ゲームを分類する場合、多くのパラメーターで分類できます。ジャンルが非常に多いため、すべてに名前を付けると頭が回転し始める可能性があります。しかし、ゲームを2つの異なるカテゴリに分割する非常に簡単な方法があります。ペースの速いゲームとペースの遅いゲームがあります。反応時間や心臓を刺激するアクションだけではない何かが必要な場合は、最高の場所に来ました。今月は、見事なだけでなく、人生からかなりの時間を奪うことができる、まったく新しいパズルゲームをお勧めします。(puzzle game)Android用(Android)のAfterloopを知るために私たちのレビューを読んでください:

このパズルゲームは、 SebとSam(Seb and Sam)の2人だけによって設立され、運営されている小さなインディーゲーム開発者スタジオeXiin(game developer studio eXiin)から来ています。これらの2人の男は、いくつかの素晴らしいひねりといくつかの現代的な追加で、私たちのお気に入りのパズルゲームの1つを取り戻すことができました。純粋な古典的なパズルタイプのゲームのゲームプレイは、モダンな雰囲気、グラフィックス、機能と完全に調和し、本当に素晴らしいモバイルゲームを作成します-ちなみに、これはiOSとAndroidの両方で利用できます( (Android)Androidバージョン(Android version)をテストしました)。
倉庫番(Sokoban)という昔ながらの古典的なパズルゲーム(puzzle game)を覚えていますか?これは輸送パズル(transport puzzle)の一種で、プレイヤーが倉庫内の箱や木枠を押して、保管場所に運び込もうとします。このゲームは、考えられるすべてのプラットフォームでさまざまな実装が行われていたため、少なくとも倉庫番のようなゲームを以前に見たことがあるか、プレイしたことがあると確信しています。


すべてのレベルの目標は、木枠を押しのけて道を切り開くことで出口に到達することです。もちろん、これはレベルを進むにつれてますます複雑になります。スペース(Space)は常に限られているので、プッシュする前によく考えてみてください。しばらくすると、リンクされた木枠が表示されます。同じ色(color move)の箱は、互いに遠く離れていても、一緒に移動します。つまり、黄色い木枠を左に押すと、他のすべての黄色い木枠は、他の箱や壁に遮られていなければ、どこにいても左に移動します。
ゲームは、アドベンチャー(Adventure)、マニアの収集(Collect Mania)、タイムアタック(Time Attack)、パーフェクトムーブ(Perfect Moves)の4つの異なるモードでプレイできます。アドベンチャー(Adventure)は基本モードであり、他のモードでプレイできるようにするには、このモードでレベルを完了する必要があります。ここでは、レベル(それぞれ3つ)で星を集めることができます。十分な数の星を集めると、キーを取得できます。

コレクトマニア(Collect Mania)では、レベルのすべてのタイルを通過する必要があります。タイムアタック(Time Attack)では、一定の時間内にレベルを完了する必要がありますが、パーフェクトムーブ(Perfect Moves)では、レベルを完了するためのプッシュ回数が制限されます。


はい、Afterloopにはアプリ内購入がありますが、幸いなことに、それらはすべてゲーマーにやさしく、(Afterloop)ゲームを有料に(game pay-to-win)することでゲーム体験(gaming experience)を損なうことはありません。PR8のスキン、ビットとタイムコインを購入するか、タイムコインの制限を増やすことができますが、お金を使いたくない場合でも、ゲームは完全にプレイ可能であり、購入によって不当な利点が生じることはありません。これらの唯一の厄介な副作用は、ゲームが時々送信する通知です-これらはあまり歓迎されておらず、役に立つことよりも厄介です。

アフターループ(Afterloop)の世界は美しく、魔法のように細工されており、緑の森や緑豊かなジャングルから不毛の砂漠や火山の灰地に至るまでの風景があります。これには、非常に目立たない効果音と、長期的に見ても煩わしくない楽譜が伴います。ゲーム(game world)の世界全体はとても歓迎的で素敵で、暴力はまったくありません。そのため、 Afterloopはお子様にも最適です。

また、完了主義者の場合、ゲームはレベルを完了するのにかかる時間とプッシュ数(time and number)を測定するだけでなく、統計情報も提供することを知っておくとよいでしょう。また、 Google Playゲームサービス(Google Play Games Services)が実装されているため、次のことができます。スコアを友達やゲームをプレイしている他の人と比較します。ロックを解除するための23以上の実績もあります。
ダウンロード:(Download:) Afterloop

今日のゲームは、スピード、ペースの速い戦闘、行動、暴力(action and violence)だけにとどまらないことを知っておくのは良いことです。Afterloopのようなゲームに出くわしたときにのみ喜ぶことができます。多くの点で、これは以前にレビューしたThe Path to Lumaに似ています。これは、制御するロボットのようなエンティティ、解決するパズル、探索する魔法の世界もあったためです。
Free Android game of the month - Reviewing Afterloop
If we were to categorize games, we could do so by a lot of parameters and thеrе are so many genreѕ that our head might start ѕpinnіng if we werе to name them all. But there is a very simple way to split games into two distinct cаtegories: there are fast-paсed and ѕlow-pacеd games. If you would like somethіng that isn't all about reaction times and heart-pumping action, then you came to the bеst placе. This month we recommend a brand nеw puzzle game that is not only ѕtunning, but can also steal awаy quite a lot оf work hours frоm your life. Read our review to get to know Afterloop for Android:
Free your mind!
Usually when we hear about puzzle games nowadays, we tend to think about Bejeweled-clones and the like, each of them offering the same gameplay, with slightly varied graphics and bringing nothing new to the genre. Fortunately, Afterloop is a very different game, even though it fits into the same genre.

This puzzler comes from the small indie game developer studio eXiin, founded and run by only two people: Seb and Sam. These two guys managed to bring back one of our favourite puzzle games with some nice twists and several modern additions. The gameplay of a pure classic puzzle-type game blends perfectly with the modern atmosphere, graphics and features, creating a truly awesome mobile game - which is, by the way, available for both iOS and Android (w e've tested the Android version).
Do you remember an old, classical puzzle game named Sokoban ? It is a type of transport puzzle, in which the player pushes boxes or crates around in a warehouse, trying to get them to storage locations. This game had many different implementations on possibly every imaginable platform, so we're quite sure you have at least seen, or possibly played, a Sokoban-like game before.

Afterloop is something very similar, but still different. Our avatar, the main character we control, is a robot called PR8 that is on a journey to save its siblings. You are the one responsible for getting him through the levels and freeing other robots on your way. The game is essentially one gigantic labyrinth with over 300 levels of varying difficulty.
Each level is a small game very similar to a game of Sokoban , where you are presented with a puzzle: on a level there are a number of crates you can push in a direction, depending on the markings on the crate. Some crates can be pushed only vertically, others only horizontally, while there are some that can be pushed both ways.

The goal of every level is to reach the exit by pushing the crates away to clear a path. Of course this gets more and more complicated as your progress through the levels. Space is always limited, so you might want to think twice before you make that push. After a while linked crates will appear: crates with the same color move together, even if they are far away from each other. This means that if you push a yellow crate to the left, all other yellow crates will move to the left, no matter where they are - if they are not blocked by another crate or a wall of course.
If adjacent crates can move in the same direction, you can push more of them at the same time, thus creating blocks of crates - these additional properties create some really hard puzzles, where there is only a single specific set of moves that lets you finish a given level.
The game can be played in four different modes: Adventure , Collect Mania , Time Attack and Perfect Moves. Adventure is the basic mode and you have to complete a level in this mode in order to be able to play it in other modes. Here you can collect stars on the levels (three on each), and if you collect enough stars, you will get a key.

After a certain set of levels, the next set is behind a locked door, so you will need to collect a minimum number of stars in order to progress to the next phase of the game with the help of keys. Sometimes you won't be able to pick up all stars by solving the level's puzzle, you have to do additional moves, maybe even ones that would otherwise make you fail the level. No worries, you can restart any level as many times as you want, and you can even undo steps a couple of times by using time coins.
In Collect Mania you have to pass through every tile of the level, in Time Attack you need to complete the level in a certain amount of time, while in Perfect Moves you have a limited number of pushes to complete the level.

The levels are interconnected with corridors, and after each level you can collect bits, which can be used to purchase extras, like the solution for a level you're stuck on, time coins, or increase time coins limit. You can also go back and forth between levels, so you don't have to do them sequentially.
Welcome to a magical world
On some levels there are magical crates that need to be pushed on a platform in order to bring down the walls of the level and open the way forward. These are quite rare, but provide an interesting additional puzzle.

Your avatar is a funny little robot called PR8 that is very happy each time you complete a level, gets sad if you make an irrevocable mistake on a level, and is generally good to look at. He can be customized with dozens of skins - some of these are awarded for your performance, while others can be bought for bits or real money.
Yes, there are in-app purchases in Afterloop , but fortunately all of them are really gamer-friendly, and don't ruin the gaming experience, by making the game pay-to-win. You can buy skins for PR8, bits and time coins or increase time coins limit, but even if you don't wish to spend any money, the game still remains absolutely playable, the purchases don't offer any unfair advantage. The single annoying side-effect of these are the notifications the game sends from time to time - these are not very welcome, and more of an annoyance than a helpful thing.

The world in Afterloop is beautiful and magically crafted, with landscapes ranging from green forests and lush jungles to barren deserts and volcanic ashlands. This is accompanied by very discreet sound effects and a musical score that doesn't get annoying even in the long run. The whole game world is very welcoming and lovely, and it has no violence at all, which makes Afterloop a great choice for your kids as well.

And if you're a completionist, it is good to know that the game not only measures the time and number of pushes it takes to complete a level, but also offers statistics, and, since it has Google Play Games Services implemented, you can compare your scores with your friends or everyone else playing the game. There are no fewer than 23 achievements to unlock as well.
Download: Afterloop

It is good to know that gaming nowadays doesn't come down only to speed, fast-paced battles, action and violence. One can only rejoice when coming across a game like Afterloop. In many ways it is similar to The Path to Luma we've reviewed earlier, as there we also had a robot-like entity to control, puzzles to solve, and a magical world to explore.
Fortunately these are all positive similarities, and Afterloop adds a lots more to this. The puzzles somehow don't become repetitive and it's fun to go from level to level and see other robots get freed thanks to your skills. In terms of content, we can have no complaints: there are 300 levels that can be solved in four game modes, which adds up to a total of 1200 different experiences to go through. Combined with a vast and colorful world, a matching musical score and many other small, but very nice features like the undo, they make Afterloop a game that can easily become the favorite of anyone, no matter their age or political preference. Go ahead and push some boxes!