毎月購入するすべての食料品について考えると、Amazonではるかに安くなる可能性のある製品がたくさんあることは確かです。Amazonの購読(Amazon Subscribe)と保存は、 (Save)Amazonプライム(Amazon Prime)会員にとって便利な機能であり、とにかく頻繁に購入する消耗品の定期的な出荷を受け取ることができます。
サブスクライブ(Subscribe)と保存(Save)の使用は簡単で、十分な数の製品に使用すれば、実際に多くのお金を節約(save a lot of money)できます。この記事では、AmazonのSubscribe(Amazon Subscribe) and Saveがどのように機能するか、および毎日使用するものを定期的に出荷するように設定する方法についてすべて学習します。

Amazonで食料品を(shop for groceries on Amazon)購入する場合、通常、同じ商品の定期購入を設定した場合、購入セクションで「購読して保存」するオプションがあることに気付くでしょう。

そのセクションで、 [すべて配信](Deliver every)で、同じ商品を自動的に注文する頻度を設定できることがわかります。
購読しているアイテムを蓄積すると、Amazonアカウントでそのリストを見つけることができます。これを行うには、[アカウント(Account)]ドロップダウンを選択し、[購読してアイテムを保存(Subscribe & Save Items)]を選択します。


これは、AmazonのSubscribe(Amazon Subscribe)&Saveが簡単に機能する方法です。アイテムをサブスクライブし、注文と配信スケジュールを設定します。
ただし、このプログラムにはまだまだたくさんのことがあります。注文のタイミングを正しく設定する方法を知っていると、多くのお金を節約できます(save you a lot of money)。この記事では、AmazonのSubscribe(Amazon Subscribe)&Saveの使用方法と、そうすることで最大の節約を実現するためのいくつかのテクニックを学びます。

(Select)詳細を表示するには、これらの製品のいずれかを選択してください。毎月購入したい場合は、右側のメニューに[購読して保存]オプションが表示されます。すべての追加設定を表示するには、[購読して保存(Subscribe & Save)]を有効にするオプションを選択する必要があります。

- 注文数量
- 製品を注文する頻度
- [今すぐ設定(Set Up Now)]ボタン
[今すぐ設定(Set Up Now)]ボタンを選択すると、この製品をサブスクライブする前に、最後に戻るオプションが1つあります。

すべての設定(特に注文頻度と「到着日」)を確認するだけです。すべてが希望どおりの場合は、[サブスクリプションの確認](Confirm subscription)を選択するだけで、製品サブスクリプションがアクティブになります。


現在の節約は、 [購読して(Subscribe)保存](Save)セクションで強調表示されます。この下で、同じ配達日でサブスクリプションにアイテムを追加した場合に、このアイテムのロックを解除できる節約額がわかります。
AmazonのSubscribe(Amazon Subscribe)&Saveを使用して節約を最大化するためのヒントをいくつか紹介します。
- 再注文日に基づいてサブスクリプションのブロックを整理(Organize)します(月に1回、隔月など)。
- (Subscribe)とにかく食料品店で頻繁に購入するアイテムをできるだけ多く購読して、節約を最大化します。
- より多くのサブスクライブされたアイテムで最も節約の可能性がある製品を検索します。
これを行うための優れた方法は、 Amazon(Amazon)で注文できるすべてのアイテムをパントリーで調べることです。次に、 Amazon(Amazon)で入手できる同じ製品の量と、それがどのくらい続くかを詳しく調べます。配信頻度はできるだけ正確に設定してください。

アカウントの[購読してアイテムを(Subscribe)保存](Save Items)ページに戻ると、既存のすべての購読と注文頻度を管理できます。


- 注文したい数量
- 配信する頻度
- 最初の(次の)配達に設定する日付
配信頻度を変更するには、[配信ごと(Delivered every)]の下のドロップダウンを使用します。

次の配達日を変更するには、[次の配達者(Next delivery by)]の下のドロップダウンを選択するだけです。

Amazonでお金(Money)を節約購読(Amazon Subscribe)して節約(Save)
Amazonの購読(Amazon Subscribe)と保存(Save)機能は、より多くの人が実際に利用する必要がある便利な機能です。毎月できるだけ多くのアイテムが配達されるようにサブスクリプションと配達の計画と時間を計ることができれば、とにかく頻繁に購入する食料品のアイテムを大幅に節約できます。
Amazon Subscribe and Save: How to Use and Manage
If you think about all of the groceries you buy eνery month, surely thеre are a number of products you could pоtentially get much cheaper on Amazon. Amazon Subscribe and Save is a useful feature for Amazon Prime members that lets you receiνe regular shipments of consumаble produсts yoυ buy frequently anyway.
Using Subscribe and Save is easy, and if you use it for enough products, you could actually save a lot of money. In this article, you’ll learn all about how Amazon Subscribe and Save works, and how to set it up for regular shipments of the things you use every day.

What Is Amazon Subscribe and Save?
When you shop for groceries on Amazon, you’ll usually notice that in the purchase section, you have the option to “Subscribe & Save” if you set up a recurring purchase of the same product.

You’ll see in that section that under Deliver every, you can set up the frequency that you want to automatically order the same product.
As you accumulate items that you’ve subscribed to, you can find that list in your Amazon account. Do this by selecting the Account dropdown and selecting Subscribe & Save Items.

This will open the Subscribe & Save page where all of the items you’ve subscribed to are listed. Scroll down to see exactly when the next order will take place and which items will get shipped that month.

This is how Amazon Subscribe & Save works in a nutshell. You subscribe to items and set up the order and delivery schedule.
However, there’s much more to this program. Knowing how to set up the order timing correctly can save you a lot of money. In this article, you’ll learn how to use Amazon Subscribe & Save, and some techniques to achieve the most savings by doing so.
How to Subscribe to New Products
Subscribing to new Amazon products is very easy. Just search for any product you’d normally buy at the grocery store. Most products in this category have the subscribe and save feature available.
You can see this most easily while you’re browsing through the products. Under each product in the listing, you’ll see a mention of the potential “Subscribe & Save discount” (more on how the discount works later).

Select any of these products to see more details. If it’s what you’d like to buy every month, you’ll see the subscribe & save option in the right menu. You’ll need to select the option to enable Subscribe & Save to see all of the additional settings.

These settings include:
- Quantity to order
- Frequency to order the product
- Set Up Now button
Once you’ve selected the Set Up Now button, you’ll have one last option to turn back before you’ve subscribed to this product.

Just review all of the settings (especially the order frequency and “Arrives by” date). If everything looks like you want it to, just select Confirm subscription and your product subscription will be active.
How to Save More with Subscribe and Save
While Amazon’s Subscribe & Save feature is definitely a convenience, you can also get some great savings by using the feature wisely.
If you review your subscription and delivery list in your Account settings, you’ll see that different items on different days feature unique levels of savings.

The reason for this comes down to when you subscribed and what savings was available for that item depending on how many other items you’re subscribed to.
You can see this on the item details page, where you’re able to enable the subscription.

The current savings is highlighted in the Subscribe & Save section. Under this, you’ll see how much more savings you can unlock for this item if you add additional items to your subscription with the same delivery date.
The potential savings for this item might be different than other items, but in general, every item will get discounted even further so long as you’re ordering more items for any delivery.
Here are a few tips to maximize your savings using Amazon Subscribe & Save:
- Organize blocks of subscriptions based on reorder dates (once a month, every other month, etc).
- Subscribe to as many items you buy often at the grocery store anyway to maximize savings.
- Search for products with the highest potential savings with more subscribed items.
Be very careful about which order frequency you choose. You don’t want to order a three-month supply of something every month, or you’ll end up with a surplus inventory that you don’t need.
A great way to do this is to look through your pantry at all of the items you could order on Amazon. Then, closely examine the volume of the same product you can get on Amazon and how long it’ll last you. Make sure to set the delivery frequency as accurately as possible.
You can see how successfully you are on each delivery date because you’ll see those delivery dates highlighted as “Max savings unlocked”.

The bottom line is that the more items you subscribe to on each delivery frequency, the deeper your overall savings will be.
How to Manage Your Product Subscriptions
You can manage all of your existing subscriptions and order frequencies by returning to the Subscribe & Save Items page in your account.
On the most recent, upcoming delivery date, you can choose to skip the delivery of any item that you haven’t actually used up yet. This is a great way to avoid overstocking on an item that you didn’t consume as much of as you expected to.
To do this, just select Skip under the item that you don’t want to be delivered that month.

If you scroll down to future delivery dates, you can also make modifications to any of those items as well.
Just select the link under the item that shows the current delivery frequency of that subscription.

This will open a window where you can modify any of the following details about that active subscription.
- Quantity that you want to order
- How often you want it delivered
- What date you want to set for the first (next) delivery
To change the delivery frequency, just use the dropdown under Delivered every.

You’ll see that you aren’t limited to just a monthly delivery. If it’s an item you use a lot, you can select to have it automatically ordered and delivered in as little as every 2 weeks.
To change the next upcoming delivery date, just select the dropdown under Next delivery by.

The dates will be a month or more out. So just select the next delivery you need based on when you next expect to run out of that item.
Once you select Apply, those changes will immediately take effect and you’ll notice your entire future delivery list update with the changes you’ve made.
Saving Money with Amazon Subscribe and Save
The Amazon Subscribe & Save feature is a convenience that more people really should take advantage of. If you can plan and time your subscriptions and deliveries so that as many items get delivered each month as possible, you stand to save a lot on grocery items you buy frequently anyway.