オンラインでお金を稼ぐ(Making money online)ことは、特にブログ(Blogging)がピークに達した数年前に始まりました。それは、誰もが従来の仕事を辞め、自宅で仕事をしてお金を稼ぐことができる最も一般的な方法でした。10年早送り(Fast)すると、状況は劇的に変化しました。ブログは今、お金を稼ぐための1つの方法にすぎません。この記事では、オンラインでお金を稼ぐことができる複数の方法を見ていきます。幅広いクリエイターに対応しており、仕事に情熱を持っていて、少しリスクを冒す準備ができている場合は、間違いなくオンラインでお金を稼ぐことができます。

- ブログとコンテンツの生成
- アフィリエイトマーケティング
- メールマーケティング
- Vlogging&Podcasting
- ゲーム
- ソーシャルメディアインフルエンサーマーケティング
- (Buy)Facebook、WhatsAppなどで(WhatsApp)売買(Sell)します。
- ドメイン化
- ウェブサイトの反転
- eコマースサイトを開始する
- eコマース製品レビュー
- オンラインコンサルティング
- オンラインローカルサービス
- 写真(Photography)、ビデオ(Videography)撮影、スケッチ(Sketching)、画像販売(Image Selling) サービス(Services)
- その他。
ブログが始まっ(blogging started)たとき、それはかつて一人のショーでした。今、あなたが成功したブログまたはウェブサイトを運営したいなら、あなたはチームを持っている必要があります。それは1つの特定のトピックまたは人気のあるほとんどすべてについて話します。チームとは、ウェブサイトで多くの作家を雇うことができることを意味します。
したがって、ブログを開始し、たとえばGoogle AdSenseにサインアップして、高品質のコンテンツを生成し、広告から収益を上げることができます。ただし、時間がかかり、ショートカットやいわゆるSEOのトリックは役に立ちません。アフィリエイトマーケティングに従事すること、スポンサー(Sponsored)記事を書くこと、有料の調査を実施することは、あなたがお金を稼ぐことができる他のことです。
これは、正しく行われた場合にかなりの金額を助けることができる別の分野です。アフィリエイトマーケティングでは、製品やオファーを宣伝します。誰かがオプトインすると報酬が支払われます。Facebookの広告(Facebook Advertising)は、アフィリエイトマーケティングが行われる最大の場所の1つです。ただし、長期的に成功するには、実験に多くの時間とお金が必要になります。
YouTubeチャンネルを開始し、自分で作成した音楽を販売し、適切なアウトリーチを使用して個人または企業にビデオ編集サービスを提供し、ウェビナーを実行してビデオシリーズを開始し、熟練したコースのビデオを作成してオンラインで教え、販売することができます[例:Udemy] 、オーディオポッドキャストを開始し、次のシリーズの有料サブスクリプションに参加するよう依頼し、企業のビデオまたはオーディオブックメーカーの(Audio)ボイスオーバー(Voiceover)アーティストになり、ビデオ編集サービスなどを販売します。ここのお金はかなり良いです!

かつてカウチポテト(Couch Potato)のタイムパスと考えられていた現在は、多くの人にとってフルタイムの仕事です。ゲーム業界は何倍にも成長しており、ソニー(Sony)、マイクロソフト(Microsoft)、任天堂(Nintendo)などの企業は、ゲームをプレイしてそれについて話すことができるレビューアを探しています。YouTubeとTwitchは、ライブ会話でゲームやブランドを近づけることができるゲームのライブストリーミングを提供するようになりました。ブランド(Brands)とは別に、ストリーミングサービスは、広告プログラムを通じてお金を稼ぐこともできます。オンラインゲームトーナメントに参加したり、ゲームの宝物やロック解除されたアイテムをオンラインで現金で販売したりすることもできます。
ソーシャルメディアもあなたが創造的で(you to be creative)ある必要があります。自分の経験について話したり、写真を共有したり、何かを宣伝したりする方法は、フォロワーに印象を残す必要があります。しかし、ここに銀の裏地があります。バンドのオファーに魅了されるのはとても簡単です。たとえそれがあなたにとって成長が遅くなる可能性があることを意味するとしても、公正にプレーすることは常に良い考えです。
ソーシャルメディアの一部ですが、レベルが異なります。 Facebookとeコマースは長い道のりを歩んできました。eコマースポータル(Portal)の開始をお願いしているわけではありませんが、特にお店があればFacebookで売買できます。このようにして、より多くの顧客を引き付けたり、 Facebookのいいね(Facebook Likes)を増やしたりすることができます。
2番目に人気のある方法はドメイン(Buy)の売買(Sell Domains)です。次に人気のあるものを追跡し、それに基づいてドメイン名を購入することができます。後で(Later)あなたはそれを良い利益のために売ります。
物理的およびオンラインの製品( Amazon(Amazon)など)を販売するために、独自のローカルターゲットeコマースWebサイトを開始します。ドロップシッピング(Dropshipping)(Shopify)に参加(Shopify)するか、アフィリエイトベンチャーを開始して、売り上げを伸ばしましょう。
これは新しいものではなく、ウェブサイト、コンテンツ(Content) クリエーター(Creators)、検索エンジン(Search Engine)以来存在していましたが、他のすべてのものと同じように非常に長い道のりを歩んできました。しかし、今では彼らは手をつないで行きます。
ウェブサイトは現在、 SEO(SEO)とコンテンツ(Content)を念頭に置いて開発されています。検索(Search)エンジンを理解することに夢中になっている人々は、現在、コンテンツ作成者やWebサイト開発者と協力して、それらが適切にターゲティングされていることを確認しています。
デジタルコンサルタント(Become Digital Consultant)になる、既存のオンラインサービスの収益(Revenue)向上コンサルタントになる、ローカルビジネスコンサルティングを提供する、ビジネスの仮想アシスタントまたはチューターになるなど。ホスティング(Hosting)サービス、SEO、UI、UX、Webセキュリティ監査などのデジタル(Digital)サービス、独自の構築も販売できます。販売する製品/ソフトウェア/サービス、 Webサイトのマルウェア(Malware)除去サービスの提供、Webサイトのテストの提供など。ただし、これらは特殊なサービスです。
それがあなたの耳に少し奇妙に聞こえるなら、それはそうです。フード(Food)カウンター、ランドリーサービス、大工、電気技師などが提供する地元のサービスを見てきました。アプリを持っている人もいれば、 UrbanClap(UrbanClap)などのオンラインサイトを通じてサービスを提供している人もいます。
写真(Photography)、スケッチ(Sketching)、ビデオ(Videography)撮影、画像販売(Image Selling) サービス(Services)
- 小さなツール(PDF-Docコンバーターなど)を作成して販売できます。
- 非常に効果的なコストで今後の旅行の人々を管理するためのオンライン旅行コンサルタントになる
- (Use)Craigslist、eBay、OLXなどのサービスを使用して、自宅で古い製品を販売します
- Airbnbなどのサービスを利用してオンラインで家を借りましょう。
- ソーシャルメディアまたはブログを介してローカライズされた不動産コンサルタントを提供します。
それはあなたが学び、そしてオンラインでお金を稼ぐことができる多くの分野をカバーしていますが、それを行うにはもっと多くの方法があります。あなたはあなたのために正しい選択を見つけて、あなたのために働くものを実験しなければなりません。とはいえ、浮き沈みのあるベンチャーの準備をしてください。Make Money Onlineには他のビジネスと同じようにカリスマ性がありますが、独自の上下関係があります。学び続け、変化に適応し、実験すれば、あなたは自分の道を見つけるでしょう。
Trust us when we say this – if you succeed, you will literally be rolling in money! However do remember, its all about consistency. The longer you stay in the field, the more the chances that your experience will pay handsomely.
SaurabhMukhekarからの入力。(With inputs from Saurabh Mukhekar.)
How to Make Money Online for beginners
Making money online started a couple of years back, specifically when Blogging was at its peak, and that was the most popular way anyone could quit their traditional job, and make money by working from home. Fast forward ten years and things have changed drastically, and blogging is just one way to make money now. In this article, we are looking at multiple ways you can make money online. It caters to wider creators, and if you have a passion to work, and can ready to take a bit of risk, you can definitely make money online.
Ways to Make Money Online

There are various ways by which you can make money online:
- Blogging & content generation
- Affiliate marketing
- Email marketing
- Vlogging & Podcasting
- Gaming
- Social Media Influencer Marketing
- Buy & Sell on Facebook, WhatsApp, etc.
- Domaining
- Website Flipping
- Start an eCommerce site
- eCommerce Product Reviews
- Online Consultancy
- Online Local Servies
- Photography, Videography, Sketching & Image Selling Services
- Miscellaneous.
Let us take a look at them in detail.
When blogging started, it used to be one man show. Now, you need to have a team if you want to run a successful blog or a website which talks about one particular topic or almost anything which is popular. A team means now a website can hire a number of writers.
So you can either start your blog, sign up with say, Google AdSense, generate quality content and start making money from the ads. It takes time though, and no amount of shortcuts or the so-called SEO tricks can help you. Engaging in affiliate marketing, writing Sponsored articles, conducting paid surveys, are other things you can make money.
If you don’t want to start your blog, you can write for other websites. If you are good at writing, have a knack in a particular topic, not just technology, you have websites which can hire you, and pay you handsomely. You can write for corporate websites, write paid product reviews, work for online magazines, publish your eBooks, fill online surveys, get paid to write comments, post at forums and more. However do remember, you will need to keep improving your skills, get good at writing, and research well to stay in the job.
Affiliate marketing
This is another field which can help you a good amount of money if done right. In affiliate marketing, you promote products and offers You get paid when somebody opts-in. Facebook Advertising is one of the biggest places where affiliate marketing happens. However, you will need a lot of time, money to experiment to make successful in long-term.
Email Marketing
This is a very popular way of making money where you can earn money by sending newsletters to your subscribers. There are many who would send out emails which are of high value and help readers. When they send out recommended product to buy or when they promote their own paid product it works like a charm.
As internet speed got better, it became easier to consume different types of content. Video and Audio became the next big thing. YouTube is the most popular platform where you can upload product videos, talk about something which helps others with expression and adds more content. The same applies to Podcasts. You can start a paid subscription for your channel or podcasts to make money.
You can start your YouTube channel, sell your own composed music, provide video editing services to individuals or corporate using proper outreach, start a video series by running a webinar, teach online by creating videos for your skilled courses & sell it [e.g Udemy], start your audio podcast and ask to join paid subscription for upcoming series, become a Voiceover artist for corporate videos or Audio bookmakers, sell your video editing service and more. The money here is pretty good!

Once thought as Couch Potato timepass now is a full-time job for many. The gaming industry has grown many folds, and companies like Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo are looking for reviewers who can play the game and talk about it. YouTube and Twitch now offer live streaming of games where live conversation can bring games, and brands closer. Apart from Brands, the streaming services also offer you to make money through their advertisement programs. You can even participate in online gaming tournaments or sell your treasures or unlocked items of the game online for hard cash.
If you are good at gaming and finding out what is good and bad about the game, you can be hired by big publishers and maybe the company itself.
Social Media Influencer Marketing
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, I am sure you all have heard about it. You can be an influencer on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn. What you may not know about it is that you can make money from it. As you talk about things you are good at, you can gather more followers around you, and then you can get associated with brands, and promote them.
You can build a Facebook or Instagram page, get a good audience reach & engage in sponsored collaboration with brands for per post. You could even sell the social page!
Social Media will also need you to be creative. The way you talk about your experience, share photos and promote anything needs to leave an impression on your followers, and more to come. However, here comes a silver lining. It’s very easy to get lured by band offers. Its always a good idea to play fair, even if it means that growth can be slower for you.
Buy & Sell on Facebook, WhatsApp, etc.
Its part of social media but on a different level. Facebook and eCommerce have come a long way. Not that I am asking you to start an eCommerce Portal, but you can buy and sell on Facebook especially if you have a shop. This way you can attract more customers, increase Facebook Likes, and so on.
Facebook offers templates for pages which allows you to set up a virtual shop, and you can leverage the power of social media to engage more customers through images, and competition.
In the past few years, this has become a popular way to make money. You start with a domain and develop it for some time. When it starts generating revenue and can make decent money, you sell it for profit. The benefit here is you don’t get into the risk of maintaining it for a very long time, and if the traffic drops for that website later, you are not at a loss.
The second popular way is Buy and Sell Domains. You can keep a track on what could be the next popular thing, and buy domain names based on that. Later you sell it for a good profit.
Website Flipping
This is close to Domaining, but then its the second phase. A lot of people buy domains, improve it, make it rank better, and then sell it off. Many a time webmasters have a lot of domain in hand; they do not go beyond a certain point. This is effective than actually starting a website from scratch because one can kickstart at a low price with a website which is bit settled and improve from there.
Start an eCommerce site
Start your own local targetted eCommerce website to sell physical and online products (e.g., Amazon). Engage in Dropshipping (Shopify) or start your affiliate venture and have good sales.
eCommerce Product Reviews
I recently stumbled on this, and it’s very interesting. On websites like Amazon, and Flipkart there is an option which allows users to ask questions. I have noticed that people who have not bought the product also answer it. Apart from this, even if you haven’t bought a product, you can review them if you have personally used it. This opens a new market for those who can participate in this activity. Companies would usually send them the product; they can try it for some time and then share their review.
Online Consultancy
This is not new and had been there since Websites, Content Creators and Search Engine, but they have come a very long way just like all other things. However, now they go hand in hand.
Websites are now developed keeping SEO and Content in mind. Those who have indulged into understanding Search Engines are now working with content creators and website developers to makes sure they are targeted well.
These are many who pose as SEO experts and offers services. You should gain real knowledge and then offer your services. If you are indulging any of these businesses, make sure you have a plan to stay updated and keep your services updated as well. You will not only have to build, but also keep gathering experience, and keep your clients for getting recommended.
Become Digital Consultant, Revenue booster consultant for existing online services, offer Local business consultation, become virtual assistant or tutor for business, etc. You can also sell Hosting services, Digital services like SEO, UI, UX, Web security audit, Build your own product/software/service to sell, offer Malware removal service for websites, offer Website testing, etc. These, however, are specialized services.
Online Local Servies
If that sounds little odd to your ears, then it is. I have seen local service offered by Food counters, laundry services, carpenters, electricians and many more. Some of them have their app, while others offer their services through online sites like UrbanClap.
You could even become a community builder and networking person.
It’s a brilliant idea which not only pays more, but as labor is getting costlier and very tough to find, it has opened an opportunity for one to bring them together, and make good money.
Photography, Sketching, Videography & Image Selling Services
If you are a decent photographer, you can make money online by selling your photos to online services who buy them. You can sell your pictures on Shutterstock and other branded sites. There are tons of websites for that as they are bought by professionals who would like to put it on their website for a compelling story. You can make good money here.
Sites like Fiverr can help you earn online. You can sell you special skills here – maybe sketching, portrait painting and so on.
- You can build and sell small tools (e.g., PDF-Doc converter, etc.)
- Be an online travel consultant to manage people upcoming trip at a very effective cost
- Use service like Craigslist, eBay or OLX to sell old products at your home
- Rent your home online using Airbnb and similar services, etc.
- Offer localized real estate consultancy via social media or your blog.
You need to be consistent to make money online
While it covers a lot of areas which you can learn, and then make money online, there are many many more ways to do it. You have to find the right choice for you and experiment what works for you. That said, be ready for a venture with ups and downs. While Make Money Online has its charisma, just like any other business, it has its own up and down. Keep learning, adapt to changes, experiment, and you will find your way out.
Trust us when we say this – if you succeed, you will literally be rolling in money! However do remember, its all about consistency. The longer you stay in the field, the more the chances that your experience will pay handsomely.
With inputs from Saurabh Mukhekar.