モノの(Things)インターネット(Internet)とは何ですか?それについて新しいことは何もありません。あなたは過去何年もそれと一緒にいました。ご想像のとおり、インターネット(Internet)の最も一般的な形式は、人間同士の相互作用です。これは、 Human(Human) to Human Internet(H2H )と呼ぶことができます。多くのH2Hインタラクション/インターネットを見ると、物、つまりマシンで構成された散在するインターネットが見つかります。(Internet)散在しているとは、それぞれが独自のネットワークを持ついくつかの分散型施設を意味します。これがここで取り上げる内容です–モノのインターネット(Internet of things)!
約10年前に話したとき、それは主に人間間の相互作用でした–電子メール、チャットルーム、およびメッセージボード。主な「インターネット用のもの」(“things for the Internet”)は、コンピューターとモデムでした。それは、他の人が読んで理解するために自分の「思考」を入力(入力)する人間でした。または、コンピューター用語で言うことができます。人間は、他の脳が処理するための情報または生データを入力するために使用されていました。 基本的に、インターネットは2Kまではコンピューターの一部でした(Basically, the Internet was a part of computers until 2Ks)。

2000年代とは異なり、それは自分たちの間や人間と相互作用する「もの」です。鳥の眺めは、ターミネーター(Terminator)映画で紹介されたスカイネットを提供します。(SkyNet)それはただの機械であり、人間の頻繁な介入なしにそれ自体で動作するものです。それは、すべての異なる散在するネットワークを組み合わせて、それらを地球全体に広がる1つの広大なネットワークとして表示する場合です。マシンツーマシン通信(M2M)(Machine to Machine communication (M2M))とも呼ばれ、マシンからマシンへ、場合によってはマシンから人間への通信を容易にするシステムです。
今すぐ購入できるIoTデバイスとガジェットのいくつかをご覧ください。(Take a look at some of the IoT Devices & Gadgets that you can buy now.)
モノのインターネット(Internet)では、入力にアクセスできるチップ(テキスト/グラフィック/オーディオ)を備え、それを他の事前に決定されたマシン/サーバーに送信することができます。モノのインターネット(Internet)またはマシン(Machine)ツーマシン(Machine)インタラクション(M2M )でアクティブオブジェクトとしての資格を得るには、エンティティ/モノは次のこと(Things)ができる必要があります。
- データのキャプチャ(Capture Data)–画像、音声、ビデオ、緯度/経度/標高などの物理的/化学的データ、湿度などの化学的データ、または一部またはすべてのタイプの組み合わせにすることができます
- データの送信(Transmit Data)–ほとんどの場合、送信は中央サーバーまたはサブ中央サーバーに送信されます。インターネット(Internet)を介して有線または無線で接続できます
- リアルタイムである必要があります(Should be Real-Time)–少しの遅延は許容されますが、結果を大幅に変更するほど遅くすることはできません)
- 低またはセルフパワーである必要があります–(Should be Low or Self-Powered – )センサー/モノが太陽エネルギーまたは外部熱を使用して、動作を継続するのに十分な充電を維持する場合は問題ありません
- IPアドレスが必要–(Should have an IP address –)インターネット上(Internet)のすべてのものにIPアドレスがあります。
モノ(Things)のインターネット(Internet)は特定のエンティティではありません。それはすでに私たちの周りにあります。それは私たちの周りにありました。最近の話題はビッグデータ(Big Data)に関するもの(Things)であり、モノのインターネット(Internet)がその主なリソースとなっています。そのため、人々はモノのインターネット(Internet)について知りたいと考え(Things)ています。私に関する限り、監視の問題を除いて、モノのインターネットの否定的な例は見当たりませんでした。(Internet)今では誰もが電話を所有しており、それを使用してあなたを追跡することができます。GPSを無効にしても、携帯電話のSIM(インターネット上のもの)(Internet)物事の)あなたの動きを追跡するために使用できる信号を送信し続けます。
また、 GPS(GPS –)をオフにするオプションを無効にする未来もあります。政府がNSA PRISMなどを進めている方法を考えると、これ以外に、物事を害するように設計することができます。たとえば、車両には小さな爆弾が取り付けられており、特定の速度に達したときやブレーキをかけたときにトリガーされます。小さいので気づきません。これは奇妙に聞こえます。この段階では不可能ですが、マシンを自己認識して、すべてのネットワークを相互接続し、1つの巨大なターミネーターのスカイネット(映画)を提供することができます。繰り返しになりますが、それはフィクションであり、この問題に関する本と映画がたくさんあります。(This will sound weird. Though impossible at this stage, could be self-awareness of the machines so that they interconnect all the networks to give you one huge Skynet of Terminator (the movie). Again, that is fiction, and we have plenty of books plus movies on the issue.)今のところ、腕時計にあるものが脈拍数を監視することができます。それが下がったり高くなったりした場合、年齢に応じて指示を与えることができます。
読む(Read):IOT FAQ
モノのインターネットの危険性に関するこの投稿も読むことをお勧めします。(You might want to also read this post on the Dangers of the Internet of Things.)
画像ソースと参考資料:(Image Source & Further Reading:) IBMビッグデータハブ。
What is Internet Of Things - Introducing the SkyNet!
What Is the Іntеrnet Of Things? There is nothing new about it. You have been with it for the past many years. The most common form of the Internet as you cаn imagine is hυman-to-human interaсtion. That сan be called Human to Human Internet (H2H). If you look at the many H2H interactions/internet, you’ll disсover а scattered Internet that is comprised of things – or rather, machines. By sсattered, I mean several decentralized establishments – еach with its own network(s). This is what wе’ll cover here – Internet of things!
When talking about some 10 years ago, it was mostly interactions among humans – emails, chat rooms, and message boards. The main “things for the Internet” were a computer and a modem. That was humans keying in (input) their “thoughts” for others to read and understand. Or we can say in computer terminology: humans used to input information or just raw data for other brains to process. Basically, the Internet was a part of computers until 2Ks.

What Is the Internet of Things (IoT)
Unlike the 2000s, it is “Things” interacting among themselves and with humans. A bird’s view gives you the SkyNet they introduced in the Terminator movie. It is just machines, the things, operating on their own without any frequent intervention of humans. That is when you combine all the different, scattered networks to view them as one vast network spanning the entire globe! Also known as Machine to Machine communication (M2M), it is a system facilitating communication more of from machine to machine and sometimes from machine to human.
When we talk about the Internet of things, we talk about input by machines, processing of information by machines and consumption of data – too – by machines. The results can go to humans – only when required else it is machines that take care of different actions based on the output of analysis (processing) – such as maintenance of cooling in a nuclear reactor. Or it could be as simple as triggering an alarm for humans or other machines to take action.
For example, a chip attached to an object, if moved, triggers an alarm that causes other machines to trigger some action that in turn activates other machines or alerts a human. This could be a case of a GPS chip on a stationary object that if moved, sends signals to a central server that calculates the location of the stationary object and as a result, triggers shutdown of the compound whereby electro-mechanical doors close on their own without humans having to rush and close them. You must have heard of such processes – the GPS anti-theft mechanism for static objects!
Take a look at some of the IoT Devices & Gadgets that you can buy now.
What are The “Things” in the Internet of Things
In the Internet of things, anything with a chip capable of accessing input – text/graphic/audio and sending it to some other pre-determined machine/server with or without processing at its own end is a thing. To qualify as an active object in the Internet of Things or Machine to Machine interaction (M2M), the entity/thing should be able to:
- Capture Data – Can be an image, audio, video, physical/chemical data such as latitude/longitude/elevation, chemical data such as humidity, or a mix of some or all types
- Transmit Data – in most of cases, transmission is directed to a central server or sub-central server; can be wired or wireless over the Internet
- Should be Real-Time – a little delay is acceptable but should not be much slower as to alter the results significantly)
- Should be Low or Self-Powered – it is okay if the sensor/thing uses solar energy or external heat to maintain charge enough to keep working
- Should have an IP address – Everything on the Internet has an IP address.
These “things” cannot be an exemption. If they don’t have an IP address, they’re not on the Internet and hence, not part of the Internet. Take a farm for example. The owner attaches sensors to each of his cattle and other items of importance on his farm. He then uses a computer or phone to determine the location and well-being of the “things” (which, in this case, are his cattle). This is the smallest example I could come up with for the Internet of Things. This should give you an idea of how the Internet of Things would look when taken up, on a greater scale such as an intercontinental service!
Is Internet Of Things Good Or Bad
The Internet of Things is not a particular entity. It is already all around us. It has been around us. The buzz these days is about Big Data, and the Internet of Things has been the main resource for that. That is why people are now interested in knowing about the Internet of Things. As far as I am concerned, I could not see any negative example for the Internet of things except for the surveillance issue. Everyone now owns a phone, and that can be used to track you. Even if you disable GPS, your mobile phone SIM (the thing in the Internet of things) keeps sending signals that can be used to trace your movements.
I also see a future that disables the option of turning off GPS – given the way our governments are moving ahead with NSA PRISM, etc. Other than this, things can be designed in a way to harm. For example, a tiny bomb is attached to your vehicle that is triggered when you reach a specific speed or employ brakes. Since they are tiny, you cannot notice it. This will sound weird. Though impossible at this stage, could be self-awareness of the machines so that they interconnect all the networks to give you one huge Skynet of Terminator (the movie). Again, that is fiction, and we have plenty of books plus movies on the issue. As of now, a thing on your wristwatch can keep an eye on your pulse rate. If it drops or goes high, it can give you instructions – depending upon your age.
Further, it can trigger alarm signals if you do not respond and send your location coordinates to pre-fed phone numbers so that you can get help. A server in a vehicle company knows the whereabouts of all its vehicles and thus, can direct the nearest vacant vehicle from a place to go pick up someone in need of transport by directing an automated phone call to the vehicle. It can also analyze the movements of vehicles and speed to note down erratic drivers. Plenty of examples exists as options. More than anything, the statisticians are happy as they can lay their hands on much more data with this. They get better data and hence, more accurate predictions!
The Internet of Things: My Conclusion
The Internet of things can be used for practically anything as it requires cheap hardware and can be easily implemented anywhere. Contrary to the 90s and 2000 where the Internet was more of a luxury and art of computer systems, computers are now just “things” on the Internet! A decade back you were just a consumer of the Internet, now you play the role of a resource as well! Isn’t your data: your personal profile, your card details, your favorite topics, and much more information available or stored somewhere on the many servers of the Internet?
You might want to also read this post on the Dangers of the Internet of Things.
Image Source & Further Reading: IBM BIG DATA HUB.