迅速なアプリケーション開発(Rapid Application Development)に関して言えば、Pythonは(Python)動的バインディングと動的型付けのオプションを提供するため、この点で最適であると言わざるを得ません。
ほとんどのプログラマーは、 Python(Python)の習得は非常に簡単だと言うことに注意してください。これは、他の何よりも読みやすさに重点を置いた特別な構文のみが必要なためです。さらに、開発者がPython(Python)で記述されたコードを他の言語よりもはるかに簡単に読み取って翻訳できることはよく知られています。
Pythonを使用することには複数の利点がありますが、インタプリタと標準ライブラリがすべて無料で利用できるものをお勧めします。しかし、それだけではありません。ご覧のとおり、Pythonは、 (Python)Windows、Mac、Linuxなどの主要なプラットフォームすべてで利用できるため、単一のプラットフォームに限定されていません。
- Pythonをどのように使用しますか?
- Pythonを使用する可能性が高いのは誰ですか?
初心者向けのサンプルコード(Sample codes for beginners)
- こんにちは世界
- 印刷辞書を作成する
1] Pythonはどのように使用しますか?
さて、Pythonの最も優れた点の1つは、Pythonが汎用プログラミング言語であるという事実です。はい、私たちはそれがほとんどすべての状況で可能であることを意味します、あなたがそうするならば、すべての取引の(All Trades)ジャック。(Jack)さらに、 Python(Python)はインタプリタ言語であるということを指摘しておく必要があります。つまり、コードは実行時にコンピュータで読み取り可能な形式に変換されるのではなく、実行後に変換されます。
2] Pythonを使用する可能性が高いのは誰ですか?
この言語の多目的な側面は決して過小評価されるべきではありません。NASAを見ると、 Pythonが(Python)宇宙(Space)産業で非常に人気があることに気付いていないかもしれません。これは、国際(International) 宇宙(Space)ステーションのロボノート2(Robonaut 2)に電力を供給する中央司令システムです。
ビデオゲーム(Video Games)の世界では、この言語も非常に人気があります。Activisionがそれを使用してタイトルを作成およびテストしていることを理解しています。それだけでなく、詐欺師を追跡し、彼らのトラックでそれらを停止するためにも使用されます。
人工知能は、 (Intelligence)Pythonが非常に急速に成長しているパズルのもう1つの大きなピースです。フットプリントが小さく使いやすいため、Javaや他の多くの製品と比較すると、この領域に最適です。
読む(Read):Rプログラミング言語とは何(What is the R programming language)ですか?
1] Hello World!
伝統によれば、初めてコーディングを学ぶ人は、何よりもまずHello Worldをプログラムする必要があるので、それを実行します。(Hello World)
print(‘Hello World!’)
辞書を作成する、より高度なものを見てみましょう。ご覧のとおり、 Python(Python)の辞書は順序付けられておらず、変更可能で、インデックスが付けられています。さらに、辞書には重要な値があり、中括弧を使用して記述されています。
thisdict = {
"brand": "Subaru",
"model": "Impreza",
"year": 2017
You can easily change the values of a specific item by running this code. Note that we’ve referred to the key name:
thisdict = {
"brand": "Ford",
"model": "Mustang",
"year": 1964
thisdict["year"] = 2020
プログラミングを真剣に考えているなら、 Pythonを学ぶことをお勧めします。これは、 (Python)Pythonがすでに非常に快適に繁栄しているスペースである人工知能と機械学習の台頭により、Pythonの使用が今後さらに増えるためです。
次を読む(Read next):GoogleGoプログラミング言語とは何ですか(What is Google Go Programming Language)。
What is Python programming language?
What is Python, you wonder? Well, that’s a good question, especially for those who are completely new to this. You see, Python is a high-level programming language that comes packed with integrated dynamic semantics designed mainly for app and web development.
What is Python programming language
When it comes down to Rapid Application Development, we have to say that Python is best in this regard because it offers dynamic binding and dynamic typing options.
One should note that most programmers will say Python is very simple to learn. The reason for this is because it requires just a special syntax that focuses much on readability than anything else. Furthermore, it is well known that developers are capable of reading and translating code written in Python much easier than other languages.
Now, because of the easier reading and translating, the language becomes cheaper to maintain and develop. Furthermore, collaborating with others shouldn’t be a huge problem since there is no significant barrier to language and experience.
What’s interesting about Python is its support or packages and modules, and that is a feature many Python programmers have come to live by. The support for modules and packages means programmers can design their programs in a modular style. Codes can be reused across multiple projects by simply scaling them to fit accordingly.
Not only that, but it is also possible to import and export modules with relative ease, and that is always a good thing.
There are multiple benefits of using Python, but we prefer the one where the interpreter and the standard library are all available free of cost. But that’s not all; you see, Python is not exclusive to a single platform because it is available on all the major ones, which includes the likes of Windows, Mac, and Linux.
- How do we use Python?
- Who is more likely to use Python?
Sample codes for beginners
- Hello World
- Create a print dictionary
1] How do we use Python?
OK, so one of the best things about Python is the fact that it is a general-purpose programming language. Yes, we do mean that it can in almost all situations, a Jack of All Trades if you will. Additionally, we should point out that Python is an interpreted language, and that means, the code is not translated to a readable format for computers at runtime, but rather, after.
Furthermore, the language, in truth, is viewed as a “scripting language” because it was originally designed for trifling projects. But clearly, that is no longer the case, and as such, the language has become one of the most loved in the world of programming.
2] Who is more likely to use Python?
The multipurpose aspect of this language should never be underestimated. If you take a look at NASA, you might not have realized that Python is quite popular in the Space industry. It is the central commanding system that powers the International Space Station’s Robonaut 2.
In the world of Video Games, the language is quite popular as well. We understand that Activision uses it to build and test its titles. Not only that, but it is also used to track cheaters and stop them in their tracks.
Artificial Intelligence is another big piece of the puzzle where Python is growing quite rapidly. The small footprint and ease of use make it perfect for this area when compared to the likes of Java and many others.
Read: What is the R programming language?
Sample codes for beginners
1] Hello World!
According to tradition, folks who are learning to code for the first time should program Hello World before all else, so that’s what we’re going to do.
To begin, open Python, then type the following line of code, and follow up by hitting the Enter key on your keyboard:
print(‘Hello World!’)
The end result should look like the figure below.
Let’s look at something more advanced where we will be creating a dictionary. You see, a dictionary in Python is unordered, changeable, and indexed. Furthermore, the dictionaries have key values, and they are written using the curly bracket.
2] Create a print dictionary
It’s now time to create a simple print dictionary:
thisdict = {
"brand": "Subaru",
"model": "Impreza",
"year": 2017
You can easily change the values of a specific item by running this code. Note that we’ve referred to the key name:
thisdict = {
"brand": "Ford",
"model": "Mustang",
"year": 1964
thisdict["year"] = 2020
If you are serious about programming, then we urge you to learn Python because its usage will increase even further in the future due to the rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning, a space where Python is already thriving quite comfortably.
Read next: What is Google Go Programming Language.