
コストの観点から(Ecobee)NestとEcobeeを比較すると、明確な勝者はありません。Nest LearningThermostatとEcobeeSmartThermostat (両方のモデルの最上位バージョン)はどちらもそれぞれ250ドルです。絶対的な最高のパフォーマンスをお探しの場合は、これらのモデルのいずれかが最適です。
一方、少しお金を節約したい場合は、スマートな機能を備えているがそれほどコストがかからないローエンドモデルを選ぶことができます。たとえば、Googleは最近NestThermostatの新しいモデルを(new model of the Nest Thermostat)リリースしました。学習機能がなく、それほどスマートではありませんが、130ドルもかかります。

Ecobeeのフロントでは、再生品のEcobee4を190ドルで購入するかEcobee4 for $190 Ecobee3Liteを(Ecobee3 Lite)170ドルで購入できます。繰り返しになりますが、これらは両方ともハイエンドモデルの機能を欠いていますが、サーモスタットと家の温度のベースラインスマートコントロールを提供します。
勝者:ネクタイ(Winner: Tie)

Nestによると、サーモスタットは1年間で暖房費を最大12%、冷房費を15%節約できます。一方、Ecobeeは、 (Ecobee)SmartThermostatが年間のエネルギーコストを最大23%節約できる と主張しています。
Ecobee SmartThermostat
Ecobee SmartThermostatは、 (Ecobee SmartThermostat)Bluetoothのおかげで、Spotifyや音楽を携帯電話から直接ストリーミング(stream Spotify)するために使用できます。スピーカーはオーディオファンを感動させることはありませんが、バックグラウンドノイズを発生させるのは悪い方法ではありません。また、HomeKitと連携し、ハンズフリー通話およびインターコムデバイスとして機能し、 (works with HomeKit)Eco+のおかげでルーチンを学習して適応します。

Ecobee SmartThermostatには、ボックスに(Ecobee SmartThermostat)SmartSensorも含まれています。SmartSensorは、別の部屋に配置してサーモスタットにリンクできるリモート占有および温度センサーです。このように、家の中に他の部屋と決して一致しない部屋がある場合、サーモスタットはその部屋を同じように快適に保つために出力を自動的に調整できます。
ネストラーニングサーモスタット(Nest Learning Thermostat)
Nest Learning Thermostatには、 EcobeeSmartThermostatと同じ機能が多数あります。電力を節約するために離れている間は自動的にオフになり、 GoogleHomeアプリ(Google Home app)を介してどこからでも制御できます。また、温度が急激に上昇または下降した場合、またはHVACシステムの問題を検出した場合にもアラートを提供します。

Nest Learning Thermostatは、HVACシステムの95%と互換性があり、NestTemperatureSensor(Nest)とも連携します(Sensor)。このセンサーは、サーモスタット自体とは別の部屋にある家の温度を監視するために使用できます。もちろん、NestLearningThermostatはスマートスピーカーから制御することもできます。
勝者:Ecobee(Winner: Ecobee)
Nest LearningThermostatとEcobeeSmartThermostatはどちらも、美学を念頭に置いて設計されています。Nest Learning Thermostatは円形で、回転ベゼルを使用して手動で温度を制御できます。シンプルでエレガントなデザインです。

Ecobee SmartThermostat(Ecobee SmartThermostat)は、丸みを帯びたエッジと忙しい中央ディスプレイを備えた、より正方形のデザインになっています。ネストサーモスタット(Nest Thermostat)より少し大きいですが、より未来的な外観になっています。外部ベゼルはありませんが、設定を制御するために使用されるタッチスクリーンがあります。
勝者:同点(Winner: Tied)
メインラインのスマートサーモスタットはどちらも強力なオプションであり、あらゆる家庭の快適さを向上させることができます。ただし、Ecobee SmartThermostatは、1ドル単位でより多くの機能と価値を提供します。
3つの主要なスマートホームプラットフォーム(smart home platforms)すべてと広く互換性があり、 NestLearningThermostatとは一線を画す幅広い機能を提供します。Ecobee SmartThermostat(Ecobee SmartThermostat)には、家の快適さのレベルをより適切に調整するのに役立つ学習機能もあります。
最終的に、Ecombeeは(Ecombee)NestLearningThermostatのほぼ2倍の節約になると予測されています。他のすべての機能と考慮事項が取り除かれると、特に家に他のEcobeeデバイス がある場合は、EcobeeSmartThermostatが明らかに勝者になります。(Ecobee SmartThermostat)
Nest Vs Ecobee Smart Thermostats: Which Is Better?
Neѕt and Ecobee are the two biggest names in the smart thermostat arena. Іn fact, you would be hard-pressed to find a thermostat that wasn’t one of these two.
Both brands offer numerous advantages and benefits, but which one is actually the better option–and which one is the best fit for you?

Comparing Nest vs. Ecobee from a cost standpoint, there is no clear winner. Both the Nest Learning Thermostat and the Ecobee SmartThermostat (the top-tier versions of both models) are $250 each. If you’re looking for absolute top-of-the-line performance, either one of these models is a great pick.
On the other hand, if you want to save a bit of money, you can opt for lower-end models that still have smart features but do not cost quite as much. For example, Google recently released a new model of the Nest Thermostat. It lacks the learning features and isn’t quite as smart, but it also costs $130.

On the Ecobee front, you can purchase a refurbished Ecobee4 for $190, or an Ecobee3 Lite for $170. Again, both of these lack the features of the high-end model, but will still provide you with baseline smart control of your thermostat and your home’s temperature.
Winner: Tie
Both devices cost roughly the same amount, but each also appeals more to a slightly different audience.
The main reason someone invests in a smart thermostat is to cut down on energy costs and keep their home more consistently comfortable. While the actual energy savings will vary from model to model, both Nest and Ecobee provide estimated savings.

According to Nest, thermostats can save up to 12 percent on heating bills and 15 percent on cooling bills over the course of a year. On the other hand, Ecobee claims that the SmartThermostat can save up to 23 percent on annual energy costs.
While both of these figures should be taken with a grain of salt (as they are both marketing ploys with a huge number of variables), there are other benefits to consider between the two devices, too.
Ecobee SmartThermostat
The Ecobee SmartThermostat can be used to stream Spotify as well as music directly from your phone thanks to Bluetooth. The speaker won’t impress an audiophile, but it’s not a bad way to have some background noise. It also works with HomeKit, functions as a hands-free calling and intercom device, and learns and adapts to your routine thanks to Eco+.

The Ecobee SmartThermostat also includes a SmartSensor in the box. The SmartSensor is a remote occupancy and temperature sensor that can be placed in a different room and linked to the thermostat. This way, if you have a room in your home that never matches the rest of the house, the thermostat can automatically adjust its output to keep that room just as comfortable.
Nest Learning Thermostat
The Nest Learning Thermostat has many of the same features as the Ecobee SmartThermostat. It will automatically turn itself down while you’re away to conserve power, and you can control it from anywhere through the Google Home app. It will also provide alerts if the temperature rises or drops rapidly or if it detects a problem with the HVAC system.

The Nest Learning Thermostat is compatible with 95 percent of HVAC systems, and it also works with the Nest Temperature Sensor. This sensor can be used to monitor the temperature in the home in a different room than the thermostat itself is in. Of course, the Nest Learning Thermostat can also be controlled through a smart speaker.
Winner: Ecobee
Ecobee takes the prize here thanks to its broader range of features and utility.
In the modern age of smart home devices, the appearance of a thermostat matters. After all, there’s no ignoring a device that sits prominently on the wall—and if you’re spending the money on an expensive thermostat, it should look better than the old square thermostats that reside in so many homes today.
Both the Nest Learning Thermostat and the Ecobee SmartThermostat were designed with aesthetics in mind. The Nest Learning Thermostat is round, with a rotating bezel that can be used to control the temperature manually. It’s a simple, elegant design.

The Ecobee SmartThermostat has a more square design with rounded edges and a busier central display. It’s slightly larger than the Nest Thermostat, but has a more futuristic look to it. There is no exterior bezel, but it does have a touchscreen that’s used to control the settings.
Winner: Tied
It is hard to declare a winner for appearance, as what appeals to someone on an individual level is highly subjective. With that in mind, know that both devices look great. Pick the one that best suits your style and tastes.
Which Is Better?
Both of the mainline smart thermostats are powerful options that can improve the comfort level of any home. However, the Ecobee SmartThermostat provides more functionality and value on a dollar-for-dollar basis.
It’s widely compatible with all three major smart home platforms and provides a wide range of functionality that sets it apart from the Nest Learning Thermostat. The Ecobee SmartThermostat also has learning capabilities that can help it better adjust the comfort level of your home.
Ultimately, the Ecombee is predicted to yield almost twice as much savings as the Nest Learning Thermostat. When all other features and considerations are stripped away, the Ecobee SmartThermostat is the clear winner, especially if you have other Ecobee devices in your home.