iPhoneがSMSメッセージを送信できない原因:(Cause of iPhone unable to send SMS messages:)
無効な番号:(Invalid Number:) iPhoneが特定の連絡先番号にSMS/text
機内モードを有効にする: iPhoneの機内モードを有効にすると、 (Enabled Aeroplane Mode:)Wi-Fi、BluetoothなどのiPhoneのすべての機能とサービスが無効になります。したがって、この問題を回避するには、iPhoneの飛行機モードを無効にする必要があります。
信号の問題:これは、 (Signal issue:)SMSメッセージを送信できない主な原因の1つです。信号やネットワークに大きな問題がある地域に住んでいる、または働いている場合、iPhoneでSMSメッセージを送受信することはできません。同様(Likewise)に、Androidモバイル経由でSMSを送信するとエラー98SMS終了が拒否される可能性があります(Error 98 SMS Termination Denied when sending SMS)..同様に(.. Likewise)、Androidモバイル経由でSMSを送信するとエラー98SMS終了が拒否さ(Error 98 SMS Termination Denied when sending SMS)れる可能性があります..iPhoneの場合、着信と発信の両方の(.. Both)SMSメッセージサービスは利用できませんネットワークが貧弱です。
支払い関連の問題:モバイルサービスプランの料金を支払っていない場合、 (Payment-related issues:)SMSメッセージを送信することはできません。これは、制限付きSMS(SMS)プランのサブスクリプションがあり、そのプランのテキストメッセージの制限を超えた場合にも発生する可能性があります。その場合は、新しいプランに加入する必要があります。
iPhoneで上記のすべての原因を確認し、 SMS(SMS)を送信できない理由ではない場合。これは、電話番号が有効で、iPhoneの機内モード(Airplane Mode)が無効になっていて、支払いに関連する問題がなく、お住まいの地域で信号の問題がない場合に、以下の手順に従うことができることを意味します。
iPhoneがSMSメッセージを送信できない問題を修正する方法(How to Fix iPhone Cannot Send SMS messages)
方法1:オペレーティングシステムを更新する(Method 1: Update your Operating System)
iPhoneは常に最新バージョンのiOSで(latest version of iOS)更新する必要があります。iOSで利用できる新しい(New)アップデートは、ユーザーが直面している問題を解消するのに役立ちます。iPhoneを更新するには、インターネットに接続する必要があります。iPhoneを更新するには、次の手順に従う必要があります。
2. [全般]をタップ(Tap)してから、ソフトウェアアップデートに移動します。
3. 以下に示すように、[ダウンロードしてインストール]をタップします。(Tap)
方法2:SMSとMMSの設定が機能しているかどうかを確認します(Method 2: Check if your SMS and MMS settings are working)
したがって、 SMSおよびMMS(SMS and MMS)メッセージをアクティブ化するために従う必要のある手順は次のとおりです。
1.iPhoneの[設定]( Settings)に移動します。
3. [ SMSとして送信(Send)]スライダーと[MMSメッセージング]スライダーをタップして、写真のように緑色に変えます。
また読む:(Also Read:) キーボードショートカットでMacアプリケーションを強制終了する方法(How to Force Quit Mac Applications With the Keyboard Shortcut)
方法3:(Method 3:) iPhoneのすべての設定をリセットする(Reset all the settings on your iPhone)
1.ホーム画面で[設定](Settings)を開き、[一般]をタップします。 ( General. )
3.所定のオプションから「すべての設定をリセット(Reset all settings)」をタップします。
5. [すべての設定をリセット(Reset all settings)]をもう一度タップして、アクションを確認します
方法4:iPhoneを再起動できます(Method 4: You can restart your iPhone)
- iPhoneのサイドボタン(Side Button)と音量ボタンの1つを押し続けます。iPhoneの電源を切るには、スライダーの電源を切る必要があります。
- ただし、会社が製造した以前のバージョンの1つを所有している場合は、電話を再起動するためにサイド(Side)ボタンとトップボタンを使用する必要があります。(Top Button)
これらすべての方法を適用してもiPhoneがSMS(SMS)またはテキストメッセージを送信できない場合は、携帯電話会社に連絡する必要があります。カスタマーサービスライン(customer service line)に電話してみてください。サポートできない場合は、Appleサポート(Apple Support)に連絡してください。上記のすべての方法が機能しない場合は、iPhoneにハードウェア関連の問題があると結論付けることができます。
推奨:「iPhoneを探す」オプションをオフにする方法(How to Turn Off the Find My iPhone option)(Recommended: How to Turn Off the Find My iPhone option)
Fix iPhone Cannot Send SMS messages
Imagine you do not havе a data pack and you need to send an important text message to your boss. You immediately decide to ѕend an SMS. But gυess what? Your iPhone is unаble to send the message bеcause the SMS facility isn’t working or some error message has popped up? If this sounds familiаr to you, have found the right articlе.
Cause of iPhone unable to send SMS messages:
Sending SMS messages is one of the necessities of day-to-day life. If you have an iPhone and you are not able to send an SMS message, then you can follow the steps mentioned below. But before that, have a look at the causes of this issue.
There are many reasons behind this problem like
Invalid Number: If your iPhone is not able to send SMS/text messages on to a certain contact number, the contact number may be no longer active or invalid.
Enabled Aeroplane Mode: When the airplane mode of your iPhone is enabled, all the features and services of your iPhone like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth will be disabled. So, you need to disable the airplane mode of your iPhone to avoid this problem.
Signal issue: This is one of the major causes of not being able to send an SMS message. If you live or work in an area where there are major signal or network issues, then you will not be able to send or receive SMS messages on your iPhone. Likewise, you may face Error 98 SMS Termination Denied when sending SMS via Android mobile.. Likewise, you may face Error 98 SMS Termination Denied when sending SMS via Android mobile.. Both incoming and outgoing SMS message services will not be available if your iPhone has a poor network.
Payment-related issues: If you have not paid for your mobile service plan, you will not be able to send SMS messages. This can also happen when you have a subscription to a limited SMS plan and you’ve exceeded the limit of text messages of that plan. In that case, you need to subscribe to a new plan.
If you have checked all the above causes on your iPhone and they are not a reason for it not being able to send an SMS. It means that you can follow the steps mentioned below if your phone number is valid, the Airplane Mode of your iPhone is disabled, you do not have any payment related issues and there are no signal issues in your area.
How to Fix iPhone Cannot Send SMS messages
Some of the methods to solve this problem include the following ways:
Method 1: Update your Operating System
Your iPhone should be always updated with the latest version of iOS. New updates that are available for iOS can help to eliminate the problem that the user is facing. One should have internet connection so as to update ones iPhone following are the steps you need to follow to update your iPhone:
1. Open Settings on your iPhone.
2. Tap general then navigate to the software update.
3. Tap download and install as shown below.
Method 2: Check if your SMS and MMS settings are working
When you are messaging contact with a device company of this company, your iPhone sends it directly through the default application called. These are the messages which your iPhone sends through using Wi-Fi or mobile data and not normal text or SMS messages.
But when sometimes your phone is not able to send messages due to some network related issues then, your iPhone may instead try to send the message by using SMS messages, even to other users of this device. But for that, if you want this feature to work, you need to go to the settings of your iPhone and turn this feature on.
So following are the steps you need to follow to activate your SMS and MMS messages:
1. Go to Settings on your iPhone.
2. Scroll down and tap Messages as shown below.
3. Tap the “Send as SMS” and “MMS messaging” slider so it turns green in color as shown in the picture.
Also Read: How to Force Quit Mac Applications With the Keyboard Shortcut
Method 3: Reset all the settings on your iPhone
Some system updates would surely end up ruining your iPhone’s system configurations or customization on your device. As a result, various symptoms will arise depending on which system component has been directly affected. To sort this out, you try to reset all settings on your iPhone. This will not affect any saved data on your iPhone storage so you will not lose any personal information after completing the following steps. Just follow these simple steps whenever you are all set for resetting your device:
1. From the Home screen, open Settings then tap General.
2. Now scroll down and go to Reset.
3. Tap “Reset all settings” from the given options.
4. Enter your passcode if prompted to continue.
5. Tap on ‘Reset all settings’ again to confirm the action
Method 4: You can restart your iPhone
Once you have tried all the methods which this article discusses, you must restart your iPhone and see if it works for you. It closes all the applications and starts your phone again. This is also an effective method of removing any issues on your iPhone.
You can do so by following the sequence:
- Hold the Side Button of your iPhone and one the volume buttons. You need to power off the slider to switch off your iPhone.
- However, if you own one of the earlier versions manufactured by the company, you need to make use of the Side and Top Button in order to restart your phone.
Now, if your iPhone is still not able to send SMS or text messages even after applying all these methods, then you need to contact your mobile operator. You should try calling their customer service line and if they can’t help you, you should contact Apple Support. One can conclude that there is some hardware related issue with your iPhone if all the methods stated above fail to work.
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These methods generally work well for an iPhone which is in good working condition. It is better to try each method before going to a hardware store and shelling out money unnecessarily. Therefore, these methods will help in solving your problem in the most cost-effective manner.