
インターネット上には、曲だけでなく音楽もダウンロードできる音楽ストリーミングアプリがたくさんあります。これらのサービスの一部は有料です。ただし、ユーザーが同じことを行えるようにするさまざまな無料サービスもあります。しかし、そのうちのどれを選ぶべきですか?このように幅広い選択肢の中で、あなたのニーズに最も適したものはどれですか?これらの質問に対する答えを探している場合は、恐れることはありません、私の友人。あなたは正しい場所に来ました。私はまさにそれを手伝うためにここにいます。この記事では、 Android用(Android)のトップ10の無料音楽ダウンローダーアプリについてお話します。それに加えて、確かな事実とデータに基づいて具体的な決定を下せるように、それぞれについてより詳細な情報を提供します。この記事を読み終える頃には、これ以上何も知る必要はありません。ですから、必ず最後までこだわってください。さて、これ以上時間を無駄にすることなく、主題をさらに深く掘り下げましょう。
Android用のトップ10無料音楽ダウンローダーアプリ(Top 10 Free Music Downloader Apps For Android)
1. NewPipe

このアプリは、音楽を無料でダウンロードするという基本的な分野で素晴らしい仕事をしています。無料の音楽ダウンローダーアプリはオープンソースです。開発者は、アプリを絶えず改善し、その利点を追加するために懸命に取り組んでいます。それに加えて、最近、音楽ダウンローダーアプリはFrameTube MediaCCC、SoundCloud、および他の多くのサポートも備えています。
Download NewPipe
2. Soundcloud

また読む:(Also Read:) 無料でオンラインでテレビ番組を見るのに最適な11のサイト(11 Best Sites To Watch TV Shows Online For Free)
Download SoundCloud
3.MIUIミュージックプレーヤー(3. MIUI Music Player)

私が今あなたに話すつもりであるAndroidのための次善の無料の音楽ダウンローダーアプリはMIUIミュージックプレーヤー(MIUI Music Player)と呼ばれています。無料の音楽ダウンローダーアプリは、実際には広く人気のあるカスタム(custom ROM) ROMMIUI(MIUI)から来ています。これは、インターネット上で見つけることができる、 Android用(Android)の最も広く愛されている無料の音楽ダウンローダーアプリの1つです。
Download MIUI Music Player
4. YMusic

Download YMusic

それに加えて、Android用(Android)の無料の音楽ダウンローダーアプリには、ユーザーが好むかもしれないいくつかの異なる種類の音楽を提案するとともに、その仕事をうまく行う音楽発見ツールがロードされています。それに加えて、 Android用(Android)の無料の音楽ダウンローダーアプリを使用すると、ユーザーは必要なプレイリストをダウンロードしたり、オフラインで聴くために保存したりできます。
また読む:(Also Read:) 2020年のトップ10のAndroidミュージックプレーヤー(Top 10 Android Music Players of 2020)
Download Spotify
6.ミュージックマニアック–MP3ダウンローダー(6. Music Maniac – MP3 Downloader)
さて、これからお話しするAndroid用(Android)の次善の無料音楽ダウンローダーアプリはMusic Maniac –MP3Downloaderと呼ばれます。無料の音楽ダウンローダーアプリは、いくつかの素晴らしいレビューとともに、GooglePlayストアで非常に高い評価を誇っています。(Google Play Store)したがって、音楽ダウンローダーアプリの信頼性と効率について心配する必要はありません。
7.GTunesミュージックダウンローダー(7. GTunes Music Downloader)
これからお話しするAndroid用(Android)のもう1つの最高の無料音楽ダウンローダーアプリは、 GTunesMusicDownloaderと呼ばれます。無料の音楽ダウンローダーアプリは、数百万人のアーティストや数世代にわたる曲のクエリごとに、ダウンロード可能な音楽の幅広いドメインを選別します。
8.オーディオマック(8. Audiomack)

次に、 Android用(Android)の無料の音楽ダウンローダーアプリについて説明します。これはAudiomackと呼ばれます。Android用(Android)の無料の音楽ダウンローダーアプリには、ラップ(Rap)、ヒップホップ(Hip-Hop)、EDM、レゲエミュージック(Reggae music)、ミックステープ、R&Bなど、さまざまなジャンルの膨大なコレクションが含まれています。
Download Audiomack
9.シンプルなMP3ダウンローダー(9. Simple MP3 Downloader)
さて、これからお話しするAndroid用(Android)の次善の無料音楽ダウンローダーアプリはSimpleMP3Downloader(MP3 Downloader)と呼ばれます。ユーザーインターフェイス(UI)はシンプルでミニマルで、使いやすいです。技術的な知識が少しある人や、この種のアプリを使い始めたばかりの人でも、面倒なことや労力をかけずに処理できます。
10.スーパークラウドソングMP3ダウンローダー(10. Supercloud Song MP3 Downloader)
最後になりましたが、これからお話しするAndroid用の最後の無料音楽ダウンローダーアプリは(Android)Supercloud SongMP3Downloaderと呼ばれます。ただし、この音楽ダウンローダーアプリはGooglePlayストア(Google Play Store)では見つからないことに注意してください。
Android用(Android)の無料の音楽ダウンローダーアプリは、さまざまな好みの利用可能な音楽のほとんどにとって間違いなく最も効率的なリポジトリの1つです。アンダーグラウンドテクノ(Underground Techno)セットを検索するか、主流のポップミュージックを検索するかは関係ありません。この無料の音楽ダウンローダーアプリにはすべてが揃っています。
推奨:(Recommended: )WiFiなしで音楽を聴くための10のベストフリーミュージックアプリ(10 Best Free Music Apps to listen to music without WiFi)
Top 10 Free Music Downloader Apps For Android
In this еra of the digital revolution, evеrything in oυr lives has changed draѕtically, as I keep saying. That also is true for the way we consume medіa. Music has always been a part and parcel of our lives. Gone are thе dауs of CDs and DVDs, now we listen to music on music streaming servicеs. Even storing songs in your smartphone hаs become a kind of backdated.
However, the fact that we have music stored on our phones can be a relief as well. You do not need to worry about whether you would be able to listen to music whenever you are in a place where the internet connection is poor. In addition to that, whenever you are on a flight, you cannot connect to the internet. At such a moment, only a smartphone full of songs can save you from your plight.

Good for you, there are a plethora of music streaming apps out there on the internet that lets you download music as well as songs. Some of these services are paid. However, you can also find a wide range of free services that enable users to do the same. But which one of them should you choose? Among such a wide range of options, which one would best serve your needs? In case you are searching for the answers to these questions, please do not be afraid, my friend. You have come to the right place. I am here to help you with precisely that. In this article, I am going to talk to you about the top 10 free music downloader apps for Android. In addition to that, I am also going to give you more detailed information on each one of them so that you could make a concrete decision based on solid facts and data. By the time you finish reading this article, you are not going to need to know anything more. So make sure to stick to the end. Now, without wasting any more time, let us dive deeper into the subject.
Top 10 Free Music Downloader Apps For Android
Below mentioned are the top 10 free music downloader apps for Android. Read along to find out more detailed information on each one of them. Let us begin.
1. NewPipe

First of all, the first free music downloader app for Android that I am going to talk to you about is called NewPipe. Although the app can be considered a work in progress as of now, it still holds a lot of potentials.
The app does a fantastic job in the basic field – which is to download music for free. The free music downloader app is open-sourced. The developers are working hard to constantly improve the app, adding to its benefits. In addition to that, in recent times, the music downloader app has been equipped with support for FrameTube MediaCCC, SoundCloud, and many others as well.
As a default setting, once you open the app what you are going to see is the YouTube frontend. To download a video with the help of this app, all you need to do is to just choose the video that you would like to download and then click the download icon at the top right corner, and afterward, select whether you would want to download it as a video or an audio file. Along with that, you also have the option of choosing which format you would like the download to be in.
In case you would like to change to SoundCloud, all you need to do is to click on the menu icon at the top left corner. Once you have done that, click on the big red icon NewPipe’ at the top that you are going to found in the drop-down menu, and afterward, select the option ‘SoundCloud (Beta).’
Download NewPipe
2. Soundcloud

Now, the next best free music downloader app for Android that I am going to talk to you about is called Soundcloud. The music downloader app is a music streaming service that comes loaded with a massive range of more than 150 million songs.
In addition to that, the free music downloader app for Android enables the users to listen to EDMs, beats, remakes, remixes, and many more that have been created by a wide range of upcoming as well as talented music artists. Along with that, a massive range of these Indie creators also offer permissions for downloading their tracks as well.
The free music downloader app for Android comes loaded with an amazing collection of shows as well as all the favorite podcasts that you would love to listen to. The user interface (UI) of the music downloader app is also quite intuitive as well as offering a piece of very high-quality music, adding to its benefits. The streaming speed is also superb.
Also Read: 11 Best Sites To Watch TV Shows Online For Free
On the downside, there is not such a huge number of exploration tools. In addition to that, you would have to pay a subscription fee for the popular titles that are available on the app.
Download SoundCloud
3. MIUI Music Player

The next best free music downloader app for Android that I am now going to talk to you about is called MIUI Music Player. The free music downloader app actually comes from the widely popular custom ROM MIUI. It is one of the most widely loved free music downloader apps for Android that you can find out there on the internet.
The free music downloader app for Android comes loaded with a user interface (UI) that enables the users to search for songs online. In addition to that, with the help of this app, it is entirely possible for you to not only play the songs but also can download the music for free. All you need to do in order to use the app is to search for a song, do a little scrolling the find the desired one, and then you can find the download button on the right side of it.
Download MIUI Music Player
4. YMusic

Now, the next best free music downloader app for Android that I am now going to talk to you about is called YMusic. It is one of the most professional-looking as well as a versatile music downloader app that you can find out there on the internet as of now.
The music downloader app enables the users to play any YouTube video you wish to play as an audio file. In addition to that, you can even run the video in the background on the phone you are using. Along with that, with the help of this app, it is also entirely possible for you to download the videos as audio files as well.
The users can download these audio files in both MP3 as well as M4A formats. In addition to that, the free music downloader app comes with a superb library UI that enables the users for managing the music files similar to that of how you do it in a music player app.
Download YMusic
5. Spotify

Another free music downloader app for Android that you should definitely check out as well as try that I am now going to talk to you about is called Spotify. The free music downloader app comes loaded with a wide range of more than 40 million songs across several different genres as well as languages.
In addition to that, the free music downloader app for Android comes loaded with a music discovery tool that does its job superbly well along with suggesting several different types of music that the user might like. Along with that, the free music downloader app for Android enables the users for downloading the playlists that they would like as well as saving them for listening offline.
Also Read: Top 10 Android Music Players of 2020
The free music downloader app for Android comes loaded with both free as well as paid versions. In addition to that, it is entirely possible for the users to get rid of the ads that can be quite annoying, improving the quality of the music, and also get access to the download feature by upgrading to the premium version by paying a subscription fee.
Download Spotify
6. Music Maniac – MP3 Downloader
Now, the next best free music downloader app for Android that I am now going to talk to you about is called Music Maniac – MP3 Downloader. The free music downloader app boasts off quite a high rating on the Google Play Store along with some brilliant reviews. So, you do not need to worry about the trustworthiness as well as the efficiency of the music downloader app.
With the help of this app, it is entirely possible for you to search for the song you want to find among the millions of free music as well as MP3s from the public search engine. That is it, you are now all set. The app is going to take care of the rest and make sure that you can listen to the song for free.
7. GTunes Music Downloader
Another best free music downloader app for Android that I am now going to talk to you about is called GTunes Music Downloader. The free music downloader app sifts through a wide range of big domains of downloadable music for every query you have of millions of artists as well as songs across several generations.
The options to search in this free music downloader app is quite rudimentary. Therefore, I would recommend this free music downloader app in case you already know which song that is you are looking for and would like to just get out there and download it. In addition to that, the music downloader app comes loaded with an in-built engine. Along with that, with the help of this app, it is entirely possible for trimming the tunes as well as setting songs as ringtones.
8. Audiomack

Next, the free music downloader app for Android that I am now going to talk to you about is called Audiomack. The free music downloader app for Android comes loaded with a huge range of collections across several different genres such as Rap, Hip-Hop, EDM, Reggae music, mixtapes, R&B, and many more.
In addition to that, with the help of this app, it is entirely possible for you to stream or download any music or song that you would like to. Along with that, the music downloader app also performs as a platform for enabling talented as well as upcoming music creators for sharing their content. The user interface (UI) of the free music downloader app for Android is simple as well as free of clusters, adding to its benefits.
On the downside, the streaming of any song as well as the music takes quite a bit of time, especially in case you compare it to the other free music downloader app for Android on the list.
Download Audiomack
9. Simple MP3 Downloader
Now, the next best free music downloader app for Android that I am now going to talk to you about is called Simple MP3 Downloader. The user interface (UI) is simple, minimalistic, and easy to use. Even someone with a little technical knowledge or someone who has just started using these kinds of apps can handle it without much hassle or much effort on their part.
The free music downloader app comes loaded with a search option that enables the user to look for tracks through artists, albums, or genres. In addition to that, with the help of this app, it is entirely possible for you to find all the tracks that you love in MP3 format, adding to its benefits.
Along with that, the search feature also has an auto-completion feature that keeps on suggesting several different songs or artists that you might also be interested in as soon as you start to type.
10. Supercloud Song MP3 Downloader
Last but not the least, the final free music downloader app for Android that I am now going to talk to you about is called Supercloud Song MP3 Downloader. However, keep in mind that you are not going to find this music downloader app on the Google Play Store.
The free music downloader app for Android is definitely one of the most efficient repositories for most of the available music across different tastes. It does not matter whether you would search for Underground Techno sets or mainstream pop music, this free music downloader app has it all.
Recommended: 10 Best Free Music Apps to listen to music without WiFi
So, guys, we have come to the end of the article. It is now time to wrap it up. I sincerely hope that the article has given you the much-needed value and that it was well worth your time as well attention. In case you have a specific question in my mind, or if you think I have missed a particular point, or in case you would like me to talk about something else entirely, please do let me know. I would be more than happy to oblige to your requests as well as answering your questions.