
1)眼精疲労(1) Eye Strain)
- モニターを2フィートの距離に保ちます
- 頻繁に休憩を取り、遠くの物体に焦点を合わせます。これにより、目のレンズと筋肉がロックされた位置から解放され、緊張が防止されます。
- (Keep)夜寝る前に、綿を生の(ゆでていない)ミルクに浸したままにしてください。滴り落ちないように少し絞ってください。それらを一晩放置します。少なくとも週に1回これを行う
- 手のひらを温かくなるまでこすり、目の上に温かさが感じられるまで置きます。目を時計回りに数回徐々に回転させ、次に同様に反時計回りに回転させます。(Rotate)1日に2〜3回繰り返します。これは目の筋肉を鍛え、それらを強化します。
- 果物や野菜、肉や魚などの天然資源から定期的にビタミンAとCを摂取してください。
- (Use)モニターのまぶしさから目を保護するために、保護用の着色眼鏡を使用してください
- Eyes Relaxを使用して、目をリラックスさせます。
2)頸椎症および腰椎症(2) Cervical Spondylosis and Lumbar Spondylosis)
症状:(Symptoms:) 頸椎症(Cervical Spondylosis)– 首と肩の痛み(Pain)、頭痛(Headache)、片手または両手のうずき(Tingling)としびれ、首と肩の筋肉のこわばり。(Stiffness)腰椎症(Lumbar Spondylosis)– 腰痛(Low Back)、うずき(Tingling)、および片方または両方の下肢のしびれ、痛み(Limbs)の(Numbness)ために長時間曲がったり立ったり座ったりすることができない。高度な段階では、下肢に鋭い射撃ピンがあります。
対処法:(Remedy:)医師は、痛みがなくなるまで休むようにアドバイスする場合があります。これに続いて、首または背中を強化する生涯にわたるレジメンが続く可能性があります。適切な姿勢が必須になり、ワークステーションに座っている間は腰椎仙骨ベルトを着用して、不適切な姿勢に陥らないようにアドバイスする場合があります。高度なケースでは、牽引力が必要になり、頸部カラーまたは腰椎仙骨ベルト(場合によっては)を常に着用する必要があります。重症の場合、外科的介入が必要になります。コンピューターの前に座る方法を(how to sit in front of the computer.)ご覧ください。
予防:(Prevention: )モニターを目の高さに保ち、首と背中の適切な姿勢を維持し、特に背中と首の筋肉を強く保つために毎日運動します。ヨガの練習はとても役に立ちます。
3)手根管症候群:(3) Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:)
予防:(Prevention:)前腕と手首が太ももと平行になるような姿勢にする必要があります。マウスを軽く持ち、片手で圧力がかからないように両手で操作する方法を学びます。もう一方の手をマウスの操作にも使用する習慣をつけ、2分間だけであっても、頻繁に休憩を取ります。Workraveは間違いなくあなたを助けるかもしれません!images & some more details on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome !の画像と詳細については、こちらを ご覧ください。
4)精神的ストレス:(4) Mental stress:)
原因:(Cause: )これは、これらの目標とインセンティブを達成するためにコンピューターの前で長時間と残業が発生したために発生します。この仕事のプレッシャーの結果として、孤独感と相まって、毎日仕事で途方もない緊張があります。ストレスの閾値が低い人では、この緊張はすぐにストレスに発展し、(Stress)ストレスの残業(Stress)はうつ病に発展します。
救済と予防:(Remedy and Prevention:)休憩中に職場で社交をし、友人や家族と話すようにしてください。以前と同じようにあなたの社会生活を維持するようにしてください。ストレスがあなたに食い込んでいると感じたら、必要に応じて専門家の助けを借りてください。
5)消化不良と体重増加:(5) Indigestion and weight gain:)
50代に達するまでに、3分の2に視覚、聴覚、脊柱側弯症 、または器用さの障害があり、コンピューターの使用に影響を与えます。
マイクロソフト(Microsoft)のこのガイド(Guide)は、 50人以上の人々(Over 50 crowd)に興味があるかもしれません!
このマイクロソフトの(Microsoft)ヘルシーコンピューティングガイド(Healthy Computing Guide)は、コンピューターの使用中に快適で生産性を高めるのに役立つように設計されています。また、次の健康警告(Health Warning)に記載されている痛みを伴う身体障害や障害を経験するリスクを軽減するのに役立つ場合があります。

コンピュータを使用する場合、多くの活動と同様に、手、腕、肩、首、または体の他の部分に時折不快感を感じることがあります。ただし、持続的または再発性の不快感、痛み、ズキズキ、痛み、うずき、しびれ、灼熱感、こわばりなどの症状が発生した場合は、これらの警告サインを無視しない(DO NOT IGNORE THESE WARNING SIGNS)でください。コンピューターで作業していないときに症状が発生した場合でも、すぐに資格のある健康専門家に相談してください。(PROMPTLY SEE A QUALIFIED HEALTH PROFESSIONAL)このような症状は、神経、筋肉、腱、または体の他の部分の痛みを伴う、時には永久に無力化する傷害または障害に関連している可能性があります。これらの筋骨格系障害(MSD(MSDs))には、手根管症候群、腱炎、腱鞘炎、およびその他の状態が含まれます。
たとえば、目の疲れを最小限に抑えるには、次のことを試してください。(For example, to minimize eye strain, try the following:)
- (Position)モニターを前に快適に座った状態で、モニターを腕の長さほど離して配置します。
- (Avoid)グレアを発生させる光源からモニターを離してグレアを回避するか、ブラインドを使用して光レベルを制御します。
- (Remember)画面をきれいにすることを忘れないでください。眼鏡をかけている場合は、眼鏡も掃除してください。
- (Adjust)モニターの明るさとコントラストを調整します。
- コンピュータプログラムにこの機能がある場合は、画面の前面サイズを調整(Adjust)して、より快適に表示できるようにします。
まだ40?(Not yet 40?)まあ、これもあなたに関係します!良い姿勢と健全なコンピューティングの習慣を今日から教え込んでください。これらは将来大いに役立つでしょう。(Inculcate)結局のところ、あなたもいつか40歳になるでしょう。
(Guest Post)TWC読者のためのDr.SanjivKhanseによる ゲスト投稿
Health problems, an over 40 computer user, should be aware of
By the time you are 40 уears of age, your body has undergone and is undergoing a fair amount of wear and tear. Sо, it mаkes you that much more vulnerable to any оcсupationаl hazard. If you have a career in computers, you might want to know what possible problems could crop up and what yоu could do to prevent their occυrrence.

Health issues computer users should be aware of
Here are five of the most common problems, which a PC user may face:
1) Eye Strain
Cause: Staring at the monitor glare and the writing on it continuously for hours, day in day out, puts a strain on the eyes. The eye lens and the eye muscles stay locked in the same position for a long time and thereby, get strained. They subsequently weaken and are unable to perform the contraction and relaxation to the required extent, which is needed to adjust the eye lens in order to view an object at a close distance or faraway. The vision thus gets impaired.
Symptoms: Headache, pain in the eyes, watering of the eyes.
Remedy: Glasses.
- Keep the monitor at a distance of two feet
- Take frequent breaks and focus on an object far away. This will release the eye lens and muscles from their locked positions, and prevent strain.
- Keep cotton soaked in raw (unboiled) milk over the eyes before going to bed at night. Squeeze them a bit to prevent dripping. Let them be overnight. Do this at least once a week
- Rub your palms till they feel warm and place them over the eyes till the warmth is felt over the eyes. Rotate eyes gradually clockwise a couple of times and then similarly anticlockwise. Repeat 2 to 3 times a day. This will exercise the eye muscles and strengthen them.
- Take Vitamins A and C regularly through natural sources like fruits and vegetables, meat and fish.
- Use protective tinted eye glasses to protect your eyes from the monitor glare
- Force yourself to relax your eyes using Eyes Relax.
2) Cervical Spondylosis and Lumbar Spondylosis
Cause: Although you might be aware that proper posture is important, you tend to forget this when you are sitting in front of the computer for hours, every day. You do not hold your neck in that neutral position and you do not sit upright, as a result of which, you tend to shift into a more comfortable position of slouching or leaning back. The muscles of the neck and back then are held in this unwanted position, over long periods, every day. They get strained and subsequently weaken over time. As a result, they are not able to perform their function of holding the vertebrae (bones of the vertebral column) upright as they should. A particular vertebra slips and the space between the two adjacent vertebrae is reduced. There is pressure on the inter-vertebral disc which is present between two vertebrae. It starts getting eroded over time and the nerves coming out through the inter-vertebral space get pressed by the vertebra which has slipped. Symptoms appear and this can be crippling if not managed on time.
Symptoms: Cervical Spondylosis – Pain in neck and shoulder/s, Headache, Tingling and numbness in one or both hands, Stiffness of neck and shoulder muscles. Lumbar Spondylosis – Low Back pain, Tingling, and Numbness in one or both the Lower Limbs, inability to bend and stand or sit for a long time due to pain. In advanced stages, there is a sharp shooting pin in the lower limb/s.
Remedy: Your Physician may advise you to rest till the pain disappears. This could be followed by a lifelong regimen of neck or back strengthening. Proper posture will become mandatory and he may advise you to wear the lumbo sacral belt while sitting at your work station to prevent you from slipping into that improper posture. In advanced cases, traction becomes necessary and a cervical collar or a lumbo sacral belt (as the case maybe) has to be worn at all times. In severe cases, surgical intervention becomes necessary. See how to sit in front of the computer.
Prevention: Keep the monitor at eye level, Maintain a proper posture of the neck and the back, exercise daily, especially to keep the back and neck muscles strong. Yoga exercises will be very helpful.
3) Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:
Cause: Due to the constant handling of the mouse and due to the constant hammering on the keyboard, the carpal ligament of the wrist gets inflamed and edematous. As a result, it presses on the median nerve passing below it through the carpal tunnel, which is formed by carpal bones on three sides and the carpal ligament on one side.
Symptoms: Pain, stiffness, soreness and a burning sensation in the forearm, palm and the finger, tingling, numbness and loss of strength in the affected hand. Pain may be referred to the shoulder.
Remedy: Best to leave it to your physician as there may be other underlying causes, (such as rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, pregnancy, menopause, and endocrinal disorders like Acromegaly and hypothyroidism ), which may require treatment.
Prevention: The posture should be such that the forearms and wrists should be parallel to the thighs. Hold the mouse lightly and learn to operate it with both hands to prevent pressure on one hand. make a habit of using the other hand too for handling the mouse, take frequent breaks – even if they are for 2 minutes only! Workrave may definitely help you! Go here for images & some more details on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome !
4) Mental stress:
Cause: This happens due to long hours and overtime in front of the computer to achieve those targets and incentives. As a result of this work pressure, there is tremendous tension at work every day, coupled with a sense of loneliness. In people with low-stress threshold, this tension soon develops into Stress and Stress overtime develops into depression.
Remedy and Prevention: Try to socialize at work during breaks and talk to friends and family. Try to keep your social life as it was before. If required, take professional help if you feel the stress is eating into you.
5) Indigestion and weight gain:
Cause: This is the result of physical inactivity due to long hours at work. In ladies, at this age, there is an additional cause of menopause.
Prevention: A low-fat, high-fiber nutritious diet must be adhered to. 30 minutes of exercise daily to keep your bowels active and to burn your calories.
By the time you reach the 50’s, two-thirds will have vision, hearing, Scoliosis or dexterity impairments that will impact our computer use.
This Guide from Microsoft may interest the Over 50 crowd!
This Healthy Computing Guide from Microsoft is designed to help you be more comfortable and productive while using your computer. It may also help you reduce your risk of experiencing painful and disabling injuries or disorders described in the following Health Warning.

When using a computer, as with many activities, you may experience occasional discomfort in your hands, arms, shoulders, neck, or other parts of your body. However, if you experience symptoms such as persistent or recurring discomfort, pain, throbbing, aching, tingling, numbness, burning sensation, or stiffness, DO NOT IGNORE THESE WARNING SIGNS. PROMPTLY SEE A QUALIFIED HEALTH PROFESSIONAL, even if symptoms occur when you are not working at your computer. Symptoms like these can be associated with painful and sometimes permanently disabling injuries or disorders of the nerves, muscles, tendons, or other parts of the body. These musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) include carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, tenosynovitis, and other conditions.
For example, to minimize eye strain, try the following:
- Position your monitor about an arm’s length away from you when seated comfortably in front of it.
- Avoid glare by placing your monitor away from light sources that produce glare, or use window blinds to control light levels.
- Remember to clean your screen. If you wear glasses, clean them also.
- Adjust your monitor’s brightness and contrast.
- Adjust onscreen front sizes to make viewing more comfortable for you, if your computer program has this feature.
Not yet 40? Well, this concerns you too! Inculcate good posture and healthy computing habits from today itself as these will go a long way in the future. After all, you too will be turning 40 some day, you know!
Guest Post by Dr. Sanjiv Khanse for TWC readers