
今すぐ無料(Free)でプレイできる6つのベストパブリックドメインビデオゲーム(Best Public Domain Video Games)
0 ADは、 Civilization(Civilization)(game reminiscent of Civilization or Age of Empires)またはAgeofEmpiresを(Age of Empires)彷彿とさせるリアルタイム戦略/シミュレーションゲームです。(.)技術ツリー、基地建設など、このスタイルのゲームに期待するすべてのものが含まれています。あなたは12の異なる部族の1つとしてプレーすることを選択でき、500年から西暦0年までの道を歩みます

エイジオブエンパイア(Age of Empires)の類似性も偶然ではありません。このゲームは元々 、本格的なゲームに移行する前の2001年に Age(Age of Empires II) ofEmpiresIIの完全なオーバーホールMODとして始まりました。
Endless Skyは、宇宙船を操縦するパイロットの役割を担う宇宙管理シミュレーターです。あなたは小さくて力不足の船から始めて、貨物を輸送し、乗客をフェリーで運び、さらには海賊と戦うことによって、より大きくより良いものへの道を築きます。

自分とは異なる異星人の文化を検索することもできます。Endless Skyは、 (Endless Sky)EliteDangerousやクラシックなEscapeVelocityシリーズなどの現代的なタイトルを彷彿とさせるゲームです。多くの戦略と思考が関係するペースの遅いものを探しているなら、それは一見の価値があります。
Minecraftについて聞いた(heard of Minecraft)ことがあるので、オープンソースのボクセルゲームエンジンであるMinetestの(Minetest–an)準備をしてください。Minecraftが現時点で高すぎる場合、 Minetestは、サバイバル、クリエイティブ、バトルなど、期待するゲームのバージョンをプレイできる優れた代替手段を提供します。

Minetestサーバーに接続するか、必要なバージョンのゲームをダウンロードするだけです。マップは巨大で、最大サイズは62,000 x 62,000x62,000です。一緒にプレイするMODの膨大なコレクションとアクティブなコミュニティがあります。
Minecraftにも似ています。外観にほとんど違いはなく、 Minecraft(Minecraft)を切望しているが、少し(little)だけ違うものが欲しい人は、 Minetestでの経験を十分に楽しむことができます。
多くのオープンソースゲームは本質的に遅いですが、Xonoticは正反対です。これは、熱狂的でペースの速いアリーナスタイルのシューティングゲーム(fast-paced arena-style shooter)であり、幅広い武器と速い動きのメカニズムを提供します。
デスマッチ(Deathmatch)、キャプチャー(Capture)ザフラッグ(Flag)、ドミネーション(Domination)など、あなたが知っていて大好きなゲームモードをプレイできます。このゲームには、25の公式マップに加えて、コミュニティで作成された数十のマップ、さらにはQuake3などの古典的なシューティングゲームから変換されたマップが含まれています(Quake 3)。

想像力をかき立てるゲームはほとんどなく、アーケードレーサーのように何時間も離れています。Super TuxKartは、(Super TuxKart)マリオカート(Mario Kart)のクローン(Mario Kart clone)に少し似ていますが、独自のカラフルなキャラクターのキャストと膨大な数の武器を備えています。とは言うものの、ゲームは多くの点でマリオカート(Mario Kart)とは一線を画しています。

邪悪なノロック(Nolok)と対峙するストーリーモードをとることができますが、コンピュータープレーヤーと自分で競争したり、グランプリ(Grand Prix)カップで競ったり、タイムトライアル(Time Trials)で自分自身をテストしたりすることもできます。21の異なるレベルには、パスに障害物を投げるインタラクティブな要素、競争で優位に立つためのショートカットなどが含まれます。
シティ(City)ビルダーは、市場で最も人気のあるジャンルの1つです。OpenTTDは、1994年(OpenTTD)にリリースされたTransport Tycoon Deluxe(Transport Tycoon Deluxe, )と呼ばれる古典的なシミュレーション/都市ビルダーへの逆戻りです。ゲームは間違いなくレトロなルックアンドフィールを持っていますが、ゲームプレイ自体はレトロではありません。

6 Best Public Domain Video Games to Play Free Now
When you’re on a budget and looking for a new game to play, where do you turn? Although there are a lot of free games available through various sources, there are also video games avaіlable in the public domain.
The internet is a vast treasure trove of free and open-source games that will keep you entertained four hours without spending a dime. You just have to know where to look.

What Is Public Domain?
The term “public domain” refers to a property that is not protected by copyright or trademark laws. It’s actually quite rare for a video game to fall into this category. In order for a game to become public domain, its copyright has to expire, be declared public domain by the owners, or fall into public domain through some other circumstances.
What public domain really means is that a work of art, whether movie, book, or game, are not protected by intellectual property laws. In actual use, many games are referred to as public domain if they fall under the freeware or open-source umbrella, which means the code used to design them is available without charge.
The 6 Best Public Domain Video Games to Play Free Now
These are some of the best games you can play for free right now. If you’re tired of spending $60 (or $70 for next-gen titles), try some of these titles out.
0 A.D. is a real-time strategy/simulation game reminiscent of Civilization or Age of Empires. It has everything you would expect from a game of this style, including tech trees, base building, and more. You can choose to play as one of twelve different tribes, working your way through 500 years up to the year 0 A.D.

The resemblance of Age of Empires isn’t coincidental, either. The game originally began as a full overhaul mod for Age of Empires II back in 2001, before it made the shift into a full-fledged game.
Endless Sky is a space management simulator that places you in the role of a pilot with your own starship. You start with a small, underpowered vessel and build your way to bigger and better things by transporting cargo, ferrying passengers, and even fighting pirates.

You can even search for alien cultures different from your own. Endless Sky is a game reminiscent of modern titles like Elite Dangerous and the classic Escape Velocity series. If you’re looking for something slower-paced with a lot of strategy and thought involved, it’s worth a look.
You’ve heard of Minecraft, so now get ready for Minetest–an open-source voxel game engine. If Minecraft is too expensive for you at the moment, Minetest offers a great alternative that allows you to play versions of the game you’ve come to expect: survival, creative, battle, and more.

All you have to do is connect to a Minetest server or download the version of the game you want. The maps are massive, with maximum sizes of 62,000 x 62,000 x 62,000. There’s a huge collection of mods and an active community to play along with.
It looks just like Minecraft, too. There’s next to no difference in appearance, and anyone that craves Minecraft but wants something just a little bit different will thoroughly enjoy their experience with Minetest.
While many open-source games are slower in nature, Xonotic is exactly the opposite. This is a frenetic, fast-paced arena-style shooter that offers a huge range of weapons and fast movement mechanics.
You can play the game modes you know and love, including Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Domination, and many more. The game includes 25 official maps, as well as dozens of community made maps and even maps converted from classic shooters like Quake 3.

Xonotic sets itself apart from other shooters with its customizable HUD. Display all the information you want on screen or take away anything you find distracting. It’s up to you–and you can track how well your performance improves through the integrated player statistics.
Xonotic strikes a balance between casual and competitive, providing gamers with a game that’s simple to pick up and play, but presents quite the challenge for someone who wants to master it.
Few games capture the imagination and while the hours away quite like arcade racers. Super TuxKart is a bit like a Mario Kart clone, but with its own colorful cast of characters and a vast array of weapons. That said, the game sets itself apart from Mario Kart in many ways.

You can take on a story mode that faces you off against the evil Nolok, but you can also race by yourself against computer players, compete in Grand Prix cups, and test yourself in Time Trials. The 21 different levels include interactive elements that throw obstacles in your path, shortcuts to give you an edge on the competition, and more.
There are also mods you can download if you want to change the gameplay, but not all mods will be supported in online play against other people. If you need a fun, lighthearted game that will keep you entertained for a while, give Super TuxKart a try.
City builders are one of the most popular genres on the market. OpenTTD is a throwback to a classic simulation/city builder called Transport Tycoon Deluxe, released way back in 1994. While the game definitely has a retro look and feel to it, the gameplay itself is anything but retro.
OpenTTD improves upon the engine of the first game and provides players with maps up to 64 times larger than the original game, as well as multiplayer for up to 255 players. There are dedicated servers, keyboard shortcuts, and much more.

If simulation and management games are your preferred way to kill a few hours, give OpenTTD a try. It’s like playing a classic of the genre, except modernized for 2021.
These six games offer hours of fun and entertainment for free, and you can run them on nearly any machine. If you’re looking for something new without spending any money, give these titles a try.