台北(Taipei)で開催された国際技術会議であるComputex2019で(Computex 2019)、AMDは、あらゆる場所の技術愛好家を熱狂させる何かを発表しました。AMDRyzen 3000シリーズは、これまでに示したハードウェアの限界を押し上げることを約束する新しいプロセッサです。
これは注目に値します。AMDはかなり長い間プロセッサの2位を維持しており、 (AMD)AMD側の多大な努力にもかかわらず、常にIntelに遅れをとっています。

AMD Ryzen 3000を特別なものにしているのは、その仕様が同社をIntel(Intel—and)よりも先に進め、場合によっては、以前の記録的なベンチマークを破壊する可能性があることです。
- ナノメートル(nm):(Nanometer (nm): )ナノメートルは10億分の1メートルです。数値表現では、これは0.000000001メートルです。ナノメートルは「nm」と略されます。
- トランジスタ:(Transistor:)「オン」または「オフ」状態のいずれかで存在するチップ上にある半導体。トランジスタはCPU(CPUs)(中央処理装置)にとって重要なゲージです。経験則として、トランジスタが多いほど、CPUの効率が高くなります。
- 中央処理装置(CPU):(Central Processing Unit (CPU): )CPUはコンピューターの「頭脳」です。この小さなチップはマザーボードの内部にあり、PC内で行われる操作とプロセスの多くを駆動します。CPUは、「プロセッサ」またはまれに「マイクロプロセッサ」とも呼ばれます。
- マザーボード:(Motherboard: )CPUがコンピューターの「頭脳」である場合、マザーボードは心臓血管系、内分泌系、筋骨格系です。マザーボードはグラスファイバーと銅のプリント基板であり、電力の流れをさまざまなコンポーネントに向け、 CPUプロセスの結果を整理し、さまざまなコンポーネントの中央接続として機能します。
- コア:(Core: )「マルチコア」プロセッサについてよく耳にします。これは、与えられた命令に基づいて計算を実行するCPUの一部です。(CPU)CPU(CPUs)には、シングルコア、デュアルコア、クアッドコア、および8コアのバリエーションがあります。さらに多くのコアを備えたCPU(CPUs)もありますが、これらは通常、民生用ハードウェアを上回っています。
- スレッド:(Thread: )コンピューティングの観点から、「スレッド」はプロセッサが実行する一連の命令です。マルチスレッド処理とは、CPUがコア間でさまざまなスレッドを分割して、一度に複数の操作を実行することです。
- サイクル:(Cycle: )CPUからの単一の電子パルス。
- クロック速度:(Clock Speed: )CPUが実行できる1秒あたりのサイクル数。
- オーバークロック: CPU(CPU)のクロック速度を設計された処理速度を超えてブーストする行為。クロック速度が速いほど、CPUが生成する熱が多くなります。クロック(Clock)速度は、コンピューターが永続的で不可逆的な損傷を受ける前にCPUとその材料がどれだけ熱くなるかによって制限されます。(CPU)
- キャッシュ:(Cache: )高速で簡単にアクセスできるように、頻繁に必要となるデータや情報が保存される、より高速なメモリの小さなコレクション。
インテル(Intel)のCEOであり、フェアチャイルドセミコンダクター(Fairchild Semiconductor)社の創設者であるゴードンムーア(Gordon Moore)にちなんで名付けられました。彼が1965年に書いた論文に基づいています。ムーアの法則(Moore)は何十年もの間当てはまり(Law)ましたが、近年は反証され始めています。
トランジスタが小さくなり、必要な電力が大幅に少なくなるため、この数は2倍になります。現在の製造プロセスの限界に近づくにつれて、毎年追加されるトランジスタの数も遅くなります。AMD Ryzen 3000シリーズは、トランジスタが2014年以来初めて大幅に縮小したことを示しています。

これらの用語がわからなくなったので、 AMDRyzen3000(AMD Ryzen 3000)シリーズがどれほど強力であるかを詳しく見ていきましょう。Computexで、AMDは5つの特定のプロセッサを発表しまし

- Ryzen 9 3900X:ベース速度が3.8 (Ryzen 9)GHz、ブースト速度が4.6 GHzの12コア、24スレッド。開始価格:499ドル。
- Ryzen 7 3800X:ベース速度が3.9 (Ryzen 7)GHz、ブースト速度が4.5 GHzの8コア、16スレッド。開始価格:399ドル。
- Ryzen 7 3700X:ベース速度が3.6 (Ryzen 7)GHz、ブースト速度が4.4 GHzの8コア、16スレッド。開始価格:329ドル。
- Ryzen 5 3600X:ベース速度が3.8 (Ryzen 5)GHz、ブースト速度が4.4 GHzの6コア、12スレッド。開始価格:249ドル。
- Ryzen 5 3600:ベース速度が3.6 (Ryzen 5)GHz、ブースト速度が4.2 GHzの 6コア、12スレッド。開始価格:199ドル。
これらの新しいプロセッサに加えて、 AMDは(AMD)PCIe4.0を備えた新しいX570チップセットを導入したことに注意してください。簡単に言えば、これは、これらのプロセッサがより高速なストレージ転送速度を利用できることを意味します。これは、グラフィックカード、ネットワークデバイス、およびストレージドライブのパフォーマンスが大幅に向上することを意味します。

ここでの数値に加えて、AMDは、これらのプロセッサが構築されているZen 2アーキテクチャは、 (Zen 2)Zen+アーキテクチャよりもクロックあたり15%多くの命令を持っていると主張しています。その理由は、 Zen2(Zen 2)アーキテクチャがどのように設計されているかに基づいています。

これにより、作業がコンポーネント間で分割されます。つまり、プロセスに遅延(または遅延)が発生する可能性があります。もちろん、このラグはナノ秒スケールで測定されるため、ユーザーには気付かれませんが、可能な限り最高の速度を達成するための潜在的なスロットルを示します。しかし、 AMD(AMD)によれば、これは論点となるはずです。
The Skinny on the AMD Ryzen 3000
At Cоmputex 2019, an international technical conference hеld in Taipei, AMD annоunced something that sent tech enthusiasts everуwhere into a frenzy: the AMD Ryzen 3000 serіeѕ, new processors that promіse to pυsh the limits on аny hardware shown before.
This is notable because AMD has held the second-place spot for processors for quite a long time now, always falling behind Intel despite tremendous effort on the AMD’s part.

What makes the AMD Ryzen 3000 so special is that its specs could put the company ahead of Intel—and in some cases, demolish previous record-setting benchmarks.
If you start to dig into the exact whys and hows of this, you’ll quickly find yourself in the weeds with technical jargon and terminology. This article will explain in layman’s terms what sets this processor apart and why it is important.
Defining Terms
There are certain terms used in relation to
hardware that are simply the best way to explain certain concepts. We will do
our best to define them here in a way that is easy to understand and remember.
- Nanometer (nm): A nanometer is
one-billionth of a meter. In numerical representation, this is 0.000000001
meters. Nanometers are abbreviated as “nm.”
- Transistor: A semiconductor found on a
chip that exists in either an “On” or “Off” state. Transistors
are important gauges for CPUs (central processing units). A good rule of thumb:
the more transistors, the more efficient the CPU.
- Central Processing Unit (CPU): The CPU is
the “brain” of the computer. This small chip sits inside the
motherboard and drives many of the operations and processes that take place
within your PC. The CPU is also referred to as the “processor” or,
more rarely, the “microprocessor.”
- Motherboard: If the CPU is the
“brain” of the computer, then the motherboard is the cardiovascular,
endocrine, and muscoloskeletal systems. The motherboard is a printed board of
fiberglass and copper that directs power flow to various components, organizes
the results of CPU processes, and acts as the central connection for various
- Core: You often hear about
“multicore” processors. This is a part of the CPU that performs
calculations based on given instructions. CPUs come in single core, dual core,
quad-core, and eight-core variants. While there are CPUs with even more cores,
these usually exceed consumer-grade hardware.
- Thread: In terms of computing, a
“thread” is series of instructions that the processor
carries out. Multi-thread processing is when the CPU divides the various
threads between its cores to perform more than one operation at a time.
- Cycle: A single electronic pulse from
the CPU.
- Clock Speed: The number of cycles per
second a CPU can execute.
- Overclocking: The act of
boosting of a CPU’s clock speed to beyond what it was designed to handle. The
faster the clock speed, the more heat the CPU produces. Clock speed is limited
by how hot the CPU and its materials can become before the computer suffers
permanent, irreversible damage.
- Cache: A smaller collection of memory
with higher speeds where often-needed data or information is stored for fast,
easy access.
A Note on Moore’s Law
“Moore’s Law” is not a “law” in a scientific or legal sense; rather, it’s the observation that the number of transistors on a single processor doubles year after year.
It is so named for Gordon Moore, the CEO of Intel and founder of the company Fairchild Semiconductor, based on a paper he wrote in 1965. Moore’s Law held true for decades, but in recent years has begun to be disproven.
The number would double because transistors
would become smaller and require significantly less power. As we approach the
limits of current manufacturing processes, the number of transistors added each
year also slows. The AMD Ryzen 3000 series marks the first time transistors
have shrunk in any major way since 2014.

Transistors are typically made of silicon, but below 7nm they become unwieldy. The physical space is so packed that electrons actually pass through physical barriers. (The official name for this phenomenon is quantum tunneling.
Don’t worry about it beyond that.) However, other materials than silicon can work that closely together to create even smaller transistors. Manufacturers and computer scientists are conducting research to break through this obstacle. The discovery of a material that can be used to make smaller transistors on a mass scale would be a major breakthrough for computer hardware.
AMD Ryzen 3000 Specs
Now that we have those terms out of the
way, let’s dive into exactly how powerful the AMD Ryzen 3000 series is. At
Computex, AMD announced five specific processors (although more have leaked
since that time):

- The Ryzen 9 3900X: 12-core,
24-thread with a base speed of 3.8 GHz and a boosted speed of 4.6 GHz. Starting
price: $499.
- The Ryzen 7 3800X: 8-core,
16-thread with a base speed of 3.9 GHz and a boosted speed of 4.5 GHz. Starting
price: $399.
- The Ryzen 7 3700X: 8-core,
16-thread with a base speed of 3.6 GHz and a boosted speed of 4.4 GHz. Starting
price: $329.
- The Ryzen 5 3600X: 6-core,
12-thread with a base speed of 3.8 GHz and a boosted speed of 4.4 GHz. Starting
price: $249.
- The Ryzen 5 3600: 6-core, 12-thread with a base speed of
3.6 GHz and a boosted speed of 4.2 GHz. Starting price: $199.
In addition to these new processors, it
should be noted that AMD introduced a new X570 chipset with PCIe 4.0. In the
simplest possible terms, this means these processors can take advantage of
faster storage transfer rates. This means vastly improved performance from
graphics cards, networking devices, and storage drives.

The numbers listed above are impressive, but they’re not that impressive. There are faster clock speeds out there. So what makes the AMD Ryzen 3000 series such a point of excitement? Well, there’s more going on beneath the surface of the chip.
In addition to the numbers here, AMD has claimed that the Zen 2 architecture that these processors are built on has 15% more instructions per clock than the Zen+ architecture. The reason is based on how the Zen 2 architecture is designed.
We’ll touch briefly on how this works. Inside a chipset are various components that all work together, including things called a cIOD (short for client IO die) and a CCD (short for charge coupled device.) The cIOD links with one or two CCDs.

This divides the work between the components, which means the potential for latency (or lag) in processes. Of course, this lag is measured on a nanosecond scale, so while not noticeable to the user, it presents a potential throttle for achieving the highest possible speed. According to AMD, however, this should be a moot point.
AMD also doubled the L3 cache size. The
cache lets the processor retrieve information it needs more quickly. These new
processors use multiple caches to divide this memory so that nothing is
replicated, which has resulted in performance improvements that make process
lag irrelevant.
Why All This Matters—and Why It’s Exciting
Now that we’ve covered the technical
aspects of these chips, let’s boil down to the reason you’re reading this
article in the first place: why it’s so exciting.
The first and foremost reason is
competition. Intel has had a monopoly on high-performance cards for years.
While AMD isn’t a bad option, those looking for top of the line performance
have to pay whatever Intel prices their cards at. With AMD coming onto the
scene and at least matching or potentially beating Intel, it means competition
and hopefully lower prices.
The second reason is that new manufacturing processes mean more innovation and improvements in the computing field. A lot of talk has swirled around for years about quantum computing and other potential avenues to explore, and for good reason: everyone could see the end of the line for our previous methods.
While 7 nanometer transistors pose challenges of their own, their development and use in consumer-grade products is a good sign that manufacturers are on the right path to the next stage of computer technology.
The third reason, and the one most relevant
to gamers, is the potential for better graphics and more frames per second at a
semi-affordable price point. A maxed-out gaming PC isn’t always affordable, and
maintaining a cutting-edge system will never be a cheap hobby, but better
processers mean less power, which means less of the budget has to go to a power
People get excited about new games and
awesome computer builds, but behind all the flash and glamour lies the heart of
computing: the processors, motherboards, and other components that make it all
work. And when those components get major improvements like this, well—that’s a
reason to get excited.