新しい電話を購入しましたか?スマートフォンをスムーズに動かしたいですか?次に、新しいAndroidフォンで設定することを知っておく必要があります。(Bought a new phone? Want to make your smartphone work smoothly? Then you should know the things to Set Up In Your New Android Phone.)
21世紀の最大の発明の1つを挙げなければならない場合、それは間違いなくAndroidフォンになります。Android OSは、常に需要があります。あなたがAndroid(Android)携帯に属している世界のどの部分がほとんどの国の市場に殺到しているものであるかは問題ではありません。
自分のプロの仕事をこなして自分撮りをクリックできる大人から、両親の携帯電話でさまざまなオーディオやビデオを見たり聞いたりしながら楽しませてくれる子供まで、Android携帯でできないことはあまりありません。これが、 Android(Android)スマートフォンがわずか数年で非常に人気を博し、ほぼすべての年齢層の大衆から常に需要が ある理由です。
Android OSは、 (Android OS)Redmi、Realme、Oppo、Vivoなどの企業から安価なAndroidスマートフォンが発売されて以来、人気が高まっています。ただし、ローエンドのAndroidスマートフォンは、ハイエンドの(Android)Androidに比べて高度な機能を提供しない場合があります。電話でも、基本的な機能で必要なすべてのタスクを実行できます。
新しいAndroid携帯(New Android Phone)で行う15のこと
1)デバイス検査(1) Device Inspection)
Androidのすべてのハードウェアの確認が完了したら、Androidスマートフォン(Android)の電源を入れ、重要なソフトウェアが機能していることを確認します。これに加えて、 Android(Android)デバイスに付属している充電器やその他のアクセサリも確認する必要があります。
2)デバイスを準備します(2) Prepare Your Device)
3)Wi-Fi接続 (3) Wi-Fi Connectivity )
スマートフォンをさらに使用するための準備が完了したら、AndroidスマートフォンのWi-Fi接続を確認する必要があります。これは、毎日のタスクを実行しているときに毎日のデータが不足した場合にWi-Fiが最適なオプションであるためです。(Wi-Fi)そして、あなたは本当にあなたの電話のWi-Fi(Wi-Fi)機能が正しく働いて いるかどうか知りたいでしょう。
4)ジャンククリーニングの設定 (4) Setting up Junk Cleaning )
したがって、これらのCookieとキャッシュファイル(cookies and cache files)をクリーンアップして、Androidスマートフォンですでに使用可能なスペースに加えて、さらにスペースを作成する必要があります。また、Androidスマートフォンのパフォーマンスを向上させるために、ジャンクをクリアする必要があります。
5)ホーム画面の変更 (5) Home Screen Modification )
誰もが自分の携帯電話をパーソナライズするのが好きです。そして、ホーム画面(Home Screen)の変更はそのような機能の1つです。希望の壁紙を設定するだけではありません。また、ホーム画面にすでに存在する不要なウィジェットやアプリを削除することも含まれます。
後で、ホーム画面に独自のウィジェットを設定して、最もよく使用されるアプリにすばやくアクセスし、見栄えが良く、パーソナライズされたホーム画面(Home Screen)を作成できます。
また読む:(Also Read:) Android2020用の14の最高の無料着メロアプリ(14 Best Free Ringtone Apps for Android 2020)
6)不要なアプリを削除する(6) Remove unwanted apps)
7)Googleアカウントを設定する (7) Set up a Google Account )
したがって、電話機能の変更とパーソナライズが完了したら、あとはGoogleアカウントを設定することが最も重要です。このためには、GmailIDをGoogleアカウントアプリに入力する必要が(Gmail Id)あります(Google)。Playストア(Play Store)やGmailを含むすべてのGoogleアプリにログインしています。それだけでなく、Googleアカウントを使用して他のすべてのアプリに簡単にサインインできます。
8)自動更新を設定する (8) Set Up Auto Updates )
自動更新(Auto-update)は、Android携帯のもう1つのすばらしい機能です。新しいAndroidスマートフォンを購入するときは、必ず自動更新モードを有効にしてください。Wi-Fi接続が利用できる場合は、 GooglePlayストアにダウンロードされたすべてのアプリが自動的に更新されます。(Google Play Store)
9)Cloneitを使用する(9) Use Cloneit)
10)GoogleNowについてもっと知る (10) Know more about Google Now )
また読む:(Also Read:) ファイルとフォルダをパスワードで保護するための13の最高のAndroidアプリ(13 Best Android Apps to Password Protect Files and Folders)
11)セキュリティの設定(11) Security Set Up)
12)USBデバッグ (12) USB debugging )
次のリストには、USBデバッグがあります。USBデバッグ(USB debugging)について知らない方のために、これは携帯電話の忘れたPINまたはパスワードにアクセスできる機能です。必要なのはコンピューターとUSBケーブルだけで、準備は完了です。これはあなたがあなたの新しい電話でする必要がある重要なことです。
13)Playストア(13) Play Store)
もちろん、 Android(Android)の最も優れている点は、非常に多くの便利なアプリです。Playストアを閲覧して、必要なすべてのアプリをダウンロードできます。Playストアでは無料の検索アクセスを提供しているため、必要なアプリを安全に見つけて選択できます。
14)バックアップ(14) Backup)
15)通知を管理する(15) Manage Notifications)
推奨:写真をアニメーション化するための10のベストアプリ(10 Best Apps To Animate Your Photos)(Recommended: 10 Best Apps To Animate Your Photos)
15 Things to do with your New Android Phone
Bought a new phone? Want to make your smartphone work smoothly? Then you should know the things to Set Up In Your New Android Phone.
If we have to name one biggest invention of the 21st century, it will definitely be android phones. Android OS is something that is always in demand. It doesn’t matter which part of the world you belong to Android phones is something which has flooded the markets of most of the countries.
From an adult who can manage his/her professional tasks and clicking selfies to a kid who gets entertained while watching and listening to different audio or videos on his/her parents’ phones, there is not so much left that android phones cannot do. This is the reason why Android phones have gained so much popularity in just a few years, and are always in demand by masses of almost all ages.
Android OS has also gained more popularity since the launch of cheaper android phones from companies such as Redmi, Realme, Oppo, Vivo, etc. Although a lower-end Android phone may provide you with less advanced features as compared to a higher-end Android phone, they will still enable you to do all necessary tasks with their basic features.
Though many of you will have counter opinions, since the same can be done with an iPhone too, but being so expensive, iPhone is something which not everybody can get their hands on, and this price factor gives Androids an edge over iPhones. With the increasing demands of android phones, everybody should know what should be done whenever you buy a new android phone. These to-do things whenever you purchase a new Android phone are mainly important for safety purposes and to let you take complete advantage of your android phones.
So let’s discuss a little more about things to do whenever you purchase a new android phone.
15 Things to do with your New Android Phone
1) Device Inspection
The first among the things to do is that you are required to do whenever you buy a new android phone is checking your device thoroughly. Check for your screen, side buttons, slim card slots, memory card slots, USB charging point, head Jack point.
Once you are done with checking all the hardware of your Android, switch on your android phone and check the important software working. Besides this, you should also check the charger or any other accessories that you have got along with your Android device.
2) Prepare Your Device
The next thing to do with your new phone is, whenever you purchase a new Android phone, prepare your device, or in a more simple language, set up your device.
It includes charging your phone first since you don’t want to surf your phone at a low battery. It also includes placing your SIM cards and memory cards in their respective slots.
3) Wi-Fi Connectivity
Once you are done with preparing your phone to use it further, you now need to check the Wi-Fi connectivity of your android phone, as Wi-Fi is the best option when you run out of your daily data while performing your daily tasks. And you would really want to know whether or not your phone’s Wi-Fi feature is working properly.
4) Setting up Junk Cleaning
Now that you have bought a new phone, your device will have many services to offer that you don’t need or want to join. It might also have some cookies and cache due to manufacturing processes.
Therefore you will be required to clean these cookies and cache files to create some more space besides the already available space in your android phone and also by clearing the junk to help your Android phone to perform better.
5) Home Screen Modification
Everyone likes to personalize their handsets. And Home Screen modification is one such feature. It is not just about setting up your desired wallpaper; it also includes removing the unnecessary widgets and apps that are already present on your home screen.
Later on, you can set up your own widgets on your home screen to give you quick access to the most used apps and have a better looking and personalized Home Screen.
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6) Remove unwanted apps
When you purchase a new Android phone, there are some in-built and pre-downloaded apps. Now, the thing you need to do with your new phone is to remove such apps since you don’t need them most of the time. Therefore it is always better to uninstall these apps in the very beginning. Though getting rid of inbuilt apps is quite complicated, you can always remove the pre-downloaded apps.
7) Set up a Google Account
So, when you are done with modifying and personalizing your phone features, the most important thing left to do is setting up your google account. For this, you need to input your Gmail Id in the Google account app and voila! You are logged in to all the Google apps, including the Play Store and your Gmail. Not just that, you can easily sign in to all other apps using your google accounts.
8) Set Up Auto Updates
Auto-update is yet another wonderful feature of your android phones. Whenever you buy a new android phone, make sure to enable the auto-update mode, since it automatically updates all the downloaded apps on Google Play Store whenever there is a Wi-Fi connection available.
9) Use Cloneit
Now, as we know, an Android phone is one such device that enables you to use so many features that you never even thought about. Cloneit is one such feature of your Android phone. You can clone all the data from your previous phone and transfer it to your new phone easily.
10) Know more about Google Now
The list about what your android phone can do is never-ending, and just like the cherry on the cake, Google now makes your lifestyle more comprehensive. It collects data from all available information and suggests the valuable things to you. For example, it can tell you about the best restaurants or malls near your location, or remind you of making a call or wishing someone happy birthday.
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11) Security Set Up
Making sure that your phone doesn’t have any future possibilities of being hacked or downloading unnecessary viruses, is something you must do whenever you purchase a new android phone. By going to the settings, you can turn on the necessary security features of your phone to make sure your phone’s data is safe.
12) USB debugging
Next on the list, we have USB debugging. Now for those of you who don’t know about USB debugging, it is a feature that allows you to access your phone’s forgotten pin or password. All you need is a computer and a USB cable and you are set.! This is an important thing you need to do with your new phone.
13) Play Store
The best thing about Android is, of course, so many useful apps. You can surf through play store and download all the apps you want to. Play Store offers you free search access, and thus, you find and choose the required apps securely.
14) Backup
Creating an auto backup on your new phone is very important. It helps you in the time of emergencies when all your data is lost. At such times a backup will come in handy, as all the otherwise lost data have securely been saved and stored in your device or some external storage space using this feature.
15) Manage Notifications
The things you need to do with your new phone are: managing your notifications and the notification panel by going to the settings. You can customize it according to your needs, and you can access useful apps quickly.
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Thus, as we have mentioned all the necessary things to do whenever you purchase a new android phone, we believe that chances of anything going wrong with your device are much lesser.