Firestickには、プラグイン(Plug-in)ボックスと同様の機能がありました。テレビの番組、写真、ゲーム、音楽、チャンネル、アプリをストリーミングするには、(Apps)テレビのHDMI(TVs HDMI)ポートに接続するだけで済みました。Firestickの最も重要な利点は、移動中でもお気に入りのプログラムを視聴できることです。Androidアプリの組み込みサポート、4Kストリーミング、FirestickにパックできるAlexaサポートなどの多くの機能があります。
a)ADBデバッグ(Enable ADB Debugging)を有効にする:頭字語ADBは(ADB)Android Debug Bridgeの略で、 Firestickとの通信に役立つコマンドラインツールです。ADBデバッグ(ADB Debugging)を有効にするには、設定を開いてMyFirestick(Firestick) ''を選択する必要があります。「MyFirestick 」を選択した後、戻って「開発者向けオプション」を選択し、「(Firestick)デバッグ(Debugging)」の下の「Androidデバッグ」または「USBデバッグ」をチェックして「オン」を選択します。
b)不明なソース:(Unknown Source:)不明なソースのアプリをFirestickにインストールするには、設定オプションに移動し、右上隅にある[メニュー]を選択してから[特別アクセス]を選択する必要があります。これを行った後、「不明なアプリのインストール」を選択し、APKファイルをインストールするアプリケーションを選択し、最後に「このソースから許可」オプションを「オン」に切り替えます。
2020年のFirestickに最適な19のアプリ(19 Best Apps for Firestick in 2020)
上記の手順を実行すると、 AmazonAppstoreと不明なソースの両方からアプリをインストールする準備が整います。ダウンロード可能な2020年のFirestick(Firestick)のベストアプリは以下のとおりです。
a)セキュリティのためのFirestickアプリ:(a) Firestick Apps for security:)
1. Express VPN

Express VPNアプリは、オンラインプライバシーとIDの保護を保証します。それはあなたの接続を隠し、ハッカー、インターネットサービスプロバイダー、政府、またはネット上の他の侵入者に気付かれないか見えないようにします。
多くのインターネットサービスプロバイダーは、ネットトラフィックの移動を規制し、帯域幅の混雑を減らすために、インターネットの速度を低下させています。Express VPNアプリは、この問題を回避して、バッファーフリーのエクスペリエンスからオンラインストリーマーを節約するのに役立ちます。
Express VPNは、すべての地理的制限をバイパスし、ネット上の任意のコンテンツへのアクセスを許可することで、世界中のあらゆるサーバーに接続するのにも役立ちます。
b)映画やテレビ番組用のFirestickアプリ:(b) Firestick apps for Movies and TV Shows:)
映画やテレビ番組は何百万人もの人々に見られ、インターネットユーザーの大部分を占めています。以下に示すように、 Firestick(Firestick)はこの目的に最適なアプリを支援します。
2.コディ(2. Kodi)

このアプリはAmazonAppstoreで利用できないため(Amazon Appstore)、Firestickにサイドロードする必要があります。WindowsPCからFirestickにキャストする方法(how to cast to Firestick from Windows PC)もお読みください..WindowsPCからFirestickにキャストする方法(how to cast to Firestick from Windows PC)もお読みください..ダウンロードしてインストールするのは無料です。Amazon Firestickに簡単にインストールでき、非常に安全で安全なアプリです。このアプリは、オンラインの無料映画、お好みのライブ(Live)テレビ番組を視聴するのに役立ちます。(Shows)ジェイルブレイクすれば、 Kodi(Kodi)を使用してさらに多くのプログラムを見ることができます。これは、 Appleによって課せられたソフトウェア制限の削除を意味します。これは、Androidデバイスでのroot化に似ています。
KodiアドオンとKodiビルドにアクセスするには、 Firestickをインストールする前に脱獄またはルート化する必要があります。これにより、Web上に無制限のコンテンツプールが提供される可能性があります。オールインワンアドオンを使用すると、無料の映画やテレビ番組、地方および全国のニュース、スポーツ、音楽、子供向けコンテンツ、宗教的なトピックなどを見つけることができます。
3.シネマAPK(3. Cinema APK)

4.ビーTV(4. Bee TV)

このアプリは、比較的新しいものですが、 Firestickアプリのリストで非常に人気があります。Bee TVアプリソフトウェアは、Firestickのパフォーマンスを損なうことなく、非常にスムーズに動作し、非常に高速です。選択できる映画やテレビ番組の膨大なリストは、その人気をさらに高めます。新しいものですが、 CinemaAPK(Cinema APK)などの人気のあるアプリと同等の人気と機能を備えています。
5. Cyberflix TV

Terrarium TVのシャットダウン後、これは人気を博したもう1つのアプリであり、形式と機能の両方の点でそのアプリのコピーまたはクローンであると考えられています。優れた光学系と、映画やテレビ番組の並外れたコレクションにより、全体的に優れた視聴と娯楽体験を提供します。
Webスクレイピングツール(web scraping tools)を使用して、選択したビデオへのリンクを提供します。提供されているリンクのリストから、見たいビデオを見ることができます。Cyberflixでは、 RealDebrid(Debrid)またはTraktTVアカウントから高速ストリーミングして、エンターテインメントインデックスを強化することもできます。
6. CatMouse APK

7. UnlockMyTV

Cinema HDアプリを引き継ぎ、広告を削除し、アプリをさらに改善して改修した後、開発者はアプリの名前をUnlockMyTVアプリに変更しました。Cinema HDアプリのユーザーインターフェイス機能は、この新しいリリースでもそのまま維持されました。

映画やテレビ番組の膨大なデータベースを備えたMediaBoxアプリは、 (MediaBox)Firestickアプリのリストで最も人気のあるアプリの1つです。独自のコンテンツを持たないアグリゲーターアプリであるため、新しいビデオでコンテンツを定期的に更新し続けます。優れたストリーミング品質で、最新の映画や最近放映された番組をストリーミングします。スクレーパーをすばやく簡単に再生できます。
9. TVZion

10.ティーテレビ(10. Tea TV)

11.台風TVアプリ(11. Typhoon TV app)

c)ライブTV番組用のFirestickアプリ(c) Firestick apps for Live TV programs)
12.ライブNetTV(12. Live NetTV)

13.Mobdroアプリ(13. Mobdro App)

Mobdroは、Firestickを使用してテレビ番組をライブでストリーミングしたい場合に考慮すべきもう1つのアプリです。インターネットを介してホールマークのようなケーブルテレビチャンネル(watch cable TV channels like Hallmark)を見たいこのアプリは正しい選択です。最小限のストレージスペースで、短時間でインストールできます。
14. Redbox TV

Redbox TVアプリは、米国(USA)、英国、インド(India)、およびその他の選択した多くの地域から、世界中のライブTVチャンネルの完全な範囲を提供する(Live)何百ものチャンネルを提供します。(Redbox)
15.SlingTVアプリ(15. Sling TV app)

これは、標準のケーブルTVと比較して、インターネット経由でTVを表示する非常に費用対効果の高い方法です。上記の通常のプランに加えて、追加の支払いを行うことで、選択した追加のプランを表示することもできます。これは純粋に視聴者の裁量に任されています。例:Showtime ; 非定期プランは月額$10の追加料金でご利用いただけます。特別なプランを選択したい場合、必ずしも標準パッケージを用意する必要はありません。
d)その他のアプリ(d) Miscellaneous Apps)
16.YouTubeアプリ(16. YouTube app)

YouTubeアプリは、ブラウザーを使用してFirestickで視聴することもできます。GoogleIDを使用して(Google ID)YouTubeアプリにログインできます。このアプリは、 YouTube(YouTube)が提供するライブTVサービスにはアクセスしません。
17.マウストグルアプリ(17. Mouse Toggle app)

18.ダウンローダーアプリ(18. Downloader App)

このアプリを使用すると、サードパーティのアプリケーションをFirestickに簡単にサイドロードできます。Amazon Storeで利用できる膨大な参照リストにもかかわらず、外部からいくつかの優れたサードパーティ製アプリが必要です。このプロセスはサイドローディングとして知られています。問題は、FirestickがWebブラウザーを介したサードパーティのアプリを許可しないことです。たとえば、サードパーティのKodiアプリを(Kodi)Firestickでダウンロードすることは許可されていません。
19.Aptoideアプリ(19. Aptoide app)

Amazon Appstoreには、 (Amazon Appstore)Firestickで利用できるアプリの膨大なリストがありますが、アプリの包括的な要件ではない場合があります。これらのアプリに加えて、 Kodi(Kodi)などのサードパーティの優れたアプリが必要になる場合があります。ただし、ダウンローダーアプリはこれを行うことができますが、 APKファイルをダウンロードするにはソースのURLが必要です。
その後、 Aptoide(Aptoide)が役立ちます。また、FirestickとAndroidアプリの膨大なリストがあり、AmazonAppstoreの代わりになります(Amazon Appstore)。ストリーミングアプリでもユーティリティツールでも、探しているアプリは何でもあります。専門(Being)的に設計されているため、アプリの検索が非常に簡単になります。
アプリ(Apps)のリストは網羅的ではありませんが、主にセキュリティ、映画(Movie)、テレビ番組、つまりエンターテインメントアプリ、そして最後にいくつかのユーティリティアプリに限定して説明します。多くの新しいアプリのテストは進行中のプロセスであり、 (Testing)Firestickの使用をうまく案内することが次のリストにある場合は、自分で場所を見つけることもできます。
19 Best Firestick Apps for Movies, TV Shows, & Live TV
For viewing programs on Televiѕion, we either use the services of a cablе TV operаtor or install a dish and watch TV directly usіng the Dish. In either case, we have to integrate the inpυt signal with the TV through a set-toр box or a plug-in box. With technological adνancement, the plug-inbox was rеplaced by a plug-in stick called Firestick.
The firestick had functions similar to the Plug-in box. It merely had to be plugged into the TVs HDMI port for streaming shows, photos, games, music, channels, and Apps on TV. The most significant advantage of a Firestick is that you can watch your favorite programs even when on the move. There are a lot of features like the in-built support for Android apps, 4K streaming, and Alexa support which can be packed into the Firestick.
The Appstore on Firestick is, however not very conducive to the addition of new apps, but that does not in any way hinder us from getting nice and astonishing apps on our own. Some of the apps are available on Amazon Appstore, and for more; we would have to sideload apps from any other third-party Appstore.
To sideload third-party apps on the firestick we have to change the following setting as indicated below:
a) Enable ADB Debugging: The acronym ADB stands for Android Debug Bridge, which is a command-line tool that helps communicate with the Firestick. To enable ADB Debugging, we have to open settings and select My Firestick’’. After selecting ‘My Firestick’ go back and select ‘Developer options’ and check ‘Android debugging’ or ‘USB debugging’ under ‘Debugging and select ‘On’.
b) Unknown Source: To install apps from unknown sources on the firestick we have to go to the setting option and select ‘Menu’ at the upper-right corner & then choose ‘Special access’. After having done this, pick ‘Install unknown apps’ and choose the application you are installing the APK file from, and finally toggle the ‘Allow from this source’ option to ‘On’.
19 Best Apps for Firestick in 2020
Having undertaken the above steps, you are ready to install apps both from Amazon Appstore and an unknown source. The Best Apps for Firestick in 2020 available for downloading are list below:
a) Firestick Apps for security:
1. Express VPN

The Internet has become almost analogous to the air we breathe, as it has become next to impossible to think of a world without it. With so many people on the internet, there is always a lurking fear of someone spying on us.
Express VPN app guarantees online privacy and protection of your identity. It conceals your connection and makes it unnoticeable or invisible to the hackers, the internet service providers, the government, or other encroachers on the net.
Many internet service providers, to regulate the net traffic movement and reduce bandwidth congestion cut down the speed of the internet. Express VPN app helps bypass this issue to save from buffer-free experience to the online streamers.
Express VPN also helps to connect to any server anywhere in the world by-passing all geo-restrictions and giving access to any content on the net.
b) Firestick apps for Movies and TV Shows:
Movies and TV shows are watched by millions of people and form a big chunk of internet users. Firestick can help with the best apps for this purpose, as indicated below:
2. Kodi

This app is not available on Amazon Appstore, so it has to be sideloaded on the firestick. Also read how to cast to Firestick from Windows PC.. Also read how to cast to Firestick from Windows PC.. It is free to download and install. It installs easily on the Amazon Firestick and is a very safe and secure app. This app helps to watch online free films, Live TV Shows of your choice. You can watch many more programs using Kodi if you jailbreak, implying removal of software restrictions imposed by Apple, which is similar to rooting on an android device.
You will need to jailbreak or root your Firestick before you install it to have access to Kodi add-ons and Kodi builds, which could provide an unlimited pool of contents on the web. Using the All-in-one add-ons, you can find the free film and TV shows, local and national news, sports, music, children’s contents, religious topics, etc. etc.
3. Cinema APK

This is another streaming app of Firestick which became extremely popular after terrarium TV got discontinued. Using this app, you can watch hundreds of movies and TV shows for hours on end, and still, you will never get bored with the variety of content available.
With an active team of developers backing this app, new content is immediately added as soon as it is available. Any shortcomings or bugs are immediately fixed, making it a simple and highly functional app. You will immediately connect with this app as it is very user friendly even if you are new to streaming. It is one of the best apps because of its high compatibility with your firestick remote and the TV screen.
4. Bee TV

This app has become highly popular in the list of Firestick apps despite it being relatively new. The Bee TV app software works very smoothly and is exceedingly fast, without impairing the performance of the firestick. A huge list of movies and TV shows to choose from enhances its popularity further. Despite being new, it is at par if not above in popularity and functionality with popular apps like Cinema APK, etc.
5. Cyberflix TV

After Terrarium TV shutdown this is another app that gained in popularity believed to be a copy or clone of that app both in terms of form and function. With excellent optics and an extraordinary collection of movies and TV shows, it provides an overall excellent watching and entertaining experience.
Using web scraping tools , it provides links for the videos of your choice. From the list of links provided, you can view the video you want to watch. On Cyberflix you can also fast stream from Real Debrid or Trakt TV account enhancing its entertainment index.
6. CatMouse APK

This is another app believed to be a clone, but an improvised clone of the Terrarium app with tons of movies and TV shows you would like to watch, on its list. The best part is this app sans ads, which is a very nice feature, as ads in between a movie or a TV show are very annoying, act as a disturbance and kill the interest making it boring.
An interesting feature of this app is if you want to watch any show or movie is, it asks whether to play or download with sub-titles or copy stream links.
Another feature boasts of is that you can set the CatMouse homepage to open any page of your choice. You can click to select your favorites and can automatically have your most preferred category opened. You can fast stream the account on the CatMouse APK app also.
7. UnlockMyTV

After taking over the Cinema HD app and removing the ads and refurbishing the app with more improvements, the developers launched it re-naming the app as UnlockMy TV app. The user interface feature of the Cinema HD app was kept as it is in this new launch.
Having made provision for subtitles while watching movies and TV shows, has helped maintain interest while seeing a movie even in a noisy environment. It also helped by without having to pause your viewing, in case you want to put your small baby to sleep.
8. MediaBox

MediaBox app with a huge database of movies and TV shows is one of the most popular apps in the list of Firestick apps. Being an aggregator app without any contents of its own it keeps on regularly updating its contents with new videos. With a good streaming quality, it streams the latest movies and the most recently aired shows. It ensures quick and effortless playback of its scrapers.
9. TVZion

The best feature of this app is that unlike other apps that lookup for links on the web and provide multiple streams for the requested video, this app has a straightforward interface offering one-touch/one-click play. TVZion immediately begins to play as soon as you select the Movie or TV show you want to watch.
10. Tea TV

With the discontinuation of the Terrarium app lot, many good apps came up, Tea TV is also one of them. It had started to show its presence during terrarium apps existence, but after its closure, it surfaced as an excellent app.
It is rated amongst the best firestick app with a good user interface which allows quick switch over from movies to TV shows and vice-versa. Furthermore, the firestick remote operates efficiently, smoothly, and without any hassles due to its high compatibility with the app.
The scraper quality of the app pulls from a variety of different sources and lines up a number of streams, allowing you multiple choices at a click.
11. Typhoon TV app

Needless to say, this app also owes its existence to the closure of the terrarium app. This said, it in no way reduces the importance of this app. It is one of the best apps, for on-demand viewing of any movies or TV shows. It boasts of an inventory from the oldest of the old movies and TV shows to the most prominent ones as on date.
As compared to it being lightweight, with not too heavy software it has a lot of features and works without any issues on Firestick or any other device.
c) Firestick apps for Live TV programs
12. Live NetTV

This app as per its name, can help stream live TV programs using satellite TV through the internet. It gets rid of any cord or cable connection. You can directly stream from the net. If you watch live TV on Firestick, there is no better app than this for you. This app gives you the flexibility of hundreds of channels across the globe whether, in the USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Asia, or any part of the world, you name it.
You can also have the viewership of a lot of HD channels across the world. The only issue observed is in case of a problem in the server of any transmitting station. In that case, no app will be able to stream that channel until the server problem is not resolved.
With multiple tabs and a user-friendly interface, you can view any channel of your choice like sports, TV shows, movies, news, entertainment channels, and any you can probably think of. It is a single click app, and you can view immediately any channel of your choice just by clicking on it.
13. Mobdro App

Mobdro is another app to reckon with if you want to stream a TV program live using your firestick. Want to watch cable TV channels like Hallmark over the internet this app is the right choice. It can be installed within no time with minimal use of your storage space.
A very smooth app with a user-friendly interface quickly locates the channel of your choice for immediate playback.
This app is free of cost with ad inclusion, but the premium version without any ads is available at a price. Further in-keeping with your location it offers region-specific channels also.
14. Redbox TV

The Redbox TV app brings hundreds of channels offering a complete range of Live TV channels from all across the globe from the USA, UK, India, and many other regions of your choice or beyond.
It’s a lightweight, bug-free app supported by ads. These ads need not get you worried as you can block them by just pressing the back button as the ad appears, and you will go back to your normal streaming.
It offers a lot of popular channels sacrificing on some of the premium ones. As the saying goes, ‘You can’t keep the cake and eat it too’, so some premium channels have to be sacrificed for the more popular ones. This app is, without a doubt, worth a try.
15. Sling TV app

A well known paid service Live TV app in the USA. You can install this app directly from the Amazon play store, without any need for sideloading. It offers a variety of Channels using primary service plans offering up to 50 channels, at a monthly subscription of $25.
It is, as compared to the standard cable TV, a very cost-effective way of viewing TV over the internet. Besides the regular plans as stated above, you can also view, by making extra payments, any additional plans of your choice. This is purely left to the discretion of the viewer, e.g. Showtime; a non-regular plan is available at an extra cost of $10 per month. There is, in no way, any compulsion of necessarily having a standard package if you want to go for a special plan of your choice.
Though this app limits its usage to the USA only, it can be accessed using a VPN app from anywhere in the world.
d) Miscellaneous Apps
Besides the above apps, firestick also supports certain utility apps as discussed below:
16. YouTube app

Due to certain disagreement between Amazon and Google, YouTube was not available on the Amazon store for some time, but as of now, it is available there too. It can be sideloaded using the downloader app on the firestick.
The YouTube app can also be watched on the firestick using a browser. You can sign in to the YouTube app through your Google ID. This app, it may be noted, does not access live TV service provided by YouTube.
17. Mouse Toggle app

This app is important to have on the firestick. We have seen any app that can be sideloaded on the Firestick, but not all features of many of them are compatible with the TV screen and do not work perfectly well. Some require a mouse, which is not a part of the firestick remote. These features require finger taps and other actions. This is where mouse toggle comes of help and allows the users a mouse function with the remote.
18. Downloader App

This app allows you to sideload third-party applications onto the firestick easily. In spite of a huge reference list available with Amazon Store still, some good third-party apps are required from outside. This process is known as sideloading. The problem is Firestick does not allow third-party apps through the web browser e.g. the third-party Kodi app is not allowed to be downloaded by Firestick.
In such a case downloader, with its light-duty software is used. This software allows downloading and installing the APK software files from the web on to the firestick for certain functional needs.
19. Aptoide app

Amazon Appstore has a huge list of apps available for Firestick but may not a comprehensive requirement of apps. In addition to those apps when some third party good apps may be required like Kodi, etc. However, the downloader app can do so, but it requires a URL of the source for downloading the APK file.
Aptoide then comes of help. It also has a huge list of firestick and Android apps and becomes an alternative to the Amazon Appstore. It has any app whether a streaming app or a utility tool whatever you are looking for. Being professionally designed it makes searching for any app very easy.
To conclude the topic, it would not be proper to say that the above is the all-in-all list of apps for Firestick. Twitch, Spotify, and TuneIn are some of the music, radio, and audio streaming apps, whereas Happy Chick and RetroArch are examples of gaming apps.
The list of Apps is inexhaustive, but we have limited our discussion to mainly security, Movie and TV show, i.e. entertainment apps, and lastly some utility apps. Testing of many new apps is an ongoing process, and if they usher well for the use of Firestick may be in the next list, they could also find a place for themselves.