世界のほとんどの地域では、地下水を直接飲むことはできません。昔(Long)、人々は単に井戸から水を汲み上げて飲んでいました。しかし今、あなたは水を浄化して飲めるようにするためにある種のフィルターを使わなければなりません。なんで?これは、 E-waste(E-waste)の多くの問題と危険の1つにすぎません。他のゴミと一緒に捨てる電子機器、死んだ細胞、電池には鉛が含まれているため、地下水と混ざりやすく、直接消費するのには適していません。これは氷山の一角に過ぎません–電子廃棄物処理の問題です!

コンピュータやテレビのマザーボードにあるはんだには、高レベルの鉛(high levels of lead)が含まれています。コンピューターモニターのガラスパネル、そしてもちろん鉛バッテリーでさえ、空気、水、土壌を汚染します。さらに、それらは中枢神経系と腎臓に危険をもたらす一方で、脳の発達の過程をゆがめます。これ(鉛中毒)は、電子廃棄物の最も危険な危険の1つです。
鉛以外に、マザーボードにも高レベルの水銀(high levels of Mercury)が含まれています。不適切な(Improper)廃棄は、皮膚や呼吸器の障害を引き起こす可能性があります。水銀(Mercury)中毒も急性の脳損傷を引き起こします。
ケーブルやPVCパネル、ガラスは、湿気や酸素と反応すると危険な土壌を作り、空気を吸う人々は脳を含む体の部分の再生と適切な発達に苦しむため、家を建てるのにも適さない可能性があります。また、免疫システムを台無しにします(spoils the immune system)。ストレス、不安、およびその他の精神的な問題は、ガラス、PVC、およびその他の形態のプラスチックで汚染された空気を呼吸することから発生する可能性があります。
マザーボードの要素が反応してベリリウム(Beryllium)を生成するときに放出される煙によって汚染された空気を吸い込むと、マザーボードの回路が肺がん(lung cancer)を引き起こす可能性があります。また、いぼや特定の形態の危険なアレルギーなどの皮膚病の原因にもなります。
Microsoft Refurbisherプログラムは、Microsoftのイニシアチブの1つであり、再生業者が中古のコンピューターを調達し、それらを再生し、正規のMicrosoftソフトウェアをプレインストールします。
関連(Related):スマートフォンをリサイクルする方法と理由(How and why you should recycle Smartphones)。
E-Waste management, recycling, disposal, facts, problems, solutions
In most parts of thе world, underground water is not drinkable directly. Long ago, people simply used to draw up water from wells and drink it. But now, yоu have to υse some sort of fіlter to purify the water and make it drinkable. Why? It is just one of the many problemѕ and hazards of E-waste. The electronic devices, dead cells, and batteries you throw away with other garbage contain lead that easily mixes with underground water, making it unfit for direct consumption. That is just the tip of the iceberg – the problems of e-waste disposal!
What is E-Waste

This word has caught up in the recent past only when someone studying the subject noted that our environment will be 3x more congested with e-waste by 2017. I did not save that tweet else I could have given you some reference. Even if it is not to be tripled, e-waste is growing in volumes… huge volumes. The reason why e-waste is increasing is that technology is growing fast and in an attempt to get better devices, we casually get rid of old electronics – the best examples being that of smartphones.
One may ask about the relationship between old electronics and e-waste. I would say, e-waste is actually the old electronic goods that people simply give away to garbage trucks that are then dumped into landfills or similar sites. Electronics have a number of harmful elements that react with air and water to create problems of e-waste such as water, air, and soil pollution as well as problems that affect human beings in the form of diseases.
In the above example, we used old cells and batteries as an example. Most of the cheaper batteries are lead-based and easily react with water (rain or moisture) to seep and mix with underground water along with polluting the soil and air where it was disposed of by the garbage department.
Thus, everything that falls into the electronics category, that you intend to throw away, is e-waste (electronic waste). This includes computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, and so on. There are proper methods to dispose off electronic items. They should be handled differently, but unfortunately, even the developed countries do not have strong policies to take care of such harmful, toxic garbage.
Effect Of E-Waste on Humans and Environment
Let’s check out some of the most common elements found in computers, monitors and TVs, etc., and how they affect human life.
The solder present on the motherboard of computers and TV contains high levels of lead. Even the glass panels of computer monitors and of course, the lead batteries contaminate air, water, and soil. In addition, they distort the process of brain development, while posing danger to the central nervous system and kidneys. This (lead poisoning) is among the most dangerous hazards of e-waste.
Other than lead, motherboards also have high levels of Mercury. Improper disposal may create skin and respiratory disorders. Mercury poisoning also causes acute brain damage.
The cables and PVC panels as well as glass, when reacting with moisture and oxygen, create hazardous soil that may not be suitable for even building a home as the people breathing that air will suffer from reproduction and proper development of body parts, including the brain. It also spoils the immune system. Stress, anxiety, and other mental problems can arise out of breathing air polluted with glass, PVC, and other forms of plastic remain found in electronic items.
The motherboard circuits can cause lung cancer when you breathe air polluted by the fumes released when the motherboard elements react and create Beryllium. It is also responsible for skin diseases, including warts and certain forms of dangerous allergies.
Treating E-Waste
As of now, there are no proper methods being implemented even in the first world to eliminate the problem of e-waste. The two methods I found interesting for the proper treatment of e-waste are recycling and refurbishing.
For recycling, there may be products that cannot be recycled completely. PVC layers, for example, stay as such for ages and cannot be recycled. It would be better if the manufacturers use recyclable material so that the e-waste is converted into something that can be used again without harming the planet and its inhabitants. Thus, one of the major factors in treating e-waste is to compel manufacturers to use green elements.
If electronics are refurbished, they can be sold again at a lower price. Thus, both society and the environment will benefit. Instead of simply dumping your old TV into the garbage bin, you might want to think about calling the vendor and asking him where to present the item for refurbishing. If you cannot find it, consider donating the item to some charity that can either use it as such or get it repaired and use it. I do not think it is a practice well implemented, but it would be nice if all vendors provide a refurbishing facility.
The Microsoft Refurbisher program is one initiative from Microsoft, where the refurbisher procures pre-owned computers, refurbishes them, and preinstalls genuine Microsoft software.
The bottom line when talking about the proper disposal of e-waste is to convert them into less harmful items before disposing them off completely. There should be a sound policy on this subject and should be implemented without any irregularities for the benefit of the entire planet.
Related: How and why you should recycle Smartphones.