スマートフォンやタブレットにあるほとんどの仮想キーボードで利用できるオートコレクト機能は地獄から送られたと言う人もいます。メッセージ内の単語を自動的に「ダッキング」に変更したくない場合がありますよね?🙂幸い、iPhoneで入力している場合は、オート(Auto-Correction)コレクト機能をオンまたはオフにするのは簡単です。さらに、iOSには、自動大文字化(auto capitalization)からスペルチェック、スマート句読点からスライド入力まで、カスタマイズできるさらに多くの入力機能があります。iPhoneのキーボードを好きなように設定する方法は次のとおりです。
iPhoneのホーム画面で、 (home screen)[設定](Settings)をタップします。




(Additional typing)iPhoneでカスタマイズできる追加のタイピング機能

スペルチェック:(Check Spelling:)入力した単語がiOSのどの辞書でも識別されておらず、間違いを犯したと思われる場合は、赤い点線で下線が引かれます。認識されない単語をタップすると、正しい可能性のある類似した単語の提案が表示されます
Caps Lockを有効にする:(Enable Caps Lock:)Shiftキーをダブルタップすると、キーボードでCaps Lockがオンになり、これから書くものはすべて大文字になります
スマート句読点:(Smart Punctuation:)いくつかの句読点をより見栄えの良いものに自動的に変換します。たとえば、ストレートクォートをカーリークォートに変換します
スライドして入力:(Slide to Type:)この機能を有効にすると、単語を1文字ずつ入力する代わりに、キーボード上で指をドラッグして、入力する単語を構成するすべての文字に到達するように注意して、すばやく入力できます。
単語ごとにSlide-to-Typeを削除:このオプションが有効になっている場合、 (Delete Slide-to-Type by Word:)Slide to Typeと同様に、バックスペースキー(backspace key)をタップすると、iOSは「スライド入力」した最後の単語全体を削除します
文字プレビュー:(Character Preview:)この機能をオンにすると、タップした文字のクイックポップアッププレビューがキーボードに表示されます。(keyboard show)
「。」ショートカット:("." Shortcut:)スペース(Space)をダブルタップすると、文はピリオドとそれに続くスペースですぐに終了します

How to turn Auto-Correction On and Off, on your iPhone
Some say that the aυtocorrect features available on most virtual keyboards found оn smartphones and tablets are sent from hell. There are times when you don't want the words in your messageѕ to automatically change to "ducking," right? 🙂 Fortunately, if you are typing on an iPhone, turning its Auto-Correction feature on or off is easy. Furthermore, iOS has even more typing features that you can customize, ranging from auto capitalization to spell check, and from smart punctuation to slide typing. Here is how to set the keyboard on your iPhone as you like:
How to enable or disable Auto-Correction on your iPhone
On your iPhone's home screen, tap on Settings.

Then, in the Settings app, tap on General.

Scroll until you find the Keyboard entry and tap on it.

Now you should see the Keyboards screen. On it, you find all the keyboard features available on your iPhone.
Among them, there is also the Auto-Correction. Tap on its switch to turn Auto-Correction off or on, as you prefer.

Additional typing features you can customize on your iPhone
As you can see, iOS also includes other typing features, which you can also turn on or off as you please:

Auto-Capitalization: when you start a new sentence, iOS automatically capitalizes the first letter of the first word
Check Spelling: whenever a word that you've typed is not identified by iOS in any of its dictionaries, and it believes that you have made a mistake, it underlines it with a red dotted line; if you tap on an unrecognized word, it gives you suggestions for similar words that might be correct
Enable Caps Lock: if you double-tap on Shift, the keyboard switches Caps Lock on so everything you write from now on is in all capital letters
Predictive: if this setting is enabled, iOS gives you predictions for the words that you might want to type next, and shows them above your keyboard; if you want to use any of the predicted words, you can just tap on them to instantly add them to your sentence
Smart Punctuation: automatically converts some punctuation marks into better looking ones; for example, it turns straight quotes into curly quotes
Slide to Type: when this feature is enabled, instead of typing words letter by letter, you can type faster by dragging your finger across the keyboard, taking care to reach all the letters that make up the word that you want to type
Delete Slide-to-Type by Word: if this option is enabled, as well as Slide to Type, when you tap the backspace key, iOS deletes the entire last word that you "slide-typed"
Character Preview: when turned on, this feature makes your keyboard show quick popup previews of the characters you tap on
"." Shortcut: if you double-tap on Space, your sentence is quickly ended with a period followed by a space

When you are done setting things as you want, close the Settings, and start typing a message to someone, to see whether your experience has improved.
Did you disable Auto-Correction on your iPhone?
That's it! Now you know how to turn Auto-Correction on or off, on your iPhone. Did you choose to disable it, or did you just want to customize some of the other typing features available in iOS? Why did you choose to disable it or why do you prefer to use it? Let us know in the comments section below.