スティーブン・キング(Stephen King)、クライヴ・バーカー(Clive Barker)、アン・ライス(Anne Rice)のようなホラーの巨人のファンであっても、本屋の外で恐怖の物語を見つけることができます。これらは、有名な作家によって書かれ、無料の電子書籍(free eBook)として入手できる物語、またはユニークな執筆スキルを持っているあまり知られていないオンライン作家によって語られた物語である可能性があります。
怖い話をしたい気分なら、図書館や本屋に駆け込む時間がないかもしれません。もちろん、Amazonから電子書籍をダウンロードするか(an eBook from Amazon)、Audibleでオーディオブックを(an audiobook on Audible)購入することができます。しかし、以下のサイトを使用して不気味な物語を無料で読むことができるのに、なぜその費用を追加するのですか?
Creepypasta Storiesメニューを使用して、カテゴリ、長さ、作成者、評価などでストーリーを閲覧できます。最高のストーリーを得るには、トップランク(Top Ranked)または有名なクリーピーパスタの(Famous Creepypasta)メニュー項目を使用してください。
2.子供のための怖い(Scary for Kids)
Scary for Kidsは、子供向けのさまざまな怖いコンテンツを特集するWebサイトです。このサイトのコンテンツには、恐ろしい写真、ビデオ、ゲーム、映画、ストーリーが含まれています。
メニューからScaryStories(Scary Stories)を選択して、それらのストーリーがすべて収集されているサイトの領域にアクセスします。そのページでは、ハロウィーン(Halloween)の物語、都市伝説、幽霊の物語などのカテゴリ別に怖い物語を閲覧できます。
3.最も暗いブログ(The Darkest Blog)
Darkest Blogは、ホラー短編小説を真剣に受け止めています。サイトの所有者は、訪問者に、真実または架空の最も恐ろしい話を送るように促します。メニューには、魔女の物語、幽霊の物語、「おかしな」物語(心を曲げる)、夢についての不気味な物語などの特別なカテゴリがあります。
Oldstyle Tales Pressの焦点は、エドガーアレンポー(Edgar Allen Poe)やHPラブクラフト(Lovecraft)のようなすべての古典的なホラー作家についての批評的なエッセイを公開することです。あなたが古典文学の大ファンなら、これらの重要なエッセイを閲覧することは実際には非常に興味深いものです。しかし、このサイトでは、現代の作家が書いたホラーとゴーストの物語のジャーナルである「TheYellowBook」も出版しています。ジャーナルはPDF形式で無料で読むことができます。オリジナル(Originals)セクションでこれらにアクセスします。(Access)
5.お化け屋敷(Haunted Places)
Hauntuは、マレーシアの(Malaysia)ColleEasternHotelのオーナーが運営するウェブサイトです。彼らは、俳優や特殊効果などを備えた「本物のお化け屋敷体験」を実行します。サイトのブログセクション(blog section)にアクセスして、世界中の幽霊の出る場所に関するさまざまなストーリーを読んでください(マレーシア(Malaysia)だけでなく!)
6.Reedsyプロンプト(Reedsy Prompts)
ミディアムコレクションのページ(Medium Collections page)にアクセスすると、奇妙なスピリチュアルストーリー(Radical Spirits)、モンスター(Monsters)、臨死体験(Near-Death Experiences)、悪(Damned Souls)をカバーするストーリーのコレクションが見つかります。これらのコレクションを参照(Browse)して怖い話を修正するか、Medium検索フィールドを使用してこれらのコレクション以外のMediumで怖い話を見つけてください。
ホラーストーリーのファンは、エンターテインメントを見つけるのにいつも最も簡単な時間があるとは限りません。ストリーミングできるホラー映画やテレビ番組は(horror movies and TV shows you can stream)非常にたくさんあります。最終的に、あなたは不足するでしょう。オンラインで読むための怖い話を見つけることは、不気味なことを探しているときに、長くて暗くて雨の夜に忍び寄り続けることができる素晴らしい選択肢です。
9 Websites with Scary Stories to Read Online
Maybe you’re a fan of horror and can’t get еnough tеrrifying tales of mоnsters, serial killers, or ghostѕ. You’ve streamed every horrоr movie online and you’re rυnning out of optionѕ. Why not take some time to read scary storiеs onlinе?
Even if you’re a fan of the titans of horror like Stephen King, Clive Barker, or Anne Rice, it is possible to find tales of fear outside of the bookstore. These could be stories written by well-known authors and available as a free eBook, or tales told by little-known online writers who have unique writing skills.
The following are 9 of the best websites with scary short stories that you can read online right now.
9 Websites with Scary Short Stories
If you’re ever in the mood for a scary story, you may not have time to run to the library or bookstore. Sure, you could download an eBook from Amazon or purchase an audiobook on Audible. But why add that expense when you can use the sites below to read a spooky tale for free?
No list of sites where you can read creepy short stories would be complete without listing Creepypasta at the top. This site is filled with reader-submitted stories. These include fictional tales about hauntings, ghosts, possessions, and more. Sometimes they are told in the first person, but rest assured that the site owners only accept fictional stories.
You can use the Creepypasta Stories menu to browse stories by category, length, author, rating, and more. For the best stories, use either the Top Ranked or Famous Creepypasta menu items.
If you’d like to submit your own story, make sure to visit the submissions page (select Submissions from the menu). Follow the editorial guidelines and you could have your own story featured on the site!
Scary for Kids is a website that features a wide range of scary content, geared toward kids. Content on the site includes scary pictures, videos, games, movies, and stories.
Select Scary Stories from the menu to access the area of the site where all of those stories are collected. On that page you can browse scary stories by categories like Halloween stories, urban legends, ghost stories, and more.
Since this site is for kids, expect spooky stories, but nothing that’s too gory or disturbing for younger children (or for easily scared adults).
The Darkest Blog takes horror short stories seriously. The owner of the site urges visitors to send in their scariest stories, true or fictional. The menu offers special categories like witch stories, ghost stories, “dud” tales (mind-bending), or creepy stories about dreaming.
The site design is somewhat outdated and plain, but that’s not why you’re there is it? You’re there to be spooked!
The stories here are very good. You may spot a grammar error here and there since most of these are written by first-time authors without an editor. However, those don’t take away from the scary nature of the stories themselves.
The focus of Oldstyle Tales Press is to publish critical essays about all classic horror authors like Edgar Allen Poe and H.P. Lovecraft. If you are a big fan of classic literature, browsing these critical essays is actually very interesting. However, the site also publishes “The Yellow Book”, a journal of horror and ghost stories written by modern authors. You can read the journals in PDF format for free. Access these in the Originals section.
The first journal was published in 2014 and the last in 2017. There are no new journals, but that means there are four years’ worth of some of the best horror stories for you to read for free!
Hauntu is a website run by the owners of Colle Eastern Hotel in Malaysia. They run a “real haunted house experience”, complete with actors, special effects, and more. Visit the blog section of the site to read a wide range of stories about haunted places around the world (not only in Malaysia!)
If the small collection of scary stories at other sites just isn’t cutting it for you, then you’ll love the endless supply of them available at Reedsy Prompts. This website runs a weekly writing contest, where writers submit their stories to win the top prize of $250 (or more) and get featured on the site.
Ready for the largest collection of scary stories anywhere? Select Stories from the top menu and the Horror category from the left menu. There, you will find a very long list (175 pages worth) of the award winning horror short stories. Since these are the authors who won the top prize, you can be sure that the writing will be top quality and the stories will be truly horrifying.
Housecreep is a creative way to find stories to freak yourself out. These aren’t fictional horror stories authored by some online writer. No, these are actual horror stories that took place in your own backyard.
Just type the name of your town or city in the search bar and you’ll see a list of the properties nearest to you where the site has a record of a terrible crime (usually murder) that happened there.
These are all very short tales (usually a single paragraph), but the events they detail are no less terrifying because they actually happened.
You may already know that Medium features a very wide range of content written by online writers. Since there’s so much published there, it makes sense that there would be large categories of stories. There are so many horror stories there, in fact, that Medium created several “collections” that fit the bill.
Visit the Medium Collections page, and you’ll find collections of stories covering strange spiritual stories (Radical Spirits), Monsters, Near-Death Experiences, and evil (Damned Souls). Browse these collections to get your scary story fix, or just use the Medium search field to find scary stories on Medium outside of these collections.
Wattpad is both a mobile app and a website. It’s a community of writers who all actively write new stories and comment on the stories of others.
And when I say “comment”, I mean it. Readers are able to comment on every single paragraph in each story – which on their own can make for some very interesting (and sometimes comical) reading.
Wattpad has an entire “horror” tag where you’ll find all of the horror stories contributors have published. Not all of them are great writing, but you can find some really good horror stories here. Look for those that are or were featured as paid content before transitioning to free.
Get Your Scary Fix
Fans of horror stories don’t always have the easiest time finding entertainment. There are only so many horror movies and TV shows you can stream. Eventually, you’re going to run out. Finding scary stories to read online is a great alternative that can keep you creeped out on those long, dark, rainy nights when you’re looking for something spooky to do.