数日前、人工知能(Artificial Intelligence)やAIは現在の状態を超えて進歩することはできないと人々を説得している記事に出くわしました。それは完全に未来を無視しました。しかし、このテーマに関する研究が過去のどの時期よりも積極的に行われていることは誰もが知っています。すでにAIベースのコードやマシンなどがあり、今後も改善を続けていきます。人工知能についてのいくつかの神話を却下しながら、人工知能(Artificial Intelligence)についてのいくつかの事実を確認しましょう。

この記事の主な議論は、良心を機械にプログラムすることはできないため、ダムAIが唯一のAIであり、他の研究者がスーパーAI(Super AI)で見ている問題を完全に無視しているというものでした。確かに、人々がこの良心と自己認識の理論に従うという考え方の学校があります。彼らは、現在のAIはまったくAIではなく、良心と意識が機械に欠けているという理由だけで自動化されていると信じています。
しかし、AIはコンピューターに代わって考えることを伴うため、自動化(Automation…)よりもはるかに人間の脳を制定することであることがすでにわかっています。コンピューター/マシンに代わって考えることは、オペレーターのNILの関与を意味します。この記事の別のセクションで、自動化と人工知能について説明します。まず、(First)人工知能(Artificial Intelligence)の種類を確認しましょう。
- 弱い知性
- 強力なAI
- 超人工知能
弱いAI(Weak AI)は長い間存在しています。それはそれが設計されたために働くただの機械です。例として車速コントローラーを取り上げます。スピードコントローラーは、車両の速度を測定し、車両を制御し続けます。そこにはインテリジェンスはありませんが、それは確かに車の速度を監視し続けるために人間の必要性を取り除きます。
強力なAI(Strong AI)は、機械が理解の役割を果たすことができるものです。弱いAIでは、理解の部分は、マシンをコーディングまたは使用する人間のために予約されています。強力なAIは、その行動に基づいて理解し、行動を起こすことができます。
MicrosoftのチャットボットであるTAYを覚えているなら、それは人間によって一日中がらくたを与えられ、1日で人種差別主義者になりました。これまでのところ、それは弱いAIでした。しかし、拒否する必要のある情報と収集する情報を理解していれば、強力なAIでした。つまり、否定性につながる投稿を提供していた人々を無視し、拒否しなければならないのは悪い知識であると理解したので、それを強力なAI(Strong AI)の例と呼ぶことができます。
スーパーAI(Super AI)は意識につながっています。これは、マシンがそれらが存在し、目的のために存在することを知っている場所です。現在、強力なAI(Strong AI)はあまりないため、スーパーAI(Super AI)は達成できないと考えています。反対側を見ると、研究が進んでいます。実験が行われており、まもなくそれが何であるか、そしてその目的が何であるかを知っている機械ができるかもしれません。それは時間の問題です!
読む(Read):機械学習とディープラーニングと(Machine Learning and Deep Learning)は何ですか?
人工知能に関する事実–自動化(Does Automation)はAIを意味しますか?
人工知能は(Artificial Intelligence)ジョブ(Jobs)に取って代わりますか?
ただし、他のフィールドを開く余地は常にあります。新しいテクノロジーには、チャンスもあります。 要件やスキルセットが異なるというだけです。(Just)たとえば、自動運転車が運転の仕事に取って代わることができる場合、これらの車を維持できる熟練した労働力が必要になります。
そうかもしれないし、そうでないかもしれない。それは機械に何が供給されるかに依存します。TAYの例を振り返ると、人々がネガティブなものを与えたために悪化しました。同様に、機械が意識を獲得し、悪いものを無視することを学ぶならば、それらは良いものになるでしょう。それに取り組んでいる悪があれば、彼らは間違いなく人間に対抗し始めるかもしれません。有名な物理学者の多くは、政府に(Many)スーパーAI(Super AI)のリスクを理解させ、そのようなプロジェクトへの資金提供を停止するよう求める請願書に署名しました。しかし、私たちは、利益を追求する企業のビジネスハウスがある程度まで行くことができることを知っています。そのようなプロジェクトが政府によって止められたとしても、いくつかの企業家はそのような研究と実験に資金を提供することを喜んでいるでしょう。それで私たちは心配する必要があります。
人工知能に関する議論に(debate on artificial intelligence)は2つの側面があります。機械が人間を乗っ取るのを恐れている人は悲観主義者と呼ばれ、他のグループは彼らが神(Gods)を演じることができると考えています。

RedditでのAMA(Ask Me Anything)セッションで、ビル・ゲイツ(Bill Gates)は彼の恐れを確認しました。彼は、人工知能が人類にもたらす潜在的な脅威について心配していると述べました。彼はまた、 SpaceXのCEOであるElon Muskのような人々に同意し、他の人が機械が自己意識を獲得することを心配していない理由を知らないと述べた。
(Bill Gates)人工知能の悪影響を懸念しているのはビル・ゲイツだけではありません。数か月前のインタビューで、Stephan Hawkingは、人工知能は人類に破滅をもたらす可能性があると述べました。スティーブンホーキング(Stephan Hawking)は著名な科学者および研究者です。彼は麻痺しており、人工知能に基づく機械を使って話します。機械は彼の思考プロセスを学習し、次に使用したい単語を予測します。音声はロボットであり、より自然な音声を提供する同様のマシンがありますが、ステファン(Stephan)はコンピューターの音声を好みます。彼は、そのような機械を使用する必要がある子供たちは、話すときに彼を模倣したいと思うことが多いと言います。
スティーブンホーキング(Stephan Hawking)は、人工知能の基本的な形式を使用する彼の通信機について質問をしたBBCの記者からインタビューを受けていました。これに対して、彼は「完全な人工知能の開発は人類の運命の終わりを綴ることができる」と答えました。彼はさらに、より速い速度で進化することができない人間は競争することができず、取って代わられるだろうと付け加えました。
同様に、Appleの共同創設者である(Apple)Steve Wozniakは、人工知能の将来についてあまりにも心配しています。彼自身の言葉で:
“Will we be the gods? Will we be the family pets? Or will we be ants that get stepped on? I don’t know about that …”
“We cannot quite know what will happen if a machine exceeds our own intelligence, so we can’t know if we’ll be infinitely helped by it, or ignored by it and sidelined, or conceivably destroyed by it…”
次に、このダイアログを確認します。Ivan Crewkovは、 (Ivan Crewkov)Catherineがそれについて書いたらどうなるかをマシンに尋ねます。マシンはそれが素晴らしいだろうと答えます。そして、「彼女は私について書くことに本当に興味があると思いますか?」と付け加えます。
人工知能に関する上記の事実は包括的ではありません。しばらくして、人工知能に関する神話についてもっと話す別の記事を思いつくでしょう。(The above facts about artificial intelligence are not comprehensive. I will come up with another article in a while where we’ll talk more about myths about artificial intelligence.)
Facts, Myths, Debate about Artificial Intelligence
A few days back, I сame across an article that wаs convincing people that Artificial Intelligence or AI cannot progress beyond what it is now. It totally ignored the future. But we all know that research on the subject is being carried out more aggressively than any other time in the past. We already have AI-based code and machines etc. that will keep on improving. Let’s check out some facts about Artificial Intelligence while also dismissing some myths about it.

Facts about Artificial Intelligence
Some articles on the web say machines cannot have a conscience. They go on to say that conscience cannot be measured and cannot be considered scientific. But we know that it is there inside everyone. People have a conscience whether or not science considers it as a fact. Science cannot even measure brain or neural networks, but it has to acknowledge them.
With that as a base among facts about artificial intelligence, I’ll try to explain the technology and things associated with it.
The main argument in the article was that since a conscience cannot be programmed into machines, the dumb AI is the only AI and totally ignores the problems other researchers see with Super AI. There is indeed a school of thought where people follow this theory of conscience and self-awareness. They believe the current AI is not AI at all but just automation just because conscience and consciousness are missing from machines.
But we already know AI is more of enacting the human brain… much more than Automation… as it involves thinking on behalf of computers. Thinking on behalf of computers/machines would mean the NIL involvement of operators. I’ll cover automation vs. artificial intelligence in a separate section in this article. First, let’s check out the types of Artificial Intelligence.
Types of Artificial Intelligence
You probably already know about Artificial Intelligence. It is categorized into many types. For convenience, we’ll just place them in three broad categories that beginners use.
- Weak Intelligence
- Strong AI
- Super Artificial Intelligence
Weak AI has been around for a long time. It is just a machine that works for which it is designed. Take the vehicle speed controller as an example. The speed controller measures the speed of vehicles and keeps them in control. There is no intelligence there, but it sure removes the need of a human to keep watching the speed of the vehicle.
Another weak AI example is the game of chess. If you are playing chess with a machine, it looks as if it is thinking. In reality, it is parsing all the possible moves and the casualties associated with each move. That is not slow but still sends a signal that the machine is thinking.
In short, where the machines are made to perform a few acts based totally on the coding, it is weak AI. You don’t expect real intelligence there.
Strong AI is one where the machines can play the part of understanding. In weak AI, the understanding part is reserved for humans who code or use the machines. Strong AI can understand and take actions based on their actions.
If you remember TAY, the Microsoft chatbot, it was fed with crap all day by humans and became racist in a day. So far it was weak AI. But if it had understood what information it has to reject and what to collect, it would have been strong AI. That is, ignore people who were feeding it with posts that led to negativity and it understood that it is a bad knowledge that has to be rejected, we could have called it an example of Strong AI.
Super AI is connected to consciousness. This is where the machines know they exist and that they exist for a purpose. We don’t have much of Strong AI at present, and hence we consider Super AI as non-achievable. Looking at the other side, research is on; experiments are being conducted, and we may soon have a machine that knows what it is and what are its aims. It’s just a matter of time!
Read: What is Machine Learning and Deep Learning?
Facts about artificial intelligence – Does Automation mean AI?
No. Automation can be said to be a part of artificial intelligence. Automation can be as small as a baggage conveyor belt. In the speed control example above, the machine which is reading speed can be modified a bit to bring the vehicle back to normal speed. Likewise, driverless cars that can decide where to go can steer the vehicle and apply acceleration. So while the thinking part of driverless cars can be said to be Artificial Intelligence, other aspects such as steering and acceleration are automated. Hence it is safe to say that automation is just part of the output of artificial intelligence.
Read: What is Google RankBrain.
Will Artificial Intelligence replace Jobs?
Confusion about artificial intelligence is that it can replace humans in different jobs in the future. Technology as a whole has already cut short the job market, making many of us unemployed. If machines can think for themselves and the business houses, they’ll do it at a speed much higher than that of humans. Needless to say, businesses will invest more in artificial intelligence.
However, there is always scope for other fields to open up. With new technology, there come opportunities too. Just that the requirement or the skill set would be different. If for example, driverless cars can replace driving jobs, we’ll need a skilled workforce that can maintain these cars.
In this post, Microsoft explains how Artificial Intelligence will shape our future.
Can Super AI be dangerous?
It may or may not be. It depends on what is fed to the machines. If we look back at the TAY example, it went bad because people fed it negative things. Likewise, if the machines earn consciousness and learn to ignore the bad, they will be good. If there is evil working on it, they may definitely start countering humans. Many of the renowned physicists signed a petition to let governments understand the risks of Super AI and to stop funding such projects. But we know that corporate business houses in their pursuit of profits can go to any extent. Even if such projects are stopped by governments, some corporate houses will be more than happy to fund such researches and experiments. It is then that we need to worry.
Read: What is Machine Learning and how it is different from Artificial Intelligence.
Debate on artificial intelligence
The debate on artificial intelligence has two sides. The ones afraid of machines taking over humans is termed pessimists, while the other group thinks they can play Gods.

In an AMA (Ask Me Anything) session on Reddit, Bill Gates confirmed his fears. He said he is worried about the potential threats that artificial intelligence poses to humankind. He also said he agrees with people like Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, and doesn’t know why others are not concerned about machines gaining self-consciousness.
Bill Gates is not the only one concerned about the negative effect of artificial intelligence. A few months ago, in an interview, Stephan Hawking said that artificial intelligence can spell doom for mankind. Stephan Hawking is a prominent scientist and researcher. He is paralyzed and uses a machine based on artificial intelligence to talk. The machine learns his thought process and predicts the words he may want to use next. The voice is robotic and though there are similar machines that provide more natural voices, Stephan prefers the computer voice. He says children who need to use such machines often want to imitate him when speaking.
Stephan Hawking was being interviewed by a BBC reporter who posed a question about his communication machine that uses a basic form of artificial intelligence. To this, he replied that “the development of full artificial intelligence could spell the doom end of the human race”. He further added that humans, who cannot evolve at a faster speed, cannot compete and would be superseded.
Likewise, Steve Wozniak, the Apple co-founder is too worried about the future of artificial intelligence. In his own words:
“Will we be the gods? Will we be the family pets? Or will we be ants that get stepped on? I don’t know about that …”
But there are others in the industry who are more optimistic and contribute to the debate on artificial intelligence optimistically. The developer of Cleverbot, Rollo Carpenter, says that he believes that humans will remain in charge of the technology for a long time and the potential of it can be used to solve many of the real-world programs. Cleverbot is a software that can chat with you and you will never find out that you are chatting with a software.
He too is a bit skeptical but is betting that the effects of developing artificial intelligence matching or surpassing human intelligence would be in favor of the human race. He says:
“We cannot quite know what will happen if a machine exceeds our own intelligence, so we can’t know if we’ll be infinitely helped by it, or ignored by it and sidelined, or conceivably destroyed by it…”
Now check this piece of dialog. Ivan Crewkov asks a machine what if Catherine wrote about it. The machine replies that it would be great. And adds, “Do you think she will be really interested in writing about me?”
The dialog is not from any movie. It is a personal assistant robot named Cubic and it is already under production. I guess people would love to have a personal assistant that can talk like humans – showing human emotions, etc. Cubic is a crowdsourced project and they raised more than $100,000 in crowd-funding. People who contributed to the project will be getting the Cubic somewhere around November this year. While it feels good to have a companion with whom you can talk as much as you want, there are some fears attached as well.
But what happens if machines like Cubic with higher levels of artificial intelligence gain self-consciousness? Will they be willing to serve humans as masters? Or will they want humans to serve them as slaves?
Read: What is Metaverse?
The above facts about artificial intelligence are not comprehensive. I will come up with another article in a while where we’ll talk more about myths about artificial intelligence.