この世界では、計算能力は奇跡につながります。計算能力は、私たちを取り巻く問題を解決する上で主要な役割を果たすことができます。これが理由の1つであり、テクノロジー業界全体(Microsoftを含む)が(Microsoft)量子(Quantum)コンピューティングに投資しており、これらの問題を解決するためにコンピューターをより効率的にするのに役立ちます。Folding Homeは、タンパク質ダイナミクスの分子動力学シミュレーションを実行する分散コンピューティングプロジェクトです。
マイクロソフト(Microsoft)は、誰でも自分のコンピューターのリソースをプロジェクトに寄付できる詳細なガイドを投稿しました。このガイドでは、WindowsSandboxを使用して(Windows Sandbox)CPU時間を安全に寄付する方法について説明します。
WindowsSandboxを使用して(Windows Sandbox)CPU時間を安全に寄付する
開始する前に、コンピューターでWindowsSandboxが有効になって(Windows Sandbox is enabled on your computer)いることを確認する必要があります。
#Requires -RunAsAdministrator #For a custom username, add -username <your username> to the command execution param([string]$username=‘wsandbox_anon‘) $ProgressPreference = ‘SilentlyContinue‘ #Progress bar makes things way slower # Ensure that virtualization is enabled in BIOS. Write-Output ‘Verifying that virtualization is enabled in BIOS…‘ if ((Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem).HypervisorPresent -eq $false) { Write-Output ‘ERROR: Please Enable Virtualization capabilities in your BIOS settings…‘ exit } # Determine if Windows Sandbox is enabled. Write-Output ‘Checking to see if Windows Sandbox is installed…‘ If ((Get-WindowsOptionalFeature –FeatureName ‘Containers-DisposableClientVM‘ –Online).State -ne ‘Enabled‘) { Write-Output ‘Windows Sandbox is not installed, attempting to install it (may require reboot)…‘ if ((Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature –FeatureName ‘Containers-DisposableClientVM‘ –All –Online –NoRestart).RestartNeeded) { Write-Output ‘Please reboot to finish installing Windows Sandbox, then re-run this script…‘ exit } } else { Write-Output ‘Windows Sandbox already installed.‘ } # Download the latest version of FAH. Write-Output ‘Checking for latest version of foldingathome…‘ $installer_url = ‘‘ # Use regex to get the latest version from the FAH website. $version = ((Invoke-WebRequest –Uri $installer_url –UseBasicParsing).Links | Where-Object {$_.href -match ‘^v\d+([.]\d+)?‘} | ForEach-Object {[float]($_.href -replace ‘[^.\d]‘, ‘‘)} | Measure-Object –Max).Maximum $installer = “$($installer_url)v$($version)/latest.exe“ $installer_size =(Invoke-WebRequest $installer –Method Head –UseBasicParsing).Headers.‘Content-Length‘ Write-Output “Using FAH v$version.“ # Check if the installer is present, download otherwise. $working_dir = “$env:USERPROFILE\fah_conf“ $install_fname = ‘folding_installer.exe‘ If (!(test-path “$working_dir\$install_fname“) -or (Get-ChildItem “$working_dir\$install_fname“).Length -ne $installer_size ) { Remove-Item “$working_dir\$install_fname“ –Force –ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Write-Output “Downloading latest folding executable: $working_dir\$install_fname“ Write-Output “Saving to $working_dir\$install_fname…“ New-Item –ItemType Directory –Force –Path $working_dir | Out-Null Invoke-WebRequest –Uri $installer –OutFile “$working_dir\$install_fname“ } # Create the FAH configuration file with the Windows Sandbox FAH team #251561. Write-Output ‘Creating init command…‘ $conf_file = ‘fah_sandbox_conf.xml‘ Write-Output “Saved [email protected] configuration file to $working_dir\$conf_file“ New-Item –Force –Path “$working_dir\$conf_file“ –ItemType File Set-Content –Path “$working_dir\$conf_file“ –Value @” <config> <user v=’$username‘/> <team v=’251561’/> <core-priority v=’low’/> <power v=’full’ /> <priority v=’realtime’/> <smp v=’true’/> <gpu v=’true’/> <open-web-control v=’true’/> </config> “@ <# Create the script that runs at logon. This script: 1. Starts the installer 2. Creates a volatile working directory 3. Copies the config into the working directory 4. Sets the firewall policies to let FAH run 5. Starts the FAH client #> Write-Output ‘Creating init command…‘ $logon_cmd = “$working_dir\init.cmd“ $wdg_install_dir = ‘C:\users\wdagutilityaccount\desktop\fah_conf‘ $wdg_working_dir = ‘C:\users\wdagutilityaccount\desktop\fah_working_dir‘ Write-Output “Saved logon script to $logon_cmd, this will be run upon starting Sandbox.“ New-Item –Force –Path $logon_cmd –ItemType File Set-Content –Path $logon_cmd –Value @” start $wdg_install_dir\$install_fname /S goto WAITLOOP :WAITLOOP if exist “C:\Program Files (x86)\FAHClient\FAHClient.exe” goto INSTALLCOMPLETE ping -n 6 > nul goto WAITLOOP :INSTALLCOMPLETE mkdir $wdg_working_dir cd $wdg_working_dir echo \”Copying config file to $wdg_working_dir\” copy $wdg_install_dir\$conf_file $wdg_working_dir netsh advfirewall firewall Add rule name=”FAHClient” program=”C:\Program Files (x86)\FAHClient\FAHClient.exe” action=allow dir=out netsh advfirewall firewall Add rule name=”FAHClient” program=”C:\Program Files (x86)\FAHClient\FAHClient.exe” action=allow dir=in start C:\”Program Files (x86)”\FAHClient\FAHClient.exe –config $wdg_working_dir\$conf_file “@ # Create the Sandbox configuration file with the new working dir & LogonCommand. $sandbox_conf = “$working_dir\fah_sandbox.wsb“ Write-Output “Creating sandbox configuration file to $sandbox_conf“ New-Item –Force –Path $sandbox_conf –ItemType File Set-Content –Path $sandbox_conf –Value @” <Configuration> <VGpu>Enable</VGpu> <MappedFolders> <MappedFolder> <HostFolder>$working_dir</HostFolder> <ReadOnly>true</ReadOnly> </MappedFolder> </MappedFolders> <LogonCommand> <Command>$wdg_install_dir\init.cmd</Command> </LogonCommand> </Configuration> “@ # For convenience, start the Sandbox. Write-Output ‘Starting sandbox…‘ Start-Process ‘C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsSandbox.exe‘ –ArgumentList $sandbox_conf
または、 MicrosoftのGitHubリポジトリ(Microsoft’s GitHub repository)からダウンロードすることもできます。
完了したら、Windows PowerShellで実行するだけで、 (Windows PowerShell)Windows Sandbox環境が起動し、コンピューターのリソースが分散コンピューティングプロジェクトに寄付されます。
All the best!
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