2019年、SonyWH-1000XM3は私たちのお気に入りのノイズキャンセリングヘッドセットの1つでした。その間に、ソニーWH-1000XM4(Sony WH-1000XM4)が発売されました。新しいモデルは、以前のイテレーションよりもさらに優れており、クラス最高のノイズキャンセリングと優れた高品質のオーディオをすべて1つのパッケージで提供します。Sony WH-1000XM4を約2週間テストして使用した後、私たちが見つけたものと、それらについて気に入っているものは次のとおりです。
ソニーWH-1000XM4(Sony WH-1000XM4)は、必要に応じて優れたヘッドフォンです。
- 有線と無線の両方のハイエンドオーディオ品質
- 市場で最高のノイズキャンセリングヘッドフォンのいくつか
- 快適で美しいデザインのヘッドホン
ソニーWH-1000XM4(Sony WH-1000XM4)ワイヤレスヘッドフォンを購入する主な長所は次のとおりです。

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- バランスのとれた音質
- ノイズキャンセリングは非常にうまく機能します
- 優れたビルド品質
- 美しいデザイン
- 十分なバッテリー寿命と急速充電のサポート
- ワイヤレスだけでなく、ヘッドセットは有線モードでも動作します
- パッケージにはたくさんのアクセサリーがバンドルされています
- 優れたマイク
- ソニーは(Sony)AndroidとiOS専用のアプリを提供していますが、 WindowsやmacOS用は提供していません
- QualcommのaptXHDまたはaptXオーディオコーディングはサポートされていません

Sony WH-1000XM4は、おそらく今日入手できる最高のノイズキャンセリングBluetoothヘッドフォンであり、すべての使用シナリオで最高のオーディオ品質を提供します。(Bluetooth)デザインは前世代のSony-WH1000XM3(Sony-WH1000XM3)とほぼ同じですが、非常に快適で頑丈であることがすでに証明されているため、それは悪いことではありません。ソニー(Sony)がこれらのプレミアムヘッドホンに求めるお金があれば、間違いなくあなたを幸せにする素晴らしい買い物だと私たちは言います。
ソニーWH-1000XM4(Sony WH-1000XM4)ワイヤレスヘッドホンの開梱
ソニーWH-1000XM4(Sony WH-1000XM4)ワイヤレスヘッドセットは美しい箱に入っています。前面には、モデル名や主な機能などの情報とともに、ヘッドセットがどのように見えるかを横から見ることができます。

ソニーWH-1000XM4(Sony WH-1000XM4)に使用されているパッケージ
箱の裏側には、ヘッドフォンの他の写真や、 SonyWH-1000XM4(Sony WH-1000XM4)に関する追加情報が表示されます。また、印刷されたQRコードを使用して(QR code)SonyHeadphonesConnectアプリをスマートフォンにすばやくインストールできる場所でもあります。

ソニーWH-1000XM4(Sony WH-1000XM4)ボックスの裏側

ソニーWH-1000XM4(Sony WH-1000XM4)パッケージの内容
ソニーWH-1000XM4の箱を開けるのは快適で、箱にはほとんどの人が喜ぶアクセサリーがたくさん含まれています。(Unboxing the Sony WH-1000XM4 is pleasant and the box includes plenty of accessories that most people will appreciate.)
ソニーWH-1000XM4(Sony WH-1000XM4)は美しいヘッドフォンです。彼らのイヤーカップは大きく、前世代のソニーWH-1000XM3(Sony WH-1000XM3)と同様に、ネオジム磁石をベースにしたかなりの1.57インチのドームドライバーユニットを使用しています。有線接続を使用する場合、44.1 kHzのサンプリングレートで、周波数の応答は4〜40,000Hzの範囲内に収まります。Bluetoothでは、周波数範囲は20〜20,000 Hz、LDAC 96 kHzサンプリングレート(990 kbps)に狭まります。
Sony WH-1000XM4は、Bluetooth5チップを使用してワイヤレスで接続します。NFC、および次のプロファイルをサポートします: Advanced Audio Distribution Profile(A2DP)、Audio/Video Remote Control Profile(AVRCP)、Hands-Free Profile(HFP)、およびHeadset Profile(HSP)。これらのヘッドホンで知られているオーディオ形式は、LDAC ( Sony製の高品質サウンドコーデック)、SBC、およびAACです。不思議なことに、彼らはクアルコム(Qualcomm)のサポートを提供していませんのaptXHDまたはaptXですが、古いSonyWH-1000XM3はそうでした。
Sony WH-1000XM4のワイヤレス範囲は約30フィートまたは10メートルで、これはほとんどのBluetoothデバイスの標準です。


ヘッドバンドは金属製ですが、 SonyWH -1000XM4(Sony WH-1000XM4)ヘッドフォンは一般的にプラスチック製です。イヤーカップとヘッドバンドはすべて合成皮革と柔らかいぬいぐるみで覆われています。

ソニーWH-1000XM4(Sony WH-1000XM4)ワイヤレスヘッドセットのイヤーカップ
Sony WH-1000XM4ヘッドフォンの右側のカップには、コントロール付きの触覚面があります。指をタップまたはスライドさせると、音量を調整したり、電話をかけたり、曲をスキップしたりできます。また、ここにUSBType-Cポートがあります。
左のイヤーカップには、3.5 mmオーディオジャックと、電源(Power)ボタンとカスタム(Custom)ボタンがあります。カスタム(Custom)ボタンは、デフォルトでノイズキャンセリングとアンビエントサウンドの切り替えとして機能します。ただし、Sony Headphones Connectアプリを使用すると、 (Sony Headphones Connect)Googleアシスタントを有効にするなど、[(Google Assistant)カスタム(Custom)]ボタンに他のアクションを割り当てることができます。

Sony WH-1000XM4は、人工知能を使用して圧縮されたデジタル音楽ファイルをリアルタイムでアップスケールする機能であるデジタルサウンドエンハンスメントエンジン(Digital Sound Enhancement Engine)(DSEE Extreme )のサポートも提供します。
スタイルに関しては、Sony WH-1000XM4ヘッドフォンには、ブラックとシルバーの2つのカラーバリエーションがあります。黒バージョンをテストしました。

ソニーWH-1000XM4(Sony WH-1000XM4)で利用可能なカラーオプション
技術仕様と機能の詳細については、Sony WH-1000XM4 –完全(Sony WH-1000XM4 – Full Specifications and Features)な仕様と機能をご覧ください。
Sony WH-1000XM4 has a beautiful design and we appreciate that. However, they look almost the same as the previous version of the headset: the WH-1000XM3. The only obvious change is that the secondary physical button is called Custom now instead of NC/Ambient. The other change we noticed is that the new WH-1000XM4 no longer supports aptX HD and aptX, which the previous model did. Otherwise, the technical specifications are top-notch and the audio quality should be first-class.
ソニーWH-1000XM4(Sony WH-1000XM4)ワイヤレスヘッドホンを使用する
ソニーWH-1000XM3(Sony WH-1000XM3)とXM2での以前の経験と同じように、ソニーWH-1000XM4(Sony WH-1000XM4)ヘッドフォンは非常に快適です。イヤーカップもヘッドバンドもやわらかいぬいぐるみで保護されており、イヤーカップが大きいので長時間使用しても頭や耳を傷つけたり汗をかいたりすることはありません。快適でない。合成皮革に少し悩まされるかもしれないのは、ハゲの人か、非常に暑い環境に住んでいて、しばらくすると汗をかき始めるかもしれない人だけです。

ソニーWH-1000XM4(Sony WH-1000XM4)ワイヤレスヘッドセットのヘッドバンド

ソニーWH-1000XM4(Sony WH-1000XM4)ワイヤレスヘッドセットのイヤーカップ

ソニーWH-1000XM4(Sony WH-1000XM4)の物理的なボタン
Sony WH-1000XM4の動作を制御および調整する場合は、 (Sony WH-1000XM4)AndroidおよびiOS用( iOS)のSonyHeadphonesConnectモバイルアプリが必要です。これを行う唯一の手段であり、残念ながら、WindowsまたはmacOSでは使用できません。携帯電話では、アダプティブサウンドコントロール、サウンドイコライザー、音質モード、DSEEExtremeなどをカスタマイズするために使用できます。ヘッドホンのノイズキャンセリング機能を最適化するために必要なアプリでもあります。

Android(Sony Headphones Connect)用(Android)SonyHeadphonesConnectアプリ
ソニーWH-1000XM4は、小売オーディオ市場におけるノイズキャンセリングヘッドホンの新しい支配者です。それから得られる音質は一流であり、快適さのレベルと提供される機能の両方が一流です。(Sony WH-1000XM4 is the new ruler of noise-canceling headphones in the retail audio market. The audio quality you get from it is top-notch, and both the comfort level and the features offered are first-class.)
ソニーWH-1000XM4(Sony WH-1000XM4)ヘッドセットについてどう思いますか?
以前のWH-1000XM3とWH-1000XM2のように、ソニーWH-1000XM4(Sony WH-1000XM4)は私たちに感銘を与えました。私たちはそれらをとても気に入っており、それらを買う余裕のある人には暖かくお勧めします。あなたもそれらが好きですか、そしてあなたはペアを購入しますか?下記のコメント欄でご意見をお聞かせください。
Sony WH-1000XM4 review: Excellent noise-canceling! -
Back in 2019, Sony WH-1000XM3 wаs one оf our favorite noіse-canceling heаdsetѕ. In the mеantime, Sony WH-1000XM4 were launched. The new model promises to be even better than thеir previous iteration, offering best-in-class noise canceling, as well as superb high-quality audio, all in a single package. After testing and uѕing the Sony WH-1000XM4 for about two weеks, here's what we found and what we like about them:
Sony WH-1000XM4: Who is it good for?
Sony WH-1000XM4 are excellent headphones if you want:
- High-end audio quality, both wired and wireless
- Some of the best noise-canceling headphones on the market
- Headphones with a beautiful design that are also comfortable
Pros and cons
The main pros of buying the Sony WH-1000XM4 wireless headphones are:
See price on:

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- Well-balanced sound quality
- Noise-canceling works very well
- Excellent build quality
- Beautiful design
- Generous battery life and support for fast charging
- It's not just wireless – the headset can also work in wired mode
- You get plenty of accessories bundled in the package
- Excellent microphone
On the not-so-positive side of things:
- Sony offers an app only for Android and iOS, but not for Windows or macOS
- No support for Qualcomm's aptX HD or aptX audio coding

Sony WH-1000XM4 are probably the best noise-canceling Bluetooth headphones you can get today, offering top-notch audio quality in all usage scenarios. Although the design is almost identical to the previous generation Sony-WH1000XM3, that's not a bad thing, as it already proved to be very comfortable and robust. If you have the money Sony asks for these premium headphones, we say they're a great buy that will definitely make you happy.
Unboxing the Sony WH-1000XM4 wireless headphones
The Sony WH-1000XM4 wireless headset arrives in a beautiful box. On the front, you can see what the headset looks like from aside, among other information, such as the model name and its main features.

The packaging used for Sony WH-1000XM4
On the back of the box, you get to see other photos of the headphones and also additional information about the Sony WH-1000XM4. This is also the place from where you can quickly install the Sony Headphones Connect app on your smartphone using the printed QR code.

The backside of the Sony WH-1000XM4 box
Opening the box reveals a tough carrying case and a series of papers (warranty, quick setup guide, some promotional papers). Inside the case, you find the headphones, a cable, a USB cable with Type-A to Type-C connectors, and an airplane adapter plug.

The contents of the Sony WH-1000XM4 package
Unboxing the Sony WH-1000XM4 is pleasant and the box includes plenty of accessories that most people will appreciate.
Design and hardware specifications
The Sony WH-1000XM4 is a beautiful pair of headphones. Their ear cups are large and, just like the previous generation Sony WH-1000XM3, use sizable 1.57-inch dome driver units based on neodymium magnets. The response in frequency falls within the 4 to 40,000 Hz range when using a wired connection, on a 44.1 kHz sampling rate. On Bluetooth, the frequency range narrows to 20 – 20,000 Hz, an LDAC 96 kHz sampling rate (990 kbps).
Sony WH-1000XM4 uses a Bluetooth 5 chip for connecting wirelessly. It supports NFC, and the following profiles: Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP), Audio/Video Remote Control Profile (AVRCP), Hands-Free Profile (HFP), and Headset Profile (HSP). The audio formats known to these headphones are LDAC (a high-quality sound codec made by Sony), SBC, and AAC. Strangely enough, they don't offer support for Qualcomm's aptX HD or aptX, although the older Sony WH-1000XM3 did.
The wireless range of the Sony WH-1000XM4 is approximately 30 feet or 10 meters, which is standard for most Bluetooth devices.

Sony WH-1000XM4 inside its case
You can also use the Sony WH-1000XM4 with a 3.5mm audio cable. The one you get in the box looks premium, having gold-plated connectors, and is fairly long at 1.2 meters (3.94 feet). Unfortunately, the cable is wrapped in a plastic coating, not in a textile coating that would have made it more robust. As you can see in the picture below, you also get an airplane adapter and a short USB cable for charging the headphones.

The cables and plugs you get
The Sony WH-1000XM4 headphones are generally made of plastic, although the headband is metallic. The ear cups and the headband are all covered by synthetic leather and soft plush inside.

The ear cups on the Sony WH-1000XM4 wireless headset
On the right cup of the Sony WH-1000XM4 headphones, there's a tactile surface with controls. Tapping or sliding your finger on it can do things like adjusting the volume, taking phone calls, or skipping songs. Also, this is where the USB Type-C port is found.
On the left ear cup, there's the 3.5 mm audio jack, as well as the Power and Custom buttons. The Custom button works by default as a switch between noise canceling and ambient sound. However, using the Sony Headphones Connect app, you can assign other actions for the Custom button, like enabling Google Assistant.

A look at the Sony WH-1000XM4
Sony WH-1000XM4 also offers support for Digital Sound Enhancement Engine (DSEE Extreme), a feature that uses artificial intelligence to upscale compressed digital music files in real-time.
The battery life is 30 hours with noise cancellation turned on and up to 38 hours with it turned off. Charging takes approximately 3 hours.
Regarding style, the Sony WH-1000XM4 headphones are available in two color variants: black and silver. We tested the black version.

Color options available for Sony WH-1000XM4
For more details about the technical specifications and features, visit Sony WH-1000XM4 – Full Specifications and Features.
Sony WH-1000XM4 has a beautiful design and we appreciate that. However, they look almost the same as the previous version of the headset: the WH-1000XM3. The only obvious change is that the secondary physical button is called Custom now instead of NC/Ambient. The other change we noticed is that the new WH-1000XM4 no longer supports aptX HD and aptX, which the previous model did. Otherwise, the technical specifications are top-notch and the audio quality should be first-class.
Using the Sony WH-1000XM4 wireless headphones
Just like in our previous experiences with the Sony WH-1000XM3 and XM2, the Sony WH-1000XM4 headphones are very comfortable. As both the ear cups and the headband are protected by soft plush, and because the ear cups are large, even if you use them for extended periods of time, they don't make your head or ears hurt, sweat, or otherwise make you uncomfortable. The only people who might get slightly bothered by the faux leather are bald people or those who live in very hot environments, who might start to sweat after a while.

The headband of the Sony WH-1000XM4 wireless headset
Because they are both foldable and can swivel, these headphones are also great for traveling. They don't take as much space as headphones that can't fold, and the bundled case also helps with packaging them in your luggage.
Speaking about touch controls, they're as good as it gets. They're both easy to use and remember, and the headphones are quite responsive.

The ear cups on the Sony WH-1000XM4 wireless headset
Noise-canceling works just like you would expect it to. It's probably the best implementation of such a feature that we've ever seen, making us award the Sony WH-1000XM4 with the title of the best noise-canceling headphones in the retail "non-professional" world.
We used the Sony WH-1000XM4 outdoors and indoors, in noisy environments. We've had them cancel noises in a city with heavy traffic, as well as in a room where we had a small family party going on, with very loud music and people talking loudly. Putting the headphones on meant that we could still hear some ambient sounds, but it was so far away and that it appeared as "Elvis has left the building". 😊
Music listening is also a first-grade experience, with high audio quality and excellent sound balancing. The low frequencies (bass) are powerful, mids are not overrepresented and highs are clear and precise. There's nothing to complain about when it comes to the audio quality.

The physical buttons on the Sony WH-1000XM4
In phone calls, the Sony WH-1000XM4 does an excellent job also. The microphone is great and picks up your voice very well, making it clear, while removing most of the noise around you, so that the other party of the phone call can understand what you're saying without asking you to repeat it.
The Sony Headphones Connect mobile app for Android and iOS is required if you want to control and adjust how the Sony WH-1000XM4 works. It's the only means of doing that and, unfortunately, it's not available on Windows or macOS. On your mobile phone, you can use it to customize things like adaptive sound control, sound equalizer, sound quality mode, DSEE Extreme, and so on. It's also the app that you need if you want to optimize the noise-canceling feature of the headphones.

The Sony Headphones Connect app for Android
Sony WH-1000XM4 is the new ruler of noise-canceling headphones in the retail audio market. The audio quality you get from it is top-notch, and both the comfort level and the features offered are first-class.
What's your opinion about the Sony WH-1000XM4 headset?
Just like the previous WH-1000XM3 and WH-1000XM2, the Sony WH-1000XM4 impressed us. We like them a lot, and we warmly recommend them to anyone who can afford them. Do you like them too, and would you buy a pair? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.