ランサムウェア(Ransomware)ウイルス攻撃とは何ですか?ランサムウェア(Ransomware)はどのように入手し、どのように機能しますか?ランサムウェア攻撃の後に何をしますか?この投稿では、これらすべての質問について説明し、 Windows(Windows)コンピューターに対するランサムウェア攻撃(Ransomware attacks)に対処して回復する方法を提案します。この投稿には、ランサムウェア(Ransomware)をFBI、警察(Police)、または適切な当局に報告できるリンクもあります。
ランサムウェア(Ransomware)は増加傾向にあり、コンピュータユーザーとして、この用語を今までに聞いたことがあるかもしれません。これは現在、悪意のあるコード作成者がユーザーのコンピューターに感染し、ユーザーに身代金を要求することで金儲けをするために使用される、非常に人気のある形式のマルウェアです。PetyaであろうとLockyランサムウェアであろうと、隔日 で、この最新のマルウェアについて読むことができます。このクラスのマルウェアは非常に収益性が高く、この悪意のある活動によって得られた金額が数百万ドルに達するため、今ではお気に入りのようです。ユーザーのファイルとデータをロックダウンしてから、それらのロックを解除するためにお金を要求します(Lockdown user’s files and data, and then demand money to unlock them)。これが一列に並んだ手口です。(modus operandi)

お使いのコンピュータが「通常のウイルス」に感染している場合は、このマルウェア除去ガイド(Malware Removal Guide)が役立ちます。ただし、ランサムウェア(Ransomware)攻撃から回復する必要がある場合は、読み進めてください。
規定の時間内にランサムウェア(Ransomware)のサイバー犯罪者に支払いを行わないと、データを公開したり、身代金の支払い額を増やしたりする恐れがあります。マスターブートレコード(Master Boot Record)を上書きすることで、すべてのデータを消去してビジネスコンピュータを操作不能にしたり、マシンを起動不能にしたりする恐れさえあります。
シグニチャベースのマルウェア対策ソフトウェアは、役立つ場合と役に立たない場合があります。動作ベースのこれらのランサムウェア(anti-ransomware software)対策ソフトウェアや侵入検知および防止ソフトウェアのいずれかを使用して、防御を強化する必要があります。繰り返し(Again)になりますが、オペレーティングシステムの更新、優れたセキュリティソフトウェア(good security software)の使用、定期的なデータのオフラインバックアップなど、ランサムウェアを防止したり、ランサムウェア(prevent ransomware)からより迅速に回復したりするための基本的な手順がいくつかあります。しかし、それにもかかわらず、ランサムウェアの被害者になる可能性があります。
これはどのように起こりますか?(How does this happen?)
This is where having backups can help! If you have backed up your files, you could simply ignore the warnings, format and clean install your Windows OS and restore your backed-up files.
表示されるその他の兆候は、セキュリティソフトウェアが無効になっている、または無効になっている、システムの復元(System Restore)または起動の修復が無効になっている、または(Startup Repair)Windows Update、バックグラウンドインテリジェント転送サービス(Background Intelligent Transfer Service)、WinDefend、Windows(Windows Shadow)などの重要なWindows サービスが無効になっている場合です。(Services)シャドウコピーが無効になっています。
6]セーフモードで起動し、(Boot into Safe Mode)ウイルス対策ソフトウェア(antivirus software)をディープスキャンして実行し、コンピューターを駆除できることを期待します。おそらくそうではありませんが、試してみても害はありません。
7]次に、コンピュータに感染したランサムウェアを特定します。このために、IDランサムウェア(ID Ransomware)と呼ばれる無料のオンラインサービスを使用することができます。
8]ランサムウェアを特定できる場合は、ご使用のタイプのランサムウェアでランサムウェア復号化ツールが利用可能かどうかを確認してください。次に、現在利用可能なこれらのランサムウェア復号化ツールの1つを利用します。(ransomware decryptor tools)
9]ランサムウェア(Ransomware)がコンピューターへのアクセスを完全にブロックした場合、または重要な機能を選択するためのアクセスを制限した場合でも 、ランサムウェアに感染したレジストリ(Registry)をクリーンアップしてアクセスできるようにするため、 KasperskyWindowsUnlockerを使用してください。
12 ]最後(] Finally)に、ランサムウェアのケースを地元のサイバー犯罪セル、警察当局、またはFBIに報告することを忘れないでください。このリンクは、ランサムウェアを報告(report ransomware)できる場所を示しています。
ファイルを復号化してランサムウェアを削除したら、 RansomNoteCleanerを使用して、残されたランサムウェアノート(Ransomware Notes)やその他の残りのジャンクを削除できます。
ではごきげんよう。(All the best.)
What to do after a Ransomware attack on your Windows computer?
Whаt is a Ransomwаre νirus attack? How do уou get Ransomware and how does it work? What to do after a ransomware attack? This рost will try and discuss all these questions and suggest ways on how to deal with & recoνer from Ransomware attacks on Windows computers. This post also gives links where you can report Ransomware to the FBI, Police, or appropriate authorities.
Ransomware is on the rise, and as a computer user, you may have surely heard of this term by now. It is now a very popular form of malware that is used by malicious code writers, to infect a user’s computer and then make money, by demanding a ransom amount from the user. Whether it is Petya or Locky ransomware, every other day, we get to read about this latest emerging malware. This class of malware seems to be the favorite now as it is very profitable – with the amount earned through this malicious activity, running into millions of dollars. Lockdown user’s files and data, and then demand money to unlock them – that is the modus operandi in a line!

If your computer has been infected by the ‘usual Virus’, then this Malware Removal Guide will help you. But if you need to recover from a Ransomware attack, then read on.
What is Ransomware
Ransomware is a type of malware that is delivered through your computer system through infected email attachments, drive-by-downloads, socially engineered malware, malvertising, or unknowingly via hacked websites. Once on your system, ransomware gets to work and starts encrypting and locking down your files.
It then makes a demand to you, usually via a pop-up on your computer screen asking you to deliver a ransom in currency or by BitCoins, in exchange for a key that will unlock your inaccessible files, folders, and data.
If you do not pay the Ransomware cyber-criminals within the stipulated time, they will threaten to post your data publicly or increase the ransom payment amount. They may even threaten to erase all data and render your business computers inoperable or render the machine unbootable by overwriting the Master Boot Record.
How do you get Ransomware and how does it work
The signature-based anti-malware software may or may not be of much help. You need to fortify your defenses using one of these anti-ransomware software and/or Intrusion Detection & Prevention software, which are behavior-based. Again, there are some basic steps one can take to prevent ransomware or recover faster from it, like updating your operating system, using a good security software and regularly backing up your data offline. but in spite of all this, it can still happen that you end up being a victim of some ransomware.
How does this happen?
Well, you receive an email attachment from an unknown source and you click on it to open it. It is not something innocent as you may have thought. It could be a malicious file that could get triggered by your click, and which go on to lock down your files, or it could go on to download more malicious code, which in turn could encrypt your files and make them inaccessible or unusable.
Or you could visit a hacked website, which even its owner may not be aware of. You may or may not click on anything – simply visiting it may trigger a malicious Trojan download, which could download and deliver a payload, that could go on to infect your system.
Then again, online advertising networks can get compromised and the network owner may not even know about it. You visit a clean legitimate website that serves this seemingly innocent ad and you click on it – and BAM – action could be initiated which downloads malicious code to your Windows PC.
Using cracked software, software key generators, P2P networks, can potentially infect your computer. Even using a ransomware-infected USB could infect your computer.
How do I know if I am infected with Ransomware?
You know that you are a victim of ransomware when you find that your files, images & data have been encrypted and you are unable to open the files. In addition to this, you could frequently get to see a popup screen asking you to pay a ransom, or face deletion of your files.
This is where having backups can help! If you have backed up your files, you could simply ignore the warnings, format and clean install your Windows OS and restore your backed-up files.
Other tell-tale signs you can see is if you find that your security software has been disabled or rendered ineffective, your System Restore or Startup Repair has been disabled or if some critical Windows Services like Windows Update, Background Intelligent Transfer Service, WinDefend, Windows Shadow Copies have been disabled.
What to do after a Ransomware attack
In case you find that your computer has been locked by ransomware, you should take the following steps:
1] If your computer is part of a network, remove the infected system from the network
2] If you wish, you can create a copy of your disk or the impacted files for analysis later on., which may be needed for the decryption of files.
3] If you have a healthy system restore point, see if you can go back and see if that works for you.
4] If you have recent backups of your data, even better. Format and clean reinstall Windows and restore your backed-up data to make a fresh start.
5] See if you can use the Shadow Volume Copy Service feature to recover older versions of the files. Freeware ShadowExplorer may make things easier.
6] Boot into Safe Mode and run your antivirus software deep-scan and hope that it is able to disinfect your computer. Chances are it won’t, but no harm in trying.
7] Next, identify the Ransomware which has infected your computer. For this, you may use a free online service called ID Ransomware.
8] If you are able to identify the ransomware, check if a ransomware decrypt tool is available for your type of ransomware. Then take the help of one of these ransomware decryptor tools which are presently available.
9] If the Ransomware totally blocked access to your computer or even restricted access to select important functions, use Kaspersky WindowsUnlocker as it can clean up a ransomware-infected Registry, and gives you access back.
10] Maybe you want to take the help of CryptoSearch, a free tool that identifies Ransomware-encrypted files & then transfers them to a new location for safekeeping.
11] While it is easy to recommend not paying the cyber-criminals if your data is critical and you have no choice but to have access to it back, paying the ransom is the only option you have. Many have done this, unfortunately – although they do not like to acknowledge this publicly. But this is the hard fact of life. So you or your organization will have to take a call on this. In any case, you may want to also alert the cyber law enforcement authorities in your country.
12] Finally, remember to report your ransomware case to your local cybercrime cell, police authorities, or the FBI. This link will tell you where you can report ransomware.
Once you have decrypted the files and removed the ransomware, you may use RansomNoteCleaner to remove the Ransomware Notes & other residual junk left behind.
All the best.