
iPadのBluetoothモジュールをオフ(Bluetooth Module Off)にしてからオンにします
これを行うには、設定(Settings)アプリを開き、サイドバーのBluetoothをタップします。次に、 Bluetooth(Bluetooth)の横にあるスイッチをオフにします。再びオンにする前に、最大10秒待ちます。

(Keep)iPadとBluetoothデバイス(Bluetooth Device)を範囲内に(Range)保つ
次に、iPadを再起動してみてください。これを行うには、トップボタンを押したまま(Top)電源(Power)アイコンをドラッグしてiPadの電源を切ります。iPadでFaceIDを使用している場合は、(Face ID)音量( Volume Up )大ボタンと音量小(Volume Down)ボタンを次々にすばやく押して放し、上ボタンを押したままにして、[スライドして電源を切る(Slide to Power Off)]画面にアクセスします。

問題が発生しているBluetooth(Bluetooth)デバイスを再起動することもお勧めします。表示されている電源(Power)スイッチが見つかった場合は、それを使用してデバイスの電源をオフにしてから再度オンにします。具体的な手順については、ユーザーマニュアルまたはオンラインドキュメントを確認することをお勧めします。ただし、 ApplePencil(Apple Pencil)などの一部のデバイスはオフにできません。
Bluetooth関連の問題は、iPadのシステムソフトウェアと強い相関関係があります。iPadOSのいくつかの反復(通常はメジャーバージョンのアップグレード)は、Bluetooth接続で多くの問題を引き起こす可能性がありますが、 Appleはその後のポイントアップデートでそれらを迅速に解決します。
したがって 、最近のアップデート後にBluetoothがiPadで機能しなくなった場合は、新しいアップデートを確認してインストールしてみてください。これを行うには、設定(Settings)アプリを開き、 [一般(General)] >[ソフトウェアアップデート(Software Update)]に移動します。

(Disconnect)デバイスを(Reconnect Device)切断してiPadに再接続します
2.サイドバーの[ Bluetooth(Bluetooth) ]をタップします。

4. [このデバイス(Forget This Device)を削除]をタップします。

5. [デバイス(Forget Device)を削除]をタップして確認します。


他のデバイス(Devices)とのペアリングを解除して、再試行してください(Try Again)
(Avoid Sources)ワイヤレス干渉(Wireless Interference)の原因を回避する
モバイルデバイス、ネットワークルーター、厨房機器などからのワイヤレス干渉も、 Bluetooth経由(Bluetooth)で問題を引き起こす可能性があります。別の場所に移動(Move)して、違いが生じるかどうかを確認します。
サードパーティアプリの(Third-Party Apps)Bluetoothアクセス許可(Bluetooth Permissions)を有効にする


ファームウェアが古くなっていると、BluetoothデバイスがiPadに接続できなくなる可能性があります。更新に役立つ手順については、ユーザーマニュアルまたはオンラインドキュメントを参照してください。たとえば、AirPodsのファームウェアを更新する(update the firmware of the AirPods)方法は次のとおりです。
Bluetoothデバイス(Reset Bluetooth Device)を工場出荷時の設定にリセット(Factory Settings)
2.[ iPadの転送またはリセット]を(Transfer or Reset iPad)選択します。


3.[ネットワーク設定のリセット](Reset Network Settings)を選択します。


上記の修正のいずれも機能せず、 BluetoothがiPadで機能しない場合は、 (Bluetooth)Bluetoothデバイスを別のiPadに接続してみてください(可能な場合)。同じ問題が発生した場合は、障害が発生している可能性が高いため、返品することをお勧めします。ただし、問題がすべてのBluetoothデバイスに及び、システムソフトウェアの更新またはiPadのネットワーク設定のリセットが役に立たなかった場合は、iPadを工場出荷時にリセットする(factory reset your iPad)か、Appleにサポートを依頼し(contact Apple for support)てください。
Bluetooth Not Working on iPad? Try These 13 Fixes
Does your iPad hаve trouble pairing with or reconnecting to a pаrticular Bluetooth device? Or do you kеep expеriencing erratic behavior despite establishing a connection? The issue could be with your iPad, the Blυetooth device in qυestion, or both.
Minor software-related snags are the most likely reason for bluetooth not working on iPad. But rarely, outdated firmware, corrupt network settings, wireless interference, and so on can also contribute. So work your way through the list of fixes below to get Bluetooth working correctly on your iPad again.

Turn the iPad’s Bluetooth Module Off & On
It’s best to start with the most straightforward fix: turn Bluetooth off and on in your iPad. That helps restart the Bluetooth module inside, and that usually resolves most random bugs, glitches, and other anomalies.
To do that, open the Settings app and tap Bluetooth on the sidebar. Then, turn off the switch next to Bluetooth. Wait for up to 10 seconds before turning it on again.

Keep iPad & Bluetooth Device in Range
Bluetooth may boast a range of 10 meters, but the closer your iPad and the Bluetooth device are, the easier it is to connect or maintain a connection. Bluetooth doesn’t work well between walls, so don’t expect your iPad to connect to a device in the next room. For best results, keep them right next to each other.
Restart iPad & Bluetooth Device
Next up, try restarting your iPad. To do that, hold down the Top button and drag the Power icon to turn off your iPad. If your iPad uses Face ID, rapidly press and release the Volume Up and Volume Down buttons one after the other and hold down the Top button to access the Slide to Power Off screen.
After shutting down your iPad, wait for up to 20 seconds before holding down the Top button to turn it back on.

It’s also a good idea to restart the Bluetooth device posing the issue. If you can locate a visible Power switch, use it to turn the device off and then back on. You may want to check its user manual or online documentation for specific instructions. However, some devices—such as the Apple Pencil—can not be turned off.
Recharge the Bluetooth Device
A Bluetooth device with little to no charge remaining can end up causing all sorts of connectivity issues. Try topping it up before your next attempt at reconnecting it with your iPad.
Check For Compatibility With Your iPad
If you’re trying to connect a Bluetooth device with your iPad for the first time, it’s best to confirm that it’s compatible. Its user manual or online documentation can help you with that.
Compatibility issues affect both first and third-party devices. For example, you can’t pair a 1st-generation Apple Pencil with an iPad Pro (2018) or later.
Update Your iPad’s System Software
Bluetooth-related issues have a strong correlation with the iPad’s system software. Some iterations of iPadOS (usually major version upgrades) can create lots of problems with Bluetooth connectivity, but Apple is quick to resolve them with subsequent point updates.
So if Bluetooth started not working on your iPad after a recent update, try checking for and installing newer updates. To do that, open the Settings app and go to General > Software Update.

Disconnect and Reconnect Device to iPad
If you have trouble connecting to a device you’ve previously paired with, you might be dealing with a corrupt Bluetooth cache. Disconnecting and reconnecting the device might resolve the issue.
1. Open the Settings app on your iPad.
2. Tap Bluetooth on the sidebar.
3. Tap the Info icon next to the problematic Bluetooth device.

4. Tap Forget This Device.

5. Tap Forget Device to confirm.

5. Hold down the pairing button on the Bluetooth device. Once it shows up again within the Bluetooth settings on your iPad, tap it to repeat the pairing process.

Unpair From Other Devices and Try Again
The Bluetooth device may have connectivity limits that prevent it from joining your iPad. So disconnect it from any other devices you’ve paired it with before trying again.
Avoid Sources of Wireless Interference
Wireless interference from mobile devices, network routers, kitchen equipment, and so on can also cause problems over Bluetooth. Move to a different location and check if that makes a difference.
Enable Bluetooth Permissions for Third-Party Apps
If you can connect a Bluetooth device to your iPad but have trouble getting it to work with a specific app, you must check your privacy settings to determine if the app has permission to use Bluetooth.
1. Open the Settings app and select Privacy on the sidebar.
2. Select Bluetooth.

3. Turn on the switch next to any app that needs permission to work with a device over Bluetooth.

Update the Bluetooth Device’s Firmware
Outdated firmware can prevent a Bluetooth device from connecting with your iPad. Refer to its user manual or online documentation for any instructions to help you update it. For example, here’s how to update the firmware of the AirPods.
Reset Bluetooth Device to Factory Settings
Try resetting your Bluetooth device to factory settings. Again, the device’s user manual or online documentation is the best place to start.
Reset Network Settings on iPad
Corrupt network settings on the iPad can also play a role, so your next course action should be to reset them. Unfortunately, the procedure wipes all saved Wi-Fi networks and Bluetooth pairings, so you must reconnect to everything afterward.
1. Open the Settings app and select General on the sidebar.
2. Select Transfer or Reset iPad.

2. Select Reset.

3. Select Reset Network Settings.

4. Enter your iPad’s device passcode.
5. Select Reset to confirm.

What Else Can You Do?
If none of the fixes above worked and Bluetooth is still not working on iPad, try connecting the Bluetooth device to another iPad (if possible). If the same issue occurs, it’s likely faulty, so you may want to return it. However, if the problem extends to all Bluetooth devices and updating the system software or resetting your iPad’s network settings didn’t help, factory reset your iPad or contact Apple for support.