

FlexJobsには、 (FlexJobs)Time Magazine、Wall Street Journalなどで取り上げられた、多くの主流の信用もあります。ただし、 FlexJobs(FlexJobs)には大きな欠点が1つあります。それは、無料ではないということです。サブスクリプションは月額$14.95から始まりますが、より長い期間サブスクリプションを行うと、そのコストを削減できます。
Hubstaff Talentは、リモートワークの求人掲示板にフルタイム、時間単位、および固定価格のオプションでリストされたほぼ1,000のジョブを持っています。時間単価、プロジェクトの総予算、必要な経験レベルなどに基づいてジョブを並べ替えることができます。






アップワークは(Upwork)ワイルドウェスト(Wild West)に少し似ています; サイトにはさまざまなニーズや要望があり、膨大な量の作業を見つけることができます。しかし、その仕事をめぐる競争はしばしば激しいものです。強力なポートフォリオは、応募者の群れから目立ち、自分でギグを上陸させるのに役立ちます。Webデザイン、グラフィックアート、ライティングのフリーランスの仕事を探しているなら、Upworkは素晴らしいマーケットプレイスです。
どのリモートワークジョブボードが一番好きですか?それらを使用した経験は何ですか?以下のコメントでお知らせください。(What remote work job boards do you like the best? What has been your experience using them? Let us know in the comments below.)
The 7 Best Remote Work Job Boards
In this current age of social distancіng and self-quarantine, many people are searching for new ways to make money. If you are in an industry affеcted by COVID-19 (or уou want to find a job that allows you to work from аnywhere), then looking for remote work is the way to go. A word of wаrning, though: there are far more ѕcams and fake “work from home” gigs out there than there are legitimate jobs.
Luckily for you, there is no need to try to sort out the good from the bad on your own. We have put together a comprehensive list of the best remote work job board sites for you to choose from so you can find the job that’s right for you.

FlexJobs is one of the most-recommended remote work sites on the web, and for good reason. There are more than 50 careers and over 30,000 jobs to search through. You can narrow the results down based on job type, from “Only Remote Jobs” to part-time, full-time, freelance, flexible schedule, and much more.

FlexJobs also has a lot of mainstream cred, having been featured in Time Magazine, the Wall Street Journal, and more. There is one major downside to FlexJobs, though: it isn’t free. Subscriptions start at $14.95 per month, but subscribing for longer periods of time can reduce that cost.
If you find you aren’t satisfied with the site, FlexJobs’ 30-day guarantee means you can try it risk-free.
Hubstaff Talent has almost 1,000 jobs listed with full-time, hourly, and fixed price options on their remote work job board. You can sort the jobs based on the hourly rate, by the total project budget, by experience level required, and much more.

A quick search of the site showed jobs like data entry clerks, marketing consultants, and product imaging. No matter your experience level or career field, Hubstaff Talent can help place you in a remote job that fits your needs. Users also receive notifications when new jobs matching their skills and expertise are posted on the site.
Fiverr is a perfect site to start out with remote work. You can set projects for as little as $5 and go up from there. There’s no limit to the kind of project, either. Unlike other job boards that post positions companies are looking to fill, Fiverr lets you be the boss.

You set the terms of the job and people looking for that specific service hire you. Jobs can start at a set amount, and then buyers can choose additional services that would increase the price of the job.
For example, proofreading 10,000 words might cost $5, but 30,000 words takes the price up to $15. If you’re trying to build a quick portfolio for freelance work, Fiverr is a great place to get started.
Surprised that LinkedIn made an appearance here? The professional networking site has come a long way from its first iterations and introduced quite a few features that set it apart, particularly with regard to its “Jobs” feature.

Users can now search for jobs by “Remote” as a location option. Considering how widely recognized LinkedIn is as a platform, it offers one of the best options for finding high-quality, high-paying jobs on the Internet.
If you haven’t yet signed up for LinkedIn, it’s worth using just for the Jobs feature—but the networking aspect can help you build a stronger portfolio and gain connections that could help you land the job you want.
Jobspresso claims to have more than 1,000 job options, with over 100,000 remote workers signed up on the site. The site also sends out daily job updates to give you the best chance of being noticed. After all, you want to get your resume in early, before 300 people submit theirs.

Jobspresso has jobs from a wide variety of fields but specializes in tech, marketing, finance, and customer support. If you have previous experience in any of these fields, you have an advantage—but even if you don’t, Jobspresso is a great place to find positions that might strike your fancy.
If you’re interested in finding a job with a startup, the AngelList remote work job board is the way to go. The site claims to be able to submit your resume to more than 130,000 tech & startup jobs with a single application, saving you a huge amount of time and effort.

It’s a bit of a shotgun approach to job hunting: throw everything out there and see what sticks. On the other hand, if you aren’t sure what you’re looking for, AngelList is a great way to explore options and see what’s out there.
Upwork is one of the most active freelance marketplaces on the web. It’s where companies and individuals go to hire someone for a one-off job, such as a graphic design job for a local event. Some companies take their projects there to outsource them when the in-house team can’t handle it.

Upwork is a bit like the Wild West; with so many different needs and desires on the site, you can find a huge amount of work. The competition for that work is often fierce, however. A strong portfolio will help you stand out from the swarm of applicants and land the gig for yourself. If you’re looking for freelance work in web design, graphic art, and writing, Upwork is a fantastic marketplace.
What remote work job boards do you like the best? What has been your experience using them? Let us know in the comments below.