ソーシャルメディアを活用するだけでなく、 SEO(検索エンジン最適化)が重要な役割を果たします。つまり、キーワードを提供したり、Googleなどの検索エンジンがコンテンツを検出するのに役立つ他のベストプラクティスを使用したりします。

優れた文字起こしツールは、 SEO(SEO)とコンテンツの全体的な量を増やす上で大きな違いを生む可能性があります。音声文字変換プロセスを自動化するか、音声を手動で音声文字変換できる高度なプラットフォームを提供するものを活用することで、よりリッチなコンテンツ(この場合は、音声またはビデオコンテンツに直接関連するコンテンツ)でWebプレゼンスを即座に高めることができます。少しの努力で人々に発見してもらいたい。

( Automatic Transcription)ユーザー:(User: )企業; 開発者; マーケターの
(Businesses; Developers; Marketers)費用:(Cost:)従量制( Pay-as-you-go)
アマゾン(Amazon)は業界全体でプレゼンスを拡大し続けていますが、その子会社であるアマゾンウェブサービス(Amazon Web Services)(AWS)は、オンデマンドクラウドコンピューティングプラットフォームの幅と深さを拡大し続けており、開発者ツールから分析、自動文字起こし、もっと。これがAmazonTranscribe(Amazon Transcribe)をとても価値のあるものにしている理由です。

最初に考えたとき、開発者にツールを提供する会社が、Amazon Transcribeのような自動音声認識( (Amazon Transcribe)ASR)サービスを提供するのはなぜだろうと思うかもしれません。私たちのデジタル時代にスマートアプリケーションを構築することの重要性を考えるとき、それは非常に理にかなっています。
AWS Transcribeを使用すると、開発者は音声認識機能をアプリケーションに組み込むことができます。これがビジネスに役立つ可能性があるのは、顧客との通話を書き写したり、オーディオとビデオの字幕を生成したりすることです、とAmazonは言います。
一般的なプロセスを自動化することは1つのことですが、事後にユーザーが管理できるように少しずつ残しておきます。AWSのAmazonTranscribeの目標は(Amazon Transcribe)、以下を含むがこれらに限定されない多数の高度な機能を使用して、ユーザーの作業を可能な限り少なくすることです。
- 編集された文字起こし:(Edited Transcriptions: )Amazon Transcribeは、テキストのダンプを提供するのではなく、機械学習を活用して句読点が必要な場所を理解し、テキスト出力をフォーマットして、準備が簡単で、編集がほとんどまたはまったく必要ないようにします。
- タイムスタンプ:(Timestamps: )文字起こしツールには各単語のタイムスタンプが含まれているため、テキストを検索するだけで、元の録音の音声を識別できます。
- カスタム語彙:(Custom Vocabulary: )AWS Transcribeが認識する語彙を広げてカスタマイズし、特定の単語が誤解されないようにすることができます。これにより、文字起こしツールが非常に正確になります。
- 複数話者認識:(Multiple-Speaker Recognition: )音声に複数の話者が含まれている場合、Amazon Transcribeは新しい人が話していることを認識し、この理解を音声文字変換に適用して、編集するときに話者を適切に識別する時間を節約できます。
- リアルタイムの文字起こし:(Real-Time Transcription: )この文字起こしツールを使用して文字起こしするために、録音を待つ必要はありません。ライブストリーミングオーディオの場合は、HTTP2
これは、利用可能なすべての機能を利用するために深い技術的知識を必要とする可能性のある高度な転写ツールですが、Amazon Transcribeは同時に、生産性を向上させるために誰でも利用できるほどシンプルです。これがより詳細に入るビデオです:
Amazon Transcribe(Google Speech、Temi、IBM Watsonなど)に匹敵する文字起こしツールは他にもありますが、実際には、AWSは、ほとんどの企業がすでに有料で利用している幅広いサービスとツールをすでに提供しています。 -従量制で、AmazonTranscribeを含む1つのAWSアカウントでそれらすべてにアクセス(Amazon Transcribe)でき(AWS)ます。
「AmazonTranscribeは素晴らしくて高速ですが、完璧ではありません。あなたまたは他の誰かが戻って、音声のテキストを再確認する必要があります。面倒です、はい、しかしそれをすべて手動で入力する必要があるよりもはるかに少ないです…あなたが賢いコーダーでもあるなら、これは調べるのに本当にきちんとした時間節約のプロセスかもしれません。しかし、あなたが私のような単純なビデオの男である場合でも、このプロセスはあなたのために働くことができます。」(“Amazon Transcribe is fantastic and
fast but its not perfect, you or someone else should go back and double check
the text to the audio. Annoying, yes, but way less so than having to type it all
up manually … if you are also a clever coder this could be a really neat and
time saving process to look in to. But if you are just a simple video dude like
myself, this process can still work for you.”)
( Manual Transcription)ユーザー:(User: )ジャーナリスト; マーケター; 非専門家の
(Journalists; Marketers; Nonprofessionals )費用:(Cost:)無料( Free)
Amazon Transcribeのような高度な自動転写ツールは時間とエネルギーを節約しますが、 oTranscribeのようなブラウザベースのオープンソースの手動転写ツールを使用する方が賢明な場合もあります。



エクスポートする準備ができたら、ファイルをマークダウン、テキスト、またはoTranscribeファイルとしてダウンロードするか、ファイルとしてGoogleドライブ(Google Drive)にアップロードして、文字起こしツールから別のプラットフォームへの移行をかなりシームレスにすることができます。
「私はoTranscribeを使用しています。「ums」を省略し、読み取ったときに意味をなさない構文エラーを修正します。」(“I use oTranscribe. I leave out ‘ums’ and fix any syntax errors that won’t make sense when being read.”)
“+1 for oTranscribe, that service is gold.”
Two Transcription Tools for Transforming Audio into Text
As the digital age progresses, content creation continues to be vitally important. In partiсular, vіdeo production continues to grow in importance – both for individuals striving to rise as influencers in a world that revolves around social media and for the 63% of businesses now leveraging video and, of that slice, the 82% finding it to be an іmportant part of their ѕtrategу. Meanwhile, pоdcasting is boomіng and expected to continue.
But simply producing this audio and/or visual content isn’t enough. The job of content marketing extends to helping people find what you create.
Beyond leveraging social media, this is where SEO (search engine optimization) plays an important role, i.e. serving up keywords and using other best practices that help search engines like Google discover your content.

Why Transcription Matters
A good transcription tool can make a major difference in boosting SEO and your overall volume of content. By leveraging one that either automates the transcription process or provides an advanced platform on which you can manually transcribe audio, you can instantly increase your web presence with more rich content – in this case, content that is directly related to the audio or video content you want people to discover – with little effort.
Of course, there could be other reasons for which you use a transcription tool, such as transcribing recorded conversations you’ve had for the purpose of writing articles with accurate quotes and storylines.
Or, perhaps you’ve recorded conversations with loved ones who have since passed and want to preserve those moments in a format you and others can go back to and read.

Regardless of your reasoning for producing audio-based content, transcribing it can be a smart move. If that sounds like something worthwhile to you, there is a plethora of available transcription tools ranging from free to subscription-based for you to choose from.
Here are three that offer unique advantages and, therefore, are worth investigating right away
Amazon Transcribe
Type: Automatic Transcription
User: Businesses; Developers; Marketers
Cost: Pay-as-you-go
While Amazon continues to expand its presence across industries, its subsidiary Amazon Web Services (AWS) continues to expand its breadth and depth of on-demand cloud computing platforms, offering around 120 unique and advanced solutions ranging from developer tools to analytics to automatic transcription and more. Here’s what makes Amazon Transcribe so worthwhile.

ASR for App
Upon first thought, you may wonder why a company
that provides tools to developers would offer an automatic speech recognition
(ASR) service like Amazon Transcribe. It makes a lot of sense when you consider
the importance of building smart applications in our digital age.
AWS Transcribe enables developers to build
speech-to-text capability into their applications. Where this could come in
handy for a business is in transcribing calls with customers or generating
subtitles for audio and video, Amazon says.
Again, this would also come in handy for
marketers who are trying to increase rich content volume and need a way to take
existing audio content and transform it into text, which can then be used to
create keyword-rich blog posts, articles, etc.
Automate Everything
It’s one thing to automate a general process but
still leave bits and pieces for the user to manage after the fact. AWS’s goal
for Amazon Transcribe is to leave as little work as possible for the user with
a slew of advanced features, including, but not limited to:
- Edited Transcriptions: Rather than giving you
a dump of text, Amazon Transcribe leverages machine learning to understand
where punctuation is necessary and to format the text output so that it’s easy
to ready and requires little to no editing.
- Timestamps: The transcription tool includes a
timestamp for each word, making it possible to identify audio in your original
recording simply by searching the text.
- Custom Vocabulary: You have the ability to
broaden and customize the vocabulary AWS Transcribe recognizes to ensure
specific words aren’t misinterpreted. This helps the transcription tool be
incredibly accurate.
- Multiple-Speaker Recognition: If your audio
includes multiple speakers, Amazon Transcribe can recognize when a new person
is speaking and apply this understanding to its transcription, helping save you
time in properly identifying speakers when you go to edit.
- Real-Time Transcription: You don’t have to
wait to have a recording to transcribe with this transcription tool. If you’re
live streaming audio, you can send it with a secure connection over the HTTP 2
protocol to Amazon Transcribe and get back a real-time stream of transcribed
It’s an advance transcription tool that could
require deep technical knowledge to take advantage of every feature and
function available, but Amazon Transcribe is simultaneously simple enough for
anyone to leverage for increased productivity. Here’s a video that goes into
more detail:
There are other comparable transcription tools to Amazon Transcribe (Google Speech, Temi, IBM Watson, et. al.), but the fact is, AWS already provides a vast range of services and tools that most businesses are already taking advantage of on a pay-as-you-go basis, and you get access to all of them with one AWS account--including Amazon Transcribe.
Therefore, it’s likely to become the standout tool for businesses, developers and marketers.
The Truth: What Users Say
“Amazon Transcribe is fantastic and
fast but its not perfect, you or someone else should go back and double check
the text to the audio. Annoying, yes, but way less so than having to type it all
up manually … if you are also a clever coder this could be a really neat and
time saving process to look in to. But if you are just a simple video dude like
myself, this process can still work for you.”
Type: Manual Transcription
User: Journalists; Marketers; Nonprofessionals
Cost: Free
Just because you can automate something doesn’t mean you always should. At times, this is the case with transcription.
While there are advanced automated transcription tools like Amazon Transcribe save you time and energy, sometimes it’s smarter to use a browser-based, open source, manual transcription tool like oTranscribe.

Get Personal
The benefits of manual transcription tool are
many, from improved accuracy of word recognition to better discernment of
speakers and audio overlap. Not only that, but manually transcribing audio
enables a person to become much more familiar with the content.
This can come in handy if, for instance, you’re
a journalist transcribing a recorded interview and need to understand a deep
level what it is you’re writing about and how your subject’s insight, or lack
thereof, will contribute to the story.
Control Playback Speed
Of course, the biggest challenge to manual transcription is keeping pace with the audio track as you type it out while also maintaining accuracy with regard to words and sentences as well as the actual structure of the conversation.
For example, understanding when dialogue belongs together in one paragraph or when the subject matter of the conversation shifts and requires a new section. All of this plays into the efficiency with which you can read and edit the transcript later.
An important feature of oTranscribe is its audio speed adjuster, either by clicking and dragging or using the transcription tool’s indicated function keys, you can move the adjuster’s toggle left to slow down or right to speed up the audio.
This flexibility makes it easier to keep pace with audio as you transcribe, but it also makes it possible to achieve more clarity in cases where words or phrases may come through better at a slower or faster speed.

Transcription + Editing + Storage
A great benefit of oTranscription is that you
can do everything within the app, never having to leave until you’re ready to
export your results. Once you upload your audio and set the playback speed, you
can start leveraging other standard text-editor functions to enhance the
quality of your transcription right away.
From bolding and italicizing text to including timestamps to seeing how many words your transcript currently is, oTranscribe gives you the basics you need in a transcription tool.
As you’re transcribing, oTranscribe automatically saves your work to your browser’s storage every second. It also provides a transcript history where you can view previous versions that are saved every five minutes, with the transcription tool saving up to 100 of these at all times.

When you’re ready to export, you can download
the file as markdown, text or an oTranscribe file, or you can upload it as a
file to Google Drive, making the transition from the transcription tool to
another platform fairly seamless.
The Truth: What Users Say
“I use oTranscribe. I leave out ‘ums’ and fix any syntax errors that won’t make sense when being read.”
“+1 for oTranscribe, that service is gold.”
Choosing a Tool
When transcribing a podcast episode, it would make sense to use a transcription tool that automates the process. But when it comes to writing an article, where you’re piecing together a story and looking for standout quotes, you might benefit more from manually transcribing the audio.
As for which tools you use to accomplish those tasks, personal preference, technical aptitude and cost are probably the biggest factors.