テクノロジーが進歩するこの時代において、人々は迅速、簡単、そしてシームレスなデジタル体験を求めています。あなたのサイトはどのようにして一貫してポジティブなユーザーエクスペリエンスを提供し、ユーザーの期待に応えることができますか?ウェブサイトでeコマースチャットボットを使用する(using eCommerce chatbots)。

チャットボットとは何ですか?(What Is a Chatbot?)
チャットボットは他にどのようにあなたのサイトを助ける(chatbots help your site)ことができますか?
- ユーザーサービスを強化する。
- 効率を改善することによって。
- ウェブサイトの相互作用を増やすことによって。
- オンラインストアの管理を支援することによって。

LivePersonは、ほとんどの業界のメッセージングを自動化し、 (LivePerson)Facebook Messenger、WhatsApp、Webサイトなどの多くのメッセージングチャネルに統合します。



Editable ArrangementsやIntuit(Intuit)などの主要ブランドで使用されているBold360は、独自の特許取得済みの自然言語処理テクノロジーを使用しています。
オムニチャネルサポート(Omni-Channel Support)
今日のインターネット(Internet)ユーザーは、使用する任意のプラットフォームで閲覧したいと考えています。90% of people expect複数のデバイスやチャネルでシームレスなサイトの使用を期待しています。これは、Webサイトのオムニチャネル対応の重要性を示しています。
人々がiPhone、iPad、またはデスクトップを使用しているかどうかにかかわらず、彼らはシームレスなインターネット体験を望んでいます。WhatsApp、Facebook Messenger 、およびWebサイトなどの複数のチャネルにオムニチャネルチャットボットを実装すると、ユーザーは選択したチャネルから対話できるようになります。また、サイトが単一のプラットフォームからすべての対話を管理できるようにします。
- Eメール
- オンラインチャット
- フォーラム
- よくある質問
- 電話
- サポートチケット
バウンス率と放棄の削減(Reducing Bounce Rate and Abandonment)

- 75.8%の人が、購入する前にカートを放棄します。
- 23%の人が、配送に問題があるためにカートを離れます。
- 続行する前にアカウントを作成する必要がある場合、34%がサイトを放棄します。
- 新しいプロセスを開始するときに人々を追跡します。誰かがアクションを完了しなかった場合、チャットボットはリマインダーとテキストをアクティブにしてそれらを元に戻すことができます。
- チャットボットを介して通知を送信すると、目立たない方法で人々を目的の目標に導くのに役立ちます。
- サイト訪問中に他の関連コンテンツを推奨する。
What Is a Chatbot and How To Use One On Your Site
Τhe Intеrnet has modernized our lives and movеd most of what we do to the online world. We cоmmunicate, relax, learn, watch, and shop from the comfort of our own homе оr mobile device.
In this age of advancing technology, people are looking for quick, easy, and seamless digital experiences. How can your sites consistently deliver a positive user experience and meet user expectations? By using eCommerce chatbots on their websites.

Advancements in technology are having a massive impact in online ventures. They literally transform the way people connect with you and can improve their overall experience on your site. This includes chatbots.
What Is a Chatbot?
Chatbots are interactive programs that simulate human conversation. Predefined scripts and artificial intelligence-based machine learning drive communication. When a person asks a chatbot a question, the response is based on what is available in the knowledge database. If there is no response currently included, many chatbots will direct the conversation to a human operator.
Chatbots replicate human interaction patterns. They are programmed using artificial intelligence (AI) to enable computers to learn by themselves. Over time and with each interaction, chatbots will grow in scope and get more relevant.
People want to be able to find what they are looking for and get their questions answered quickly and easily when browsing online.
If your website doesn’t offer what the site visitor expects, they will lose them. Chatbots provide an on-demand, real-time two-way communication channel.
How else can chatbots help your site?
- By enhancing user service.
- By improving efficiency.
- By increasing website interactions.
- By helping to manage online stores.
Site owners that want to streamline a vast number of user interactions and provide better experiences should consider using chatbots. Some of the most popular ones are:

LivePerson will automate most industries’ messaging and integrate it into many messaging channels, such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and your website.

Developed by IBM, Watson Assistant can understand call logs or historical chats, search in the knowledge database for answers, respond to people asking for more clarity, recommend training materials, and direct inquiries to human service representatives.

Inbenta is a chatbot that can detect the context of every conversation and answer questions accurately. It also offers a dialogue manager for crafting custom conversation paths and flows.

Used by major brands like Editable Arrangements and Intuit, Bold360 uses its own patented natural language processing technology.
Its conversational AI remembers the context of a conversation, interprets complex discussions, and learns how to deliver accurate responses to questions.
Omni-Channel Support
Internet users today want to browse on any platform they use. 90% of people expect seamless site use across multiple devices and channels. This shows the importance of omnichannel readiness for websites.
Whether people are using their iPhone, iPad, or desktop, they want a seamless internet experience. Implementing an omnichannel chatbot in multiple channels such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and your website will enable users to interact from their channel of choice. It also allows the site to manage all interactions from a single platform.
There are several different ways for people to communicate with a business and everyone has a different preference. They include:
- Email
- Online chat
- Forums
- FAQs
- Phone
- Support tickets
Website developers need to create a service that will adapt to the preferences of all their website visitors.Chatbots provide this by integrating all possible means of communication across all platforms.
Reducing Bounce Rate and Abandonment

Abandoned shopping carts, forms, email captures, quizzes, etc, are a common occurrence for site owners. People browse, make choices, begin processes – and then leave without making a purchase.
- 75.8% of people abandon their carts before making a purchase.
- 23% of people leave their carts because they have issues with the shipping.
- 34% abandon a site when they are required to create an account before proceeding.
Using chatbots can reduce these bounce rates by:
- Tracking people when they begin a new process. When someone doesn’t complete an action, chatbots can activate reminders and texts to bring them back.
- Sending notifications via a chatbot can help guide people to your desired goal in an unobtrusive manner.
- Recommending other related content during a site visit.
To remain competitive online and keep the focus of site users, website owners must stay up with the latest cutting-edge technology. Chatbots save time and money for site owners and help them manage their online presence more effectively.