CADはコンピュータ支援設計を意味します。それは多くの専門家にとって必要であり、他の多くの専門家にとっては追加の利点です。CADソフトウェア製品は、想像力の2次元および3次元のデザインを作成するのに役立ちます。Windows 11/10CADソフトウェアをお探しの場合は、この記事をお読みください。
- スカルプトリス
- OpenSCAD
- FreeCAD
- Sketchup
- LibreCAD
- 3Dビルダー
- 3Dスラッシュ。
2] OpenSCAD
OpenSCADは、機械部品を設計したい人のために特別に設計されたCADソフトウェアです。(CAD)これは、他のほとんどの無料の3Dモデリングソフトウェア製品では失敗することです。他の無料のCAD製品では、構造ではなく芸術的な印象を作成できます。さらに、彼らはスクリプトファイルを読み通し、多くのステップを変更するのは簡単ではありません。これは、機械設計の専門家には役立ちません。OpenSCADは任意のステップでの変更を可能にし、特定の角度で構造を作成します。OpenSCAD の詳細については、こちら(here)をご覧ください。
3] FreeCAD
4] Sketchup
5] LibreCAD
7] KiCAD
3D Builderは、専門家向けでもデザイン学生向けでもありません。このソフトウェアは、クリックした画像を3Dモデルに変換したい3Dモデリング愛好家向けです。これを使用して、画像を背景から分離し、デザインに使用できます。さらに、あなたはあなたの名前であなたのデザインに透かしを入れて、あなたが好きなようにそれを使うことができます。このソフトウェアは、 MicrosoftStore(Microsoft Store)からダウンロードできます。
3D Slashソフトウェアは、学校の生徒のために特別に作成されています。このソフトウェアを使用すると、シンプルなデザインから洗練されたデザインを作成できますが、プロのデザインは作成できません。アプリにはオンラインバージョンとオフラインバージョンがあり、両方を相互に同期できます。これはチームでのオンライン学習に使用でき、この機能は、封鎖のように、子供が学校に来られないときに学校が使用する場合に使用できます。習得は非常に簡単で、初心者の方はこのソフトウェアを試してみる必要があります。3D Slash(Slash)の詳細については、公式Webサイトをご覧ください(here)。
次を読む(Read next):無料の3D印刷ソフトウェア(Free 3D Printing Software)。
Best free CAD software for Windows 11/10 to make modeling easier
CAD means computer-aided design. It is a necessity for many professionals while an added advantage for many others. CAD software products help in creating 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional designs of your imagination. If you are searching for the best free CAD software for Windows 11/10, read this article.
Free CAD software for Windows 11/10
Usually, CAD software products are very expensive. However, since most of the applications of such software are by companies, they can afford it. The same isn’t true for students and self-employed professionals. In case you are one of them, you can use a free CAD software. These products are sufficient for most designs. Here are the best free CAD software products that can be downloaded from the internet:
- Sculptris
- OpenSCAD
- FreeCAD
- Sketchup
- LibreCAD
- 3D Builder
- 3D Slash.
1] Sculptris
Sculptris comes from the word sculptures. It is an excellent tool for 3D-modelling. The tool is especially for those who are mere beginners and know nothing about computer-aided drawing. You can bring your imagination to reality by using Sculptris easily. However, the models that are created through Sculptris are pretty basic. You would need other products to refine the design. In case you are a student or a self-employed professional, this software is perfect for you. Read more about this product on its official website here.
2] OpenSCAD
OpenSCAD is a CAD software specifically designed for those who wish to design machine parts. This is something that most other free 3D modeling software products fail at. Other free CAD products will allow you to create artistic impressions and not structures. Even more, they read through a script file and it isn’t easy to change many steps. This isn’t helpful for machine designing professionals. OpenSCAD allows changes at any step and creates structures at specific angles. Check more about OpenSCAD here.
3] FreeCAD
FreeCAD is a software for those who wish to design machines, tools, buildings, etc. Now, as an amateur architect, you would definitely have a lot of ideas in your mind, but bringing them out in the form of a model would need expensive software. Not anymore since FreeCAD allows users to create excelling designs for free. Find out more on the official website here.
4] Sketchup
Sketchup is a user-friendly computer-aided designing software. While the software has a paid version, the free one is more than sufficient. It allows up to 10GB of online storage. The software is a web-based one and that makes it unique. All your files, documents, models, and projects are stored online. The software is quite professional and can be used by both individuals and small companies. Its scope is quite extensive. You can even plan cities using this software. To know more about this amazing software, check its website here.
5] LibreCAD
Libre products were designed to be a rival to similar products made by popular software brands, except that these Libre products are free of cost. Just like LibreOffice, LibreCAD is also quite popular. The software is just like AutoCAD, powerful, full of features, but you won’t have to shell a penny for it. The software is managed by a community of experts and is updated regularly so you get the best of the best. Check more about LibreCAD here.
QCAD is another open-source CAD software like LibreCAD, except that its scope is limited to 2-Dimensional drawings. However, this is one of the best software products for 2D drawings. The QCAD software is developed and maintained by a community of experts. This software is pretty sophisticated and you might need to learn it before using it. Basically, QCAD isn’t meant for students. The software is for experts who understand 2-Dimensional CAD very well and want to build sophisticated designs. Learn more about QCAD here.
7] KiCAD
While most CAD software products in this list are good for machine drawing and creating artistic impressions, one exceptional software is KiCAD which helps in designing electronic circuits. This allows you to design simple to complex PCBs. KiCAD permits color coding, 3D viewing, schematic capture, etc. This software is simply.perfect for anyone willing to design PCBs. Check more on the main website here.
8] 3D Builder
![Best free CAD software for Windows 10 to make modeling easier](
The 3D Builder is neither for professionals nor for design students. The software is for 3D modeling enthusiasts who want to convert pictures clicked by them into 3D models. You can use it to separate the image from the background and use it for your design. Even more, you can watermark your design with your name and use it as you please. This software could be downloaded from the Microsoft Store.
9] 3D Slash
![3D Slash](
The 3D Slash software is specially created for school students. This software allows creating simple to sophisticated designs, however, not professional ones. The app has an online and offline version and both can be synchronized with each other. It can be used for online learning in teams and the feature can be used by schools use when children cannot come to schools, as in a lockdown. It is very easy to learn and if you are a beginner, this software is a must-try. Check more about 3D Slash on its official website here.
Read next: Free 3D Printing Software.