このデジタルの世界では、スマートフォンは私たちの生活の一部になっています。それなしでは私たちの生活を営むことはおそらく期待できません。そして、あなたがスマートフォンに夢中になっている場合、それなしでは生きていくのはほぼ不可能です。しかし、あなたが明らかに知っているように、これらの電話のバッテリーは永遠に続くわけではありません。常にではないにしても、それは時には大きな問題になる可能性があります。私は今日あなたを助けるためにここにいます。この記事では、Android向けの7つの最高のバッテリーセーバーアプリを評価付きで共有します。(7 best battery saver apps for Android with ratings.)あなたはそれらについての細部もすべて知っているでしょう。それで、これ以上時間を無駄にすることなく、次に進みましょう。読んで。

バッテリーセーバーアプリは本当に機能しますか?(Do battery saver apps really work?)
要するに、はい、バッテリーセーバーアプリは機能し、(yes battery saver apps do work,)バッテリー寿命を10%から20%に延長するのに役立ちます。ほとんどのバッテリーセーバーアプリはバックグラウンドプロセスをシャットダウンし、バックグラウンドで実行できるアプリを調整するのに役立ちます。これらのアプリは、 Bluetooth(Bluetooth)をオフにし、明るさを暗くし、バッテリーの寿命を少なくともわずかに延ばすのに役立つその他の微調整も行います。
Android用の7つの最高のバッテリーセーバーアプリ(7 Best Battery Saver Apps for Android )
#1 Battery Doctor
Rating 4.5
この記事で説明する最初のバッテリーセーバーアプリは、BatteryDoctorです。Cheetah Mobileによって開発された、これは機能が豊富なアプリの1つです。アプリは開発者によって無料で提供されています。このアプリの最も便利な機能のいくつかは、省エネ、省電力、バッテリー監視などのさまざまなプロファイルです。このアプリでは、これらのプロファイルを自分で定義してスケジュールすることができます。

このアプリの助けを借りて、あなたは簡単にあなたの電話のバッテリーレベルの状態をチェックすることができます。それに加えて、特定のアプリや、モバイルのバッテリー寿命を消耗している機能を追跡することもできます。それだけでなく、 Wi-Fi(Wi-Fi)、明るさ、モバイルデータ、Bluetooth、GPSなど、バッテリーを消耗するかなりの数の設定をカスタマイズできます。
- アプリの種類に応じてバッテリー寿命を最適化する機能
- 特定の設定のカスタマイズ
- シンプルでユーザーフレンドリーなユーザーインターフェイス(UI)
- 28以上の言語をサポート
- このアプリは、特に他のアプリと比較すると非常に重いです。
- アニメーションを実行するたびにアプリが遅くなります
- 多くのシステム権限が必要になります
Download Battery Doctor
#2 GSam Battery Monitor
Rating 4.5

- どのアプリがスマートフォンのバッテリーを最も消耗しているかを示すデータ
- 多くの情報にアクセスできるため、十分な情報に基づいた意思決定を行うことができます
- (Graphs)バッテリー使用量を視覚化するのに役立つグラフ
- アプリを監視するだけ(Simply)で、アプリを制御することはできません。
- ユーザー(User)インターフェイス(UI)は複雑で、慣れるまでに時間がかかります
- 最適化モードは無料版では利用できません
Download GSam Battery Monitor
#3 Greenify
Rating 4.4

- 電話機のリソース、つまりCPU/RAM
- あなたはそれぞれの異なるアプリに応じて設定を変更することができます
- 個人情報を提供する必要はありません
- AndroidとiOSの両方のオペレーティングシステムと互換性があります
- 場合によっては、休止状態を最も必要としているアプリを見つけるのが難しいことがあります
- アプリの取り扱いは少し注意が必要で、時間と労力が必要です
- 無料版では、アプリはシステムアプリをサポートしていません
Download Greenify
#4 Avast Battery Saver
Rating 4.6
アバストバッテリーセーバー(Avast Battery Saver)は、電力消費を管理したり、不要なタスクを強制終了したりするための優れたアプリです。このアプリは機能が豊富で、その利点が追加されています。アプリの2つの最も便利な機能は、タスクキラーと5つの電力消費プロファイルです。構成する5つのプロファイルは、自宅、職場、夜間、スマート、および緊急モードです。アプリビューアやプロファイル内通知などの機能も利用できます。

- 時間の必要性に応じて、そしてあなたのバッテリーバックアップに従ってあなたの電話を最適化します
- ユーザーインターフェイス(UI)は、シンプルで使いやすいです。技術的なバックグラウンドのない初心者でも、数分でそれを手に入れることができます
- プロファイルは、バッテリーを最適化するだけでなく、バッテリーの寿命、場所、および時間に基づいて構成できます。
- 最もバッテリーを消耗しているアプリを見つけて永久に非アクティブ化するアプリ消費ツールがあります
- すべての機能が無料版で利用できるわけではありません
- 無料版も広告で構成されています
- アプリを使用するには、かなり多くのシステム権限が必要になります
Download Avast Battery Saver
#5 Servicely
Rating 4.3

- バックグラウンドで実行されているサービスを停止し、バッテリーの電力を延長します
- 不正なアプリが携帯電話に害を及ぼすのを防ぎます
- これらのアプリも同期させません
- 豊富な機能で高度(Highly)にカスタマイズ可能
Download Servicely
#6 AccuBattery
Rating 4.6

- モニターだけでなく、バッテリーの寿命を延ばします
- バッテリーとCPU(CPU)使用率に関する詳細情報
- Accu-checkバッテリーツールは、バッテリー容量をリアルタイムでチェックします
- (Tells)最適なバッテリー充電レベルについて教えてくれます
- 無料版には広告が付いています
- ユーザーインターフェイスは非常にトリッキーで、最初は取り組むのが難しい場合があります
Download AccuBattery
#7 Battery Saver 2019
Rating 4.2
最後になりましたが、BatterySaver2019に注意を向けてください(Battery Saver 2019)。このアプリは、バッテリー寿命を節約するために複数の設定とシステム機能を使用しています。それに加えて、バッテリーの寿命を延ばすことにも効果があります。メイン画面には、省電力モードスイッチ、バッテリーステータス、バッテリーに関する統計、実行時間、いくつかの設定の切り替えなどのオプションがあります。

- 電池を消耗するアプリを簡単に制御できます
- バッテリー電力を消費するデバイスを監視および非アクティブ化します
- さまざまなニーズに対応するさまざまな省電力モード
- シンプルで使いやすいユーザーインターフェイス(UI)で無料
- フルページ広告は非常に苛立たしいです
- アニメーションの遅れ
Download Battery Saver 2019
- 使用しないアプリをアンインストールする
- 画面の明るさを下げる
- セルラーデータの代わりにWiFiを使用する
- (Turn)使用しないときはBluetoothとGPSを(GPS)オフにしてください
- バイブレーションまたは触覚フィードバックを無効にする
- ライブ壁紙は使用しないでください
- ゲームをしないでください
- バッテリー節約モードを使用する
これは、Android向け(7 best battery saver apps for Android along with their rating.)の7つの最高のバッテリーセーバーアプリとその評価について知っておく必要のあるすべての情報です。この記事があなたにたくさんの価値を提供してくれたことを心から願っています。必要な知識を身に付けたので、それを最大限に活用してください。Androidスマートフォンのバッテリーを節約し、長時間使用し続けます。
7 Best Battery Saver Apps for Android with Ratings
In this digital world, the smartphone has become a part and parcel of our lives. We cannot possіbly hope to run our lives wіthout it. And in case you are addicted to your smartphоne, it is nеxt tо impossible to live without it. However, the batteries of thesе phones don’t laѕt fоrever, as you obviously know. That can be a masѕive problem sometimes, if not all the time. I am here today to help you with it. In this article, I will share with you the 7 best battery saver apps for Android with ratings. You are going to know every little detail about them as well. So, without wasting any more time, let us move on. Read along.

Do battery saver apps really work?
In short, yes battery saver apps do work, and they help extend your battery life from 10% to 20%. Most of the battery saver apps shut down the background process and helps regulate what apps are allowed to run in the background. These apps also turn off Bluetooth, dim the brightness and some other tweaks which help in extending the battery life — at least marginally.
7 Best Battery Saver Apps for Android
Below are the 7 best battery saver apps for Android. Keep reading to find out more.
#1 Battery Doctor
Rating 4.5
The first battery saver app I am going to talk about in this article is the Battery Doctor. Developed by Cheetah Mobile, this is one of those apps that are rich in features. The app is offered for free by the developers. Some of the most useful features of this app are different profiles that include energy saving, power saving, and battery monitory. The app lets you define and schedule these profiles on your own.

With the help of this app, you can check the battery level status of your phone with ease. In addition to that, you can also track down the specific apps as well as the functions that are draining the battery life of your mobile. Not only that, you can customize quite a few settings that drain your battery such as Wi-Fi, brightness, mobile data, Bluetooth, GPS, and many more.
The app comes in multiple languages – over 28 languages to be precise. Along with that, you can optimize the battery power in a single touch.
- Ability to optimize the battery life according to the type of your app
- Customizing specific settings
- Simple and user-friendly user interface (UI)
- Supports more than 28 languages
- The app is quite heavy, especially when compared to other apps.
- The app becomes slow whenever running animations
- You are going to need lots of system permissions
Download Battery Doctor
#2 GSam Battery Monitor
Rating 4.5
The next battery saver app you can consider is the GSam battery saver. However, the app is not going to do anything for saving the battery life of your phone on its own. Instead, what it will do is provide you with specific details regarding your battery usage. In addition to that, it will also help you in identifying the particular apps that drain your battery life the most. With this newly found information, you can easily take preventive measures and increase the battery life of your smartphone.

Some of the useful data it shows are wake time, wakelocks, CPU and sensor data, and many more. Not only that, but you can also view the usage stats, past usage, lookup time estimate for your battery status at present, and time intervals.
The app does not work that much well in the latest versions of Android. However, to compensate for that, it comes with a root companion that you can make use of to gather more information.
- Data to show which apps drain the battery of your smartphone the most
- Gives you access to lots of information, helping you to make an informed decision
- Graphs to help you visualize battery usage
- Simply monitors the apps and does not have any control over them whatsoever
- User interface (UI) is complicated and takes time to get used to it
- Optimized mode not available on the free version
Download GSam Battery Monitor
#3 Greenify
Rating 4.4
The next battery saver app I am going to talk about is Greenify. The app is offered free of charge by its developers. What it does is it puts all the apps that drain the battery of the smartphone into hibernation mode. This, in turn, does not let them get access to any bandwidth or resources. Not only that, they cannot even run background processes. However, the genius of this app is that after they have been hibernated, you can still use them.

So, it is your choice whenever you want to use all the apps and when you want to put them to sleep. The most important ones such as email, messenger, and the alarm clock, any other app that gives you information that is essential can be kept on as usual.
- Does not take much of the phone’s resources, i.e., CPU/RAM
- You can modify the setting according to each different app
- You do not need to give away any personal information whatsoever
- Compatible with both Android and iOS operating systems
- Sometimes, it is difficult to figure out the apps in most need of hibernation
- Handling the app is a bit tricky and requires time and effort
- In the free version, the app does not support system apps
Download Greenify
#4 Avast Battery Saver
Rating 4.6
The Avast Battery Saver is an excellent app for managing power consumption as well as for killing unnecessary tasks. The app is rich in features, adding to its benefits. The two most useful features of the app is the task killer and the five power consumption profiles. The five profiles for you to configure are home, work, night, smart, and emergency mode. Features such as app viewer and in-profile notifications are also available.

The app comes with a single master switch. With the help of this switch, you can turn on or turn off the battery saving app with the touch of a finger. An in-built smart technology analyses what portion of the battery life is left and communicates to you about the same, making sure you know which actions to take.
- Optimizes your phone as per the need of the hour and according to your battery backup
- The user interface (UI) is simple as well as easy to use. Even a beginner with no technical background can get hold of it in minutes
- You can configure profiles by optimizing the battery as well as on the basis of battery life, location, and time.
- There is an app consumption tool that spots apps that drain the most battery and deactivates them permanently
- Not all of the features are available on the free version
- The free version also consists of ads
- You will need quite a lot of system permissions to use the app
Download Avast Battery Saver
#5 Servicely
Rating 4.3
In case you are looking for a root-only battery saver app, Servicely is just what you need. The app stops all the services that continue to run on the background, thereby prolonging battery power. In addition to that, you can also prevent rogue apps from harming your phone. Not only that, the app also stops them from syncing every time. This feature is especially useful in case you want to have a particular app on your phone, but do not want it to sync. The app is also compatible with wakelock detector apps. You can customize the app extensively and there are a lot of features for it to work well. However, you might experience a delay in notifications. The app comes both free as well as paid versions.

- Stops the services running on the background, prolonging battery power
- Prevents rogue apps from harming your phone
- Does not let these apps sync either
- Highly customizable with tons of features
- Experiences delay in notifications
Download Servicely
#6 AccuBattery
Rating 4.6
Another battery saver app you should definitely consider is AccuBattery. It comes with both free as well as paid versions. In the free version, you will get features such as monitoring the battery health of your phone. In addition to that, the app also increases battery life, thanks to features such as charge alarm and battery wear. You can check the capacity of the battery of your smartphone in real-time with the help of the Accu-check battery tool. The feature lets you see both the charge time and usage time that is remaining.

Coming to the PRO version, you will be able to get rid of the ads that often are bothersome in the free version. Not only that, but you will also get access to detailed real-time information about the battery as well as CPU usage. Other than that, you will tend to try a lot of new themes as well.
The app also has a feature that tells you about the optimal battery charging level – it is at 80 percent according to the app. At this point, you can unplug your phone from the charging port or wall socket.
- Monitors as well as prolongs battery life
- Detailed information about the battery and CPU usage
- Accu-check battery tool checks the battery capacity in real-time
- Tells you about the optimal battery charging level
- The free version comes with ads
- The user interface is quite tricky and can be hard to tackle at first
Download AccuBattery
#7 Battery Saver 2019
Rating 4.2
Last but not the least, turn your attention toward the Battery Saver 2019. The app uses multiple settings and system features for saving your battery life. In addition to that, it also works on prolonging battery life as well. On the main screen, you will find options such as a power saver mode switch, battery status, statistics regarding the battery, run times, and toggles for several settings.
In addition to that, the app also comes with a sleep and a custom mode. These modes enable you to deactivate device radios. Along with that, you can also configure the settings of your own power use profiles as well.

Another useful feature is that you can actually schedule power-saving modes at different times in the day or night including wake, sleep, work, and many other important timings as per your choice.
- Lets you control battery-draining apps with ease
- Monitors as well as deactivate devices that consume battery power
- Different power-saving modes for various needs
- Free with a simple and easy to use user interface (UI)
- Full-page ads are quite irritating
- Lags on animations
Download Battery Saver 2019
Other Battery Saving Methods:
- Uninstall apps you don’t use
- Lower your screen brightness
- Use WiFi instead of cellular data
- Turn off Bluetooth & GPS when not in use
- Disable vibration or haptic feedback
- Don't use Live Wallpapers
- Don’t play games
- Use battery saving modes
This is every bit of information you need to know about the 7 best battery saver apps for Android along with their rating. I truly hope the article has provided with you tons of value. Now that you are equipped with the necessary knowledge, put it to the best possible use. Save the battery of your Android smartphone and keep using it for longer hours.