脳を料理する:携帯電話(Mobile Phones)と携帯電話の塔(Cellphone Towers)の悪(Evil)
携帯電話(Cell Phone)の塔:正確な問題(Exact Problem)は何でしょうか?
携帯電話が本当に危険であるということはまだ完全には確立されていませんが、研究者はこの問題を調査しており、携帯電話の塔が頻繁にある地域に住むと癌を引き起こす可能性があるという強いつながりを発見した人もいます。インド(India)熱分析協会(Thermal Analysis Society)(ITAS )が実施した調査によると、携帯(ITAS)電話の塔の向かいにある同じ建物で3つの癌の症例が見つかりました。これら3つのケースはすべて、 Vijay Apartments(Carmicheal Road、Mumbai、India )に建てられた携帯電話タワーの向かいにあるUshaKiranApartmentsに属しています。著名なインド(India)n毎日正午(Mid-day)移動式タワーが原因で苦しんでいるウシャキランアパート(Usha Kiran Apartment)の住民の問題に関する記事を掲載していました。

さらに別の事件では、ニューデリー(New Delhi)(インド(India))の居住者が最近、携帯電話会社が学校、病院、住宅地から50メートル以内に携帯電話の塔を建てることを禁止する請願書を提出しました。彼によると、彼の息子は彼の家に建てられた携帯電話の塔のために癌にかかった。タワーが設置されてから1年以内に、家族全員が体重を増やし、睡眠の問題に苦しみ始めたと彼は言います。この話は、インドの(India)時代(Time)にも取り上げられました。
ドイツの建築生物学研究所が(Building Biology Institute of Germany)実施した研究では、1平方メートルあたり10マイクロワットを超えるものは、植物、動物、人間など、あらゆる種類の生命の生物細胞に影響を与えるため、懸念事項であると述べています。(concern)1平方センチメートルあたり10マイクロワットを超える電力を放出するタワーの場合、この調査では曝露の懸念を深刻な(severe)ものとして分類しています。
- がん、
- 腫瘍、特に神経膠腫
- ドライアイ、
- 筋肉の問題
- 脳への損傷–特定の携帯電話タワーを使用している携帯電話会社の数によって異なります。ITASは、単一のタワーを共有する携帯電話会社の数が多いほど、携帯電話タワーの危険性が高くなると主張しています。
読む(Read):Bluetooth放射線は有害ですか、それとも安全(Is Bluetooth Radiation harmful or safe)ですか?
比吸収率(Specific Absorption Rate)
現在、携帯電話のSAR(SAR)値を携帯電話に表示することを義務付けている国もありますが、携帯電話を使用することの危険性にまだ目覚めていない国もあります。ウィキペディアには、 (Wikipedia)SARを計算するための方程式など、SARに関する詳細情報があります。
読む(Read):ラップトップの放射線から身を守る方法(How to protect yourself from Laptop radiation)。
米国国立がん研究所(National Cancer Institute)(米国(USA))によると、電磁放射線には電離と非電離(ionizing and non-ionizing)の2種類があります。最初のタイプはX線などに見られ、そのような放出にさらされた人々に重篤な病気を引き起こすことが証明されています。携帯電話は、携帯電話と直接接触している生体細胞や組織(手や耳)によって拾われる非電離放射線を放出します。国立がん研究所(National Cancer Institute)によると、携帯電話が実際にがんのリスクを高める可能性があるという証拠はありませんが、それでも携帯電話と接触している体細胞の温度を上昇させる可能性があります。
Indian Thermal AnalysisSocietyの(Thermal Analysis Society)Dr.Girishによる別の研究では、人体は700〜1000Wの電子レンジに19分間だけ安全に保管されています。これは、人々が自分自身を傷つけることなく、一度に19分間(19 minutes)だけ携帯電話の会話を続けることができることを意味します。

ロサンゼルスのCedars-SinaiMedicalCenter(Neurology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles:)の神経学部長であるKeithBlack(Chairman)博士(Dr. Keith Black)によると:
What microwave radiation does in most simplistic terms is similar to what happens to food in microwaves, essentially cooking the brain. So in addition to leading to a development of cancer and tumors, there could be a whole host of other effects like cognitive memory function, since the memory temporal lobes are where we hold our cell phones.
- 発作
- 麻痺
- 脳卒中
- 精神病
- 心血管の問題
- 損傷した血管は、脳の保護を失うことになります
- 癌
- 脳腫瘍、特に神経膠腫
- DNA損傷–腫瘍や癌を引き起こす
- 睡眠障害
- 不可逆的な出生力
- 皮膚(Skin)の問題–主に細胞の過熱によって引き起こされ、発疹、ただれ、さらには皮膚腫瘍も含まれます
- (Hearing)鼓膜の過熱による難聴
- 赤血球への損傷–血液循環を遅くし、それによって他の病気にさらされる

読む(Read):排出量が最も多い携帯電話と最も少ない携帯電話のリスト(List of cellphones with the highest and lowest emissions)。
後年から携帯電話を使い始めたのかもしれませんが、最近は10歳から12歳までの子供が携帯電話を欲しがっています。それらの使用は制御されていません。もう固定電話を使いたくない…20年後、30年後にはどうなるのか?時間だけが教えてくれます。今日の子供たちが50歳と60歳のときに爆発する時限爆弾ではないことを願うだけです…(We may have started using mobile phones later in life, but these days children right from the age of 10 and 12 want a mobile phone and have one. Their usage is uncontrolled. No one wants to use a landline anymore… What will happen after 20 and 30 years? Only time will tell. We can only hope that it is not a time-bomb which will explode when today’s children are 50 and 60 years old …)
世界保健機関(World Health Organization)は2011年5月(May 2011)に、携帯電話はガンやその他の健康被害を引き起こす可能性があると述べ、電話ユーザーに「携帯電話への曝露を減らすために使用を制限し、実用的な対策を講じる」よう促しました。モバイルの使用は「おそらく人間に対して発がん性がある」と結論付けました。これは、5つのレベルの発がん性物質を含む評価スケールの中央にモバイルを配置し、喫煙などのがんを引き起こすことが確実に知られているもののすぐ下にモバイルをランク付けする用語です。
また読む(Also read):スマートフォンの乱用によって引き起こされる健康上の問題(Health problems caused by smartphone overuse)。
- 話すときは、携帯電話を体から離してください。
- 通信中は、イヤホンやBluetoothなどのハンズフリーデバイスを使用してください。
- 話している間は携帯電話を体につけたままにしないでください。
- アナログ信号を使用(Use)するため、より多くの固定電話を使用してください。
- 携帯電話で話す代わりにテキストメッセージを試してください。
- 一度に15分以上携帯電話で話さないようにしてください。
あなたがあなたの電話に夢中になって(addicted to your phone)(addicted to your phone)いるのかどうかを知るためにここに行ってください。
このストーリーの画像は、インド熱分析協会(Indian Thermal Analysis Society)が実施した調査の一部です 。(Images in this story are part of the study conducted by the Indian Thermal Analysis Society.)
Mobile Phones Health Hazards, Risks and Dangers
How much time do you spend on your cell phone? Do you know the mobile phones’ health hazards and risks caused because they keep on emitting radio waves as long as they are switсhed оn? Since the very basis of cellphоnes is radio ѕignals that carry voіce, you are in cоnstant exposure to thеse radio waves as long as you keep the cell phone near your body. The exposurе increases manifold when you are talking abоut it.
Cooking The Brain: The Evil In Mobile Phones & Cellphone Towers
Though there are few pointers that link cell phone usage to diseases such as cancer, the dangers of using mobile phones still exist. This article examines some studies that link the usage of cellphones to different diseases and dangers. Before studying cell phone dangers, let us explore the hazards of living in areas having cell phone towers.
Cell Phone Towers: What Could Be The Exact Problem?
It has not yet been completely established that cell phones are really a danger but researchers are exploring the issue, and some have found strong links that say living in an area with cell phone towers with high frequency can cause cancer. According to a study conducted by the Indian Thermal Analysis Society (ITAS), three cancer cases were found in the same building that lies opposite to a cell phone tower. All these three cases belong to Usha Kiran Apartments opposite to cellphone tower built on Vijay Apartments (Carmicheal Road, Mumbai, India). A prominent Indian daily Mid-day had carried an article on the issue of Usha Kiran Apartment residents suffering due to mobile towers.
Based on different case studies, the ITAS concluded that people living within a 50 to 300-meter radius of cell phone towers are at higher risk of diseases due to electromagnetic radiation. This conclusion derives from the fact that in India, an acceptable standard of radiation is 9.2Watt per square meter. For other countries, the “danger zone” is different – based on their acceptable standard of radiation. For the US, it is 580 – 1000 Micro-Watts per square centimeter. This translates that people living within 2 to 2.5 miles in the radius of cell phone towers are at risk of health hazards.

In yet another incident, a resident of New Delhi (India) recently filed a petition to ban cellphone companies from erecting any cell phone towers within 50 meters of schools, hospitals, and residential areas. According to him, his son got cancer due to a cell phone tower that was erected on his house. He says within a year of the tower being installed, everyone in his family gained weight and started suffering from sleeping problems. This story was also covered in the Time of India.
In a study conducted by Building Biology Institute of Germany, they state that anything above 10 Micro-Watt per square meters is a matter of concern as it will affect the biological cells in all kinds of lives – plants, animals, and humans. For towers that emit more than 10 microwatts per square centimeter, the study classifies exposure concerns as severe.
Scientists and researchers blame the electromagnetic radiation from radio waves as agents that increase the risk of cancer in people using cell phones – especially in children. In the case of cell phone towers, people living in nearby areas are constantly exposed to high electromagnetic radiation. Since electromagnetic radiation is responsible for alterations in the functioning of biologic cells and tissues, these people are at a greater risk of acquiring radiation diseases.
Mobile phones health hazards
Among the major problems found in people living near cellphone towers are:
- Cancers,
- Tumors, in particular, Gliomas
- Dry Eye,
- Muscle problems
- Damage to the brain – depending upon how many cell phone companies are using a particular cell phone tower. ITAS claims that the more number of cellphone companies sharing a single tower, the greater the hazards of cell phone towers.
Read: Is Bluetooth Radiation harmful or safe?
Specific Absorption Rate
The specific absorption rate – or SAR as it is known – refers to the rate of electromagnetic energy that is absorbed by the human body when using cell phones and other devices emitting radio waves. It is measured in Watts per Kg of human tissue. If the SAR limit of cell phones is 1.6W/Kg (as in the US), the total time that a person can use cellphones is a maximum of 6 minutes. Given an error margin of 3, the total time a person can use cellphones translates to only 20 minutes per day.
While some countries have now made it mandatory to display the SAR value of cell phones on their handsets, others have not yet woken up to the dangers of using cellphones. Wikipedia has some more information on SAR including the equation to calculate SAR.
Read: How to protect yourself from Laptop radiation.
Cellphones – What Are The Dangers?
According to the National Cancer Institute (USA), there are two types of electromagnetic radiations – ionizing and non-ionizing. The first type is found in X-Rays etc, and it has been proved that they cause severe diseases in people who are exposed to such emissions. Cellphones emit non-ionizing radiations that are picked up by biological cells and tissues that are directly in contact with cellphones – hands and ears. The National Cancer Institute says there is no proof that cellphones can actually increase the risk of cancer but still, it can increase the temperature of body cells in contact with cellphones.
In another study by Dr. Girish of the Indian Thermal Analysis Society, a human body is safely kept in a microwave oven of 700-1000W for only 19 minutes. This means that people can carry on a cell phone conversation only for 19 minutes at a time without harming themselves.
It has also been found by studying rats that prolonged exposure to electromagnetic radiation can lead to severe brain damage. People using cellphones to a particular brain side have more risk of damaging that side of the brain – leading to complex disorders that may or may not be reversible.

According to Dr. Keith Black, Chairman of Neurology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles:
What microwave radiation does in most simplistic terms is similar to what happens to food in microwaves, essentially cooking the brain. So in addition to leading to a development of cancer and tumors, there could be a whole host of other effects like cognitive memory function, since the memory temporal lobes are where we hold our cell phones.
Due to the changes in the electrical activities of the brain, people can suffer from the following problems:
- Seizures
- Paralysis
- Stroke
- Psychosis
- Cardiovascular problems
Among other major problems that have been linked to excessive cell phone usage are:
- Damaged blood vessels that translate to the loss of protection to the brain
- Cancer
- Brain Tumor, esp Gliomas
- DNA damage – resulting in tumors and cancers
- Sleep disorders
- Irreversible fertility
- Skin problems – caused mainly by overheating of cells and include rashes, sores, and even skin tumors
- Hearing loss due to overheating of eardrums
- Damage to red blood cells – slowing down blood circulation and thereby exposure to other diseases

Read: List of cellphones with the highest and lowest emissions.
Dangers of Using Cellphones in Children
Children are at a greater risk of procuring diseases from the excessive usage of cell phones because their skull is thin compared to adults. Children using cell phones beyond limits run into a major risk of procuring brain damage – due to increased heating of brain cells – other than risking a loss in hearing and vision.
We may have started using mobile phones later in life, but these days children right from the age of 10 and 12 want a mobile phone and have one. Their usage is uncontrolled. No one wants to use a landline anymore… What will happen after 20 and 30 years? Only time will tell. We can only hope that it is not a time-bomb which will explode when today’s children are 50 and 60 years old …
The World Health Organization said in May 2011 that mobile phones might cause cancer and other health hazards and urged phone users “to limit their use and take pragmatic measures to reduce exposure to mobiles”. It concluded that mobile use is “possibly carcinogenic to humans’, a term that places mobiles in the middle of the rating scale that contains 5 levels of carcinogens, and ranked mobiles just below things definitely known to cause cancer such as smoking!
Also read: Health problems caused by smartphone overuse.
Mobile phones Safety advice:
- For talking, keep your cell phone away from the body.
- Use some hands-free devices such as earphones or Bluetooth while communicating.
- Do not keep cell phones on the body while talking.
- Use more of landline phones as they use analog signals.
- Try texting as an alternative to talking on cell phones.
- Try not to talk on the mobile phone for more than 15 minutes at a time.
Go here to find out if you are you are addicted to your phone.
Images in this story are part of the study conducted by the Indian Thermal Analysis Society.