Microsoft Teamsは、友人や家族を結び付けることを目的として、いくつかの新しい個人的な機能を追加しました。Microsoft Teamsは、主に公式の会議、コラボレーション、オンラインクラスなどで機能するアプリですが、これらの新機能により、友達や家族を追加したり、チャットしたり、電話で調整したり、計画を立てたり、一緒に楽しんだりできます。チーム(Teams)にはすでにビデオ通話機能がありますが、これらの個人的な機能について知っておくべきことはまだまだたくさんあります。
個人的な機能は、 3月17日(March 17)に、Web、デスクトップ、モバイルの3つの利用可能なプラットフォームすべてで一般に公開されました。これらの新機能により、ユーザーは友人や家族とのつながりを深めることができます。新しいグループチャットは計画の作成と調整に役立ちますが、ビデオハングアウトは、実際に愛する人と一緒に座っているように感じさせます。これらの機能は、私たちが実際に会うことも会うこともできない厳しいパンデミックの時代に、あなたを愛する人に近づけるために特別に設計されています。

[画像ソース– Microsoft]
はい、それが新しいビデオ通話機能のすべてです。大切な人と同じ部屋に実際に座っているような気分にさせてくれます。この機能はTogetherモードと呼ばれます。 (Together Mode. )コーヒーショップ、ファミリーラウンジ、サマーリゾートなど、さまざまな仮想環境があります。

さらに、ライブ絵文字リアクションとGIF(GIFs)を使用して、会話をさらに面白く魅力的なものにすることもできます。ここでの最良の部分の1つは、この機能を使用するために全員がチーム(Teams)にサインアップする必要があるわけではないということです。一緒にモードを開始して会議リンクを送信するだけで、アプリを介して、または夕方にログインしなくてもWebプラットフォームから参加できます。任意のデバイス、携帯電話(Android/iOS)、WindowsPCを使用して会議に参加できます。 、またはMac。

計画を立てて全員を同じページに集めることは、常に非常に困難で時間のかかる作業でしたね。もう違います。Microsoft Teamsに追加された新しい個人用機能を使用すると、ギャングと一緒に巨大な計画を簡単に作成できます。まず、チャットルームの作成がとても簡単になりました。メールアドレスまたは電話番号を追加するだけで、ビデオハングアウトオプションと同様に、参加者がTeamsユーザーである必要はありません。彼らはまだメッセージをチェックし、SMSテキストメッセージを介して応答することができます。



さて、これは非常に重要です。仕事と個人の両方でMicrosoftTeams(Microsoft Teams)を使用している場合は、バランスを取ることが非常に重要です。各アカウントの連絡先、ファイル、チャット、およびその他の詳細はすべて個別に保持されます。プロファイルをクリックするだけで、2つのアカウントをすばやく切り替えることができます。
iOS、 Android、または デスクトップアプリ(desktop app)をダウンロードして、 今すぐ 始めることができます。
How to use Personal Features in Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams just got some new personal features with an intentіоn to bring friends and familу together. Microsoft Teams has mostly been a working app for official meetings, collaborations, online classes, etc but now with these new features, you can add your friends and family, chat, call to coordinate, make some plans, and have fun together. Although Teams already had a video calling feature, there’s a lot more for you to know about these personal features.
Let’s learn about these features in detail.
How to use Personal Features in Microsoft Teams
The personal features were made available for the general public on March 17 for all three available platforms- web, desktop, and mobile. With these new features, users can now connect with their friends and family better. While the new group chats will help you make and coordinate the plans better, the video calls will make you feel that you are actually sitting with your loved ones. These features are designed specially to bring you closer to your loved ones in these tough pandemic times when we can’t really see or meet each other.
Video Calls in Microsoft Team
I know, video calls are not a new feature for Teams, in fact, every video conferencing app has it but here it’s a little different. How about bringing all your loved ones in a dining room virtually or may in your drawing room?

[Images source – Microsoft]
Yes, that’s what the new video call feature is all about. It will make you feel that you are actually sitting with your loved ones in the same room. This feature is named Together Mode. It has a variety of virtual environments like a coffee shop, a family lounge, a summer resort, and much more.
Just imagine, how exciting it would be to feel everyone in the same room while talking on a video . Definitely more engaging and fun than the standard video calls.

Furthermore, you can also use the live emoji reactions and GIFs to make your conversation even more interesting and engaging. One of the best parts here is that not everyone needs to signup for Teams to use this feature. You can simply start the together mode and send the meeting link and they can join via their apps or even from the web platform without evening logging in. They can join the meeting using any device, a mobile phone (Android/iOS), Windows PC, or Mac.
Another great feature here is that if you miss a group video call from your friends or family, you can catch up anytime, read the entire chat and be a part of the conversation. Yes, the chat done during the call remains there even after the call is done.

Make Plans In Chat Room
Making plans and bringing everyone on the same page has always been so difficult and time-consuming right? Not anymore. With the new personal features added in Microsoft Teams, you can make a giant plan with your gang easily. Firstly, making a chat room is so simple now. You just need to add their email or phone numbers to add them and yes, same as the video call option, it is not mandatory for the attendees to be a Teams user. They can still check the messages and respond via SMS text messages.
Once a group chat is created, you can assign tasks, make a to-do list, decide the dates, etc, and the other participants can not just see them but also edit the task details or check off the completed tasks from the to-do lists.
How easy! Isn’t it?
Also, you can convert any message into a task and add it to your tasks list. For example, your mom sends a message in the group that you are running out of bread, you can simply convert it into a task and add it to your grocery list then and there.

Create Polls in Chat
Taking the decision is the toughest thing when you are making a plan with many people. Deciding upon what to do on the coming weekend, what to order for dinner, which movie to watch together, date, time, etc, is the biggest task while making a plan with your gang, whether it’s a hiking trip with friends or a family party. This is where Polls help. With Teams, now you can create polls in your chat room and everyone can vote as per their preferences. How easy will it become to decide upon a date with such polls.

So, when the poll is completed, everyone can see the result and add it to their calendars or take the action accordingly. If you don’t want to add a poll, you can share an open spreadsheet in the chat wherein everyone can add their favorite restaurants or movies, and then you can make a decision.
All the content shared in the chat like the photos, shared tasks, web links, events, etc, is very well organized in the dashboard view. You can quickly jump on to the chat and check the shared information.
The balance between work and personal life

Now, this is very important. When you are using Microsoft Teams for both your work and personal use, it is very important to balance them out. All your contact, files, chats, and other details for each of your accounts are kept separate. You can quickly switch between the two accounts simply by clicking on your profile.
Overall, these new personal features added in Teams will make certainly bring us closer to our friends and family. If you have been using Teams only for your work, just click on your profile to add a personal account now to enjoy these features.
You can download the iOS, Android, or desktop app to get started today.