- シンプルで直感的なデザイン(Simple and intuitive design)
- ほぼすべてのプロセスまたはプロジェクトを管理できます(Can manage almost any process or project)
- チームコラボレーション機能(Team collaboration features)
- (有料ティアで無料)((Free With Paid Tiers))
2. Khan Academy for Android&iOS(無料)
- APレベルまで改訂します。(Revise up to AP level.)
- 演習とフィードバックを含む複数のトピック(Multiple topics, with exercises and feedback)
Khan Academyは、主に大学入学前のコースワークを対象とした学習アプリですが、なぜ大学生向けのアプリのリストに載っているのですか?まず(First)、カーンアカデミー(Khan Academy)は、高校生が大学の旅の準備をするのに役立つ大学レベルの資料を提供しています。
ただし、忘れてしまった可能性のある基礎的な言語と数学のスキルを磨く必要がある大学生には、カーンアカデミーをお勧めします。(Khan Academy)大学レベルの仕事は、あなたが高校で学んだことすべてに精通していることを前提としていますが、私たちのほとんどは、大学を始めるまでにかなり忘れています!
何よりも、カーンアカデミー(Khan Academy)には優れたコースマッピング機能があるため、少し錆びているエリアをターゲットにすることができます。このアプリは、iPadやその他の大型タブレットでより優れたエクスペリエンスを提供します。しかし、ウェブサイト自体も素晴らしいです。修正する時間が数分ある場合は、携帯電話のエクスペリエンスを予約することをお勧めします。
- スマートで効果的な語学学習デザイン(Smart and effective language learning design)
- 広告は過剰ですが、有料の広告なしのサブスクリプションが利用可能です(Ads are excessive, but paid ad-free subscriptions are available)
- マルチプラットフォーム、マルチメディアのメモを取る(Multi-platform, multimedia note-taking)
- 無料利用枠は少し制限が多すぎます(The free tier is a little too limiting)
- 無料版の優れた基本機能(Great basic features in the free version)
- ゲームを盛り上げたい有料ユーザー向けの洗練されたライティングヘルプ(Sophisticated writing help for paying users who want to up their game)
大学生(College)はたくさんの文章を書きます、そしてあなたはあなたの言語使用の質で常に判断されます(もし記されていれば、常に評価されます)。その言語が英語(English)の場合、Grammarlyは不可欠なツールです。MicrosoftWordやGoogleDocsなどのアプリケーションに統合されているため、間違いがどこにあり、どのように修正できるかをリアルタイムで確認できます。Grammarlyは、 (Grammarly)AndroidおよびiOS用のキーボードも提供しているため、これらのデバイスで入力したものに恥ずかしいエラーがないかどうかを確認できます。
- オプションのサブスクリプションで無料(Free With Optional Subscription)
- 今日出ている最高の参照管理および引用ツール(The best reference management and citation tool out today)
- 雇用主のタブでプロの学者に適した有料機能を備えた素晴らしい無料機能(Great free features, with paid features suited to professional academics on their employer’s tab)
7. AndroidおよびiOS用(iOS)のGoogleドキュメント(Google Docs)、スプレッドシート(Sheets)、スライド(Slides)(無料)
- 素晴らしいコラボレーションツール(Amazing collaboration tools)
- 個々のアプリは非常に合理化され、基本的です(Individual apps are very streamlined and basic)
- オプションのアップグレードを含む15GBの無料ストレージ(15GB of free storage with optional upgrades)
- GoogleOfficeSuiteとの優れた統合(Excellent integration with the Google Office Suite)
ここで強調したGoogleアプリは、機能するためにほぼ完全にGoogleドライブに依存していますが、 (Google Drive)Google Suiteを使用しない場合でも、Googleドライブ(Google Drive)は独立したアプリとして強調する価値があります。Googleドライブ(Google Drive)は主にクラウドストレージアプリであり、登録するだけで約15GBの無料ストレージを利用できます。これは、 DropBox(DropBox)のような競合他社よりも空き容量が多いです。
すでにGmail(Gmail)アカウントをお持ちの場合は、すでにGoogleドライブ(Google Drive)をお持ちです。ネイティブのGoogleスイートファイルを保存する以外に、他の種類のファイルをアップロードして、好きなようにアクセスまたは共有することができます。Googleドライブ(Google Drive)アプリにはドキュメントスキャナー機能も組み込まれています。これは、ライブラリ内のメモや本のページをすばやくキャプチャするための優れた方法です。
9.AndroidおよびiOS(Android)用の宿題ヘルプ付きの(Homework Help)CheggStudy(Chegg Study App)アプリ(iOS)
- 教科書の大幅な経済的節約(Substantial financial savings for textbooks)
- 効果的な宿題と勉強の助けが豊富(A wealth of effective homework and study help)
- Starting at $15 a month
- ほぼすべての科目を練習するのに最適な方法(The perfect way to practice almost any subject)
- 広告は無料ユーザーの学習時間に食い込みます(Ads do eat into study time for free users)
Quizletは、さまざまな科目の練習と学習に使用できる人気のフラッシュカードツールです。これには、言語、生物学、化学、社会科などに関するフラッシュカードクイズが含まれます。これは無料アプリですが、広告によってサポートされています。Quizlet Plusサブスクリプションにアップグレードすることで、気を散らすことなく学習時間を最大化することで、広告なしのエクスペリエンスを実現できます。
- 低料金または無料でお金を移動するための安全で簡単な方法(A safe and easy way to move money around with low or no fees)
- 誰もがVenmoを使用しているので、参加している店舗や友達を見つけるのは簡単です(Everyone is using Venmo, so finding participating stores and friends is easy)
- あなたより賢い(It’s smarter than you)
- それはあなたよりも知っています(It knows more than you)
- 助けるためにここにあります(It’s here to help)
- プロサブスクリプションの特別学生価格(Special Student Pricing)で無料(Free with Special Student Pricing for Pro subscription)
- 音楽とポッドキャストの大規模なライブラリ(Massive library of music and podcasts)
- 家族プランは安いです(Family plan is cheap)
- 優れたインターフェースとプラットフォームのサポート(Excellent interface and platform support)
- 無料利用枠は最悪です(The free tier sucks)
14. Android(Android)およびiOS用(iOS)のGoogleカレンダー(無料)
- しっかりした無料の共有カレンダーツール(Solid free shared calendar tool)
- 他のすべてのGoogleアプリとシームレスに統合します(Integrates seamlessly with all your other Google apps)
Googleカレンダー(Google Calendar)は、私たちの意見では、最高の無料オンラインカレンダーアプリです。他のすべてのGoogle(Google)アプリと統合されており、さまざまなサードパーティアプリと連携します。共有カレンダーの作成は簡単なので、友達や家族に勉強中や休憩中のことを確実に知らせることができます。
- 見事で直感的なホリスティックタイマーソリューション(Brilliant, intuitive holistic timer solution)
- Time’s up!
大学(または他の場所)で成功するための最大の鍵は効果的な時間管理です。タイムタイマー(Time Timer)は、すべての最も重要なタスクに残された時間を正確に表示するための最高のビジュアルタイマーの1つです。そのため、自分が何をすべきかを一目でいつでも感じることができます。
- オフィスですが、月額料金が安いです(It’s Office, but for a low monthly fee)
- 大量のOneDriveストレージを利用できます(You get tons of OneDrive storage)
- $6 per month with possible student discounts
必要なのがワードプロセッサまたはスプレッドシートプログラムだけの場合は、 Googleドキュメント(Google Docs)またはオープンソースオプションで十分です。ただし、大学の教授と大学自体が、ある時点でMicrosoft Office形式のドキュメント(PowerPoint、Word、Excelなど)を送信する可能性があります。サードパーティのオフィスソフトウェアは通常、これらを問題なく読み取って編集できますが、複雑なフォーマットの特定のドキュメントを処理するためにMSスイートが必要になる場合があります。
大学では、授業料の一部として無料のMicrosoft 365メンバーシップを提供している場合があるため、必ず確認してください。(Microsoft 365)
- 学校や大学生活のあらゆる側面を管理する(Manage every aspect of your school or college life)
My Study Lifeは、まだ大学に通っていない学生を対象としていますが、大学の状況でも同様に機能します。この学習プランナーシステムは、ある理由で人気があります。これは主に、クラス、宿題、課題、試験など、学業のあらゆる部分を計画できるためです。アプリはクリーンで使いやすく、複数のプラットフォーム間で同期します。大学向けではありませんが、ダウンロードできる最高の大学向けアプリの1つであることが判明しました。
17 Apps to Help College Students Do Better in School
College is hard enough, so any extra bit of help is welcome. Fortunately, the post-smartphone generation of students has many apps to help them avoid being overwhelmed. We’ve boiled them down to the most useful apps for college students to cover every aspect of your college life.
- Simple and intuitive design
- Can manage almost any process or project
- Team collaboration features
- (Free With Paid Tiers)
Trello has become a popular application for small businesses, remote teams, and freelance workers. It’s an aggressively simplified project management app that uses columns and cards arranged on a “board.” Each card can represent whatever you like, such as an assignment or a milestone within a project.
Trello also makes it easy to manage group tasks since you can assign each card or column to team members. You can link attachments, create checklists, set due dates, and more within each card. Trello is a productivity supercharger, and you’ll probably use it long after you graduate too.
2. Khan Academy for Android & iOS (Free)
- Revise up to AP level.
- Multiple topics, with exercises and feedback
Khan Academy is a study app aimed mainly at pre-college coursework, so why is it on a list of apps for college students? First, Khan Academy offers some college-level material to help high school students prepare for their college journey.
However, we recommend Khan Academy for college students who need to brush up on the foundational language and math skills they may have forgotten. College-level work assumes that you’re up to speed with everything you learned in high school, but most of us have forgotten quite a lot by the time we start college!
Best of all, Khan Academy has an excellent course mapping function, so you can simply target the areas where you’re a little rusty! The app is a better experience on an iPad or other large tablet; however, the website itself is also great. We recommend reserving the mobile phone experience for those moments when you have a few minutes to revise.
3. DuoLingo for Android and iOS
- Smart and effective language learning design
- Ads are excessive, but paid ad-free subscriptions are available
This one is for language-learning college students in particular, but anyone can do it with an extra language or two under the belt. If you’re enrolled for a degree that includes a language such as Spanish, French, German, Japanese, or any of the other major languages of business and academia, DuoLingo is for you.
The app helps you learn and practice grammar while also building your vocabulary. Language courses are laid out in intuitive, gamified paths, and it keeps track of how your memory of certain things might be fading, letting you practice them before you forget. DuoLingo also creates exercises based on the things you’re worst at in a given language, so you’re always building strength in your language mastery.
Using this app as a companion to your college language learning is a great way to get an A and become fluent!
4. Evernote for Android and iOS
- Multi-platform, multimedia note-taking
- The free tier is a little too limiting
Evernote is quite likely the best note-taking and mind-map app today, and it’s been going from strength to strength for years. You can take notes using your mobile devices, including taking photos of the blackboard and attaching voice notes. It’s all synced to your cloud account, where you can organize it in several different ways.
Evernote has built features into its app and platform that make it less necessary to use multiple apps. For example, there’s a document scanner feature built into Evernote, so you can make a scan from a photo and instantly tag it with all the metadata you need to look it up later.
Evernote also has a web clipper to collect research information quickly, and it lets you search the contents of handwriting in your notes. There’s more to it than we can list here, but suffice it to say that you’ll find just about every note-taking feature you need. The only downside is that the free plan is somewhat limited, so we suggest signing up for the Personal plan.
5. Grammarly for Android and iOS
- Great basic features in the free version
- Sophisticated writing help for paying users who want to up their game
College students do a lot of writing, and you’ll always be judged (if noted, always graded) on the quality of your language use. If that language is English, then Grammarly is an indispensable tool. It integrates into applications such as Microsoft Word and Google Docs to let you see in real-time where your mistakes are and how you may fix them. Grammarly also offers its keyboards for Android and iOS so that you can check anything you type on those devices for embarrassing errors.
The free version of Grammarly is good enough to take care of the most glaring errors. Still, if you have the budget for the paid tier, it’s well worth it since it offers more sophisticated suggestions related to your writing’s fluency, clarity, and tone.
- Free With Optional Subscription
- The best reference management and citation tool out today
- Great free features, with paid features suited to professional academics on their employer’s tab
Mendeley is the best app for collecting research material and managing your references in academic papers. It takes all the pain out of referencing, no matter what referencing style your college or discipline requires.
You can also store and cloud-sync research papers, highlight important passages, and collaborate with others. In the end, when you tap a single button and your entirely formatted reference list appears at the end of your paper, you’ll breathe a sigh of relief and spend the time you’ve saved getting some much-needed sleep.
7. Google Docs, Sheets, & Slides for Android and iOS (Free)
- Amazing collaboration tools
- Individual apps are very streamlined and basic
Google offers a comprehensive set of cloud-based tools, including a word processor, spreadsheet app, and presentation software. While they aren’t as packed with features compared to Microsoft Office or the Apple equivalents on Mac computers, you can use them on any device with a modern browser.
Even better, these cloud apps ensure you won’t lose your documents, and you can easily collaborate with other students or lecturers. Both the web apps and the mobile apps also allow for offline use.
8. Google Drive for Android and iOS
- 15GB of free storage with optional upgrades
- Excellent integration with the Google Office Suite
The Google apps we just highlighted rely almost entirely on Google Drive to function, but Google Drive is worth highlighting as its independent app even if you don’t use the Google Suite. Google Drive is mainly a cloud storage app, and you’ll get around 15GB of free storage by just signing up. That’s more free space than competitors like DropBox.
If you already have a Gmail account, you already have Google Drive. Apart from storing your native Google suite files, you can upload any other type of file you like and then access or share it as you like. The Google Drive app also has a built-in document scanner function, which is a great way to quickly capture notes or the pages of books in the library.
9. Chegg Study App With Homework Help for Android and iOS
- Substantial financial savings for textbooks
- A wealth of effective homework and study help
- Starting at $15 a month
Textbooks are one of the most expensive parts of studying, and when you have to choose between eating or buying textbooks, you’re probably not going hungry. Many students struggle with their grades because they don’t have access to required reading.
Chegg cuts down the cost of textbooks immensely. You can’t rent digital copies of your textbooks and only need to pay for the part of the assigned text. It beats paying hundreds of dollars for textbooks when you only need to read a fraction of their content!
Chegg also offers homework help, exam prep, and a host of other study assistance features. If Chegg has the textbooks you need, it’s an essential app in your arsenal.
10. Quizlet for Android and iOS
- The perfect way to practice almost any subject
- Ads do eat into study time for free users
Quizlet is a popular flashcard tool that you can use to practice and learn a wide variety of subjects. This includes flashcard quizzes on languages, biology, chemistry, social studies, and so on. It is a free app but supported by advertising. By upgrading to the Quizlet Plus subscription, you can have an ad-free experience that pays for itself by maximizing your learning time without distraction.
- A safe and easy way to move money around with low or no fees
- Everyone is using Venmo, so finding participating stores and friends is easy
Venmo probably needs no introduction, but just in case you’ve been castaway on an island for a few years (welcome back, by the way), Venmo is a payment-sharing app that makes it easy to send money to friends and family. You can also use it to pay for things at many retailers in-store. So it’s an excellent way for parents to instantly send money to students or for students to split a bill.
12 . Wolfram|Alpha for Android and iOS
WolframAlpha is a knowledge engine to ask complex mathematical and knowledge-based questions. Ask it anything about physics, astronomy, pure mathematics, life science, and more. You’ll get precise answers, and if there’s any math involved, you’ll also see how it was calculated.
13. Spotify for Android and iOS
- Massive library of music and podcasts
- Family plan is cheap
- Excellent interface and platform support
- The free tier sucks
Spotify is one of the most popular music streaming apps with an affordable family plan and plenty of podcasts to listen to. So whether you want to listen to some Lo-Fi or classical music while you’re studying or just want to catch up on educational podcasts, you can do it all in one place. Spotify already has some great study playlists, but you can easily make your jams for both mental and physical workouts in one place.
14. Google Calendar for Android and iOS (Free)
- Solid free shared calendar tool
- Integrates seamlessly with all your other Google apps
Google Calendar is the best free online calendar app, in our opinion. It’s integrated with all the other Google apps and works with various third-party apps. Creating shared calendars is easy, so you can ensure that your friends and family know when you’re studying or taking a break.
15. Time Timer for Android and iOS (Free)
- Brilliant, intuitive holistic timer solution
- Time’s up!
The biggest key to success in college (or anywhere else) is effective time management, and Time Timer is one of the best visual timers to show you precisely the amount of time you have left for all your most important tasks. So you can always get a feel for what you should be doing at a glance.
16. Microsoft 365 Suite for Android and iOS
- It’s Office, but for a low monthly fee
- You get tons of OneDrive storage
- $6 per month with possible student discounts
If all you need is a word processor or spreadsheet program, then Google Docs or an open-source option is just fine. However, your college professor and the college itself are likely to send you a Microsoft Office format document (e.g., PowerPoint, Word, or Excel) at some point. While third-party office software can usually read and edit these without issue, sometimes you need the MS suite to work with certain documents with complex formatting.
If all you need to do is read these documents, you can do it with the various Office mobile apps for free, but if you need to edit them, then a Microsoft 365 subscription is well worth the money. Especially the family plan, which also includes 1 TB of OneDrive storage for each of the (up to) six family members.
Your college might offer a free Microsoft 365 membership as part of your tuition, so be sure to check!
17. My Study Life for Android and iOS (Free)
- Manage every aspect of your school or college life
My Study Life is aimed at students who aren’t in college yet, but it works just as well in a college context. This study planner system is popular for a reason, and that’s mainly because it lets you plan every part of your academic life, including classes, homework, assignments, and exams. The app is clean, simple to use, and it syncs across multiple platforms. Despite not being for college, it’s turned out to be one of the best college apps you can download.