
- 論争(Controversies):Covid-19ワクチン、批判的人種理論、2020年の選挙など、分裂的と見なされるものすべて。
- 陰謀(Conspiracies):出来事または一連の状況を主張する理論は、強力な個人またはグループによって行われた秘密の陰謀から生じます。たとえば、月面着陸は悪ふざけだったという陰謀説。
- 危険な意図(Dangerous intent):圧力鍋爆弾の作成や3D銃の印刷方法など、危険な状況につながるもの。
- 誤った情報またはセンセーショナルな情報:(Misinformation or sensationalized information:)興味を引くために事実として提示された誤った情報、誤った情報、または歪んだデータ。
- プロ陰謀(Pro-conspiracy):陰謀理論のサポートまたは新しい陰謀理論の導入。
- 重要ではない:(Uncritical:)意図的に中立。潜在的に憂慮すべきアイデアへのサポートを提供していませんが、それに反対することもしていません。
- 有害(Harmful):自殺などの危険な状況を読者に積極的に案内します。
グーグル(Google)は最も少ない警報結果(Fewest Alarming Results)を供給し、 DuckDuckGoは最も多くを供給しました
グーグルの検索結果の(Google’s search results)わずか3%が危険でした—これらの4つの検索エンジンの中で群を抜いて最も少ないです。次(Next)はYahooで、4分の1の結果がネガティブまたは危険なリソースにつながっています。DuckDuckGoとBingは、危険な結果をもたらす可能性が最も高かった。BingとDuckDuckGoの両方の結果のほぼ3分の1は、否定的または憂慮すべきものでした。DuckDuckGo はBingのインデックスから 多くの結果を取得する(pulls a lot of its results)ため、これは理にかなっています。

(Search)最もセンセーショナルな結果をもたらす(Most Sensationalized Results)検索エンジン
次に、物議を醸すトピックやセンセーショナルなトピックの検索結果を分析しました。これらには、 COVID-19、気候変動、バイデン大統領のメンタルヘルスが含まれていました。
DuckDuckGoで「(DuckDuckGo)バイデン(Biden)のメンタルヘルス」を検索したところ、上位の結果は「フラッシュバック(FLASHBACK):脳外科(Chance)医がバイデン(Brain Surgeon Told Biden)に「完全に正常である」可能性が50%未満であると語った」でした。見出しはバイデン(Biden)に健康上の問題があることを示唆していますが、内容は1980年代後半の2つの頭蓋動脈瘤の手術に言及しています。
- 27% of DuckDuckGo results、誤った情報または扇情主義として分類されました。
- 25% of Bing results、誤った情報または扇情主義として分類されました。
- 18% of Yahoo results、誤った情報または扇情主義として分類されました。
- 2% of Google results、誤った情報または扇情主義として分類されました。
「気候変動はデマです」は、 (Climate)DuckDuckGo、Bing、およびYahooで最もセンセーショナルな結果を返しました。Googleは、このカテゴリで評価した150のセンセーショナルな結果を2つだけ返しました。

「レッドピル」も検索結果で人気がありました。しかし、グーグル(Google)を除くすべての検索エンジンはそれに対して批判的ではなかった。用語自体は、有名なマトリックス(Matrix)シーンに由来するものであり、物議を醸しています。誰かが「赤いピル」を飲むとき、彼らは潜在的に不安な、または人生を変える真実を喜んで学びます。今日、この用語は、ドナルド・トランプ(Donald Trump)やアレックス・ジョーンズ(Alex Jones)の支持者 など、右に傾く人々によってよく使用されます。(often used)
多くの結果は、薄く覆い隠された誤解やその他の有害なメッセージを提供しました。Googleは、最初の30件の結果で、(Google)赤いピル(Red Pill)に賛成したり、用語の暗いメッセージに共感したりすることはありません。実際、Googleでの最初の結果は、「(Google)赤い丸薬(Red Pill)を飲み込む:現代のミソジニーの中心への旅」という記事です。
(Search Engines That Provide Information)危険な意図(Dangerous Intent)を持って情報を提供する検索エンジン
Googleユーザーと比較して、 DuckDuckGoおよびBingユーザーは、危険な意図で結果に遭遇する可能性が4倍高くなります。YahooユーザーはGoogle(Google)ユーザーより3.6倍高い可能性があります。そうは言っても、すべての検索プラットフォームは危険なクエリに対して有用な結果を返しました。
- 3Dガンを印刷する方法。
- 覚醒剤の作り方。
- 自殺の方法。
グーグル、ビング(Bing)、ヤフー(Yahoo)では、「 3D銃を印刷する方法(How)」は危険な意図でより多くの結果を返しました。(Google)DuckDuckGoでは、「覚醒剤の作り方」がより危険な結果をもたらしました。

4つのプラットフォームすべてが、自殺に関して有益な結果を返しました。しかし、 Google(Google)、Bing、YahooとDuckDuckGoの違いに注目するのは興味深いことです(DuckDuckGo)。
「自殺する最も簡単な方法」と「自殺する最も苦痛の少ない方法」を検索するとき、Google、Bing、およびYahooは、 (Yahoo)National SuicidePreventionLifelineの番号と一緒に大きな有益なメッセージを持っています。これは、ユーザーが検索結果を開く前に、ユーザーの注意を引くことを目的としています。
検索(Search)エンジンは、どのような陰謀コンテンツが通過するかという点で同等ではありません。ほとんどのアメリカ人(Americans) は少なくとも1つの陰謀を信じてい(believe in at least one conspiracy)ます。しかし、インターネットによって他の人との接続が以前よりもアクセスしやすくなったため、陰謀はかつてないほど急速に広がりました。

DuckDuckGo 、Bing、Yahooで、陰謀を支持するリソースを返した最も人気のある陰謀は、「ジェフリー・エプスタインが殺害された」と「9.11同時多発テロ」でした。(DuckDuckGo)」DuckDuckGoとBingは、「SandyHookデマ」で表面化した多くの陰謀を助長する結果ももたらしました。
全体として、Yahooの最初のページは、 DuckDuckGo(DuckDuckGo)やBingよりも陰謀を助長する結果で占められていませんでした。
グーグル(Google)では、 2つの重要な陰謀用語だけがサポートリソースを返します:9.11と月面着陸。他のすべての陰謀理論は、陰謀理論を反証する専門的かつ学術的なリソースを返しました。

すべての検索結果のうち、 Google(Google)の10%以上は、.govや.eduなどの機関サイトからのものでした。DuckDuckGoは(DuckDuckGo)Googleよりも36%少ない制度上の結果を返し、Bingは35%少ない結果を返しました。Yahooは19%少ない制度上の結果を返しました。
Googleは、 (Google)RedditやMediumなどのサイトなどのソーシャルメディアの結果もほとんど提供していません。DuckDuckGoは、 (DuckDuckGo)Googleよりも54%多くのソーシャルメディア結果を提供しました。Bingは42%増加し、Yahooは27%多くのソーシャルメディア結果を返しました。

2022年3月25日から3月29日までの間に、4つの主要な検索エンジンで2,640件の検索結果を分析し、Google、Bing、Yahoo、DuckDuckGoのどれが最も危険な結果を返すかを判断しました。 (Between March 25 and March 29, 2022, we analyzed 2,640 search results across four major search engines to determine which one returns the most dangerous results: Google, Bing, Yahoo, and DuckDuckGo. )
In order to do so, we created a list of topics that fall under controversies, conspiracies, and dangerous intent. We then analyzed the first 30 results for related queries. Those queries are: Biden’s mental health, is the war in Ukraine justified, critical race theory in schools, gender identity in schools, was Jeffrey Epstein murdered, is the covid vaccine safe, does the covid vaccine change your DNA, does ivermectin work, red pill, how to 3D print a gun, how to make a pressure cooker bomb, how to make meth, did we really land on the moon, Sandy Hook hoax, 9/11 inside job, who is Q, flat earth theory, least painful way to commit suicide, easiest way to commit suicide, did Trump win the election, proof of 2020 election voter fraud, climate change, is climate change real, and climate change hoax.
Which Search Engine Returns the Most Alarming Results?
The intеrnet gives us near-unlimited accesѕ to informatіon. But, how trustworthy is that information? Conspiracy theorіеѕ and misinformation arе rаmpant across the internet. Contrоversial аnd even dangerous content is not difficult to find.
Because of this, we wanted to know which search engines are serving up the most alarming information. We focused our searches on the following categories:

- Controversies: Anything considered to be divisive, including the Covid-19 vaccine, critical race theory, and the 2020 election.
- Conspiracies: Theories that claim an event or set of circumstances result from secret plots conducted by powerful individuals or groups. For example, the conspiracy theory that the moon landing was a hoax.
- Dangerous intent: Anything that leads to a dangerous situation, such as making pressure-cooker bombs or how to print a 3D gun.
We then analyzed each of the results to categorize them into four major categories. Those categories are:
- Misinformation or sensationalized information: Untrue information, misinformation, or skewed data presented as fact to garner interest.
- Pro-conspiracy: Support of a conspiracy theory or introducing a new conspiracy theory.
- Uncritical: Willfully neutral. Not offering support to a potentially alarming idea, but not speaking against it, either.
- Harmful: Actively guiding readers through dangerous situations, such as suicide.
We analyzed 2,640 results from four search engines — Google, Yahoo, Bing, and DuckDuckGo — to discover which surfaced the most concerning information.
Google Supplied the Fewest Alarming Results and DuckDuckGo Supplied the Most
This study found a clear difference between the four major search engines. Especially how they handle dangerous or alarming search results. We consider dangerous results as those that have dangerous intent, promote misinformation, or drive conspiracy theories.
Only 3% of Google’s search results were dangerous — the fewest of these four search engines, by far. Next was Yahoo, with 1 in 4 results leading to negative or dangerous resources. DuckDuckGo and Bing were most likely to supply dangerous results. Nearly a third of both Bing and DuckDuckGo’s results were negative or alarming. This makes sense since DuckDuckGo pulls a lot of its results from Bing’s index.

Exposure to dangerous information is nine times more likely on DuckDuckGo and Bing than on Google. Yahoo users were seven times more likely than Google users to come across dangerous results. These results showcase how likely one is to encounter dangerous information on the internet.
Search Engines with the Most Sensationalized Results
Next, we analyzed search results for controversial or sensationalized topics. These included COVID-19, climate change, and President Biden’s mental health.
When searching “Biden’s mental health” on DuckDuckGo, a top result was “FLASHBACK: Brain Surgeon Told Biden He Had Less Than 50% Chance of ‘Being Completely Normal’.” The headline suggests that Biden has a health issue, but the content refers to surgery for two cranial aneurysms in the late 1980s.
In fact, when it comes to controversial topics:
- 27% of DuckDuckGo results were classified as misinformation or sensationalism.
- 25% of Bing results were classified as misinformation or sensationalism.
- 18% of Yahoo results were classified as misinformation or sensationalism.
- 2% of Google results were classified as misinformation or sensationalism.
“Climate change is a hoax” returned the most sensationalized results for DuckDuckGo, Bing, and Yahoo. Google only returned two sensationalized results of the 150 we evaluated for this category.

“Red Pill” was also popular in search results. But, every search engine except for Google was uncritical of it. The term itself is controversial, stemming from a famous Matrix scene. When someone takes the “red pill,” they’re willing to learn a potentially unsettling or life-changing truth. Today, the term is often used by those who lean right, such as Donald Trump and Alex Jones supporters.
Many results offered thinly-veiled misogynistic or otherwise harmful messages. Google returns nothing pro-Red Pill or sympathetic to the term’s darker message in the first 30 results. In fact, the first result on Google is an article called “Swallowing the Red Pill: a journey to the heart of modern misogyny.”
Search Engines That Provide Information With Dangerous Intent
To study results with dangerous intent, we focused on queries around guns, bombs, drugs, and suicide.
Compared to Google users, DuckDuckGo and Bing users are four times more likely to come across results with dangerous intent. Yahoo users are 3.6 times more likely than Google users. With that said, all search platforms returned helpful results for dangerous queries.
Three major topics returned the most dangerous results. Across all four search engines, the following terms resulted in the most hazardous information:
- How to print a 3D gun.
- How to make meth.
- Methods of suicide.
On Google, Bing, and Yahoo, “How to print a 3D gun” returned more results with dangerous intent. On DuckDuckGo, “How to make meth” provided more dangerous results.

All four platforms also returned helpful results regarding suicide. But it’s interesting to note the disparity between Google, Bing, and Yahoo vs. DuckDuckGo.
When searching for “easiest way to commit suicide” and “least painful way to commit suicide,” Google, Bing, and Yahoo have large helpful messages alongside the number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. It is meant to grab a user’s attention before they open a search result.
On DuckDuckGo, “how to commit suicide” prompts suicide prevention resources to display above the search results. But, these resources do not appear when searching for “easiest or least painful methods of suicide.” In fact, the first result for the “easiest” query even suggests sleeping pills in the meta description, though the post itself includes information to deter suicide.
As this study has shown, search results on DuckDuckGo appear to be the least filtered or screened.
The Most Conspiracy-Friendly Search Engines
Search engines are not equal in what kind of conspiracy content makes it through. Most Americans believe in at least one conspiracy. But as the internet has made connecting with others more accessible than before, conspiracies spread faster than ever.
DuckDuckGo is the most conspiracy-friendly search engine. Along with Bing and Yahoo, these platforms allowed pro-conspiracy sources within the first three pages of results. It is important to note that reputable sources and news stories outnumbered pro-conspiracy sites within the first three pages.

On DuckDuckGo, Bing, and Yahoo, the most popular conspiracies that returned pro-conspiracy resources were “Was Jeffrey Epstein murdered” and “9/11 inside job.” DuckDuckGo and Bing also had many pro-conspiracy results that surfaced for “Sandy Hook hoax.”
Overall, Yahoo’s first pages were less populated by pro-conspiracy results than DuckDuckGo or Bing.
On Google, only two significant conspiracy terms return any supporting resources: 9/11 and the moon landing. All other conspiracy theories returned professional and scholarly resources that disprove the conspiracy theories.
Which Websites Surface the Most?
Search engines are just one part of the information-retrieval equation. The specific websites that return for each query impact the transmission of controversies, conspiracies, and terms of dangerous intent. Because of this, we wanted to better understand the types of websites that each search platform provides its users.
On Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo, Wikipedia is the most-served website. On Yahoo, Medium, a blogging platform, is the most-served site. Interestingly, all four search engines serve YouTube more than any single news outlet.

Of all search results, more than 10% of Google’s were from institutional sites, such as .gov and .edu. DuckDuckGo returned 36% fewer institutional results than Google, and Bing returned 35% fewer. Yahoo returned 19% fewer institutional results.
Google also served the fewest social media results, such as sites like Reddit or Medium. DuckDuckGo served 54% more social media results than Google. Bing returned 42% more, and Yahoo returned 27% more social media results.
The dissemination of misinformation and harmful rhetoric has expanded over the past decade. And as different search engines have emerged as the major platforms, there is a marked difference in the content of search results.
DuckDuckGo is far more likely to return problematic results. These can include pro-conspiracy theory websites or sites with dangerous intent. These same results were nearly as likely on Bing.
Yahoo tends to be more restrictive than DuckDuckGo and Bing. It generally returns fewer dangerous resources and sites of misinformation. However, Google filters out more dangerous results and misinformation than other search platforms.

The internet is one of humanity’s greatest tools. It allows us to research nearly any topic, but that wealth of information is not limited to problem-free content.
Many computer tips stress the importance of antivirus software and using strong passwords, but evading misinformation and harmful content online is just as important. Choose your search engine wisely. And always watch out for dangerous search results.
Between March 25 and March 29, 2022, we analyzed 2,640 search results across four major search engines to determine which one returns the most dangerous results: Google, Bing, Yahoo, and DuckDuckGo.
In order to do so, we created a list of topics that fall under controversies, conspiracies, and dangerous intent. We then analyzed the first 30 results for related queries. Those queries are: Biden’s mental health, is the war in Ukraine justified, critical race theory in schools, gender identity in schools, was Jeffrey Epstein murdered, is the covid vaccine safe, does the covid vaccine change your DNA, does ivermectin work, red pill, how to 3D print a gun, how to make a pressure cooker bomb, how to make meth, did we really land on the moon, Sandy Hook hoax, 9/11 inside job, who is Q, flat earth theory, least painful way to commit suicide, easiest way to commit suicide, did Trump win the election, proof of 2020 election voter fraud, climate change, is climate change real, and climate change hoax.