あなたが本当により良い音質を達成することに関心があるなら、あなたは本当により良いマイクといくつかの機器に少し投資する必要があるでしょう。ありがたいことに、それは本当にほんの少しです。たとえば、 BlueSnowballIce(Blue Snowball Ice)を50ドル未満で購入できます。
その後、 Amazon(Amazon)で10ドル未満で優れたマイクスタンドまたはアームを入手でき、同様の価格でポップフィルターを入手できます。この機器を使用すると、ボーカルだけに集中できるマイクを設定できます。
ソフトウェア(Software)を使用してバックグラウンドノイズ(Background Noises)を除去する
OBSなどの一部のプログラムには、マイクフィルター設定の下にノイズゲートが組み込まれていますが、 Windows 10のシステム全体のオプションが必要な場合は、2つの一般的なオプションがあります。
残念ながら、NoiseGator開発者はプロジェクトを放棄したため、これらの問題を修正する見込みはありません。ただし、 NoiseGator(NoiseGator)で問題が発生したことがないユーザーもいるため、どちらが最適かを判断するには、両方を試してみる価値があります。
まず、Audacity(download Audacity)を無料でダウンロードします。次に、録音するたびに、話し始める前に数秒間沈黙していることを確認します。これにより、 Audacity(Audacity)で低減できるサウンドプロファイルをキャプチャして、残っているバックグラウンドノイズを排除できます。
これらのヒントを念頭に置いて、Audacityを開く時が来ました。Audacityに入ったら、[(Once)ファイル]、[インポート]、[オーディオ(File, Import, Audio. )]の順にクリックします。インポートするオーディオに移動し、[開く(Open)]をクリックします。
開いたら、バックグラウンドノイズを減らす時が来ました。まず(First)、タイムラインの先頭をクリックしてドラッグ( click and drag )し、空のサウンド領域を取得します。これは、話し始める前に録音した音である必要があります。上の画像のようになります。
次に、上部のツールバーの[効果]をクリックしてから、[(Effect)ノイズリダクション(Noise Reduction)]をクリックします。
ポップアップウィンドウが表示されます。このウィンドウで、[ノイズプロファイル(Get Noise Profile)の取得]をクリックし、空のオーディオが引き続き強調表示されていることを確認します。
次に、Ctrl+Aを押して、オーディオクリップ全体を選択します。次に、[効果(Effect)]をクリックし、もう一度[ノイズリダクション]をクリックします(Noise Reduction )。今回は、クリップ全体が強調表示され、[ノイズ(Noise)]が[縮小(Reduce)]オプションになっていることを確認してから、[ OK ]をクリックします。(OK)これで、バックグラウンドオーディオが削除されます。
(Take a
listen through )再生ボタンをクリックして、耳を傾けてください。スピーチの一部が大きすぎる、またはスピーチのレベルに異常があることに気付いた場合は、Effects
> Compressor.
上の画像を、一般的なスピーチに適したボーカル設定のガイドラインとして使用してください。全体的に静かすぎたり大きすぎたりする場合は、Effects > Amplifyを使用して、全体の音量を上げたり下げたりすることもできます。
終了したら、[File > Export]をクリックし、選択したファイルタイプとして[エクスポート]をクリックします。(Export)デフォルトでは、MP3、WAV、およびその他のいくつかのオーディオファイルを利用できます。何を使うべきかわからない場合は、MP3をお勧めします。
Microphone Tips: How to Reduce Background Noise and Get Better Sound
Let’s talk about how you can rеduсe background
noise and get better sound with your microphone. Whether you’re in a call or
reсording your vоice, these tips will be υseful.
There are a number of different areas we will
cover, so make sure to read through each section carefully.
Once you’ve finished reading, you’ll know how
to make sure your microphone quality is as good as possible.
Start with Hardware
If you truly care about achieving better sound quality, you’ll really need to invest a little into a better microphone and some equipment. Thankfully, it really is only a little. You can pick up the Blue Snowball Ice for less than $50, for example.
You can then get a good mic stand or arm for less than $10 on Amazon, and a pop filter for a similar price. With this equipment, you’ll be able to set yourself up with a microphone that can focus on your vocals and not much of anything else.
It doesn’t stop at your microphone, though.
You should think about how you set up your office or gaming room and think
about how you can rearrange your hardware so that your microphone isn’t picking
up key presses, movements of your mouse, or other small noises.
You should also consider how keeping windows
and doors closed will help to reduce outside audio being picked up, and make
sure to let everybody that lives with you know that you are recording and need
some quiet time.
Using Software to Remove Background Noises
If you’d like to get the cleanest audio possible, you can go a step further by using software to stop your microphone from picking up noises outside of your vocal range.
You can use a noise gate to make sure your microphone only starts to pick up audio once it hears sounds within a certain decibel range. This is perfect for stopping the hum of fans, cars outside, or even talking in other rooms.
There’s no noise gate setting that works for everybody, so you’ll need to tweak the open and close threshold so that the noise gate picks up your voice, but nothing else, and also that it doesn’t cut off in case you start speaking a little quieter.
Some programs, like OBS, have a noise gate built in under the microphone filter settings, but if you need a system wide option for Windows 10, there are two popular options.
The first option is NoiseBlocker, a very easy to use noise gate software that either costs $9.99 for full use, or you can use it for free for 1 hour per day. NoiseBlocker can be set up to actively listen to specific noises and it will block them out.
The other option is NoiseGator, which is a completely free alternative, but there are occasionally some frustrating bugs that can often cause it to stop working. NoiseGator can be used to create a gate that will stop your microphone from recording unless sounds fall within a set decibel range.
Unfortunately, the NoiseGator developer has
abandoned the project so there’s no hope for fixes to these problems. Some
users have never had issues with NoiseGator, however, so it’s worth
experimenting with both to find out which one works best.
Cleaning Up Audio after Recording
Generally, there is a chain of order to follow
when it comes to recording high quality audio. The first step is to try your
hardest to get the cleanest, highest quality audio with your hardware. This
means creating a quiet environment and setting up your microphone correctly.
If you try your hardest to minimize background
noise, speak clearly, and soundproof your room, you won’t have to worry too
much about trying to fix the audio after the fact. The next step is to use
software like NoiseGator or NoiseBlocker to reduce background sounds even
If, even at this point, your audio isn’t
perfect, you can clean it up for free in a software called Audacity. We’ll take
you through some quick steps to ensure your sound is as clean as possible,
without causing any issues with your voice quality in any way.
First, download Audacity for free. Next, ensure that each time you record, you have a few seconds of silence before you start speaking. This will allow you to capture a sound profile you can reduce in Audacity to eliminate any remaining background noise.
After, make sure you try to keep your
recording in as few files as possible. Ideally, it’s best that you have one
single recording, because it will make it easier to edit and keep consistent.
You can always cut out areas where you make mistakes and need to repeat
With these tips in mind, it’s time to open Audacity. Once inside Audacity, click File, Import, Audio. Navigate to the audio you’d like to import and click Open.
Once opened, it’s time to reduce background
noise. First, click and drag the
beginning of the timeline to get an empty area of sound. This should be the
sound you recorded before you started speaking. It should look like the image
Next, click Effect in the top toolbar and then click Noise Reduction.
A pop up window will appear. In this window, click Get Noise Profile, making sure that the empty audio is still highlighted.
Next, press Ctrl+A to select the whole audio clip. Then, click Effect and click Noise Reduction again. This time, click OK after making sure the whole clip is highlighted and Noise is on the ‘Reduce’ option. The background audio will now be removed.
Take a
listen through by clicking the play button. If you
notice some of your speech is too loud or there’s some abnormality in the
levels of your speech, you can use Effects
> Compressor.
Use the image above as a guideline for good vocal settings for general speech. If it’s too quiet or too loud, overall, you can also use Effects > Amplify to boost or reduce the overall volume.
The setting you use will depend on how loud you’d like your voice, but usually a range of a 3-10 decibel increase or decrease is enough to put your voice within a reasonable level.
Once you have finished, you can click File > Export, and then Export as a file type of your choice. By default, you’ll have MP3, WAV, and a few other audio files available. If you’re not sure what to use, I’d suggest MP3.
Thanks for reading our guide on how to reduce
background noise and get better sound with your microphone. If you’ve read this
far, you’ll know how to improve your hardware setup, install software to get
better sound, and make changes to already recorded audio to clean up your voice
Need any help or have any questions? Let me
know by leaving a comment and I’ll try to respond as soon as I can.