岩の下に住んでいない場合(おそらくそうではないでしょう)、FaceSwapアプリについて聞いたことがあるでしょう。これらのアプリのおかげで、ソーシャルメディアはフェイススワッピング(Face Swapping)の写真で賑わっています。世界中の人々がトレンドに参加し、楽しみを分かち合いたいと思っているからです。今まで試したことがない方は、ぜひお試しください。では、そもそもフェイススワップアプリとは何ですか?(Face Swap)基本的には、自分の顔を他の人や他の人と交換できるアプリです。最終結果はほとんど陽気です。しかし、あなたはそれを正しくしなければなりません。
インターネットはそのようなアプリで溢れています。ただし、すぐに圧倒される可能性があります。これらの数千のアプリの中から、どれを選びますか?さて(Well)、それは私があなたに伝えようとしているところです。この記事では、 AndroidとiPhoneの両方に最適な8つのフェイススワップ(Swap)アプリについて説明します。それぞれの詳細な説明を共有します。それで、あまり苦労せずに、記事を続けましょう。読んで。
AndroidとiPhone用の8つのベストフェイススワップアプリ(Swap Apps)(2022)
#1. Snapchat

分かった分かった。それはフェイススワップ(Face Swap)アプリではありません、私はすでにあなたがそれを言うのを聞きます。でも我慢してください。それ自体はフェイススワップ(Face Swap)アプリではありませんが、 Snapchatは最も人気のあるソーシャルメディアネットワークの1つであり、ユーザーは単純なフィルターを使用するだけで、他の誰か(たとえば、友達)と顔を入れ替えることができます。また、フェイススワップアプリだけでなく、他のすべてのすばらしい機能にもアクセスできます。興味がない場合に備えて、新しいトレンドをすべて試す必要はありません。しかし、あなたが認めなければならないことの1つは、アプリに付属しているフェイスフィルターが非常に優れているということです。
新規または既存の写真でSnapchat(face swap filter of Snapchat on new or existing pics)のフェイススワップフィルターを使用するには、ある程度の作業が必要になることに注意してください。フェイスフィルターは、プラットフォームにある多くの機能の1つです。ただし、ご安心ください。現在インターネットで見つけることができる最高のものです。このアプリは、 Android(Android)とiOSの両方のオペレーティングシステムと互換性があります。
Download Snapchat
#2. Microsoft Face Swap

確かにブランドの紹介は一切必要ありません。実験プロジェクトを専門とする会社の部門は、あなたのためにそのようなアプリを1つ開発しました。このアプリはフェイススワップ(Face Swap)と呼ばれます。このアプリの最も便利な機能の1つは、写真から顔を抽出して、それを別の写真にスーパーインポーズできることです。角度がかなり複雑でない限り、最終結果もほとんど驚くべきものです。
Download Microsoft Face Swap
#3. FaceApp

Download FaceApp
#4. Cupace

顔(Cupace)写真は基本的に写真編集アプリです。このアプリには、 PasteFace(Paste Face)と呼ばれるすばらしい機能が付属しています。この機能を使用すると、写真から任意の顔を抽出して、他の人の顔に簡単に貼り付けることができます。Cupaceは選択した画像から顔を手動で抽出するため、この機能は非常にうまく機能します。顔の交換を行わず、代わりに選択した無生物に顔を追加する場合にも役立ちます。
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Download Cupace

MSQRDは、 (MSQRD)Facebookが所有するフェイススワップアプリです。このアプリの助けを借りて、あなたは間抜けなあなたの顔に複数のマスクをオーバーレイすることができます。これらのマスクの1つを使用すると、2人の顔をリアルタイムでステッチできます。したがって、最初に写真をアップロードする必要はありません。
Download MSQRD
#6. Face Blender

あなたが間違いなく考慮すべきもう一つのフェイススワップアプリはフェイスブレンダー(Face Blender)です。基本的には、自分の顔と好きな写真をブレンドして面白い画像を作成できるセルフィーポスタークリエーターアプリです。ユーザーインターフェイス(UI)は非常にシンプルで、ヒントやコツを学ぶのに何時間も費やさないようにしています。したがって、あなたがする必要があるのは写真をクリックすることだけです。次のステップで、その特定のテンプレートに顔をブレンドするためのテンプレートを選択します。あなたはあなたを体操選手または宇宙飛行士にすることができる何百ものテンプレートから選ぶことができます。
写真とテンプレートを選択すると、アプリはテンプレート上で自分の顔を検出します。次に、顔がフレームに収まるように、顔の向きと角度を調整します。テンプレートが十分ではなく、もっと欲しいと思う場合は、それを使用することもできます。独自のフェイススワップを作成するだけです。(Simply)それをするためにあなたがする必要があるのは絵を加えることだけです。ギャラリー(Gallery)アプリまたはカメラロール(Camera Roll)から1つを選択できます。Face Blenderは、Playストア(Play Store)で無料で入手できます。現在、iOS互換バージョンはありません。
Download Face Blender
#7. Face Swap Live

さて、前述のアプリが気に入らず、何か他のことを試したい場合でも、がっかりしないでください。別のフェイススワップアプリ–フェイススワップライブを紹介します(Swap Live)。これは、現在、最高のフェイススワップアプリの1つです。このフェイススワップアプリのユニークな点は、ユーザーがリアルタイムで友達や家族と顔を入れ替えることができるという事実です。プロセスも簡単です。あなたがしなければならないのは、カメラのフレームに入って、あなたの友人を連れて行くことだけです。アプリは、その瞬間に交換されたあなたの顔を即座に表示します。これは、静止画像のみを使用するため、市場に出回っているほとんどのアプリとは異なります。それに加えて、もちろん、顔を入れ替えてビデオを録画することもできます。覚えておいてください。あなたとあなたの友人がカメラのファインダーに完全にフィットすることが不可欠です。それはスワッピングが機能するときです。
これらの機能とは別に、ソロセルフィーにフィルターを追加することもできます。これは非常に優れています。例を挙げると、顔を子供や有名人と混同することができます。これにより、多くの場合、面白い画像やビデオが作成されます。ライブ顔交換(Face Swap Live)は現在iOS版のみのアプリです。ただし、Androidユーザーであり、このアプリを使用したい場合は、落胆しないでください。開発者は、 Android(Android)バージョンのアプリをすぐ にリリースすることを約束しました。
Download Face Swap Live
#8. Photomontage Collage

Download Photomontage Collage
また読む:(Also Read:) 評価付きのAndroid用の7つの最高のバッテリーセーバーアプリ(7 Best Battery Saver Apps for Android with Ratings)
これで、AndroidとiPhone向けの8つの最高のフェイススワップアプリについて説明しまし( 8 best face swap apps for Android & iPhone)た。この記事があなたにとって非常に価値のあるものであったことを願っています。それで、あなたはそれについてすべてを知ったので、あなたの使用の最善を尽くします。この仮想の楽しみの世界を掘り下げて、楽しみに満ちた生活を送ってください。
8 Best Face Swap Apps for Android & iPhone (2022)
If you аre not living under a rock – whiсh yoυ arе probably nоt – you have heard about Face Swap apps. Social media is buzzing with the Face Swapping pictures, thanks to these apps, as people from all over the world join the trend and want to have their share of fun. In case you have not tried it till now, it is time that уou do so. So, what іs a Face Swap app in the first place? It is basіcally an app that lets you intеrсhаnge your own face with someone else and many more. The end results are mostly hilarious. However, you must do it right.
The internet is bursting with a plethora of such apps. However, it can get overwhelming pretty quickly. From among these thousands of apps, which ones do you choose? Well, that is where I am about to tell you. In this article, you are going to know about the 8 best Face Swap apps for both Android and iPhone. I will share the detailed descriptions of each one of them. So, without much ado, let us carry on with the article. Read along.
8 Best Face Swap Apps for Android & iPhone (2022)
Below are the 8 best Face Swap apps out there on the internet today. Check them out.
#1. Snapchat

I know, I know. It is not a Face Swap app, I already hear you say it. But bear with me, please. While it is not a Face Swap app in itself, Snapchat is one of the most popular social media networks that enables its users for swapping their faces with someone else – friends, for example – just by using a simple filter. And as it is not just a face swap app, you can get access to all of its other amazing features as well. You do not have to try all the new trends in it in case you are not interested in it. But one thing you must admit is that the face filters the app comes with are quite good.
Keep in mind that to use the face swap filter of Snapchat on new or existing pics is going to take some work on your part. The face filter is one of the many features that you will find on the platform. However, rest assured, it is the best ones you can find on the internet right now. The app is compatible with both Android and iOS operating systems.
Download Snapchat
#2. Microsoft Face Swap

The brand surely does not need any introduction at all. The division of the company that specializes in experimental projects has developed one such app for you. The app is called Face Swap. One of the most useful features of the app is that you can extract a face from a picture and then superimpose it on another. The end results are mostly pretty amazing as well unless the angle is rather complicated.
You will simply need to upload the source as well as inspirational images. The Microsoft Face Swap is handling the rest of the process. This feature comes with one drawback, however. It only works one way what that means that you can only extract a face from the source picture and superimpose it on the destination picture. In case you would like to do the opposite, you will need to redo the entire process.
In addition to that, there are also a wide variety of other features that are pretty good. The face swap face lets you choose another image from the stock photos rather than only another image of yours. Not only that, but annotation tools are also available for adding texts over the picture. The app comes with free of charge and too, without ads, adding to its benefits.
Download Microsoft Face Swap
#3. FaceApp

Remember a few days earlier when Facebook got swarmed with old pictures of your friends and family, and literally everyone else? FaceApp was the face swap app that was responsible for the same. The face swap app was already popular, but ever since it has added an ageing filter on their app, their popularity has skyrocketed. Other than that, the app comes with quite a few features that many other apps do not provide at all.
How the app works is that you take a picture of yourself, and apply the features to make yourself look older, young, smile, and many more. You can change your hair colour, see how you look with spectacles and even change your gender. Machine learning and AI together work to perform the ageing filter. This, in turn, makes sure that every filter is stitched according to the needed procedure. As a result, the end result is authentic as well as an authentic picture.
The app has two versions – free and paid. The free version has limited features, and some of the features you can only access on the pro version of the app. However, even the filters available on the free version are of high-quality, and therefore you can get away with it. The app does not have any ads and comes with in-app purchases.
Download FaceApp
#4. Cupace

Cupace is basically a photo editor app. The app comes with an amazing feature they call Paste Face. With the help of the feature, you can extract any face from a picture and paste it on someone else’s without much trouble. The feature works very well since Cupace manually extracts the faces from the selected image. It is also useful if you do not want to do a face swap and instead add the face to an inanimate object of your choosing.
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The user interface of the app is simple, and it is extremely easy to use. You can learn the process within minutes, even if you are a beginner or not a tech-savvy person. You can also magnify the selected picture so that you could paste the face accurately and without mistake. After you have cropped a face, the app saves it, and then you are free to paste it on several images if you want to do so.
Download Cupace

MSQRD is a face swap app that is owned by Facebook. With the help of this app, you can overlay multiple masks on your face that are goofy. One of these masks enables you to stitch the faces of two people in real-time. Therefore, you do not even need to upload the pictures at first.
In addition to that, you can face swap videos as well as photos. That is something that makes this app particularly popular among the users. You can use photos and videos from both the rear-end as well as the front-end cameras. Other than these features, MSQRD comes with a wide range of features as well as live filters. You can and should try every single one of them for making funny clips.
The only drawback of the face swap app is that the app functions only in the live mode. What that means is that you cannot swap faces from any existing media on your smartphone at all. The app is completely free of charge, saving you money in the process as well.
Download MSQRD
#6. Face Blender

Another face swap app you should definitely consider is the Face Blender. It is basically a selfie poster creator app that lets you create funny images by blending your face with any picture you want to. The user interface (UI) is extremely simple, making sure you do not spend hours trying to learn the tips and tricks. Therefore, all you need to do is click a picture. Now, on the next step, select a template for blending your face on that particular template. You can choose from hundreds of templates that can make you a gymnast or an astronaut.
Once you choose the picture and the template, the app is going to detect your face on the template on its own. Then it is going to adjust the orientation as well as the angle of the face for it to fit into the frame. In case you think the templates are not good enough and you want more, you can have it as well. Simply create your own face swaps. To do that all you need to do is add a picture. You can choose one either from the Gallery app or the Camera Roll. The Face Blender is available for free on the Play Store. It does not have an iOS-compatible version as of now.
Download Face Blender
#7. Face Swap Live

Now, if you do not like the aforementioned apps and want to try something else, do not be disappointed. I present to you another face swap app –Face Swap Live. It is one of the best face swap apps out there right now. What makes this face swap app unique is the fact that it enables its users to swap their faces with their friends and family in real-time. The process is effortlessly simple, as well. All you have to do is come in the camera frame and take your friend with you. The app will instantly show your faces interchanged at that moment. This is unlike most of the apps out in the market as they use static images and nothing else. In addition to that, you can also record videos in it – of course, with your faces swapped. Keep in mind; it is essential that you and your friend fit perfectly in the camera viewfinder. That is when the swapping works.
Apart from these features, you can also add filters to your solo selfies which are pretty much awesome. To give you an example, you can mix up your face with any kid or even any celebrity. This results in a funny image or video more often than not. The Face Swap Live is an app currently have the iOS version only; however, if you are an Android user and want to use this app, do not be discouraged. The developers have made a promise to release the Android version of the app super soon.
Download Face Swap Live
#8. Photomontage Collage

Download Photomontage Collage
Last but definitely not the least, you can also consider Photomontage Collage when talking about face swap apps. It is basically a photo editor app that allows creating photo swap images that are of very high quality. The user interface is (UI) simple, and you would be an expert on it within minutes even if you are using it for the first time. The app is not autonomous, however, and you will have to do it manually. You can choose between two different modes – namely Wizard and Expert. These modes are basically an easy and a pro mode, to tell you the truth.
In order to create a face swap, all you need to do is upload an image first. You can do so in the Expert tab. Once it is uploaded, you are going to have to remove the face with the help of the rubber tool. Now, insert another image of your choosing, make sure to crop the face, and once you are done, move the image behind the original one so that it only shows the face. You can also adjust the area, simply pinch and zoom. That is it you are done. By now, you will have a perfect face swapped image on your app, provided you did it right. A major benefit of the app is that it puts the control back to your hands, whereas many other apps depend on algorithms during real-time face swaps. As a result, errors tend to be minimum. The app is compatible only with Android at this point. However, I expect that the developers will soon release an iOS-compatible version soon as well.
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That is all about the 8 best face swap apps for Android & iPhone. I hope the article has been of much value to you. So, now that you have known all about it put it to the best of your use. Delve into this world of virtual enjoyment and live a life filled with fun.