最適です。(This process works best for two windows.)

10. 4つのウィンドウが必要な場合は、ウィンドウを横にドラッグする代わりに、画面の4分の1を覆う半透明の輪郭が表示されるまで、4つのコーナーのいずれかにドラッグします。

11.残りのコーナーに1つずつドラッグして、残りのプロセスを繰り返します。ここでは、画面が2×2のグリッドに分割されます。(the screen will be divided into a 2×2 grid.)


また読む:(Also Read:) Windows10で画面の明るさを変更する方法(How to Change Screen Brightness in Windows 10)
方法2:昔ながらの方法(Method 2: The Old Fashion Way)
1.タブを開き、右上にある[Restore Down/Maximize
2.境界線またはコーナーからドラッグし(dragging from the border or corners)てタブサイズを調整し、タイトルバーからクリックしてドラッグしてタブサイズを移動します。

3.必要な他のすべてのウィンドウについて、前の手順を1つずつ繰り返し、好み(one by one for all the other windows you require and position them according to your preference)と使いやすさに応じて配置します。反対側の角から始めて、それに応じてサイズを調整することをお勧めします。
この方法は、画面を手動で調整する( adjust the screens manually)のに時間がかかる( time-consuming)ため時間がかかりますが、自分でカスタマイズするため、好みやニーズに合わせてレイアウトを調整できます。

方法3:サードパーティソフトウェアを使用する(Method 3: Using Third-party Softwares )
WinSplit Revolutionは、軽量で使いやすいアプリケーションです。使用可能なすべての画面スペースを使い切るようにサイズ変更、傾斜、および配置することにより、開いているすべてのタブを効果的に整理します。仮想番号パッドまたは事前定義されたホットキーを使用して、ウィンドウを切り替えて調整できます。このアプリケーションでは、ユーザーがカスタムゾーンを設定することもできます。
Acer Gridvistaは、最大4つのウィンドウを同時にサポートするソフトウェアです。このアプリケーションを使用すると、ユーザーは2つの方法でウィンドウを再配置して、ウィンドウを元の位置に復元するか、タスクバーに最小化することができます。
Method 4: Windows logo key + Arrow key
「Windowsロゴキー+ Right矢印キー」は、画面を分割するために使用される便利なショートカットです。これはSnapAssist(Snap Assist)の方針に沿って機能しますが、特にオンにする必要はなく、Windows10を含むすべてのWindows(Windows 10)オペレーティングシステム(Windows Operating) で(Systems)使用できます。
Windows Key + Left/Right Arrow Key: ウィンドウを画面の左半分または右半分にスナップします。(Snap)
Windows Key + Left/Right Arrow Key then Windows key + Upward Arrow Key: ウィンドウを画面の左上/右上の象限にスナップします。(Snap)
Windows Key + Left/Right Arrow Key then Windows key + Downward Arrow Key: ウィンドウを画面の左下/右下の象限にスナップします。(Snap)
Windows Key + Downward Arrow Key: 選択したウィンドウを最小化します。
Windows Key + Upward Arrow Key: 選択したウィンドウを最大化します。
方法5:スタックされたウィンドウを表示し、ウィンドウを並べて表示し、ウィンドウをカスケードします(Method 5: Show Windows Stacked, Show Windows Side by Side and Cascade Windows)
Windows 10には、開いているすべてのウィンドウを表示および管理するための巧妙な機能も組み込まれています。これらは、実際に開いているウィンドウの数を把握し、それらをどのように処理するかをすばやく決定できるため、役立ちます。
タスクバーを右クリックするだけで見つけることができます。次のメニューには、画面を分割するための3つのオプション、つまり、カスケードウィンドウ(Cascade Windows)、スタックされたウィンドウの表示、およびウィンドウ(Show Windows)を並べて表示するオプションが含まれます。(Show)

1.カスケードウィンドウ:(1. Cascade Windows: )これは、現在実行中のすべてのアプリケーションウィンドウが互いに重なり、タイトルバーが表示されるタイプの配置です。

2.積み上げられたウィンドウを表示する:(2. Show Windows Stacked: )ここでは、開いているすべてのウィンドウが互いに垂直に積み重ねられます。

3.ウィンドウを並べて表示:(3. Show Windows Side by Side: )実行中のすべてのウィンドウが隣り合って表示されます。

注:(Note: )前のレイアウトに戻りたい場合は、タスクバーをもう一度右クリックして[元に戻す]を選択します。
2つ以上のウィンドウを常に切り替える必要があり、分割画面があまり役に立たない場合は、‘Alt + Tab’が最適です。タスクスイッチャー(Task Switcher)とも呼ばれ、マウスを使用せずにタスクを切り替える最も簡単な方法です。
推奨:(Recommended:) Help! Upside Down or Sideways Screen Issue

上記の手順がWindows10で画面を分割するの(split your screen in Windows 10)に役立つことを願っていますが、このチュートリアルまたはスナップアシスト(Snap Assist)オプション に関してまだ質問がある場合は、コメントのセクションで質問してください。
5 Ways to Split Your Screen in Windows 10
It іs thе 21st century, computers are more pоwerful than ever and perfоrm multiple tasks at once just like the user operating it. I don’t remember a sіngle instanсe when I had just one window open on my laptop; whеther it be wаtching a movie in the corner of my screen while researching coоl new toрics to write about or going through raw footage in my explorer to drag onto the Premiere timeline quietly running in the background. Screen spаce is limited, with the average being 14 to 16 inches, most of whiсh is usually wasted. Hence, splitting your screen visually is more prаctical and effectiνe than switching betweеn application windows every other secоnd.

Dividing or splitting your screen can seem like a daunting task at first as there are a lot of movable aspects involved, but trust us, it is easier than it seems. Once you get the hang of it, you will never even bother to switch between tabs again and once you get comfortable with your chosen layout you wouldn’t even notice yourself effortlessly moving between windows.
5 Ways to Split Your Screen in Windows 10
There are multiple methods to split your screen; some incorporating amazing updates brought about by Windows 10 itself, downloading third-party applications specifically built for multitasking, or getting used to some cheeky windows shortcuts. Each method has its own advantages and limits but they are definitely worth a try before you head to the taskbar to switch tabs.
Method 1: Using Snap Assist
Snap Assist is the easiest method to split a screen in Windows 10. It is a built-in feature and once you get used to it you will never go back to the traditional method. It is less time consuming and doesn’t take a lot of effort with the best part being that it divides the screen into neat and tidy halves while still being open to adjustments and customizations.
1. First things first, let’s learn how to turn on Snap Assist on your system. Open your computer’s Settings by either searching through the search bar or pressing ‘Windows + I’ key.
2. Once the Settings menu is open, tap on the ‘System’ option to proceed.

3. Scroll through the options, find ‘Multi-tasking’ and click on it.

4. In the multi-tasking settings, turn on the toggle switch located under ‘Snap Windows’.

5. Once turned on, make sure all the underlying boxes are checked so you can start snapping!

6. To try snap assist, open any two windows at once and place your mouse on top of the title bar.

7. Left-click on the title bar, hold it, and drag the mouse arrow to the left edge of the screen until a translucent outline appears and then lets it go. The window will instantly snap to the left side of the screen.

8. Repeat the same step for the other window but this time, drag it to the opposite side (right-side) of the screen until it snaps into position.

9. You can adjust the size of both windows simultaneously by clicking on the bar at the center and dragging it to either side. This process works best for two windows.

10. If you need four windows, instead of dragging a window to the side, drag it to any of the four corners until a translucent outline covering that quarter of the screen appears.

11. Repeat the process for the rest by dragging them one by one to the remaining corners. Here, the screen will be divided into a 2×2 grid.

Then you can proceed to adjust individual screen size as per your requirement by dragging the middle bar.
Tip: This method also works when you need three windows. Here, drag two windows to adjacent corners and the other one to the opposite edge. You can try different layouts to find what works best for you.

By snapping, you can only work with four windows at a time but if you want more, use this with the combination of the old fashioned method explained below.
Also Read: How to Change Screen Brightness in Windows 10
Method 2: The Old Fashion Way
This method is simple and flexible. Also, you have complete control over where and how the windows will be placed, as you have to manually place and adjust them. Here, the question of ‘how many tabs’ completely depends on your multitasking skill and what your system can handle as there is no real limit to the number of dividers that can be made.
1. Open a tab and click on the Restore Down/Maximize icon located on the top-right.

2. Adjust the tab size by dragging from the border or corners and move it by clicking and dragging from the title bar.

3. Repeat the previous steps, one by one for all the other windows you require and position them according to your preference and ease. We recommend that you start from opposite corners and adjust the size accordingly.
This method is time-consuming as it takes a while to adjust the screens manually, but because it is customized by yourself, the layout is tailor-made to your preference and needs.

Method 3: Using Third-party Softwares
If the above-mentioned methods don’t work for you, then there are a couple of third party applications that definitely will. Most of them are easy to use, as they are specifically built to increase your productivity and manage windows efficiently by making the most of your screen space. The best part is that most of the applications are free and readily available.
WinSplit Revolution is a lightweight and easy to use application. It effectively organizes all the open tabs by resizing, tilting, and positioning them in a way to use up all available screen space. You can switch and adjust windows by using the virtual number pads or predefined hotkeys. This application also lets users set custom zones.
WindowGrid is a free to use software that uses a dynamic grid while letting the user to quickly and easily customize the layout. It is unintrusive, portable and works with aero snap as well.
Acer Gridvista is a software that supports up to four windows simultaneously. This application allows the user to re-arrange the windows in two ways that either restore them to their original position or minimize them to the taskbar.
Method 4: Windows logo key + Arrow key
‘Windows logo key + Right arrow key’ is a useful shortcut used to split the screen. It works along the lines of Snap Assist but doesn’t need to be specifically turned on and is available in all Windows Operating Systems including and prior to Windows 10.
Simply click on the negative space of a window, press the ‘Windows logo key’ and ‘right arrow key’ to move the window into the right half of the screen. Now, still holding the ‘windows logo key’ press ‘upward arrow key’ to move the window to cover only the top-right quadrant of the screen.
Here is a list of some shortcuts:
Windows Key + Left/Right Arrow Key: Snap the window to the left or right half of the screen.
Windows Key + Left/Right Arrow Key then Windows key + Upward Arrow Key: Snap the window to the top left/right quadrant of the screen.
Windows Key + Left/Right Arrow Key then Windows key + Downward Arrow Key: Snap the window to the bottom left/right quadrant of the screen.
Windows Key + Downward Arrow Key: Minimize the selected window.
Windows Key + Upward Arrow Key: Maximize the selected window.
Method 5: Show Windows Stacked, Show Windows Side by Side and Cascade Windows
Windows 10 also has some clever in-built features to display and manage all your open windows. These prove helpful as they give you a sense of how many windows are actually open and you can swiftly decide what to do with them.
You can find them by simply right-clicking on the taskbar. The ensuing menu will contain three options to split your screen, namely, Cascade Windows, Show Windows stacked, and Show windows side by side.

Let’s learn what each individual option does.
1. Cascade Windows: This is a type of arrangement where all the application windows currently running overlap each other with their title bars being visible.

2. Show Windows Stacked: Here, all the open windows get vertically stacked on top of each other.

3. Show Windows Side by Side: All the running windows will be shown next to one another.

Note: If you want to go back to the layout before, right-click on the taskbar again and select ‘Undo’.

Apart from the methods mentioned above, there’s another ace that lies under the sleeves of all windows users.
When you have a constant need to switch between two or more windows and split-screen doesn’t help you much then ‘Alt + Tab’ will be your best friend. Also known as Task Switcher, it is the easiest way to switch between tasks without using the mouse.
Recommended: Help! Upside Down or Sideways Screen Issue
Simply long-press the ‘Alt’ key on your keyboard and hit the ‘Tab’ key once to see all the windows open on your computer. Keep pressing ‘Tab’ until the window you want has an outline around it. Once the required window is selected, release the ‘Alt’ key.

Tip: When you have a lot of windows open, instead of continuously pressing ‘tab’ to switch, press the ‘right/left’ arrow key instead.
I hope the above steps were able to help you split your screen in Windows 10 but if you still have any questions regarding this tutorial or Snap Assist option then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.