私たちの多くは、画像の名前変更やサイズ変更などの操作を頻繁に実行します。いくつかの画像に対して操作を実行することは管理可能ですが、大量の画像を処理する(deal with bulk images)必要がある場合、それはかなりの頭痛の種になる可能性があります。それだけでなく、透かしのような後処理効果を追加したり、他の形式に変換したりするのは簡単ではありません。
ImagesMixerバルク画像処理ツール(ImagesMixer Bulk Image Processing Tool)
- 無料のツールです
- ソフトウェア(Software)はフランス語(French)、英語で利用可能です(English)
- 複数の画像形式を1つの形式に変換します
- バッチサイズ変更をサポート
- バッチの名前変更をサポート
- バッチ画像への透かしの追加をサポート
- 透かしの透明度設定をサポート
- バッチ画像にフィルターを追加できます
- アニメーションGIF画像の作成をサポート
- アニメーションGIF画像PADファイル(ポータブルアプリケーションの説明(Application Description))の作成をサポートします。
ImagesMixerバルク画像処理ツールは、非常に使いやすいインターフェイスを備えており、より楽しく使用できます。そのインターフェースには、ウィンドウのすぐ左にある‘+処理を開始(start processing)する」ボタンがあります。したがって、毎回ファイルエクスプローラー(File Explorer)を参照する必要はありません。メイジをこれらの目立つゾーンにドラッグアンドドロップするだけで、開始できます。

- 画像をバッチで変換するには
- 画像のサイズ(resize images in batch)をまとめて変更するには
- 画像の名前を一括で変更するには
- 後処理効果と透かしの追加


たとえば(For example)、処理する「テスト」の(Test’)画像が多数ある場合は、「名前の変更」(Rename’)フィールドに「テスト」(test’)を「開始位置」(Start At’)に配置します。「1」を入れ、「桁数(Number of Digits)」に「3」を入れます。これにより、ソフトウェアは画像の名前をTest001.jpg、Test002.jpg、Test003.jpg(Test001.jpg, Test002.jpg, Test003)などに自動的に変更できるようになります。



このソフトウェアで利用可能なすべての機能を理解することは、最初に開いたときに難しいように見えるかもしれません。しかし、これらはすべて使用後数分で明らかになります。確かに、ImagesMixerは非常に便利なソフトウェアです。それはそれが約束するすべてを完全に提供します。ソフトウェアは、こちらのWebサイトからダウンロード(downloaded from the website here)できます。
ImagesMixer Bulk Image Processing Tool for Windows 10
Manу of us perform operations like renaming and resizing images freqυently. Performing operations on a few images are manageable, but when you have to deal with bulk images, it can be quite a headache. Not only that, adding post-processing effects to them like watermarks and converting them to other formats is not easy.
The same is true if you are planning to publish your images online and want to keep them protected from copyright infringement issues. In such cases, batch-processing instruments serve as an invaluable tool as they help in saving lots of time and effort. One of the best tools that fit perfectly, in this case, is the ImagesMixer bulk image processing tool.
ImagesMixer Bulk Image Processing Tool
ImagesMixer is a free, innovative software utility tool that enables the users to easily convert, rename, and resize photos in bulk. In addition to this, users can also add watermarks, post-processing effects, and even create animations. This tool is very helpful for those who maintain profiles or blogs with their exclusive picture collection and want to protect their properties from being copied in the online world.
We all know branding is one of the best tools that drive traffic to a website. Hence when you watermark your pictures and publish them online you can be assured that the authenticity of your website keeps on adding up positively. This is exactly why you should give ImagesMixer bulk image processing tool a quick try.
Following are the top highlights of ImagesMixer:
- It is a free tool
- Software is available in French, English
- Converts multiple image formats to one format
- Supports batch resizing
- Supports batch renaming
- Supports adding watermark to batch images
- Supports watermark transparency settings
- Allows adding filters to batch images
- Supports animated GIF image creation
- Supports creation of animated GIF image PAD file (Portable Application Description).
How to use ImagesMixer bulk image processing tool
ImagesMixer bulk image processing tool is the brainchild of French developers; hence, French is the main language seen on their website. However, the interface of ImagesMixer is also available in English.
The interface
ImagesMixer bulk image processing tool has an incredibly easy-to-use interface that makes it more fun to use. In its interface, there are giant buttons like the ‘+’ button just to the left of the window, and the ‘start processing’ the images button right below it. So, you do not need to browse through File Explorer every single time, you can simply drag and drop the mages into these prominent zones and get started.

How to use ImagesMixer bulk image processing tool
Using ImagesMixer is very simple! Here is a quick walkthrough to the main features:
- To convert images in batch
- To resize images in batch
- To rename images in batch
- Adding post-processing effects and watermarks
Let’s look at each of these features in detail.
1] To convert images in batch
To begin with, once you load the desired images into the application, you can enable the conversion option and select between JPG, BMP, GIF, and PNG as the output formats. Note, once you check the ‘convert’ option the changes are applied to all the images selected. The most interesting thing about the converting feature is GIF, if you load a series of photos, the software can create an impressive GIF animation from them in many different frames.

2] To resize images in batch
ImagesMixer allows you to resize the images by manually entering the new width in pixels. For resizing, check the ‘Resize’ option and select the new image size. It is important to be careful when resizing images as it has a direct impact on the quality of the image; so, select the new image size that does not affect the quality in any way. Also, this program only asks you for the desired width of the image in pixels, it automatically takes care of its height proportionately.

3] To rename images in batch
Images can be renamed in batch on Images mixer using a custom pattern involving number generation. To do this, you will need to check the ‘Rename’ box and then define a name in the corresponding text field and then add a numerical suffix to the images. You will also have to input the number of digits to use to rename the images.
For example – if I got many images of ‘Test’ to process, in the ‘Rename’ field, I will put ‘test’, in ‘Start At’. I will put – ‘1’ and in the ‘Number of Digits’ I will put ‘3’. This will allow the software to rename my images automatically as Test001.jpg, Test002.jpg, Test003.jpg, and so on.
4] Adding post-processing effects and watermarks
ImagesMixer bulk image processing tool can instantaneously add a diverse variety of post-processing filters and effects to as many images as you want, like Monochrome, Black and white, Sepia, Frame, Shadow, Cartoon, Rounded, pencil, and Polaroid.

Another striking feature of this software, much in demand by photographers mainly to shield their photos and images against online theft i.e. The watermark. Publishing photos on various online platforms and websites can be dangerous, especially if watermarks are not used on them.

ImagesMixer bulk image processing tool allows the users to have full control over the logo the user wishes to place over their photos. Rotation, opacity, and size, you can play around with your logo according to your preference.

Understanding every single function available on this software may look difficult when you first open it. But, all of these become clear within minutes of usage, yes, unquestionably ImagesMixer is a very handy software. It perfectly delivers everything that it promises. The software can be downloaded from the website here.
Do let us have your feedback about it.