
MacBookの過熱を防ぐ方法(How to Stop a MacBook From Overheating)
適切な換気を許可する(Allow Proper Ventilation)

ファンも正常(proper working order)に機能していることを確認してください。ファンが回転していない、または空気の流れを感じられないように聞こえる場合は、ファンがブロックされているか、コントローラーが壊れている可能性があります。
Macを掃除する(Clean Your Mac)
適切な換気を可能にするのと同じように、Macをできるだけ清潔に保つ必要が(keep your Mac as clean as possible)あります。ほこりや汚れがラップトップに蓄積すると、MacBook内の空気の流れが妨げられ、適切に冷却されなくなることがあります。
ソフトウェアの更新(Update Software)

macOSソフトウェアを更新するには、[設定](Settings ) >[ソフトウェアの更新(Software Update)]を開きます。利用可能なアップデートがあるかどうかを自動的にチェックし、利用可能な場合はプロンプトを表示します。
Macアクティビティを確認する(Check Mac Activity)
Activity Monitorを使用すると、マシン上で現在アクティブなすべてのプログラムと、最も多くのリソースを使用しているプログラムを確認できます。CPUに過大な負担がかかっている場合、最も集中的なプログラムを閉じると、リソースが解放される可能性があります。

Command + Spaceと(Space)入力(Command )してSpotlightを開き、ActivityMonitorと入力して(Activity Monitor)Enterキー(Enter. )を押します。これにより、 Activity Monitor(Activity Monitor)が開き、実行中のすべてのプログラムがフォアグラウンドとバックグラウンドの両方で表示されます。% CPUアイコンをクリックして、 CPUパワーを最も多く使用しているプログラムで並べ替えます。
ブラウザタブをシャットダウンします(Shut Down Browser Tabs)
開いているすべてのブラウザタブには、一定量のシステムリソースが必要です。特に、Chrome(especially Chrome)は、とんでもない量の電力を使用することで悪名高い犯罪者です。可能であれば、Chromeを避け、 (Chrome)SafariやFirefoxなどのよりリソースに優しいブラウザを使用してください。

公式充電器を使用する(Use Official Chargers)

ノートパソコンのバッテリーが損傷すると、バッテリーの寿命が短くなるだけではありません。バッテリーが過熱すると、爆発してユーザーに重傷を負わせることがあります。MacBookや自分自身 に損傷を与えないように、信頼できる充電器のみを使用してください。(Use)
バッテリーを交換してください(Replace Your Battery)
MacBookのバッテリーが古すぎる(MacBook battery is too old)と、使用中または充電中に熱くなり始める場合があります。この場合、唯一の本当の解決策は、バッテリーを新しいバージョンと交換することです。購入するバッテリーは、eBayまたはAppleの公式Webサイトで見つけることができます。

古いバッテリーを長期間使用できます。実際、MacBook(MacBooks)にはバッテリー分析ツールが組み込まれています。自宅でバッテリーを交換することはできますが、お勧めしません。特にMacBook(MacBook)が保証の対象である場合は、認定された修理店に修理を依頼することをお勧めします。あなたは彼らのウェブサイトでアップルによってMacバッテリーを交換するため(replace a Mac battery by Apple)の価格を見ることができます。
マルウェアをチェックする(Check For Malware)
まれですが、Macコンピュータはウイルスやマルウェアに感染する可能性があります。システムに不要なゲストが乗っていることを示す最大の兆候の1つは、過熱です。MacBookが常にウォーミングアップしている場合は、 MacBook用のウイルス対策ソフトウェアを探してください。

多くの場合、最も簡単な修正は、問題のあるソフトウェアを削除して、システムを完全に機能する状態に復元することです。マルウェアがコンピュータに侵入しないように、怪しげなリンクをクリックしたり、潜在的に危険なWebサイトにアクセスしたりしないでください。(Avoid)Macで信頼できるウイルス対策ソフトウェアを(antivirus software you trust for Mac)見つけて、定期的にスキャンします。
How to Stop a Macbook from Overheating
Everyone knows the sensation of touching their laptop after a long work session, onlу for it to feel closer to an аctive νolcano than a delicate tool. MacBooks can be particularly рrone to this problem, but the good nеws is there are ways tо stop this problem before it startѕ.
An overheating MacBook can impact performance, cause your machine to run more slowly, and can even potentially damage your battery and reduce its overall capacity. Don’t wait until your computer becomes too hot to touch—take proactive steps to stop your MacBook from overheating.

How to Stop a MacBook From Overheating
If your MacBook tends to overheat, make sure you aren’t making these common mistakes.
Allow Proper Ventilation
Everyone has seen the press images of someone laying in bed using their MacBook. While it’s certainly relaxing to lay in bed and browse social media, it’s not always the smartest move—especially if the fans are blocked.

The MacBook series of laptops tend to have only a single cooling fan without as much ventilation as an equivalent Windows laptop. This results in higher temperatures, but without the right ventilation your laptop can heat up even more. Ensure it’s on a level surface and nothing is blocking the vents.
Ensure your fans are in proper working order, too. If it sounds like a fan isn’t spinning or you can’t feel airflow, a fan might be blocked or the controller might be broken.
Clean Your Mac
In the same vein as allowing proper ventilation, you want to keep your Mac as clean as possible. As dust and grime build up on your laptop, it can sometimes block airflow within the MacBook and stop it from cooling properly.
By using electronic cleaning wipes at least once per week, you can eliminate anything that might have blocked the flow through the machine.
Update Software
macOS updates are more than yearly changes that bring an updated interface. Your macOS update is one of the most important modifications you’ll make to your PC and brings along with it new features, security patches, and performance optimization.

An out-of-date MacBook may be more prone to overheating. If Apple technicians discover a glitch in the code that could cause problems, an update will be released to fix it. Without making these updates, you leave your system open to threats and vulnerabilities.
To update your macOS software, open Settings > Software Update. It will automatically check for any available updates and prompt you if one is available.
Check Mac Activity
The Activity Monitor lets you see all currently active programs on your machine, as well as those that are using the most resources. If your CPU is overtaxed, closing the most intensive programs can free up resources.

Type Command + Space to open Spotlight, and then type Activity Monitor and press Enter. This opens the Activity Monitor and displays every running program in both the foreground and the background. Click the % CPU icon at the top to sort by programs using the most CPU power.
If there are any programs that you don’t recognize, do a bit of research on them to make sure it isn’t a rootkit or malware or some other less-than-pleasant application. If it isn’t a necessary application or one you’re currently using, end the process. The less load you place on your CPU, the less likely your machine is to overheat.
Shut Down Browser Tabs
Every browser tab you have open demands a certain amount of your system resources—especially Chrome, a notorious offender for using a ridiculous amount of power. If possible, avoid Chrome and stick to more resource-friendly browsers like Safari or Firefox.

While it might be a meme that people open 20 different browser tabs and leave them open, you shouldn’t do that. If you have browser tabs open that you no longer need, shut them down. Not only will your machine run that much faster, but it will help stop your MacBook from overheating.
Use Official Chargers
If you lose your MacBook charger, you might be tempted to invest in a lower-cost one; after all, the official charger costs more than $80. Resist this temptation. The unofficial chargers on the market are not as reliable as the official ones. In addition, they can end up causing damage to your battery.

Damage to a laptop battery can cause more than shortened battery life. Overheating batteries can sometimes explode and seriously injure the user. Use only trusted chargers to ensure you cause no damage to your MacBook or yourself.
Replace Your Battery
If your MacBook battery is too old, it might begin to heat up while in use or when charging. If this is the case, the only real fix is to replace the battery with a newer version. You can find batteries for purchase through eBay, or on the official Apple website.

You can use an older battery for a long time; in fact, MacBooks have a built-in battery analysis tool. While you can replace the battery at home, we don’t recommend it. It’s often better to have an authorized repair shop to handle the fix, especially if your MacBook is covered under warranty. You can see the prices to replace a Mac battery by Apple on their website.
Check For Malware
While it’s uncommon, Mac computers can and do get infected with viruses and malware from time to time. One of the biggest signs that your system has an unwanted guest hitching a ride is overheating. If your MacBook is consistently warming up, look for antivirus software for your MacBook.

Often the easiest fix is to remove the offending software to restore your system to full working order. Avoid clicking shady links or visiting potentially dangerous websites so that no malware can come onboard your computer. Find an antivirus software you trust for Mac and perform regular scans.
There are many reasons your MacBook might overheat. The good news is that most of them aren’t dangerous. Just take care to let your laptop get the proper ventilation it needs, and maybe demand a little bit less of your CPU.